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Public Policies

Course Code: ECON4125 Credit Hours: 03

Course Description:
In this course the students will learn about the different types and approach
to policy, the problem and vision approach to policy development, examine
the policy development cycle and how other governments (provinces and
federal government) typically develop policy. Policy matters because it affects
people’s lives. Public policy is defined as "the things government chooses
to do or not to do" for "societal benefit." Public policy addresses questions on
"who gets what, when and how. "This course is designed for both leadership (i.e.
decision-makers) and staff; as leaders, participants learn about the kinds of
questions that should be asked when directing and reviewing the
development of policy. Students will learn how to complete ‘due diligence’ in order to
support the leadership to make informed and effective decisions.

Course Outline:
I. Introduction: Definition of Policy.
Types of Policy: Broad, Specific and Operational Policy. Problem and Vision approach to
policy development. Values, Vision and Policy: linkages and relationships. The policy
development cycle and associated stages.

II. Policy Science

Public Policy -Introduction, The Policy Problem, Approaches To Public Policy

III. Institutions, Actors And Instruments

Policy Actors And Institutions, Issues In Public Economics, Market Failure And
Intervention. Policy Instruments, Agenda Setting : Policy Determination ,
Policy Ideas And Policy Windwos, Policy Formulation, Public Policy Decision

IV. Implementation And Evaluation

Policy Design And Implementation Styles, Policy Evaluation
V. Policy Development And Change In Practice
Policy Regimes And Policy Dynamics
Evaluation: Does Policy Matter?

Recommended Books:
1. Michael Howlett and M. Ramesh, Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles
and Policy
2. Subsystems, Latest ed. (Toronto: Oxford University Press).
3. Michael C. Munger, Analyzing Policy: Choices, Conflicts, and Practices
(New York: Norton). Latest Edition.


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