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Product Manager Challenge

Developer Experience

Ayotunde Salako
Feature – Turn on payment channels in Nigeria (NQR, USSD
and bank trasfer)
This feature allows customers’ (developers) end-users to make international payments using their
local payment alternatives. The cross-border payment hassle is abstracted from the user and all
they do is make an international payment like they would to a local recipient.

User story 1:
As a developer, I want to have access to payment channels in Nigeria so that my end users can
leverage those payment channels to make international payments through my integration to Mollie.

User story 2:
As an integration partner (ticketing, webshops, e.t.c.), I want to integrate with Mollie to offer
Mollie’s suite within my product for my end-users.
Possible integratin partners: Bumpa, Tix, Brass, e.t.c.

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