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Palma, Princes Janine A.


Assignment #3 Cultural Dimensions

Cultural Dimension Answers Examples

Individualistic culture or Collectivist culture Filipinos are naturally selfless. They

Collectivist culture chose to work and help other people
as long as they can. For example,
the concept of Bayanihan.

Low-context culture o High Context Filipinos love to organize parties as a

High-context culture culture celebration for their relationship,
birth, homecoming, etc. Filipinos
value connection with people.

Monochronic or Polychronic culture Filipinos are naturally diligent, that

Polochronics culture they can multitask things. You can
never find parents who just stick into
one job to earn money.

Low-uncertainty Low-uncertainty The Philippines has been through a

avoidance or avoidance lot of disasters that made the
High-uncertainty Filipinos resilient and are able to
avoidance flash a smile and enjoy even at the
darkest times of our lives. We also
love to help and interact to people.

Masculine vs. Feminism Feminine culture What men do, a woman can do, too.
culture Filipinos are accepted to work
because of their skills.

Short-term orientation Long-term Filipinos dream big about their future,

culture vs. the longest orientation culture and yet vacations are still frequently
happening than works

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