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Quiz 5 - NCM117 (LEC)

Total points20/20

Substance Abuse & Abuse and Violence

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A disorder wherein the signs and symptoms mimic mental illness due to toxic effect of
any form of substances: *


Substance induced disorder

Substance use disorder



A complex condition of uncontrollable cravings and obtaining substances despite

awareness of its harmful consequences. *

Substance induced disorder

Substance use disorder



A patient with a history of alcohol use disorder has been prescribed disulfiram
(Antabuse). Which physical effects support the suspicion that the patient has
relapsed? Select all that apply. *


Intense nausea


Acute paranoia


Which assessment data confirm the suspicion that a patient is experiencing opioid
withdrawal? Select all that apply. *


Pupils are dilated

Pulse rate is 62 beats/min

Slow movements

Extreme anxiety


The nursing diagnosis “Ineffective denial is especially useful when working with
substance use disorders and gambling. Which statement does not describe this
diagnosis? *


Reports inability to cope

Does not perceive danger of substance use or gambling

Minimizes symptoms
Refuses healthcare attention

Unable to admit impact of disease on life pattern

As the Head nurse of your unit, what action should you take when one of your female
staff members is demonstrating behaviors associated with a substance use
disorder? *


Do not allow the staff member to perform nursing care anymore.

Offer to attend rehabilitation counseling with her.

Refer her to a psychiatrist immediately.

Confront her about your concerns and report your concerns to a supervisor immediately

A patient diagnosed with opioid use disorder has expressed a desire to enter into a
rehabilitation program. What initial nursing intervention during the early days after
admission will help ensure the patient’s success? *


Restrict visitors to family members only.

Manage the patient’s withdrawal symptoms well.

Provide the patient a low stimulus environment.

Include the patient to a group therapy immediately.

Ross and Monica have always enjoyed gambling. Lately, Ross has discovered that
they no longer have savings and most of their belongings were sold by Monica. Ross
insists that Monica undergo therapy for his gambling behavior. The nurse recognizes
that Monica is making progress when she states: *


“Gambling activates the reward pathways in my brain.”

“Gambling is rewarding and I need to feel that again”

“Gambling is the only thing that makes me feel alive.”

“We have always enjoyed gaming. I do not know why Ross is so upset.”

Opioid use disorder is characterized by: *


Lack of withdrawal symptoms

Intoxication symptoms of pupillary dilation, agitation, and insomnia


Requiring smaller amounts of the drug to achieve a high over time

Joey is a young male, newly admitted in a chemical dependency program. Recently he
has become increasingly distracted and disengaged. The nurse concludes that Joey
is: *





Not ready to change

Max is a 30-year-old male who arrives at the emergency department stating, “I feel
like I am having a stroke.” During the admission assessment, the nurse discovers that
Max has been working for 36 hours straight without eating and has consumed eight
double espresso drinks and 12 caffeinated sodas. The nurse suspects: *


Fluid overload

Dehydration and caffeine overdose

Benzodiazepine overdose

Sleep deprivation syndrome

Denver, a 49-year-old male, is admitted for inpatient alcohol detoxification. He is
cachexic, has multiple scabs on his arms and legs, and has lower extremity edema.
An appropriate nursing diagnosis for Denver along with an expected outcome is: *


Risk for injury/Remains free from injury

Ineffective denial/Accepts responsibility for behavior

Nutrition: Less than body requirements/Maintains nutrient intake for metabolic needs

Risk for suicide/Expresses feelings, plans for the future

Which individuals are most likely not a risk for displaying aggressive behavior? *


An adolescent embarrassed in front of friends.

A young male who feels rejected by the social group.

A young adult depressed after the death of a friend.

A middle-aged adult who feels that concerns are going unheard.

A patient who was discovered telling a lie.

A newly admitted male patient has a long history of aggressive behavior toward staff.
Which statement by the nurse demonstrates the need for more information about the
use of restraint? *


“If his behavior warrants restraints, someone will stay with him the entire time he’s restrained.”

“I’ll restrain the patient as necessary for the safety of the majority.”

“If he is restrained, be sure he is offered food and fluids regularly.” “Remember that physical
restraints are our last resort.”

Which intervention(s) should the nurse implement when helping a patient expresses
anger in an inappropriate manner? *


Provide list of acceptable behaviors a patient must comply with.

Warn the patient that being angry is not a healthy emotional state.

Set limits on the angry behavior that will be tolerated.

Do not allow any form of expression of anger, it is a sign of immaturity

Which guideline is not therapeutic in deescalating an angry patient? *


Intervene as quickly as possible

Identify the trigger for the anger

Behave calmly and respectfully

Recognize the patient’s need for increased personal space

Demands are agreed to as long as they won’t result in harm to anyone

Which comorbid condition would result in cautious use of a selective serotonin

reuptake inhibitors for a patient with chronic aggression? *


Antisocial personality disorder

Anxiety disorder


Bipolar disorder

Francis is a widower with four daughters. He has enjoyed a healthy relationship with
all of his daughters until they reached puberty. As each girl began to mature
physically, he acted in an aggressive manner, beating them without provocation.
Francis is most likely acting on: *

Self-protective measures

Stress of raising four daughters

Frustration of unhealthy desire

Motivating his daughters to be chaste

Hannah is a newly hired nurse in a psychiatric intensive care unit. She has undergone
training on recognizing escalating anger. Which statement indicates that she
understands danger signs of aggression? *


“I need to be aware of patients who are withdrawn and sitting alone.”

“An obvious change in behavior is a risk factor for aggression.”

“Patients who seek constant attention are more likely to be violent.”

“Patients who talk to themselves are the most dangerous.”

An effective method of preventing escalation in an environment with violent offenders

is to develop a level of trust through: *

A casual authoritative demeanor

Keeping patients busy

Brief, frequent, nonthreatening encounters

Threats of seclusion or punishment

This form was created inside of Arellano University.


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