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When we talked about climate change and other threats to human

beings or should I say threats to us, what comes to our minds is the
danger and chaos it could bring to us. But even we think of that sort of a
nightmare, we don’t actually care about it we just care with the thought
of being dangerous but not actually doing something that could prevent
from happening.

Climate change is one of the biggest threats that was mentioned on

the video, and we might think that climate change is just a short word
and most people would believe that it won’t happen and it is not
something that we must focus on and it is not something of a big deal.
Little did we know, it is happening. Yes, climate change is happening
right at this moment. It’s sad that most people don’t really care about
climate change, people would just make a move when it happens and not
before it happens. Or else they would just care and prepare about it when
it’s happening and when it put their lives in danger and after it, they
would just ignore it again. On the other hand, the video mentioned about
the AI and believe it or not, it is not something that we must celebrate
about, knowing that it would make our lives better since AI is something
that would take care of the environment by commanding them to do so.
We must deepen and widen our minds that AI won’t help us at all.

If we think that climate change is not dangerous at all, and if we

think that AI is cool because they would do the job that us humans
should, and that it would make our lives easier and better. Well, all I can
say is that, we’re no brainer. We must make a move now and think of
the consequences brought by the climate change and other threats to
human beings. We should put actions towards it before it ruins our lives,
the earth and the world. As the quotes says “prevention is better than
cure”, repentance is at the end.

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