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Present Simple Future Simple Be going to Present Shall

+S + V1/s +S + will + V0 + S + am/is/are + +S + am/is/are ? Shall + I/we +
-S + don’t/doesn’t -S + won’t + V0 going to + V0 +Ving V0…?
+ V1 ? Will + S + V0 -S + am/is/are + -S + am/is/are+not
? Do/does +S+V1 not + going to + V0 + Ving
? Am/is/are + S + ? Am/is/are + S
going to + V0 +Ving

-Timetables, -For predictions -For plans and - Fixed future -For suggestions
working hours about the future intentions in the arrangements (Shall we go out
(The film starts in based on our nearest future (I 100% (place, time, today?);
10 minutes, we opinion (I believe am going to meet people) (I am
should hurry.) Covid will be over my friends next flying to Lviv -For offers (Shall I
by the summer); week); tomorrow at 7 PM) help you?);

-For on-the-spot -For predictions -To ask for

decisions (It’s based on instructions (Shall
cold, I’ll wear a evidence, facts I do this myself?)
hat); (Look at the dark
clouds. It’s going
-For offers and to rain now)
requests (I’ll help
you with that. Will
you help me,

-Hopes, promises,
threats, warnings
(I’ll kill you!);

-I think, I believe,
maybe, probably,
definitely, I am
sure, I am

I am going to read a book. – your intention in your head (you want to, but it’s not guaranteed)
I am meeting with my friend tomorrow at 6. – organised and 100%
I believe Ukraine will win this match (before the match). – prediction based on opinion
The score is 5:1, Ukraine is going to win. (a minute before the end of the match) – prediction based on

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