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The Role of Implant Position on Long-Term Success

Chuan-Yi Su,* Jia-Hui Fu,† and Hom-Lay Wang‡

percentile.1-3 Despite the high survival and success rates,

Focused Clinical Question: In the past, im- common implant complications include technical compli-
plants were placed where the bone was. This mode of cations (e.g., screw fracture),4 biologic complications
treatment often led to implant-related complications,
(e.g., loss of peri-implant marginal bone,4 osseointegra-
such as peri-implant soft-tissue recession, esthetic chal-
lenges, and fractured implants and/or associated supra- tion), and esthetic complications (e.g., midfacial mucosal
structures. Therefore, advances in soft-tissue and bone recession).5 Literature proposed that poor oral hygiene,
augmentation techniques have enabled implants to be history of periodontitis, and cigarette smoking are the
placed in an ideal three-dimensional position, thus en- main risk indicators for peri-implant disease.6 However,
suring adequate peri-implant soft tissue and bone thick- the three-dimensional (3D) position of implants in the
ness for a stable and successful long-term treatment dental arch appeared to play an important role, yet not
outcome. The present report aims to answer the ques- many studies related the success of dental implants to their
tion: What are the clinical guidelines for implant place- 3D position. It has been proposed that implants should be
ment to achieve long-term success? placed in a prosthetically driven position, so that axial
Summary: In the maxillary anterior region where occlusal forces are exerted on the implant-supported
esthetics is of paramount importance, 2 mm of buccal restoration and fixture, thereby minimizing biomechanical
bone anterior to the implant is preferred. This ensures
complications and peri-implant marginal bone loss.7
stability of the buccal bone plate, minimizing peri-implant
mucosal recession. To achieve an esthetic emergence Buser et al.8 recommended that dental implants in the
profile, the implant platform is generally placed 3 to 4 esthetic zone (e.g., anterior maxilla) should be placed in
mm apical to the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) of the “comfort” zones so that an esthetic implant-supported res-
adjacent teeth and 1.5 to 2 mm away from the adjacent toration is achieved. The authors proposed that implants
roots. In the posterior region, a minimum of 1 mm of buc- should be placed 1.5 mm away from the adjacent roots,
cal bone around the implant ensures stability of the buc- 1 mm apical to the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) of
cal plate. Generally, implants with a polished collar are the contralateral tooth, and 1 mm palatal to the emergence
preferred because the collar can be placed supracrestally of adjacent teeth.8 Bashutski and Wang9 proposed that at
to compensate for any vertical ridge deficiency and yet least 2 mm of buccal bone should lie anterior to the implant
not compromise the esthetics of the restoration. The im- fixture. The implant platform should be 1.5 to 3 mm apical
plant is placed 1.5 to 3 mm apical to the CEJ of the adjacent
to the CEJ of adjacent teeth, with 1.5 mm between implant
teeth and 3 to 4 mm away from adjacent roots to create
a smooth transition from implant platform to occlusal plane. and root or 3 mm between implants.9 The present report
Conclusion: Ideal three-dimensional implant posi- aims to discuss guidelines on implant positioning in the
tioning ensures a long-term stable esthetic and functional anterior and posterior regions so that an esthetic and func-
treatment outcome. Clin Adv Periodontics 2014;4:187-193. tional implant-supported restoration that is stable over
time can be achieved.
Key Words: Bone regeneration; bone substitute;
complications; dental implants; survival rate.
Decision Process
Figure 1 illustrates the guidelines to keep in mind when
placing implants in the anterior and posterior regions.

Background Bucco-Palatal Position

Multiple studies have proved that long-term (‡10 years) To minimize hard- and soft-tissue loss over time, the au-
implant survival and success rates are in the high 90th thors of the present study proposed that a minimum of
2 mm of buccal bone thickness should lie buccal to the im-
* Private practice, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
plant platform in the anterior region (Fig. 2a). To achieve

Discipline of Periodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, National University of this, the implant fixture is directed at the cingulum level of
Singapore, Singapore. the adjacent teeth. In the posterior region, where esthetics

Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, is not of prime importance, having 1 mm of buccal bone
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. thickness is acceptable, and the implant fixture is directed
at the central groove of the adjacent posterior teeth. Bone
Submitted September 10, 2012; accepted for publication December 28,
remodeling of 2 to 2.5 mm will occur at sites undergoing
immediate implant placement.10 As such, it is important
doi: 10.1902/cap.2013.120100 to compensate for this loss of buccal bone thickness. For

Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 4, No. 3, August 2014 187

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FIGURE 1 Proposed guidelines for implant placement in the anterior and posterior regions.

example, the center of a 4-mm-diameter implant should

be 6 mm palatal to the buccal bone flange so that 2 mm
of buccal bone thickness remains after bone remodeling
is completed (Fig. 2b). Conversely, in delayed implant
placement, the center of a 4-mm-diameter implant should
be 4 mm palatal to the buccal bone flange.

Mesio-Distal Position
It was proposed that a safe distance of 1.5 mm between im-
plant and root or 3 mm between implants was needed to
maintain the peri-implant bone.11 Having adequate im-
plant–tooth or interimplant distance maintains the bone
support that preserves the papillary tissues needed for an
esthetic restoration.12 In the anterior region, a single im-
plant has to be centered mesio-distally in the edentulous
space, allowing a distance of 1.5 mm between the implant
and the adjacent roots. For example, if the implant has
a diameter of 4 mm, a minimum mesio-distal ridge width
of 7 mm is needed (Fig. 3a). In the posterior region (e.g.,
FIGURE 2 Schematic diagrams of bucco-palatal implant positions. 2a restoring a molar), a 5- or 6-mm-diameter implant is com-
Bucco-palatal position of an implant placed in a healed site in the maxillary
anterior region. The center of the implant fixture should be directed at the
monly used. In addition to accommodation for the implant–
level of the cingulum of adjacent teeth, leaving a minimum of 2 mm of root distance, more space is needed for the emergence pro-
buccal bone thickness. 2b Bucco-palatal position of an implant placed in file of the restoration. Therefore, a single implant of 5-mm
an extraction site in the maxillary anterior region. The center of the implant
fixture should be directed at the level of the cingulum of adjacent teeth,
diameter needs a minimum mesio-distal ridge width of
leaving a distance of 6 mm from the buccal bone to the center of the 11 mm, with 3 mm between implant and adjacent root
implant, thus compensating for potential buccal bone resorption as the site (Fig. 3b). When placing multiple implants in the posterior
heals. (Illustrations courtesy of Mr. Wee-Wah Tok).
region (e.g., 4- and 5-mm-diameter implants for restoring
premolars and molars, respectively), the clinician has to
consider space distribution between the implants. The cen-
ter of the first 4-mm-diameter implant should be 5 to 6 mm
away from the adjacent tooth CEJ; the center of the

188 Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 4, No. 3, August 2014 Implant Position and Long-Term Success
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subsequent 4-mm-diameter implant should be 7 to 8 mm

away from the center of the anterior implant. The center
of the subsequent 5-mm-diameter implants should be 7.5
to 8.5 mm away from the center of the anterior implant,
and the final implant should be 9 mm away from the ante-
rior implant (Fig. 3c).

Apico-Coronal Position
In the esthetic zone, it is suggested that the implant plat-
form be placed 3 to 4 mm apical to the adjacent or pro-
posed CEJ so that an esthetic emergence profile can be
fabricated (Fig. 3a). In addition, a bone-level implant is
preferred over an implant with a polished collar to mini-
mize esthetic complications, such as exposure of the pol-
ished collar. In the posterior region, the implant platform
is placed 2 mm apical to the adjacent or proposed CEJ
(Fig. 3b). An implant with a polished collar is preferred be-
cause it makes it easier to maintain oral hygiene. Also, in
sites with vertical bone loss and where esthetics is not
a main concern, placement of the polished collar above
the bone would aid in maintaining the bone height and
crown-to-implant ratio (Fig. 4).

Clinical Scenarios
Case 1
This case presentation illustrates the importance of having
implants placed in the correct 3D position to minimize
postplacement implant complications (Fig. 5).
A 55-year-old Chinese male with a history of chronic
periodontitis and no contributory medical history or drug
allergies, presented at a dental clinic in Kaohsuing, Taiwan,
in June 1991. He was interested in seeking implant therapy

FIGURE 3 Schematic diagrams of mesio-distal and apico-coronal implant

positions. 3a Mesio-distal and apico-coronal position of a single implant in FIGURE 4 Schematic diagram showing the redistribution of crown-
the maxillary anterior region. 3b Mesio-distal and apico-coronal position of to-implant ratios with change in apico-coronal implant position. An implant
a single implant in the mandibular posterior region. 3c Mesio-distal with a polished collar (transparent implant image) could be placed su-
positions of consecutive implants in the mandibular posterior region. pracrestally, thus giving rise to a more ideal crown-to-implant ratio. Com-
(Illustrations courtesy of Mr. Wee-Wah Tok). paratively, notice the increase in crown-to-implant ratio when a bone-level
implant (opaque implant image) is used. (Illustration courtesy of Mr. Wee-
Wah Tok).

Su, Fu, Wang Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 4, No. 3, August 2014 189
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FIGURE 5 Case 1. Presentation of peri-implant bone loss due to incorrect apico-coronal implant position. 5a Baseline radiograph of the edentulous
mandibular posterior right region. 5b Radiograph showing adequate mesio-distal implant positioning from tooth sites #29 through #32. 5c Radiograph of the
installed implant-supported fixed prosthesis replacing teeth #30 through #32. 5d Radiograph showing stable marginal bone levels around the implants in tooth
sites #30 through #32 after 6 months of functional loading. 5e Radiograph of a bone-level implant placed at tooth site #29, 6 months after the tooth was
extracted. The implant at tooth site #29 was placed z2 mm deeper than the implant at tooth site #30. 5f Radiograph showing significant marginal bone loss
around implant in tooth site #30. 5g Radiograph showing significant marginal bone loss around implants in tooth sites #30 and #31, 18 months after the implant
at tooth site #29 was placed. 5h Radiograph of two shorter implants placed at the same apico-coronal level to replace the affected implants at tooth sites #30
and #31. 5i Radiograph showing stable marginal bone level around all four implants after 2 years of functional loading.

for the replacement of missing mandibular right posterior the affected implants at tooth sites #30 and #31 and then
molars (teeth #30 through #32) (Fig. 5a). Oral informed place shorter implants after 6 months of healing to mini-
consent to be treated was obtained from the patient. Im- mize additional vertical ridge resorption as well as inflam-
plants with polished collars were placed in the ideal 3D mation (Fig. 5h). Single cemented implant crowns were
positions to replace teeth #30 through #32 (Fig. 5b). Sub- fabricated for tooth sites #29 through #32. A 2-year reeval-
sequently, an implant-supported splinted fixed prosthesis uation radiograph showed stable peri-implant bone levels
was installed. At 5 years reevaluation, the bone levels around all four implants (Fig. 5i), thereby further support-
around implants in tooth sites #30 through #32 were main- ing that implants have to be placed in an ideal 3D position
tained at the rough–smooth junction of the implant plat- to minimize implant complications, such as peri-implantitis
form (Fig. 5c). However, tooth #29 had a root fracture or peri-implant bone loss.
and was extracted (Fig. 5d). Six months after the extrac-
tion, a new implant was placed to replace tooth #29. How- Case 2
ever, the implant was placed too deep, thus violating A 52-year-old white female with a history of dental trauma
the proposed guideline that consecutive implants should affecting the maxillary right central and lateral incisors,
be placed at the same apico-coronal level to avoid peri- presented to the Graduate Periodontics Clinic at the Uni-
implant bone loss (Fig. 5e). Six months after the implant versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, in October
at tooth site #29 was placed, significant peri-implant bone 2009. Written and oral informed consent to be treated
loss was observed around tooth site #30 (Fig. 5f). Nonethe- was obtained from the patient prior to commencement
less, a final crown was placed on the implant in tooth site of treatment. Both incisors were removed, and ridge pres-
#29. Eighteen months later, the patient returned to the ervation using allogenic bone graft was performed. Seven
clinic with more peri-implant bone loss at tooth sites #30 months later, two dental implants were placed, but the im-
and #31 (Fig. 5g). A clinical decision was made to remove plant replacing the central incisor was placed too buccally

190 Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 4, No. 3, August 2014 Implant Position and Long-Term Success
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FIGURE 6 Case 2. Presentation of implant failure because of incorrect bucco-palatal implant position. 6a Occlusal view of implant replacing the maxillary right
central incisor that was placed too buccally. 6b Buccal view of implant showing complete exposure of buccal surface. 6c Occlusal view of implant that was
placed too buccally.

(Fig. 6a). At implant uncovering, the implant replacing the distance was £0.8 mm.22 This could be attributable to
central incisor was not osseointegrated and was removed the inability to maintain good oral hygiene in these
(Figs. 6b and 6c). Therefore, this case presentation illus- areas, leading to rapid breakdown of a site with reduced
trates the complications associated with incorrect 3D im- interradicular bone volume. If this safety zone was in-
plant position in the maxillary anterior region. fringed upon, circumferential peri-implant bone loss would
occur, leading to exposure of roughened implant sur-
Discussion faces, which are hard to maintain. The accumulation of
The bone- and soft-tissue loss in both horizontal and ver- bacterial plaque makes the site susceptible to peri-implant
tical dimensions is an unavoidable consequence of tooth marginal bone loss.23 Therefore, extrapolating this sce-
removal. This phenomenon can be attributed to the bone nario to dental implants, adequate distance of 1.5 mm
remodeling process, in particular the resorption of the bun- between implant and root or 3 mm between implants main-
dle bone on the buccal surface.13 A recent systematic review tains the peri-implant bone and thus preserves the papillary
on undisturbed healing of extraction sites in humans re- tissues.
ported 29% to 63% horizontal bone loss and 11% to From an animal model, it was shown that implants
22% vertical bone loss 6 months after tooth extraction, placed immediately in freshly extracted sockets should
which occurred rapidly within the first 3 to 6 months.14 be z1 mm apical to the buccal bone crest so as to avoid
There was an associated 0.4- to 0.5-mm gain in soft-tissue the exposure of the rough implant surface.24 In another sce-
thickness at the 6-month follow-up.14 An animal model nario, it was observed that placement of consecutive im-
demonstrated resorption of the buccal socket wall after plants at different apico-coronal levels attributable to an
tooth extraction, which was even more significant at sites uneven bony plane resulted in bone remodeling to the most
with immediate implant placement.15 A retrospective study apical level.9 This inevitably led to the exposure of implant
demonstrated that a minimum buccal bone thickness of 2 threads and their rough implant surfaces, thus bringing
mm was needed to avoid peri-implant mucosal recession about a domino effect whereby loss of peri-implant bone
and bone loss.16 Having 2 mm of buccal bone thickness consequently led to exposure of rough implant surface,
would compensate for bone remodeling around the im- resulting in significant bacterial plaque accumulation
plant platform, thereby maintaining a stable buccal bone and additional bone loss.23 Therefore, it is suggested that
support for the overlying soft tissues.17 A recent multivar- osteoplasty be performed with a tungsten carbide bur to
iate analysis demonstrated that midfacial mucosal reces- create a level bone surface. Bone-level implants are com-
sion around a dental implant was strongly associated monly placed 1 mm subcrestally and have a built-in plat-
with a buccally placed implant.18 It was also found that form switch feature that together demonstrated minimal
placing implants more lingually in freshly extracted sockets peri-implant marginal bone loss.25 This is exceptionally
not only minimized the exposure of the buccal implant beneficial in the esthetic zone because it minimizes the risk
surface,19 but it also resulted in more bone formation on of esthetic complications.
the buccal surface.20 Therefore, to safeguard buccal bone The soft-tissue profile is essential in creating an esthetic
and soft-tissue levels, it is recommended to direct the im- implant restoration. Several factors (e.g., position of im-
plant fixture toward the cingulum, leaving 2 mm of buccal plant platform and thickness of soft tissue and buccal
bone thickness. In the anterior region, having the implant bone) were reported as significant risk factors in causing
fixture placed palatally would allow for both a screw- or peri-implant midfacial mucosal recession.26 For exam-
cement-retained overlying restoration. ple, a buccally positioned implant platform would in-
Studies on interradicular distance showed that a mini- crease the risk of midfacial recession by three times,27
mum distance of 0.5 to 0.8 mm was needed to ensure and a thin-tissue biotype would result in greater peri-
the existence of healthy and functional attachment ap- implant mucosal recession.28 It was reported that sites
paratus between teeth.21,22 A clear association of increased with thicker peri-implant tissue had lesser resorption
bone loss between teeth was observed when the interradicular of the buccal bone.29 In addition, presence of sufficient

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keratinized mucosa was thought to be beneficial in the retrospective analysis of implant position and peri-implant
prevention of peri-implant mucosal recession.30 There- tissue is needed to establish the relationship between im-
fore, soft-tissue grafting to increase tissue thickness of plant position, suprastructures, and peri-implant tissues. n
peri-implant mucosa is beneficial in preventing peri-
implant mucosal recession.31 It was thus recommended Acknowledgments
that soft-tissue grafting be performed at sites with a thin Figures 2, 3, and 4 are provided courtesy of Mr. Wee-Wah
buccal plate (<2 mm) or when the implant platform was Tok, Lead Systems Analyst, Department of Informatics and
placed at the incisal position.32 Technology, Faculty of Dentistry, National University of
Singapore. The authors report no conflicts of interest re-
Conclusions lated to this study.
Placement of dental implants in an ideal 3D position aids in
maintaining hard- and soft-tissue levels over time. Associa- CORRESPONDENCE:
Dr. Hom-Lay Wang, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine,
tive relationships are drawn between the effect of implant School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, 1011 N. University Ave., Ann
positions and their long-term stability. Therefore, careful Arbor, MI 48109-1078. E-mail:

192 Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 4, No. 3, August 2014 Implant Position and Long-Term Success
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