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Ummaya ---> Harb (rival of Abdul Muatalib over Kabaa) --> Abu Sufyan ---> Muawiyaah

---> Yazid

Qussay ---> Abdul Mutalib > Abdullah > Muhammad > Fatimah

Bano Quraza, Bano Qinqaw, Bano Nadir---> Jew tribes of medina

Medina Charter ---> 9 tribes were involveds
Salman Farsi---> first Persian muslim "people of the house"

Badar(80 miles from Makkah), March 624,(2 AH), 313 muslims vs 1,000(Abu Jahl),
muslims were assisted by Miqad ibn Aswad, Zulfiqar (Dhul Faqar)

Khadijah died on 619; Hazrat Sawada, Hazrat Aisha abu bkr, Hazrat Hafsa umar
daughter,Beduion chief daughter Zaynab; Abu Salman's wido Ummah Salmah (spokeperson
of all women of medina)

Fatima bint muhammad "Umm Abiha" mean "mother of the father"

Four women are superior (hadith):

Khadijah--first wife of the prophet
Fatima---daughter of prophet
Marry---mother of Issa
Asiya---wife of Pharoah

Sanat ul Wufud--630/631 "year of deputation";

1. Heraclius--Byzantine emperor
2.Khusrow Pervaiz -- emperor of Persia

Tabuk located between Medina and Damascus

631,Covenant of Prophet Muhammad with Christian Monk, this agreement was written by
Ali in a leather at Taif.

Hassan ibn Ali-->625

Hussain ibn Ali -->626

Sons of Aroon(Mosa brother) Shabbar and Shabbir in Hebrew == Hassan and Hussian in

Imam Ali and Hazrat Fatima three days fast for Hussain and Hassan health; 1. the
beggar, 2. the orphan 3. the captive; Quran 76:7
Imam Shafi (767--820) surah al Atta was about Ali.

Uhud(5 miles from Medina) 625 AH; 1000 muslims vs 3000 non-muslims(abu sufyaan);
Hamza wa killed here;
Khandaq 627 AD; Salman Farsi idea; Amr Ibn Wadood and Ali story; lasted for 24hrs;
Khyber 628 AD, with jewish after the had broken the peace agreement

Ahl-Kisa(people of the cloak) or Panjatan-e-Pak; Prophet compared Ahl-e-Bayt with

Noor Akr "those who enter saves and those who turns away perishes"

Story of the revealation of surah-Taawbah in 631 AD and Prophet appointemnt of Abu

Bkr to propogate
this message to Makkah but the divine message of Angel Gabriel "message can only be
propogated by Prophet or his family members. (ALI appointment)";
the verses of Surah-Tawbaah contained new rules about hajj.

Hassan ibn Thabit poetic explanation of the "Ghader-e-Khummum event"

Imam um Mubin---> asked by Abu bkr and Umar from the prophet. The Prophet told them
Imam-Mubin means "registry" here it means that such knowledge is with Ali.

The Quran Enclyopedia by Oliver Leaman says that Quran contains the name of Ali as
'aliya', 'aliyum', 'aliyaa';

Ali will fght for the spiritual interpretation (tawil) of the Quran as I
have fought for its revelation (tanzil). Al-Hakim al Nayasburi (suuni scholar)

Saad ibn Ubadaa leaders of the Kharaj Tribe (Ansars)

Salam farsi, Miqad and Amr ibn yasir not present at saqifah bani-sadah
Max Gross called the incident of Saqifaah Bano Sadaah as 'backroom deal';

Ibn Shayba reports the confrontation of Umar and Fatimah.

Hazrat Abu Bkr wife Asma bint Umayaas; Abu BKr ruled for 27 months(632-634);

Dawood--->Sulaiman; Yaqoob--->Zakariyaa

Hazrat Fatima died six months after Prophet dead.

628 Necklace incident of Aisha; Safwaan a traveller found her;

Abu Bkr Grief for three things:

1. dealt with Fatima peacefully
2. asked the Prophet about leadership after him
3. have included Ansar in the caliphate

Hazrat Umar born in 585, embraced Islam 616, Islam spread to

Syria, Iraq, Byzantine, Persia, Egypt and Jerusalem;
Umar started first Islamic calendar starting from 622 (1AH);
Umar appointed Muawiyaah as governor of Damascus, later it was
occupied by his son Yazid(nepotism).
Henry Lamens "there might have been a secret accord between Umar and Abu Sufyan
that Umar never deposed Muawiya from governorship"
Umar was killed by Abu Lulu in 644AD.
Origin of Early Islam by Jafari "rules made by Umar suited Uthman rather than Ali.
those who did not accept it killed him. uthman (bano Umayya) and Ali(bano Hashim)"

Usman 644 AD ruled; Umayyad; Walid bin Uqba appointed as governor of Kufa,
Muawiyaah governor of Syria;
Abdullah ibn Saad governor of Egypt; Prophet reluctantly accepted his pleading
after thrice rejected his forgiveness
Marwan ibn Hakam son-in-law of Usman; Marwan father Hakam Prophet greatest enemy,he
was on exile;
Marwan mother Aisha who was daughter of Muawiyaa ibn Mugharia,
he to was captured and executed at the time of Fatah-Makkah 630AD;
Marwan was born in exile and never came back in the caliphate of Umar and Abu Bkr.

Hazrat ALI 24 June 656AD;

Imam ahmad bin Hambal "Do you think caliphate adroned Ali? No, it was the Ali
adroned the caliphate"
1. eradicating economic disparity
2. justice and equality for all
3. removal of corrupt governors
Shaykh Al-Mufid narration of Eruphates river saga of Ali;

Hazrat Talha and Hazrat zubair were brother in laws of Aisha; and have asked for
Basra and Kufa governorship;
Prophet once said to his wives "A day will come when the dogs of Hawab(place b/w
Iraq and Mecca) would bark at one of you, and that one is in manifest error"
Battle of Camel or Battle of Jamel or Battle of Basra, 8 December 656;

Jaffar ibn Abi Talib(elder brother of Ali) martyred in Muata

Battle of Safeen in May or June 657;Ali vs Muawiyaah(Governor Damascuss) and Amr

ibn As(Egypt governor)
Malik-Ashtar water story;
Abd Allah ibn Wahab leader of Khawaarij, left Kufa to settle in Nahrawaan;

19 Ramazan 661 Abdur rehaman ibn Muljim struck his sword and Ali died on 21

Hassan was killed by Jadah bint Ashtath by poisoning in 670, on Muwiyaah advice;
Muwiyaah ordered to curse Ali after every friday prayer, Hujr ibn Adi refused to do
that and he and his son was killed by Muawiyaah through the help of Ibn Zayid;

Muawiyaah died in 680;

10 Muharram 680 incident of Karbala;

683 Yazid died;

692 Abd-ibn-Malik became the Umayaad ruler and he ordered Hajj bin Yusuf to
besieged Kabaa;

699--767 imam Abu Hanifa--->Hanafi

715--795 Imam Anas bin Malik ---> Maliki
767--820 Imam Shafi ---> Shafi
780--855 Imam Ahmad bin Hambal ---> Hambali

In 765 Shia divided into two groups:

1.Ismaili---->follower of Ismaili; 909--1174 Fatimid Caliphate

2.Twelvers--->follower of Musa Kazim; 12th Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi 874 within a

matter of months vanished from public eye.

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