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Andrea Green

© Andrea Green, 2020.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-
commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
About the Author

Andrea Green is the pen-name of a tarot insider. Her first book, True
Tarot Card Meanings went straight to #1 in Tarot books worldwide (Kindle
and Print) where it remained the top-selling book for Tarot for over a year!

She has spent many years reading and researching tarot and the esoteric
arts and is dedicated to sharing the knowledge that she has accumulated
over the years. She believes that there should be no mysteries in tarot and is
dedicated to helping every person discover a truly magical life for

For this book she has drawn on over three decades of practical
experience to provide a clear-cut guide to the most essential methods of
personal numerology. She has also shared several unique methods -
particularly using tarot - of using powerful numerology magick to make
changes in your life.

More importantly, this book is designed to give clear and practical

application of Numerology to everyday life and tarot readings. You will
learn how useful Numerology can be in looking at the patterns in your life,
love, and work - and even the names of the company best suited for you in

If you would also like to make a start on developing your Tarot, you
can get a free Guide to Tarot and Spreads, written by Andrea, available now

To learn Tarot with over 40+ hours of free video classes, suitable for
absolute beginners and experienced practitioners, check out the Tarot
Association at



Maths Teacher & WW2 Fighter Pilot (544 Squadron)

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Numbers of Pythagoras
Chapter 3: Numbers Are Shapes Too
Chapter 4: Work Your Numbers
Chapter 6: Numerology & Tarot
Chapter 7: Numerology & Kabbalah (Gematria)
Chapter 9: Tarot Equations
Chapter 10: Number in Ritual
Chapter 11: A Numerology Talisman
Chapter 12: A Tarot Number Ritual
Chapter 13: Number Spells
Chapter 14: Constructing Number Spells
Chapter 15: Number Talismans & Magic Squares
Chapter 16: Magic Squares
Chapter 17: Planetary Squares
Chapter 18: Conclusion

Kindle Tarot Books & Series

Gated Spreads Series

Tarosophy KickStart Series
Tarot Life Series
Also in Print and Kindle

Websites & Resources


If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be

destroyed, and only one sentence passed on to the next generation
of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in
the fewest words?
I believe it is the atomic hypothesis (or the atomic fact, or whatever
you wish to call it) that all things are made of atoms — little
particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each
other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being
squeezed into one another.
In that one sentence, you will see, there is an enormous amount of
information about the world, if just a little imagination and thinking
are applied.

- The Feynman Lectures on Physics, volume I; lecture 1,

"Atoms in Motion"; section 1-2, "Matter is made of atoms"
(1964), p. 1-2.
A Brief Account of Numbers
In this book you will discover and learn to use your personal power-
numbers which are easily created in minutes from your name, date of birth
and even the place you live - or work. When you know these magical
numbers, you can quickly align yourself to the deepest patterns of the
universe which are manifest through number.
I will also share several unique methods, rituals and spells from my
own tarot and numerology experience along with a few intermediate and
advanced methods of gematria from Kabbalah.
I know that numbers are not everyone’s favourite subject, but I can
assure you that this book will be more magical than mathematical.
In fact, it is known that a lot of people have an aversion to maths - and
I definitely have some negative memories of school maths lessons. It could
even be called arithmophobia if you have an uncontrollable reaction to
numbers. But it is my intention that whatever you feel about numbers, you
will find this book extremely easy.
If you can do 4 + 3 = 7 and concentrate on holding a few numbers in
your head to add them up, even if you have to write them down, you are
good to go.
I would, however, like to start with a bit of history and philosophy; if
you want to get straight into working out your luckiest numbers, your birth
number, the number of your place of work, and more, then skip ahead to
chapter 4 and we will get started.
However, if you are as interested as I am in what numbers are, and why
they may well be the most magical thing in the universe, read on.
We start with the fact that numbers are everywhere and in everything;
beginning with the number one and the actual invention of the number
“zero”, which was not until a bit later in the development of counting. Early
humans counted by making tally marks on objects, on walls, in sand,
perhaps, simply representing every item or count by a corresponding mark.
But they are not ‘natural’ to us, or nature - the patterns may be, but we
made up the numbers:
Mathematical concepts are not wired into the human condition.
They are learned, acquired through cultural and linguistic
This was an early form of language and magic, through symbolism -
the marks on the wall each represent one object in the real world; a number
of geese, of trees, of people. Perhaps they could somehow be predicted or
even controlled through their marks, as we come to see in later magic,
focused on the marks which make up a name?
This early system was then taken to another level when, to account for
bigger counts, the actual position of a number - the same number - meant
“more than” it did in another position. This abstraction of numbering
opened a new realm; 5 was different to 5-- or 5---, which we now recognise
by placing our more-recently (in the history) discovered zero, so we know
that 50 is different to 500, and 5,000.
This also explains why we “reduce” numbers in magical numerology;
we are returning to the original idea of the power of a number before it
became important “where” the number was in a sequence.
But, more importantly for our magical use, numbers are also
discovered in (and represented) by letters, by shapes and symbols; a triangle
represents three, and a square represents four. These shapes then have
immediate correspondence to our material world because they are objects
with attributes; a triangle can be turned into the pivot of a lever, a square
into the four walls of a temple or a house.
A circle, that most illustrious representative of both “nothing” and
“everything”, is the best way to arrange a group of people around a
campfire, or a pool of water in a sacred amphitheatre so that all can benefit
from approaching it - and a circle, actually - a sphere - is how light radiates
from a source.
When we start to see the numbers that build the world, we soon see that
indeed, they are everything, even if we do not quite know what they are or
where they came from; the 60-minutes in an hour is because of Babylonian
Base-60 counting, but we have 12 hours in a day because of the ancient
Egyptians, and the 78rpm of an old vinyl record-player is 78 because of
mechanics, not for the same reason that we have 78 cards in a tarot deck.
As we explore numbers, there is always a pattern, both obvious and
hidden. You can tell if a number is divisible by 9 by adding the numbers
within it up, and if the result is divisible by 9, the whole number is also
divisible equally by 9 - a great party trick.[2]
In fact, numbers - these things that we see as a definable and
communicable aspect of existence - are right there in front of us every day,
on our hands. Our ten fingers, five on each hand, may well be the root of all
our thinking about quantities. It is likely for this reason alone that we count
in base 10 or have countdowns from ten to one.
And of course, we have ten Sephiroth on the Tree of Life and ten Minor
Arcana in every Suit of Tarot. The Kabbalists even insisted on this very
number: “Ten sefirot belimah, not nine, ten and not eleven” (Sepher
Numbers and Shapes
In this book, I will provide a selection of magical rituals using numbers
which are based on shapes, which we might consider to be the
materialisation of number. Shapes also provide us relationships between
numbers and correspondence; so, the number “5” is also a Pentagram,
which can correspond to a human figure with the head, two arms and two
legs. It can also be placed inside a circle, which contains it - this
relationship is used in magick, as the relationship of a circle and a triangle,
where the magician stands in a protective circle and calls a spirit into the
triangle. The circle is the form of “1” and “0”, and the triangle is the “3” of
the divine trinity, enough to hold any spiritual energy in a focused and safe
Once numbers become shapes, they can also become buildings - or
perhaps, we can see buildings in terms of number. This is known as sacred
architecture or sacral architecture. The most well-known example of this is
the biblical description of King Solomon’s Temple, which commences with
specific numbers:
The temple that King Solomon built for the Lord was sixty cubits
long, twenty wide and thirty high. The portico at the front of the
main hall of the temple extended the width of the temple, that is
twenty cubits, and projected ten cubits from the front of the temple.
He made narrow windows high up in the temple walls. Against the
walls of the main hall and inner sanctuary he built a structure
around the building, in which there were side rooms. The lowest
floor was five cubits wide, the middle floor six cubits and the third
floor seven.
[1 Kings 6]
The whole of the temple is then given in similar and specific
measurements of number and ratio, such as the “the entrance to the inner
sanctuary” where the doors were “one fifth of the width of the sanctuary”. It
is unsurprising that for many Kabbalists and Freemasons, these numbers
have proven fertile ground for interpretation and correspondence to the Tree
of Life, amongst many other applications. We might also suggest that
should exactly the right numbers, measurements and rations achieved, the
divine presence will appear within that sacred space, as happens in the
biblical account.
But there are many other numbers that attract our attention and have
become almost famous in their own right. I will next detail these more
famous of numbers before moving onto our own personal numerology
Famous Numbers
It may seem obvious, but the number 13 is likely one of the most
famous numbers to the majority of people - and famous for being
considered unlucky. Whilst not unlucky everywhere, there are many reasons
given for this number being so unlucky that a hotel will not give a ”13th
floor” nor an aeroplane flight a “seat 13”. It is not actually known exactly
why the number is considered in this way, but the reasons include the
number at the last supper of Christ, which is perhaps also why it became the
number expected in a coven of witches. This latter reason may be down to
the witch-accusations being made by Christians, and also the reason the
number became associated with the Moon and black cats, etc. all considered
harbingers of bad or good luck, dependent on your persuasion.
5 & 23
The number 23 is a lesser-known popular number, but one of peculiar
interest. It is seen as the number of the modern-day conception of the
mysterious group, the Illuminati. This association started with the so-called
“Law of Fives” noted in the strange text, the Principia Discordia, alleged to
have been created in 1963 but with a strange and dubious publishing history
- even within its own pages.
The Law of Fives states that most things happen in sets of five, and that
twenty-three is also an enigmatic number as it adds to five (2 + 3) but also
often appears as a synchronicity when the Law of Fives is invoked.
Robert Anton Wilson, one of the two authors of the Illuminatus trilogy
(1975) which popularised these two numbers, wrote that he had heard about
the “23 enigma” from author William S. Burroughs:
I first heard of the 23 enigma from William S Burroughs, author
of Naked Lunch, Nova Express, etc. According to Burroughs, he
had known a certain Captain Clark, around 1960 in Tangier, who
once bragged that he had been sailing 23 years without an accident.
That very day, Clark’s ship had an accident that killed him and
everybody else aboard. Furthermore, while Burroughs was thinking
about this crude example of the irony of the gods that evening, a
bulletin on the radio announced the crash of an airliner in Florida,
USA. The pilot was another captain Clark and the flight was Flight
- Robert Anton Wilson

Often, in films, the number “23” will be seen behind characters on a

door number, hotel sign, or in many other ways as film directors are often
aware of the number as a “secret sign”. There is even a film, The Number
23 (2007, dir. Joel Schumacher) which takes the obsession with this number
to an extreme.
It is entirely possible that you will encounter the number “5” or “23”
(possibly together) shortly after reading this section.
In fact, as I type this section, I see that I am on page 5 and have
reached 2,300 words.
We will encounter the number 111 later in this book, but it has become
more lately known as an “Angel number” which is said to appear on digital
clocks, mobile phones, etc., as “11:11”, etc., when the Angelic Realm is
trying to get your attention - or some other spiritual event is imminent in
your life. This may well be true, but we will later discover how it is also a
powerful number in gematria, the Kabbalistic version of numerology.
The number 666 is probably one of the most recognised numbers and
yet the most misunderstood. It was originally proposed in the bible
(depending on how it is read) as a mark for those who would be able to
trade - at some point in history or the future - and as “the number of the
beast”. Over time, it was more associated with the “beast” of the “end
times” and further popularised as a number associated with evil by the
notorious occultist Aleister Crowley and then consolidated as such in
popular consciousness by the film, The Omen (1976, dir. Richard Donner).
The original verse in Revelations gives it as the number of a man (or
person) in this way:
17. So that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark, that
is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18. This calls
for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the number of
the beast, for it is the number of a person. Its number is six hundred
[Revelation 13:17 - 13:18]
It was then taken up by many early writers as being part of the
prophetic and spiritual essence of Revelation and indicating the terrible
events of the apocalypse. As early as the second century, this concentration
on the number as something evil had begun:
But knowing the sure number declared by Scripture, that is six
hundred sixty and six, let them await, in the first place, the division
of the kingdom into ten; then, in the next place, when these kings
are reigning, and beginning to set their affairs in order, and advance
their kingdom, [let them learn] to acknowledge that he who shall
come claiming the kingdom for himself, and shall terrify those men
of whom we have been speaking, have a name containing the
aforesaid number, is truly the abomination of desolation.
Irenaeus (2nd century AD – c. 202) Book 5, chap. 30, sec. 2
However, there are various readings of this section of the bible, and
they give rise to different interpretations, ranging from the number actually
being 616, it being the gematria of the Emperor Nero, or it being a mark
that would occur as being stamped on a future currency.
Despite all of this, there is no doubt that the number is now
immediately associated with evil or satanism, and this correspondence will
continue to give it power as such. Interestingly, the number 666 is also the
sum of the numbers on a roulette wheel - or the number of cards in a
Lenormand deck (being 6 x 6 or two dice), being 1 to 36.
Although these numbers are considered very particularly and well-
known to many, each and every number is considered as having a property,
which was formulated with the Pythagorean School in ancient Greece and
to where we now turn in our consideration of the history of numerology.
The Numbers of Pythagoras
Pythagoras held that one of the first principles, the monad, is god and
the good, which is the origin of the One, and is itself intelligence; but
the undefined dyad is a deity and the evil, surrounding which is the
mass of matter.
- Aet. 1. 7; Dox. 302.

We might consider that the father of numbers was Pythagoras, the

brilliant Greek mathematician, philosopher, and teacher whose birth in 580
B.C was foretold at Delphi by the Pythian Oracle. We could say that he
was the One, the first - the monad - the very term that he coined himself. He
was the instigator of the theory of numbers and taught that numbers are the
bedrock of all existence.
He is famously known, and bemoaned, by many schoolchildren
throughout the ages as the creator of the Pythagorean theorem. I still feel a
sinking feeling at the very thought as I did not have a maths teacher who
was as worthy as Pythagoras. Indeed, Pythagoras was a talented teacher,
who thought outside the box (if you will pardon the pun) and influenced
many great minds to follow; Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato.
However, in his time, he was not considered conventional enough to be
accepted by the establishment. The old order was suspicious of his motives
and saw him as a threat.
Pythagoras was a man of mystery and intrigue. He was drawn to the
occult as well as religion and science. It may be hard to imagine, but at the
time, to be mathematical and to ‘calculate’ was considered a dark art. The
science of numbers and their properties had connotations with conjuring -
something to be left alone. He did, however, have devout followers who
were members of the Pythagorean Secret Brotherhood, his religious and
scientific community. The Pythagoreans, as they were commonly known,
were, along with the Orphics, considered a cult.
Pythagoras taught that numbers were the divine building blocks, and
that there is an observable organisation of numbers which were used by god
to manifest the world in which we reside.
This was a theory that he shared with the physicist Albert Einstein who
believed that God must have been mathematically-minded. This theory
stated that nothing in the universe was down to chance; it is all
mathematically engineered down to the seasons of the year, the properties
of the body, the ratios and formulae of existence. Nothing is down to
chance; "God does not throw dice" as Einstein put it.
Pythagoras was not just a dry mathematician or a dark mystic as he
introduced romance, creativity, and excitement into numbers. He included
the theory of spirit and the essence of divine order; he introduced artistry to
numbers; and also investigated the relationship between numbers and
music theory, with his Pythagorean tuning based on the ratio 3:2 which is
known as the ‘perfect fifth'.
Pythagoras and his order used the mystical symbol of the tetractys or
tetrad, the triangular figure comprised of ten points arranged in four rows:
one, two, three, and four points in each row, which is the geometrical
representation of the fourth - a triangular number. As a mystical symbol, it
was very important to the secret worship of the Pythagoreans. There were
four seasons, and the number four was also associated with planetary
motions and music.
The Pythagoreans recited a prayer to this Mystic Tetrad:
Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men! O holy,
holy Tetractys, thou that containest the root and source of the eternally
flowing creation! For the divine number begins with the profound,
pure unity until it comes to the holy four; then it begets the mother of
all, the all-comprising, all-bounding, the first-born, the never-swerving,
the never-tiring holy ten, the keyholder of all.[3]
This structured consideration of occult numbers is generally termed
Arithmomancy. The word literally means ‘divination by numbers’ and holds
that all words, particularly names given to things - and people - are
governed by their numeric equivalent. As such, the fate and fortune of
anything can be divined by this corresponding number, which in itself
corresponds to the universal pattern of that number and its powers. We can
easily now see how arithmomancy became our modern-day numerology.
When we look at patterns of number in this manner, we can arrange
numbers equally and symmetrically in orders of triangles, squares,
pentagons and hexagons.
The number 1 can be counted in any arrangement as a single point without
any particular or extended shape.
The numbers which can be arranged in a triangle are 3, 6, and 10. In a
square, 4, 9 and 16; a Pentagon, 5, 12 and 22; a Hexagon, 6, 15 and 28.
We can bear this in mind when we later come to creating talismans
based on numerology, but for now, let us consider the most important
arrangement of numbers in the Pythagorean philosophy, the Tetractys.
The Tetractys.
This simple triangle of ten points can very rapidly be seen as the
foundation of our numerology system. Firstly, it neatly consists of four
rows, and each of the row corresponds to the classical elements. The base of
the triangle has 4 points, and this corresponds to the element of earth, which
in the tarot is the suit of Pentacles. The second row upwards has 3 points,
and this corresponds to the element of air, which in the tarot is the suit of
Swords. The third row upwards has 2 points, and this corresponds to the
element of water, which in the tarot is the suit of Cups. The pinnacle of the
triangle has 1 point, and this corresponds to the element of fire, which in the
tarot is the suit of Wands.
If we further extend these four rows to the system of numerology and
our life, the base of the triangle with 4 points corresponds to the element of
earth. It is the row of our ‘life path’. In personal terms, when we calculate
our own numbers, it is how the numbers of our birthdate are grounded in
foundations of the world and how we materialise our destiny in order to
‘rise up’ to the pinnacle. In tarot terms, this is the realm of Pentacles.
The second row of the upwards-triangle of 3 points, which corresponds
to the element of Air. In our own calculations, this row is our ‘expression’;
our being in the world and is calculated from the letters of our name,
representing our identity and intellect. This is what we are gifted when we
came into the world. In tarot terms, this is the realm of Swords.
The third row upwards of 2 points, corresponds to the element of
Water. It is the row of our ‘Soul Urge’ or ‘Heart’s Desire’, being our
passion and desires in the journey. It is also calculated from the vowels of
our name. In a broader sense, it is our motivation number and symbolises
the Grail we each bear for ourselves. In the tarot, this is the realm of Cups.
The pinnacle of the triangle, the singular 1-point, corresponds to the
element of Fire. This is our destination, our goal, the idealising of a state of
oneness. It is calculated for us in our personal numerology from the
consonants of our name, but in the divine pattern of the Tetractys is the
ultimate Monad - the totality, the supreme being. It is the Kether of the Tree
of Life in Kabbalah and the Aces of the Tarot.
In summary, then, the perfect pattern of the universe is seen as a
triangle which consists of four rows. This symbolises all patterns which
arise from any combination of numbers and the four levels of existence. It
also corresponds to the following elements and suits of Tarot:
4 Base of Earth Pentacles
3 First Step Up Water Cups
2 Second Step Air Swords
1 Pinnacle of Fire Wands

We will see how this triangle and the four layers proves to be the foundation
of our numerology throughout this book, and next we will look at how the
numbers are considered as shapes in divine geometry. This transition of
numbers into dimensions demonstrates how their patterns and energies are
present in everything in manifestation - and in our lives.
Numbers Are Shapes Too
The Arithmetic of Beauty
In this chapter, before we get down to our own numbers, I wanted to
share with you my love of the American architect, Claude Fayette Bragdon
(1866 – 1946). Bragdon was not just an architect but also a stage designer
and a writer. He studied Theosophy and this supported his mystical insight
into the world of structures and buildings.[4] It also underpinned his work on
numbers, which is important to us in understanding the spiritual basis of
applying numerology in the world.
I first met Bragdon’s work in a little second-hand New Age bookshop
in Geneva, Switzerland, hidden down a cobbled lane in the old town. The
book itself was little more than an extended pamphlet - about the size of
some of my own books - but it changed the way I saw things. It was full of
short essays and musings, that seemed very sure of themselves yet curious
as to the workings of the universe. However, it was illustrated by Bragdon
in a timeless and stylish manner, with projective geometry. It was the same
projective geometry that we see used by Frieda Harris in the Thoth Tarot.
This little book was a constant travelling companion and I still have it to
this day, although I feared I had misplaced it in a recent move, and it went
missing for several years.
Illus. Front Entrance to the Bevier Building, Claude Bragdon.
It is in one of another collection of essays by Bragdon that we find a
section on numbers; The Beautiful Necessity (Manas Press, 1910). This
collection features writings on both architecture, music, numbers and
theosophy, as Bragdon writes at the beginning of the book:
The white light of Truth is thus broken up into a rainbow-tinted
spectrum of Beauty, in which the various arts are colors, each distinct,
yet merging one into another - poetry into music; painting into
decoration; decoration becoming sculpture; sculpture - architecture,
and so on.
The sixth essay in this collection is titled “The Arithmetic of Beauty”
and deals specifically with numbers as the basis of all forms - and from the
spiritual perspective of theosophy. Bragdon writes; “Although architecture
is based primarily upon geometry, it is possible to express all spatial
relations numerically: for arithmetic, not geometry, is the universal science
of quantity”.
He goes on to elevate the importance of understanding numbers from a
spiritual perspective:
Number is the within of all things—the "first form of Brahman." It
is the measure of time and space; it lurks in the heart-beat and is
blazoned upon the starred canopy of night. Substance, in a state of
vibration, in other words conditioned by number, ceaselessly
undergoes the myriad transmutations which produce phenomenal
To Bragdon, numerical patterns were seen not only in architecture, but
in art - and in the human body. In fact, in all things, underneath, a single
number, the “1” of divine unity, was “radiating” out in all manifestation
through the patterns which can be represented as numbers. This he called
“frozen music”, in his final essay of the book.
Illus. Sinbad,
Claude Bragdon.
Here are several of the numerology principles we can learn from
Bragdon and ways in which we can apply them to our interpretations:
1. Numbers are seen as masculine if odd and feminine if even.
We apply this to readings by showing that a name or place whose number is
odd (i.e. 3, 5, 7 or 9) is best placed to be ‘masculine’, and if even (i.e. 2, 4,
6, or 8) is better to adopt those qualities associated with the ‘feminine’.
2. The best combination is of an odd and even number.
In this we see a good way of interpreting the names of couples or
businesses seeking partnership advice. In a sense, we might also consider
that a couple whose full names are both even (say, 2 and 4) might find
better rapport by encouraging a more informal relationship where the
numbers of their first names are better placed, say, if they were 3 and 8 (odd
and even).
3. Numbers often build on each other, so 1 is split in half to become 2, 2
adds to the original 1 to create a 3, and 3 doubles to become a 6.
4. SEVEN is the perfect number.
Bragdon points out that 7 is the total of 3 and 4, both solid numbers of
creation and structure, and one being odd and the other even. There is,
however, I feel, a danger in those who hold the number 7, as they tend
towards perfectionism.
5. Another ideal number is 15.
Bragdon writes that the number 15 is a number of “great perfection”,
showing how 3 groups of 5 in architecture make a satisfying arrangement to
the eye. When we are arranging objects, we might remember this, such as a
flower arrangement, something in the garden, a party or dinner table, a
number of presents, or a personal altar - unless there is some other number
more suited to the magical purpose.
Illus. Claude Bragdon.
Bragdon concludes that there is a certain truth to the appreciation of
…in every excellent work of architecture, in addition to its
obvious and individual beauty, there dwells an esoteric and
universal beauty, following as it does the archetypal pattern laid
down by the Great Architect for the building of that temple which is
the world wherein we dwell.
Having considered this important idea, that numbers are present in all
things, from the first teachings of Pythagoras to the avant-garde architecture
of Bragdon, we can now look at working out our own numbers and see how
they relate to our relationship to the universe.
Work Your Numbers
In this chapter we will learn how to discover our personal numbers,
based on our name and birthdate.
In these methods, I have drawn upon several vintage sources, which are
listed in the bibliography. Many of these books were written in the early
1900’s during a boom of writing on spiritualism and self-help, home
learning, and the new thought movement. The numerology, as we have seen
in earlier sections, is based on early Greek philosophy and many other
references, given a modern (at the time) gloss for everyday use.
In this section you will calculate a simple version of your own name
for analysis, including the calculation of your personal name number, and
two further interesting methods which use the vowels and consonants of
your name to provide your “soul’s urge” and “persona”.
By the end of this section, you should have the simple tools to define
through numbers your active role in life, your family role, your purpose,
how you strive for recognition, and your general personality.
You may like to try this simple approach first with your own name and
that of those close to you, to see how it works for you - the numbers may
not always tell the whole story, but they can sometimes provide a
fascinating and provocative insight.
The Basic Numbers
In most numerology methods, we keep to an extremely basic
‘reduction’ in all our calculations.
This means that we add up numbers of more than one digit, always
ending with one digit.
So, if in an analysis, we added 3 + 9, that would make 12, but then we
would add 1 + 2 to make 3. There are a few exceptions, such as when we
stop adding if we reduce to - or have - the number 11, 22, or 33. These are
sometimes called master numbers or power numbers.
To start, here is our simple reference table converting the letters of the
alphabet to numbers.

1: A J S
2: B K T (11 REDUCES TO 2)
3: C L U
4: D M V (22 REDUCES TO 4)
5: E N W
6: F O X (33 REDUCES TO 6)
7: G P Y
8: H Q Z
9: I R

In this table, you can see that letters such as “P” have been reduced, as “P”
is the 16th letter of the alphabet, so 1 + 6 = 7.

In the original alphabetical order, we have an alternative way of

representing and referencing the numbers:

A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, E = 5, F = 6, G = 7, H = 8, I = 9,

J = 1, K = 2, L = 3, M = 4, N = 5, O = 6, P = 7, Q = 8, R = 9,

S = 1, T = 2, U = 3, V = 4, W = 5, X = 6, Y = 7, Z = 8.
You may wish to get into a good habit with numerology by double-
checking our table, to ensure it is correct. This sets up a good practice for
your own numerology, where you should always check your calculations,
even the most simple, because the numbers only follow the rules - any
errors will be our own momentary loss of attention when thinking about a
shopping list between adding up 7 and 8 and getting 14 instead of 15.[5]
Having equated our letters to numbers, we can now lay out a simple set
of meanings for each number. These can vary depending on the context, so
the number “4” (also, a square) for example, might have a general meaning
of ‘structure’ but when in a list of job meanings, might mean ‘construction’,
or as a relationship number might mean ‘mechanic or engineer’.
In this sense, numbers are like tarot cards, they can carry different
meanings depending on their context - or the question. I have provided a
general list below and recommended further reading at the end of this book
so you can gradually extend your range of meanings. I have also included
whether each number relates to an “extrovert” energy or “introvert” energy.
This may be useful as a basic meaning when comparing people in a
relationship or group.

0: Open, Free, Infinite, Possibility, Unbounded

1: Creative, Unique, Action, Individual, Singular (introvert)
2: Choice, Harmony, Balance, Dual (extrovert)
3: Imagination, Expressive, Artistic (introvert)
4: Structure, Constructive, Stable, Earthy (extrovert)
5: Energy, Action, control, Impulsive (extrovert)
6: Idealism, Diplomacy, Lover (extrovert)
7: Depth, Mysticism, Science (introvert)
8: Authority, Binding, Mastery, Organiser (extrovert)
9: Completion, Perfection, Service, Idealism (introvert)
Three Faces to a Number
We can also consider, as a useful tool for more nuanced and detailed
analysis, that each number has a constructive, negative & destructive
e.g. 8
constructive = leadership & authority
negative = impatience & ruthlessness
destructive = dishonesty & suppression
The negative aspect may actually be a useful aspect when considering
action, it does not necessarily mean “bad” in the context of numbers,
merely something ‘denied’, from the original meaning of the word. It may
be that when we get an “8” in answer to a question, we should be ruthless
and take immediate action, which ‘denies’ someone else ‘authority’. This is
a negation of the number, in terms of action, yet also an important aspect of
the number.
These are very general meanings meant to provide the basic
interpretations. I have tried to select a few keywords which are best able to
be applied to any context. For the practical purpose of this section, I give
below a selection of vocations and employments that might be generated
from the different numbers.
0: An open opportunity, free choice
1: Inventor, Leadership, Creator, Original Ideas
2: Assessment, Design, Diplomat, Musician
3: Crafts, Gifts, Artist, Speaker
4: Mechanic, Builder, Farmer, Organised Work or Military Service
5: Speculation, Public Facing, Traveller, Writer, Psychologist
6: Teacher, Trainer, Service Personnel, Doctor
7: Student, Researcher, Philosopher, Psychic
8: Management, Business, Lawyer, Analyst, Editor
9: Designer, Marketing, Healer, Minister, Traveller
If you have a “master number” this would also indicate the potential to
be influential:
11: Influencer, Authority, Expert, Writer, Speaker
22: Official Office, In charge, Organizational Leader
33: Master Teacher, Influencer, Spiritual Leader
Having given the numbers with a basic guide to their overall meaning
and context in terms of vocation, we can now calculate our own name
numbers, which I will provide with examples of my own name.
Do not forget to reduce numbers down, so if you total 34, this can be
reduced by adding 3 + 4 =7.
We will look at first name and surname separately and then full name. I
have not gone into detail about middle names, but to get your total name
number, please include it in your addition.
When we add up the full name, we first add up your first name and
surname (and middle names) separately, and only then add their results up
together, reducing if required.
The best way to remember this and practice is to simply work on the
first name and surname as separate calculations and energies first, and only
then, when you are done, add them both together.
We do NOT add the whole name up in one go, as I will hopefully make
clear in the example of my name and the fully worked example at the end of
this section.
First Name
Your First Name number gives your active number, meaning your
unique and personal quality.
ANDREA = 1 + 5 + 4 + 9 + 5 + 1 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7
This shows my natural tendency to depth, spiritual matters and eternal
studies of psychic matters.
Surname (Last Name)
Your surname number gives your birth background qualities, from
your family history and their lives. It may either support, contrast, or
conflict with the energy of your first name number.
GREEN = 7 + 9 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 31 = 3 + 1 = 4
Whilst I am not a mechanic, this shows my parental background and
upbringing which tries to give me structure.
Full Name
Your Full Name number is your overall destiny or life path number and
is calculated by adding up your first name number and surname number
(along with any separate totals from middle names).
(ANDREA = 7) + (GREEN = 4) = 11
This perfectly shows my life path as a writer and perhaps even an
influencer as it is a master number.
Isn’t that cool? Luckily, I have a surname that gives me some structure,
should I be able to recognise it as a support and not a constraint. This is a
good example of how understanding our separate name and total name
numbers can give useful insight into many of the patterns and conflicts that
we see experience throughout our lives.
I will conclude by giving two other intermediate methods of analysis if
you want to go a little deeper into the subject and your own name.
Do not forget that you can also use the numbers to look at other
people’s names and even the name of a company, town or country.
Soul’s Intent
The deeper intent of your soul to manifest in the world - your soul
number - is given by the vowels in your name, again calculated out by the
separate names, before being added (and reduced) together. This overall
number also shows how you wish to (and work to) be recognised by others
in your deepest soul.
(ANDREA = AEA = 1 + 5 + 1 = 7) + (GREEN = EE = 5 + 5 = 10 = 1 + 0
= 1) = 8
We look at all three numbers separately, indicating that I seek mastery
(8) by psychic studies (7) as an individual wishing to create something
unique (1).
Your core persona number, through which the soul’s intent is
expressed (and supporting your active number and birth background
number) is given by the consonants of your name.
(ANDREA = NDR = 1 + 4 + 9 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5) + (GREEN = GRN = 7 +
9 + 5 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3) = 8
Again, we take all three numbers as separate entities. My personality is
a mixture of energy (5) and imagination (3) that are the building blocks to
an overall personality which is generally organised and business-minded
In reading this, I see that I can develop my imagination with energy, so
long as I continue to work hard at organising myself and keep working on
my business-brain, which is not my preferred approach. However, looking
at the numbers highlights that I can be successful and almost natural at
organising myself, if it is done to express my active imagination.
Now you can go ahead and calculate out your own name numbers, and
I give a fully-worked example below with a well-known person, for you to
follow and see the depth of insight we can gain from name numbers.
You can also use the following template (in paperback version) to write
your own numbers, or photocopy (with permission) to use for someone
else’s numbers.
We will cover the birth date and other numbers in the following
chapters, you can leave them blank until you reach that section.

[Template from Numerology by Andrea Green]


Date of Birth:

Address (number):

Mobile (number):



SOUL NUMBER [Name Vowels]





Worked Example
To illustrate the insight that we can glean from numerology, we can
practice on the name and details of well-known personalities to see how
much of a fit we can derive from their numbers. We might also learn how
we can gain deeper detail or application of the numbers, if we might
imagine the person would use their numbers.
In this example, I will use the name and details of well-known climate
activist Greta Thunberg.
G R E T A - First name - Active number - Unique Personality
7 + 9 + 5 + 2 + 1 = = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6
We see here with Greta’s first name number that she is an ‘idealist’
who has ‘diplomacy skills’. Although she is known to be autistic, she
possesses the ‘extrovert’ qualities of her unique personality quality. This we
see expressed through her courting of intense media exposure in order to
drive her values and to further her cause.
To explore this more deeply, we can also look at the numbers of her
parents’ names, especially that of her father’s - she shares of course the
same surname, family history, background qualities - and who are known to
be a big influence on her work campaigning on climate change. This
demonstrates a special relationship between her and her parents.
2 + 8 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 9 + 7 = 41 = 4 + 1 = 5
We see here with Greta’s surname of T H U N B E R G and her active
number, she is ‘energetic’ and ‘action driven’ into ‘control’ and has an
‘impulsive nature’. We can recognise the control; she follows her own will.
Greta’s surname number of 5 expresses her birth background qualities,
which she inherited from her family. This tells us that she has a life purpose
that is public-facing as a climate activist. To support this, we look at the life
history of her mother; seeing that Greta’s mother had a successful career as
an opera singer in her native Sweden.
Greta’s full name gives her life path number and comprises of the sum
of her first name (6) and her second name (5): 6 + 5 = 11.
A master number - 11 - of course!
This master number of 11 is the ‘life path’ of a person who is an
influencer and it cannot be disputed that this young lady has become - at a
young age - a powerful influencer globally. Again, that is so cool - and it is
why I really get the power of numerology.
We can now dig deeper to find her Soul’s Intent; the deeper intent of
the soul’s ability to manifest in the world. This is generated by adding up
the numerical value of the vowels in the full name.
Here we see that Greta’s Soul Intent, from her first name, is manifested
by the vowels E and A.
From her surname Thunberg it is manifested by the vowels U and E
Then we can look at the ‘personality ‘of her full name ‘core persona’
how this expresses the soul’s intent by working out the numerical value of
the consonants in a name.
G R T = 7 + 9 + 2 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9
T H N B R G = 2 + 8 + 5 + 2+ 9 + 7 = 33 = 3 + 3 = 6
Then, 9 + 6 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6
Her personality is a mixture of depth and diplomacy that lends itself
well to organised work.
Having looked at name analysis, we will now work the number for our
date of birth.
Birthdate Number
When working with the numbers of our birth date, we are of course
working with actual numbers. This is why we have looked at turning our
name and letters into numbers first, because sometimes that seems easier
than working directly with numbers. In turning our name into numbers, it is
more like making a code, whereas simply adding numbers perhaps feels
more like math. However, if we can put aside this feeling, it is just as easy -
in fact, easier - to work with our birth date.
We follow the same rules of separation and reduction as we did in the
numerology of our name, taking each part of the data as individual items,
then reducing them, adding them together, and reducing the final result.
So, if we were born on 23rd of November, 1985:
23 = 2 + 3 = 5
November = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 (also a master number, 11).
1985 = 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5
We then add up the three separate numbers, also reducing if necessary:
5 + 2 + 5 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
This gives us our Birthdate number, which we can compare and
contrast with our name numbers. The birthdate number is also a good
indication of our ideal or strongest talent and vocation, given expression.
So, a "3" would be a good creative, developer, designer, etc.
Here are some further worked examples, in which I have already
reduced the three separate components of day, month and year, to
demonstrate the calculation:
4th August, 2000
4 + 8 + 2 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5
19th September, 2019
1 + 9 + 3 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4
4th December, 1976
4 + 3 + 5 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
If our person in the final example above met the person in the first
example, both sharing a "3" date of birth number, they would find
commonalities, even though they were born nine years apart from each
You can now calculate your own birth number from your date of birth,
and perhaps practice with relationships, close friends and family. You can
now add your birth number to your own personal analysis provided earlier
in the book.
Address Numerology
Another important number is one of the most obvious numbers, the
address number, although this has been replaced by the telephone number
as the closest number to us. particularly since the writing of many of the
vintage numerology books. We will look at our mobile number in the next
Our address number is mostly the spirit of the place, the dwelling,
location, and house itself. It is fixed to the place, although it is modified in
relationship to the surname number of its occupancy, as we will see. The
house number is taken in its own context, although it can be slightly
modified by the full street address - something we do not need to look at in
this book. The house number is, as most numbers, reduced to a single digit,
although master house numbers are to be noted. In fact, I once lived at
address number 111, a magical number of change as we have seen, and it
was a place which lived up to its number.
So, if we live at 565 Sycamore Street, this would be 5 + 6 + 5 = 16 = 1
+ 6 = 7.
If you live in an apartment, you can use the apartment number and the
street number of the apartment building as separate entities, and if you live
in a number such as 72A you should add the numbers with the number of
the letter, so 72A would be 7 + 2 + 1 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1.
If you live in a property that has no number, but is named, then you can
calculate the number by letter numerology using the name, such as:
The Cottage = 2 8 5 3 6 2 2 1 7 5 = 41 = 4 + 1 = 5
Old Mill = 6 3 4 4 9 3 3 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5
Dennis House = 4 5 5 5 9 1 8 6 3 1 5 = 52 = 5 + 2 = 7
Santos Building = 1 1 5 2 6 1 2 3 9 3 4 9 5 7 = 58 = 5 + 8 = 13 = 1 + 3
The nature of the address numbers to location can be summarized:
1. A house whose spirits consider it unique, one of a kind, and like to
be decorated in a non-conformist manner. This house will benefit from
individual attention and does not exist well with mundane or routine
activities for long periods of time.
2. The spirits of this place are quiet, dignified and reserved, always
seeking balance. They enjoy symmetry and simple decoration, peaceful
activities, and silence. If there is noise or raucous activity in their space,
they may try and put a damper on the mood.
3. This house thrives on creation, arts and crafts, so will appreciate
decor in this manner. It will encourage its inhabitants to spend, so be careful
if you also have a family number that tends to over-generosity or
indulgence. The place is a good environment for crafting and hobbies.
4. The Penates of a house with this number will respond well to being
literally "square". They appreciate solid, constructive labor, a hard day’s
work rewarded by a good square meal. Literally "the salt of the earth", they
can be recognized by sprinkling salt in the four quarters of the compass, and
other simple observances such as placing bread on the hearth.
5. A house whose Penates are somewhat dynamic (at best) and
aggressive (at worst). They will appreciate a feisty environment and a
robust, knock-about family dynamic, full of life, activity, play fights, too
many pets and general disorder. To take advantage of these spirits, a quieter
person or family can throw themselves into socially-minded causes and
projects which will be assisted by the spirits of a place with this number.
6. A harmonious house bears this number, and will reward conciliation,
ease of life, balanced rewards, and artistic decor. It supports family, but in
an extended and open manner. It may tend to encourage an over-
responsibility on its inhabitants, which could "rub up the wrong way" with
Lares who resist such duties. If this is the case, then enact regular small
rites which let the house know your family spirits are doing good work in
their own way. This might be as simple as placing a child's painting on the
wall rather than the fridge door.
7. A house of spiritual matters, magick and mystical pursuits. It should
be decorated with recognition of the sacred in place, or ritual-like objects,
even if you do not necessarily practice ritual. This place - and the Penates
who dwell here - will appreciate incense, the chimes of bells, and other
items that symbolize higher matters. If you have a robust, earthy, family
number, and hence, Lares who are such, you may have to reward them in
practical ways such as a good meal, when attending to the higher-minded
nature of the house.
8. This is the ideal number for working from home, or conducting other
gigs, wealth-generating opportunities, etc. If you do not work from home,
allow yourself to bring a part of your work back to the home, with which it
can be connected. This may bring magical rewards and benefits, as the
house will appreciate it. If you have a family, particularly whilst also having
a "family" type of surname-number, let the house know it is also your job
and it will welcome and support your domestic life.
9. The final number indicates a house which is best suited to be an
"open house", often visited by people, discussing matters of society and
freedom, and those who love culture, films, arts, music, fine dining, wines,
and other enjoyments of the senses. It is best recognized and rewarded by
opening it out, leaving doors open where possible, letting light in, etc.
rather than closing it in. It is possibly the more difficult house to live in, but
if recognized, can lead to a truly uplifting life lived with it.
We also compare our surname or family name number to the location
number, which gives us a very unique insight to our alignment to the place.
In ancient Rome, a family had two sets of spirits to observe; the Lares
and the Penates. In essence, these are the spirits of the family, the Lares, and
the spirits of the house, the Penates. The Lares are concerned with lineage
and family matters, the Penates with the hearth and home. So, quite often,
the Penates will encounter different sets of Lares, each brought in and
leaving with a new person or family inhabiting the property.
If the Lares and Penates do not get on with each other, it will be an
inharmonious household. This will manifest in both the building and the
family; plates will mysteriously fall and break, the wiring will often fail,
repairs will never seem to fix anything, or the family will be generally
unhappy, lack energy, fall out or feel separated.
We can discern any conflict between these two sets of spirits - and
even, resolve them - through numerology.
Take the number of your house as the resident energy of the Penates,
and compare it with the number of your surname, which we worked out in
the previous section.
Firstly, is one an extrovert and the other an introvert number? If these
are different energies, then you may need to occasionally give your place
some peace (if it is the introvert), or give it a party (if you are the introvert),
even a small personal one. This will immediately help balance the energies
of the place, and perhaps even result in positive and magical changes; the
house may seem warmer, the family disruptions may lessen.
Sometimes, you might even want to warn the house that you are having
a party, if both it and you (i.e. your house number and family surname
number) are introverts. In this case, ensure that you both have a time
booked for quiet and recuperation.
In a sense, you can look at the relationship of place and person -
Penates and Lares - as you would look at any other relationship with
numerology; find the numbers and adjust their context and manifestation to
make the best equation. In even recognizing these relationships, particularly
through small acts of observance and perhaps, ritual, you may notice minor
Telephone Numerology
In contemporary culture, it might be said that the most personal, sacred,
and indeed, magical, number, is that belonging to our mobile phone. It is
often committed to heart and used to make a myriad of transactions whilst it
also forges our relationship to the world. Our mobile number represents our
present mode of communication with the world. It is calculated by simple
reduction, as we have seen with all other numbers in this book.
So, if my mobile number was 0379 588296 I would simply add those
numbers up:
0 + 3 + 7 + 9 + 5 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 9 + 6 = 57 = 5 + 7 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3.
Whilst we may not have much choice over our given number, we can
perhaps recognize the power of our communication being mediated through
the essence of the number. In doing so, we can empower our
communications according to the number energy of our phone:
1. It is best with a "1" number to keep all communications to a point.
Your number is best suited for original ideas, ways of speaking, and
novelty. Sharing news from your number will be rewarded.
2. The holder of this number will be rewarded by collecting
information and being someone to whom others can turn when in trouble.
They are a good number to call when needing a sympathetic ear or a
shoulder upon which to cry.
3. This number is ideal for entertaining speakers, self-aware and
excitable discussions, and insight. The person phoning this number should
not expect a calm reception or long silences. If you hold this number, do not
be afraid of speaking your mind and allowing your creativity to flow when
in discussion.
4. This is the number of a manager, in all its facets. Whether you are
the party planner of your personal social group or a busy business manager,
this is your best number. If you feel neither of these roles, perhaps you are
often backing out of chances to occupy this position. Sometimes this
number attracts calls from relatives a bit too frequently.
5. If you are a social influencer, agent, promoter of a cause or charity,
or any other service requiring a lot of zest, this is your ideal number. If you
meet challenges by this phone number, then you will often find your
6. This number is best suited to those who maintain healthy boundaries
and balance. It is not ideal for receiving over-emotive calls and requests for
sympathy. If you possess a phone with this number, use it often for making
enquiring calls and instigating questions rather than waiting to receive
them. Do not take on too much at any one time when you have this number.
7. This number best suits the introvert, social loner, geek, or nerd. It is
a number that functions best for those who only like sharing and talking to
those they already know well. This phone appreciates mystical and
considered talk of a rarified nature, so do not subject it too much to
mundane and dull discussions.
8. This is the power player of all the numbers, so a good phone number
for ambitious people, go-getters, and executives who have places to go and
people to see. If you are more laid-back, it is a good number to use for
discussing membership of groups, global affairs, and managing social
9. Not the best number for dealing with details, any phone totaling "9"
will be better for big picture thinking. You should have a large number of
other numbers in your directory, and be very interconnected with Apps and
social networks, for best rewards. This is the phone of someone who may
seem removed, but that is because they are always moving onto the next big
Of course, you can also use this method with the phone number of that
new person you have just met or are about to call. This may give you some
insight to the best way of communicating with them.
Aligning Your Numbers
In Numerology we can align numbers, analyse them, look at
concordances and examine their relationships. We can also look at
harmonies – or otherwise - between your personal numbers and your spatial
(geography) and temporal (date of birth, wedding, birth, etc.) numbers. In
the next short section, we will look at one example of number alignment,
using our town or city number, but first we will consider the most-asked
about subject, numerology and relationships.
Relationship Alignment
On relationships, we can first consider numbers for individuals in the
relationship, whether it be a business partnership, project team or a
romance. The individual numbers tell us what a person may be presenting
and whether that matches the intent of their soul.
When aligning numbers together, simply compare and contrast each of
the different numbers for the people involved. So, in a romance, you might
compare your active number with theirs, or your mutual destiny numbers. If
they are the same, you are already aligned, particularly when you work
together for some common goal. If they are different, how are they both
best served? Do you have a background number for example, which is an
idealistic 6 where your partner has a background number of a more
practical 4?
When we know our numbers, we can make subtle adjustments to align
our relationships to the best advantage of everyone. It could also be that our
destiny number matches the number only found in our partner’s personality
number. This might mean they can best express what it is that we are about,
so we should let them do so.
There are infinite combinations of numbers, so when we know them we
can begin to align ourselves, our focus and attitude, to best align to these
powerful patterns.
We can also make alignments when we know the number of our place,
be it our town or the name of a company.
Place Alignment
One good example of alignment is to calculate the number for your town or
city, and then align that to your own personal numbers. It could be that you
can take advantage of your current place of residence or mitigate some
conflict that is in the numbers.
If I took the town of Keswick, and compared it to my own numbers, I might
discover it is very aligned because it has a 9 for its “souls desire” (vowels)
which supports writing. If it had a number of 4, I would be better by
concentrating on my structure and ordering of life first, which would be
aligned to the place - the rest would follow.
Using vowels, “souls desire” of place:
E I = 5 + 9 = 14 = 5
Then use whole name for destiny:
2 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 9 + 3 + 2 = 27 = 2+7 = 9
So, Keswick attracts writers, adventurers, travellers (5) and supports
healing, acting, religion (9). Interestingly, Keswick has a very famous
theatre and long-running annual religious convention known and attended
from around the world.
Numerology & Tarot
Tarot and Numerology
In this section I will look at how numerology may be applied to tarot
reading, particularly to work out the possible timing of a situation. This is
never an exact science, but it can be used alongside the reading - and
common-sense - to at least give a sense of a situation being short or long-
First, I wanted to look at how the basic numbers add to our
interpretation of a card. These can be seen as extra layers during
interpretation, which are optional but can sometimes add incredible and
surprising detail. The simplest way of doing this is to start by corresponding
our personal numbers with the tarot, without doing a spread - just using the
correspondence of the Major Arcana to our own numbers.
Card Numbers
So, when looking at a person’s numbers, we can match their numbers
to the corresponding Major Arcana.
We reduce the numbers of the Major Arcana to give us the following
1 Magician, Wheel, Sun
2 High Priestess, Justice, Last Judgement
3 Empress, Hanged Man, World
4 Emperor, Death
5 Hierophant, Temperance
6 Lovers, Devil
7 Chariot, Blasted Tower
8 Strength, Star
9 Hermit, Moon
You might already see some interesting comparisons and patterns when we
reduce the numerology of the Majors in this way - the Lovers and the Devil
are often seen in comparison, for example, even in their usual design.
As an example of applying our illustrations of Tarot to personal
numbers, we take Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft as an example:
BILL (2 + 9 + 3 + 3 = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8)
+ GATES (7 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 1 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7)
= 8 + 7 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6
His two deeper life-themes are illustrated by the two “6” cards; the
Lovers and the Devil. This might be taken as symbolising his championing
of technology and the humanitarian work of his later life. In fact, on
religion, he replied in a Rolling Stone interview; ““I agree with people like
Richard Dawkins that mankind felt the need for creation myths. Before we
really began to understand disease and the weather and things like that, we
sought false explanations for them. Now science has filled in some of the
realm – not all – that religion used to fill.”
The Major Arcana are arranged in order of triumphs, so each card
represents a virtue that is higher than the next; the Last Judgement card
ultimately triumphs everything, before returning to the “new” World and
starting the cycle again with the Fool. In this view, the Magician (1) card is
the lowest, and more like a trickster or charlatan than the powerful magical
figure created by later occultists.
This order also explains why Death (13) and the Devil (15) hold court
in the middle of the sequence - either side of the Angel (14) - and between
the earthly realms of the Emperor and Pope (Hierophant), etc., and the
higher numbered, celestial realms of the Star (17), Moon (18) and Sun (19).
As we have seen from our table, the Major cards also reduce into single
figures by numerology to create interesting & powerful sets which can be
used for magical work.
1. Magician & Wheel (1 + 0 = 1) & Sun (19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1)
As the Magician is the centre of the universe at the altar of creation, so
the Wheel is a symbol of the entire universe, with a centre and a
circumference. The Sun is then a symbol of the centre of the solar system,
and the Self. In terms of the mystical journey and spiritual world, these “1”
cards are three forms of singularity: The Word, the Unity and the Light.
2. High Priestess & Justice (1 + 1 = 2) & Last Judgement (20 = 2 + 0 = 2)
These three cards relate to the number “2” as a reflective and dual
figure, bringing measurement and law. It is also seen as the two pillars on
the High Priestess and Justice cards, and the various sorting into two sides
described in the biblical account of the Last Judgement. The High Priestess
is sometimes illustrated with the scroll of TORAH, meaning “law” on her
lap. These “2” cards are three forms of law; Natural (called by the ancient
Egyptians, ma’at), Human and Divine.
3. Empress & Hanged Man (12 = 1 + 2 = 3) & World (21 = 2 + 1 = 3)
The Hanged Man may seem out of place in these three cards, as we can
immediately see the relationship of nature in the Empress and the World.
However, the deeper meaning of the Hanged Man card is of the “divine
submerged in nature”, which was reflected in the original Golden Dawn
image of a ‘drowned god’. It is hinted at by A. E. Waite in the Waite-Smith
deck as a halo about the head of the figure. So, these three cards are “3” as
nature in three forms: Creation, Divine and Material.
4. Emperor & Death (13 = 1 + 3 = 4)
Here we have two forms of power, order and structure - one which
seeks to rule and control them, the other side of which is their eventual
dissolution and transformation. The Emperor also corresponds to Aries, the
Ram, and the Devil corresponds to Capricorn, the Goat, fiery and earthy
signs of creation. One seeks to order the cosmos, the other seeks disorder.
These two “4” cards are the Inserting and withdrawing of life in the
5. Hierophant & Temperance (14 = 1 + 4 = 5)
The two “5” cards are structural in terms of human and divine rule; and
they both seek to prescribe action. In the case of the Hierophant, this is seen
as a human reflection of divine law, and the angel of Temperance brings
that divine law from the upper universe. They could both be symbolised by
the pentagram, balancing and binding all the lower elements. These two “5”
cards are the processes and experience of revelation and grace; one is
presented through humanity, the other through higher agencies.
6. Lovers & Devil (15 = 1 + 5 = 6)
The comparison and contrast of these two cards is the most obvious of
the numerological sets. The deeper level is that they both represent the story
of the garden of Eden, and the “original sin”. As a spiritual lesson, this
represents self-knowledge, where the Lovers represent the free-will of “6”
and the Devil, wilful ignorance of “6”.
7. Chariot & Blasted Tower (16 = 1 + 6 = 7)
These two cards have a similar nature of movement and acceleration,
but also a deeper function as representing science and the mind, qualities of
“7”. The Chariot illustrates the symbolism of the spiritual mind, able to
make rapid progress, but limited once it reaches the higher realms of
intuition. The Blasted Tower shows the effect of pride on the mind and the
resulting limitation of language, in the story of the Tower of Babel.
8. Strength & Star (17 = 1 + 7 = 8)
Whilst Strength and the Star might seem the most different of cards in
these sets, there are strong (pardon the pun) connections between their
meanings. They both feature the power of the feminine, mastering (8) two
natural forces - the Lion and the Water. They show quiet determination and
clear vision, both being aspects of perfect relationship between the self and
other. The gentle and timeless force exerted by both characters is a spiritual
9. Hermit & Moon (18 = 1 + 8 = 9)
The introvert nature of “9” and the idealism of the number is to be
found in both these solitary and somewhat lonely cards. They both speak of
the perfectionism, anxiety and fear to be found with those of this number.
There is also a sense of service to be found in those seeking solitude or
withdrawing from society. These two cards are quietly spiritual, but
We will now look at the basic numerology of the Minor Arcana, which
is built explicitly into their sequence and numbering.
The Minor Arcana start with the Aces (1) and progress to the Tens (10),
which signal a return back to the Aces (10 = 1 + 0 = 1) in an endless cycle
or loop. This fits to our standard numerological sequence and the
numbering of the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. This was the foundation of
most contemporary decks, starting from the Waite-Smith, and later, the
Thoth Tarot. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn provided a key to
this numbering in their tarot materials for initiates, called Book T.
We can basically apply our standard universal meanings for the
numbers to each card of the Minors, in the context of their suit:
Pentacles: Resources, Matter, Health, Finances
Swords: Thought, Learning, Decisions, Conflict
Cups: Emotions, Depth, Understanding, Quest
Wands: Will, Ambition, Spirituality, Lifestyle

So, the Ace of Wands will be the card of unique ambition about to
commence, a one-track motivation. The 4 of Pentacles will be the most
structured and stable card, being “structure” in the world of matter. The “5”
card in the world of Cups shows the emotional “energy” of grief that leads
to deep understanding, even if the “action” of the emotions is
Having looked at the Majors and Minors, we can now look at the
numerology of the Court cards. In these, as there is not much material on
applying numerology to the Courts, I have shared my own unique method
which I hope you enjoy and find useful.
Court Cards
The Court Cards do not have a specific number; however, I personally
see them as representing the powers of the numbers 1 - 4 in each of the
Suits, whose elements correspond to the numbers 1 - 4. As we know, there
are several different systems and ways of attributing the numbers, and here
mine is based on a blend on Kabbalah and the classical numerology
throughout this book.
First, I assign numbers to the Court cards based on their rank. This also
corresponds, after a different manner, to their progression in the four worlds
of the Tree of Life.
The Rank Numbers
Page The creative power of 1.
Knight The generative power of 2.
Queen The supportive power of 3.
King The structural power of 4.
I then assign numbers to the four Suits based on their elemental
The Suit/Element Numbers
Pentacles/Earth is a 4, square and grounded.
Swords/Air is a 3, splitting, destroying, and creating, the sharp
Cups/Water is a 2, creative and generative, the division for the
union of love.
Wands/Fire is a 1, the single wand, the unity, the fire of original
These suits also follow in this same sequence through the four worlds
on the Tree of Life, so Fire and 1 is Atziluth, the singular world of all
emanation, down to Assiah, the world of action which corresponds to earth
and the number 4.
When we combine these numbers, this suggests specific keywords:

Pentacles Swords (3) Cups (2) Wands (1)

Page (1) Birth Novelty Originality Inspiration
Knight (2) Work Decision Delivering Ambition
Queen (3) Fixing Affirming Nurturing Passion
King (4) Finishing Judging Arranging Implementing

These meanings may generally accord with the interpretations, designs

or illustrations on particular decks, but can be taken as an additional option
or layer where they cannot be immediately seen in the picture.
If I had a Page of Swords in the past of a relationship question and a
Queen of Wands in the future, I could read that in terms of numerology as
the novelty wearing off, ideally to be replaced by a more supportive (3) and
spiritual (1) passion.
It also means we can allocate specific numbers to each of the Court
Cards by reducing their two values of rank and suit:

Pentacles Swords (3) Cups (2) Wands (1)

Page (1) 5 4 3 2
Knight (2) 6 5 4 3
Queen (3) 7 6 5 4
King (4) 8 7 6 5

We can see that this gives us interesting patterns of energy built into the
Court cards. The ‘5’ cards of conflicting energy, action and control are Page
of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Queen of Cups, and the King of Wands.
This would indeed make quite a team. The King of Pentacles makes the
only “8”, significant as the number of binding, mastery and authority. His
numerology literally gives him more weight in the deck, amongst the Court
The only “2” is the spiritually questing Page of Wands, bearing the
number of individuality and singularity. Our imaginative and artistic “3”
cards are the Page of Cups and the Knight of Wands - the former may be
more obvious than the latter, but the numbers give us deeper readings of
these characters.
This system, giving us a single number for each of the 16 Court cards,
means we can compare it to the number of real names in a situation,
divining if there is additional significance of a card to a person. If a client
was choosing between two potential love interests, whose names added in
one case to 7 and another case to 4, and they received the Page of Swords
(4) in the future, this might add more weight to that person, should the other
cards also be pointing in that direction.
Having given all the cards a single number and seen just a few ways of
applying these in our readings, we can now look at a method of timing in
tarot, before moving to more advanced numerology such as Gematria.
Timing by Numbers in Tarot
In this method, take the forty Minor Arcana cards out of the deck - the
Aces to Tens in each of the four Suits of Pentacles, Swords, Cups and
Think about the situation that might happen (or not) within a specific
time-period, for example, it must happen “within a year”. This time period
could be "within 6 months", "the next two weeks", etc. Decide on whatever
scale would then make the thing impossible to happen, i.e. if it is not going
to happen within a year, then things are likely to have changed or moved on
too much for the same potential outcome.
Whilst thinking of the situation, shuffle the 40 cards and select THREE
CARDS for a reading.
Read the cards as normal for the situation (see my book, True Tarot
Card Meanings).
Now take an average of the NUMBERS on the three cards, i.e. Add
them up and divide by 3.
So, if you had 4 of Swords, 9 of Cups and 2 of Wands = 4 + 9 + 2 = 15,
divided by 3 = 15/3 = 5.
This will always give you a number between 1 and 10, so if you had
three Aces, it would be 1, and three Tens would be 10.
Multiply that number by 100, to give you a percentage, or simply
consider it on a scale of 1-10.
In our example, this would be 5 x 10 = 50%.
This can be taken to indicate how far along your time-scale the event is
likely to happen, subject to the interpretation of the cards.
The example of a 4, 9 and 2 gives a 5 (50%), so indicates half-way in
the time-period, so if it were three months, it would be one-and-a-half
months exactly, i.e. 6 weeks.
If the three cards averaged to 3, that'd be 30% of the way in the time
period, or if it were 8, it'd be 80% of the way.
So, as we have seen, if you had three Aces, the sums would be 1+1+1 =
3, divided by 3 = 1, meaning almost immediately in the time period. If it
were three Tens, it would be right at the end or even "not at all".
Numerology & Kabbalah (Gematria)
“… no‐one may calculate a Gematria in order to deduce from it
something that occurs to him”.
- Nahmanides

The numerology of Jewish mysticism and the Kabbalah known as

Gematria, or ‘knowledge of writing’, is a vastly complex subject. However,
I wanted to share some simple methods you might like to use in your own
numerology and list a few further books in the recommended reading
section for your own further exploration.
Gematria was particularly used to interpret verses in the bible, and
appears in the classic Kabbalistic texts, the Sepher Yetzirah (Book of
Formation) and the Pardes Rimonim (Book of Pomegranates). It was often
used to delve deeper into the different names of God, such as the god-name,
Elohim, ALHIM, which equals 86 (see table following) which is also the
value of Tava, HTBA’a, meaning ‘nature’. This name of God, then, is seen
as representing the essential nature of the Universe, in manifestation rather
than a more abstract name for God such as YHVH.
In gematria, there are many methods - hundreds, in fact - of turning the
Hebrew letters (often from biblical verses) into numbers and then making
correspondences between the results. These correspondences are said to
reveal deeper mysteries underneath the basic words, and even a deeper
mystical structure to the universe, such as proposed by more contemporary
works along the lines of The Bible Code.
To begin a few basic steps into this form of numerology, we first set up
a table which gives the numerical values of the Hebrew letters. This is like
the one I used in my book on Kabbalah, A Step-Up Guide to Kabbalah.
Here we are more interested in the numerical values rather than their
position on the Tree of Life or other correspondences.
Table of Values
Letter Value Tarot Correspondence Astrological
Aleph 1 0: FOOL Air
Beth 2 I: MAGICIAN Mercury
Gimel 3 II: PRIESTESS Moon
Daleth 4 III: EMPRESS Venus
Heh 5 IV: EMPEROR Aries
Vau 6 V: HIEROPHANT Taurus
Zain 7 V: LOVERS Gemini
Cheth 8 VII: CHARIOT Cancer
Yod 10 IX: HERMIT Virgo
Kaph 20 (500) X: WHEEL Jupiter
Lamed 30 XI: JUSTICE Libra
Mem 40 (600) XII: HANGED MAN Water
Nun 50 (700) XIII: DEATH Scorpio
Samekh 60 XIV: TEMPERANCE Sagittarius
Ayin 70 XV: DEVIL Capricorn
Peh 80 (800) XVI: TOWER Mars
Tzaddi 90 (900) XVII: STAR Aquarius
Qoph 100 XVIII: MOON Pisces
Resh 200 XIX: SUN Sun
Tau 400 XXI: UNIVERSE Saturn/Earth

In a few of the letters, they have a higher value if they appear at the end
of a word, (which I have given in brackets) but for our purposes this will
not be necessary.
As I have said, there are many ways of using gematria, and one of these
is to produce a lucky number. In traditional gematria, the Hebrew word for
‘life’ is Chai, spelt Cheth (8) + Yod (10). As this lucky word totals 18, the
number 18 is a traditionally lucky number.
It also means that in our approach, we can work out a lucky number
from any tarot reading. We can do this in several ways, but the simplest is
to take any Major Arcana in a reading and add up their values, then reduce
them to a single number as we do elsewhere in numerology.
We can do this based on either their given Latin number (e.g. 3 for the
Empress (III)) or by their corresponding Hebrew value through
correspondence, which would be Daleth (4) for the Empress. As with all
systems, it is best to decide on one system in the beginning and stick with it
for a while, testing it out, before moving to an additional or alternative
If I had a reading with the Chariot and the Sun in it, this would total 8 +
200 according to Hebrew gematria, which we can reduce to 8 + 200 = 208 =
2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1. The lucky number of that spread would be 1. This
can be given to the client (or ourselves) if it is needed in the future of that
situation, i.e. choosing a restaurant that might be best for a lucky proposal
or conversation might mean we choose the first one on a list if our lucky
number is 1.
If we were to use the Latin card numbers for the same cards, Chariot
(VII) and Sun (XIX), it would be 7 + 19 = 26 = 2 + 6 = 8. The lucky Latin
number would be 8.
We can modify this method to include all the Minor Arcana numbers or
the numbers I have assigned to Court cards, but I think the Major Arcana
are the best to give a fundamental number for overall beneficial results and
creativity, due to their nature.
Another method commonly used in Gematria is to compare words with
the same value, created by adding the values of the letters in a word.
Sometimes we can compare a word to several other words that add up to the
same total. The word ‘YHVH’ (spelt Yod + Heh + Vau + Heh) which is the
sacred and divine name, adds up to 26 (10 + 5 + 6 + 5). This is the same as
the addition of the two words for ‘union’ (Achad) and ‘love’ (Avavah).
Unity = Achad = Aleph + Cheth + Daleth = 1 + 8 + 4 = 13
Love = Avavah = Aleph + Heh + Beth + Heh = 1 + 5 + 2 + 5 = 13
YHVH = Yeheshua = Yod + Heh + Vau + Heh = 10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26
So, Unity (13) + Love (13) = Yeheshua (26).
The Mystery of Unity and 111
We now return to 111, one of the famous numbers we covered in our
earlier section. Although none of the Angel Authors I could find mention it,
this number has a far older and simpler - yet powerful - appearance as a
magical number. It is the total number of the letters of the full spelling of
Aleph, the very first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and as such, the number
extended from “one”.
The letter Aleph, which is the number 1, is spelt in full as Aleph +
Lamed + Peh:
Aleph = 1
Lamed = 30
Peh= 80
ALPh = 1 + 30 + 80 = 111
This is also the same value as the word using the same letters in
reverse, PLA, meaning; ‘marvel, marvellous, incomprehensible’. In fact,
Aleister Crowley recognised the power of this number, 111, and gives PLA
[‘pala’] and 111 as a “title of Kether”, the 1st Sephirah.
When we illustrate this number by correspondence to Tarot, we reveal
the nature of its power; the corresponding Tarot cards are:
Fool (Aleph) + Justice (Lamed) + Blasted Tower (Peh).
In this illustration of a magical engine, we would see the Fool as
‘spiritual freedom’, Justice as ‘truth’ (balance) and the Blasted Tower as
‘shock or acceleration’. It is no wonder then, that it is said this number
heralds significant personal change or the Angels trying to get your
attention. The number symbolises the Unity reaching out through its own
structure and patterns to directly communicate the process of spiritual
initiation. It could be said this number, 111, is the formula of initiation.
To activate this process in your life, and instead of ‘waiting’ for 111, to
initiate it, simply select out those three cards and place them somewhere
you can regularly contemplate them, such as a table, altar or atop a bedside
cabinet. You might also light a single candle or three single candles and
contemplate the cards in their light.
The Mystery of the Beginning
We can apply Gematria and Tarot to any significant word in Hebrew,
such as one studied by many Kabbalists; Bereshith. This is the very first
word of the bible, translated as “in the beginning”. It is spelt Beth + Resh +
Aleph + Shin + Yod + Tau.
B R A Sh Y Th
2 + 200 + 1 + 300 + 10 + 400 = 913
913 = 9+1+3 = 13= 1+3 = 4
When we break it down by the numbers, we see that it reduces to 1 + 3,
the unity becoming a trinity, which reduced to 4, the number of
construction. It is also, Kabbalistically, Kether + Binah = Chesed, i.e. the
singular crown (Kether) of all acting through understanding (Binah) to
create all in love (Chesed).
We can also analyse the tarot illustration of this word through
Magician + Sun + Fool + Last Judgement + Hermit + World
That is, the creator brings light, freedom, and new life, to hide the light
in the world. When we see these words broken down like this, it becomes a
powerful tool to illustrate the absolute structures and patterns of the
universe, revealing great secrets and mysteries through magical
Try using this system to look at the following word in Hebrew,
reducing it to the corresponding tarot cards:
It means “Intention” and is spelt with the Hebrew letters:
Kaph + Vau + Nun + Heh
(= 20 + 6 + 50 + 5 = 81)
The corresponding tarot cards will illustrate how we best go about
realising our will - our intention - in the world.
The word also, through gematria, equates with the following two
concepts, amongst others:
81 = Aph= Anger, Wrath
81 = KSA = Throne, New Moon
So, we can also see those same cards as illustrating the concepts of
anger and power (the throne), although the cards for those words are
different - but they correspond. I look into this further in the following
advanced section on Tarot Equations.
Here are two further words for you to try - I would recommend getting
a Hebrew-English dictionary if you would like to further explore this
method, which will result in endless and powerful illustrations by tarot of
every aspect of existence.
How is the process of “making your mark in life” illustrated by Tarot?
We take the word: Engraving, used in the Sepher Yetzirah, “He
engraved the paths”.
This is spelt ChQQ (pronounced “Chakak”).
The letters are Cheth + Qoph + Qoph.
By gematria, 8 + 100 + 100 = 208
This is also the value of 208 = ABRAH, “a feather”.
How do those same cards correspond with the idea of “engraving” and
“a feather”? It is said that the ancient Egyptian God Thoth engraved the
world with the feather of Ma’at, or “Truth”.

Finally, how about the word for one of the Tarot cards themselves;
“Tower”. We can break down (if you will pardon the pun) the name of each
card into corresponding cards and then through gematria, other concepts. It
really is an endless maze - no wonder the Kabbalists called it an “orchard”
full of trees within trees.
The Hebrew word for Tower is spelt M N D L.
These are the letters Mem + Nun + Daleth + Lamed.
Look up in the table to the corresponding Tarot cards and consider how
these might illustrate the process of the Blasted Tower.
Now, through gematria, we see if there are other words that have the
same value as the word “tower”.
Mem + Nun + Daleth + Lamed
40 + 50 + 4 + 30 = 124
124 = A’aD N (Eden)
So, the Blasted Tower corresponds in this way to the Garden of Eden itself.
What might we make of this?
We will see a bit later how we can also make an equation between the two
sets of tarot cards, in this case between those corresponding to the word for
“tower” and those for “Eden”.
Advanced Gematria
An alternative method of Gematria is far more like the usual forms of
numerology we have already encountered, as it removes zeros during the
counting. This is known as Mispar Katan, or Mispar Meugal, meaning
‘reduced value’.[6] Here, the values of letters are reduced as follows:

Aleph 1
Beth 2
Gimel 3
Daleth 4
Heh 5
Vau 6
Zayin 7
Cheth 8
Teth 9
Yod 1
Kaph 2
Lamed 3
Mem 4
Nun 5
Samekh 6
Ayin 7
Peh 8
Tzaddi 9
Qoph 1
Resh 2
Shin 3
Tau 4

In this method we can see more interesting patterns between the Tarot
cards. I will leave several for the advanced student to explore, but here are
the first few for consideration.
The cards equalling one are the Fool, Hermit and Moon. This
consolidates the symbolism of the Moon as a state of loneliness, the true
darkness or state of solitude of the self. In these three cards we see unity of
the self as folly, freedom, or fear.
The binary or two cards are the Magician, the Sun and the Star. The
Magician is the channel between the worlds, the Sun is that about which we
revolve, and the Star (another sun) is our will in relationship to the universe.
They show the three fundamental levels of relationship, between, around
and beyond.
The only two letters equating to 9 in this system are now Teth, as
originally, and Tzaddi, reduced from 90. These correspond to the tarot cards
of Strength and the Star. These two cards may not immediately seem to
have correspondence, but when we consider that both show a feminine
figure constraining or directing an unruly force; the lion in one, the water in
another, we may have something to contemplate.
In this system we can also conduct gematria, so for example, the word
Chesed, meaning ‘loving kindness’ or ‘Mercy’, the fourth Sephirah on the
Tree of Life, is spelt ChSD, now totalling 8 + 6 + 4 = 18. We would not
reduce the final value in this gematria.
Having explored several aspects of gematria, we will now look at some
further advanced numerology, particularly my unique method of Tarot
Tarot Equations
In the previous chapter, we saw that divine names - spelt in Hebrew -
can be matched to many other systems, using numerology as a bridge
between the systems.
So, for example, the divine name ALHIM corresponds to Tava, the
word for ‘essential nature’ as they both share the value of 86. We can then
analyse this correspondence through the tarot cards, making a sort of
illustrated equation, in this unique method which I call Tarot Equations:
ALHIM (God) = 86 = HTBA’a (Nature)
We add the cards for each letter as the table to produce both sides of the
Fool + Justice + Emperor + Hermit + Hanged Man
Emperor + Strength + Magician + Devil
We might need two or more decks to make certain equations if the
same letters occur on both sides. This can produce interesting comparisons,
if the two words being equated through their shared number are very
different. In this example, we might choose a Waite-Smith Tarot on the left
side, for the mystical name of God, and a Druidcraft Tarot or other Nature-
based tarot on the right-hand side.
We can now contemplate the cards as an equation, in the same way that
Kabbalists contemplate the arrangement of letters in the divine names. In
this example, the process of the Divine on the left, spelt as ALHIM, might
be described as:
Spirit and Truth Rule the Light in their Sacrifice.
This balances out in an eternal process with the right-hand side of
Nature, which the cards might describe as:
Power in Relationship to Nature gives the Word its Manifestation.
This might seem somewhat abstract and mystical, but it provides a
deep contemplative system for meditation and inner insight.
Another example will show the insights that can come from this
Ladder, SLM, Samekh + Lamed + Mem = 60 + 30 + 40 = 130
Eye, A’aIN, Ayin + Yod + Nun = 70 + 10 + 50 = 130
We now lay out the Major Arcana which correspond with these two
words, letter by letter:
Temperance + Justice + Hanged Man = Devil + Hermit + Death
In illustrating these words, which correspond to each other through
identical totals, we provide a rich field for contemplation and even the
development of rituals.
In this example, we have the ladder of spiritual ascent illustrated by the
Angel (recall Jacob’s Ladder up and down which the Angels trod), the
Goddess of Truth and Justice, Ma’at, and the card of Sacrifice. To ascend
this mystical ladder, we must call upon our Angel, face our Truth and
Sacrifice ourselves to it. On the other side of the Equation, balancing this
mystical process and work, we have the Devil and Death, separated by the
Hermit. This might suggest to us that we must always have to face the
temptations of life, the fear of death, and the absolute loneliness of the self
on this path. We might even see the temptation of Christ in the wilderness
on that side of the equation, and the vision of Jacob in the other side, taking
a more biblical view.
In this example, the word A’ain is actually a full spelling of the letter
Ayin, meaning “eye” and corresponding to the Devil card. It illustrates the
case for all the letters, which can be spelt as words in themselves, so the
Devil can be broken down into the Devil + Hermit + Death. In fact, those
letters can also be spelt in full and broken down, ad infinitum down a never-
ending rabbit hole.
A final example for you to contemplate is the Hebrew word for
divination, qesem, totalling 200 by gematria (QSM = 100 + 60 + 40 = 200).
This is also the value of ‘a casting net or sling’, (QLA’a = 100 + 30 + 70 =
200), Using the letters and cards for these two words, how might we
consider that divination is like a casting net?
We can now move onto using our understanding of numerology in
practical rituals, creating talismans, bespoke spells and conclude with
magical squares based on numbers - again, with a unique tarot twist.
Number in Ritual

Now, there are such kind of bindings as these made by

sorceries, collyries, unguents, and love potions; by binding to or
hanging up of things; by rings, by charms, by strong imaginations
and passions, by images and characters, by enchantments and
imprecations, by lights, by numbers, by sounds, by words, and
names, invocations, and sacrifices; by swearing, conjuring,
consecrations, devotions, and by divers superstitions, and
observations, and such like.
- Agrippa, p. 125.

As we have seen, the power of numbers is seen as a pattern which is

written into the universe. The understanding of this language of numbers
allows us to predict, divine, and analyse the likely property or power of any
number. We have also seen that all names belong to a number, so that the
true name of any person or object can be seen as a number. This “true
name” was of utmost importance to those wishing to convey themselves
into - or stir - the fabric of the universe through magical acts.
The ancient Egyptians were said to preserve their true name as a
magical one, such as the real name of the modern TV character Dr. Who
being known only to one person. This was because the knowledge of a true
name was thought to give great power to the person who knew it, as they
could connect that name magically to the actual person and work change
upon it. Similarly, if you knew the name of any spirit or entity, you could
calculate its number and use this number to have power on it.
In this section I will show you magical rituals which use numerology to
enhance one’s own life without it being at the detriment of others. It is
vitally important that we cast magical spells with a view to effecting change
from our own life without seeking the change in other people’s lives. That
sort of magic always rebounds as the universe works to re-balance all
activities, and we cannot know the true complexity of another life-path, as
we barely know our own.
If you are working magical practice in any particular system, such as a
neo-pagan tradition, hermetic path, etc., then you may look to add
numerology as an additional layer to your existing practice. The language
of numbers is a universal one, and we can always tweak it to suit any
perspective or path. If the number “5” means ‘great power’ and you are
working in a Norse path, you would simply equate this with “Thor”.
However, as always, if your system has existing sets of correspondences or
direct attributions for numbers, then please feel encouraged to explore these
A Numerology Talisman

Again, all things that are, and are made, subsist by and receive their
virtue from numbers - for time consists of numbers - and all motion
and action, and all things which are subject to time and motion.
[Magus, XIV].

One of the simplest yet most powerful ways of working magick as a

beginner is to create a talisman. I would usually say that this is not to be
tried by beginners, but as most beginners will want to try to work anything
from a talisman to a full deity invocation on their first day, it seemed better
to give clear and safe instructions for what most will want to do!
Divination, candle magick, dream-work, pathworking, astral travel,
protection rituals and talismans are all of interest to a beginner because they
usually test your working with real results. If they work, they demonstrate
how the universe works in ways that you did not know - and if they do not,
they teach you to refine your working until they do, resulting in self-change
In creating a simple Talisman, I will reference the Natural Magick of
Agrippa in this section, and you may find in the reading list a further set of
references and recommended reading to explore magical practice with
numbers. Agrippa also used Gematria, which I will cover in a separate
section, and much of his numerology combines Greek and Hebrew
alphabets. I will try and keep it to simple sets of key-words whilst again
suggesting further research in the reading list for those wishing to deepen
their studies.
Also, this method has several variations and unique steps and concepts
that I have learnt over time from working with other magicians with over
forty years’ experience, so I have tried to share the best of these hints and
tips for safe but effective working.
Effect or Virtue?
First, determine if you wish a number to have an effect or a virtue. That
is, do you want to create a change in the situation or your environment
(effect), or within yourself (a virtue)? My recommendation is to always start
with a virtue before trying an effect. In this way, often the change can be
carried out by making a change inside yourself, and the universe will
respond to this. It reduces the complexity of trying to determine exactly
what the best change is “outside” because then there are almost infinite
connections to consider.
The Shape of your Magical Figure
The shape of your magical figure and talisman should be decided from
the following general outline:
Circle: For virtues and completions, binding and closures, spiritual
Triangle: For virtues or effects, where great focus, power or specific
intent is required.
Square: For effects, where a simple, solid change is required.
Other: For specific correspondences, forces, or deities where a
specific shape is appropriate.
The Appropriate Planet

…Moon, to servitude or infirmities; in a Saturnine order, to

quietness or sadness; in the order of Jupiter, to worship; in the order
of Mars, to fear and discord; in a Venus order, to love and joy; in a
Mercurial order, to persuasion and obsequiousness…
- Agrippa (Book 1 Part 4)

We next select a number with which to work, based on the number

itself (from previous keywords) or from the corresponding planet.
1: General Personal Inner Work
2: General Relationship Work
3: Saturn - protection, buildings, safety, long-term health
4: Jupiter - wealth, growth, good luck (breaks evil thoughts from
5: Mars - strength, decisions, courage, confidence
6: Sun - friendship, success, popularity
7: Venus - love, creativity, romance, relationships
8: Mercury - clarity, communication, connection (also aids important
9: Moon - security, health, good wishes from others (general change
for better)
The Moon and number 9 are a more general purpose energy which
bring about change and increase in favour, no matter the specific subject or
situation. This is a more subtle power as it has no real ‘radiance’ of its own,
the moon reflecting the sun’s light. It can be used in more delicate or
complex situations to effect some change of its own accord, before then
applying a more direct energy from one of the other numbers and planets.
Timing the Talisman
Whilst the timing of the talisman is one of the least important aspects
of the working, in practice, it can be easily considered so is worth some
thought. Some magicians argue more that timing is crucial and essential,
but I have found from advice and over the years that it is more important to
have the right state of mind for magical working than fix to a particular
time and as a result not have the right state of mind.
Having said that, we can certainly use a few simple observations to
allay any fear that astrological or astronomical patterns might make the
talisman harder to charge than not.
1. Day or Night
The powerful times for magical working are at the transition points of
the day, so sunrise, sunset, noon and midnight can be chosen as most
relevant to a particular working. If you want confidence, then sunrise or
noon would be powerful. To uncover a secret or gain clarification, then a
midnight working might feel most appropriate. To close off someone’s
energy towards you, you might even choose to work half-way between
sunset and midnight, but make a small start on the talisman exactly on
sunset, and make the final touch to it as the clock strikes midnight.
2. Day of the Week
We can select a day of the week appropriate to the planet, as in the
following tables.
3. Hour of the Day
You might also choose to use the planetary hours of the day. In general,
these follow the sequence each hour from sunrise, depending on the day of
the week, as follows: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and
the Moon. The days are divided into two halves, from sunrise to sunset, and
sunset to the following sunrise, and each hour given a planet.
We would want to choose an hour of a particular day to match the
number/planet for our talisman.
Fig. Table of Hours (day)
Fig. Table of Hours (night)
If we were working with the Sun, we could choose a Sunday and the 8th
hour from sunrise. If sunrise were at 06:30am on that day, then the 8th hour
would start at 2:30pm until 3:30pm.
4. Phase of the Moon
Another consideration is the position - or more immediately, the phase
- of the Moon. The moon passes from New to Full and back again in a cycle
between waxing (increasing) and waning (decreasing) phases. An online
moon calendar will let us know the present and future phases of the moon if
we wish to also include that in our timing.
A bit like choosing night or day, we choose the moon to be relevant to
our main theme of working:
NEW: Secret, completing, self-focused
FULL: Powerful, spiritual, honouring
WANING: Closing, decreasing, reducing, removing
WAXING: Growing, comforting, success, encouragement
5. Position and Movement of Mercury
As all magick and sigils can be considered as being governed by the
planet Mercury, you might like to check the position and forward
movement of mercury. As it is seen as ‘negative’ in ‘retrograde’, you might
want to avoid this period. If, however, that does not mean anything to you, I
would not let it get in your way. There is an equal argument to use the
‘retrograde’ motion as a sort of starting-block effect, so unless it has
significance in your usual considerations, this factor is not as important as
the others.
6. Astrological Position of Planet
As we are working with a planet as a concrete object to represent a
number, we can add a further level of detail and consideration by looking at
the position of the planet in the sky at the potential times of our ritual to
construct a talisman.[7]
7. Transits in One’s Own Chart
A final factor, for those already versed in astrology, is to look at one’s
own transits and planetary positions at the possible choices for conducting
the ritual. If you are able to do this, you will already know what to look for,
such as how Mercury and the planet of interest is transiting your overall
chart. I suggest getting a chart and transit report prepared for you by Lyn
Birkbeck, my own astrology mentor.[8]
The Colour for Each Number
We will now choose an appropriate colour for our talisman based upon
the planet (and the number) which we have selected for our purpose.
1: White
2: Black and White (checkerboard pattern)
3: Saturn - Blue
4: Jupiter - Citrine (yellow-gold)
5: Mars - red
6: Sun - yellow (gold)
7: Venus - pink (or green)
8: Mercury - silver (glitter)
9: Moon - silver (mirror)
The Talismanic Symbols
I will now provide a selection of suggested symbols for each number
and planet, in order that we can create our first talisman in a quick and
simple way. These have been chosen from experience, and you are
encouraged to find and develop your own symbols based on astrology,
ciphers, grimoires, sigils and other sources, if you wish to delve further into
this form of magick.
I will provide a reading list at the end of this book for those looking for
deeper references.
1: Single Circle, Dot, Snake Eating its Own Tail, Infinity Loop.
2: Two Lines, Two Circles, Two Pillars, A Double-Faced (Janus) Head.
3: Three triangles, Three Flames, Three Yod Letters.
4: Four Squares, Four Buildings, Four-Lettered Name (YHVH).
5: Five Pentagrams, Five Swords, or other Martial Symbols (Shields,
depending on purpose).
6: Six Radiant Circles, Six Solar Faces, Six Gold Coins, Six
7: Seven Hearts, Seven Roses, Seven Keys (herein a great mystery).
8: Eight Fish, Eight Wands (Caduceus), Eight Lightning Flashes.
9: Nine Crescents, Nine Waves, Nine Circles Shaded in Phases.
Note that any number/planet can be readily represented by just the
appropriate number of dots, circles, or dashes without adding any further
I want to create a talisman for a friend to get a job. His full name adds
up to 6 and so does the name of the company. The role is customer facing,
so a very “6” sort of employment. If the numbers were different, I might go
for the name of the friend only, as it is on his agency that the job will be
I will want to make him a SUN talisman of the number 6 to empower
him at the interview.
The shape of the talisman I choose from the list will be a triangle. This
is because it is a single interview where he requires most focus. If it were to
ensure good luck in the job or promotion, it would be a square, because he
would already be established in the role.
The triangle is a “3” number, so I will make a talisman that is two
triangles, interlocked, making a total number again of 6. This is the number
of the hexagram, also corresponding to the Sun.
The triangles will be drawn in yellow-gold.
I will create the talisman at noon, when the sun is strongest, on a
Sunday, as this not only corresponds to the Sun, but his interview is on
Monday. I will not factor in any other timing consideration, as the Sun is a
fairly strong force in itself, and my timing options are limited to the date of
the forthcoming interview.
I will draw 6 gold coins, 3 in each triangle, to represent the success of
the interview. If it were for a promotion, I might instead draw 6 shining
faces, as again, his employment and money would have already been
established in the situation.
So, my final “6” talisman will be two interlocked triangles with six
gold coins, created at noon on Sunday.
I will draw the number 6 carefully on the back of the talisman and ask
him to count on it (see following instruction) six times before the interview.
Creating the Talisman
To create the talisman, as we have seen in my example working, we
gather the design and materials ready for a particular time. We then conduct
a simple ritual, which follows the steps of banishing, purification,
consecration, invocation, and banishing.
You may wish to say the prayer to the Monad at the start of any
numerology magick:
Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men! O holy,
holy Tetractys, thou that containest the root and source of the eternally
flowing creation! For the divine number begins with the profound, pure
unity until it comes to the holy four; then it begets the mother of all, the all-
comprising, all-bounding, the first-born, the never-swerving, the never-
tiring holy ten, the keyholder of all.
The ritual can be as simple as lighting an appropriate number of
candles (or simply one, to represent the unity and connection of all things),
ringing a bell (the appropriate number of times, such as 6 for our Sun
talisman) at the start of the creation, and blowing the candle out and ringing
the bell again once the talisman has been created.
Incense may be lit which is appropriate to the planet or power - or a
general incense such as sandalwood or frankincense.
The candles can be the appropriate colour for the talisman, you can
wear appropriate colours, etc., all the way to conducting a full banishing
ritual of the pentagram, purifying with salt and water, and formal invocation
of the relevant planet or power - which is a little beyond the scope of this
present book.
The most important thing is to set aside a space in your life for the
creation to take place, which is not your usual space. Also, the mindset,
however it is brought about, should be of ‘de-focused intensity’, not
particularly thinking about the aim or desired result but rather on the act of
We allow the universe to bring about the aim - we merely provide the
intent or best template likely to align with that aim. In everyday life, we
suspect the universe has a “plan” and we have to “do” things; in magick, it
is the other way around - we know that it is the Universe that does
everything - and we are the ones who must have the plan.
Counting on the Talisman
In certain cases, a talisman is best given to a person, or carried by
ourselves at a particular time, if we have created it for our own purpose. In
either case, it may need to be “called upon” at one specific time, such as
ahead of a job interview, or when facing someone from whom we need
additional psychic protection, etc.
To activate the energy of the talisman, I use my own method called
“counting on the talisman”. I simply take hold of it in my pocket, or under
papers on the table, etc., and tap out the relevant number for the power to
become available to me.
So, in the case of my example, I would tell my friend to take the
talisman in their pocket to the interview, and then tap slowly on it six times
before being called into the appointment. I might also advise them to count
on it when leaving.
Once the talisman has been activated for a specific aim, it should be
destroyed appropriately, that the “aim” be released and left to the universe.
We must not obsess over it or remain attached to it.
A sun/6 talisman could be cut up six times and burnt (safely), a
mercury/8 talisman could be allowed to flow away down a stream.
Having looked at the considerations for constructing a powerful
talisman, we will now look at using numbers in a tarot-based spell.
A Tarot Number Ritual
In this section, we will look at creating a simple tarot ritual, based on
numerological patterns. In using tarot to illustrate the numbers, we set up a
powerful resonance in the universe of pattern, which may bring about
change in conformity with our will - the very definition of Magick.[9]
We will construct our ritual in seven steps, with several groups of
cards, to create a tarot temple and then “load” them in the same way as a
rune can be “loaded” with magical intent.
Step One
The first step is to choose three cards; a Court card to represent the energy
required in the spell, a Minor card to act as a picture of the present situation,
and a Major card to illustrate the overall theme or pattern being played out.
If you are unsure of the Major arcana choice, it can be drawn from the
twenty-two cards as a divination, as the pattern may be different than it
appears on the surface.
Court Card = Energy
Minor Card = Situation
Major Card = Archetypal Pattern
To help select a card where it does not appear obvious, I offer some
suggestions for each selection below.
When selecting the “energy” card from the Courts, consider:
Suit = Aspect of Reality, i.e. is this an emotional energy (Cups) you
want, or a practical one (Pentacles), etc?
Court Rank = What is the speed or direction of the energy you want; is
it a stabilising energy (King) or a short, sharp thrust of energy (Knight),
When finding a card for the situation, consider the Suit in a similar way
to the energy card, i.e. which area of life is the situation playing out in, for
example, if financial, it will be a Pentacles situation.
For the Number, consider the progression of the current situation; has it
just kicked off (Ace) or ground to a halt half-way along some planned
course (5)? If it feels already over and done with, choose a 10.
As I mention, the Major Card is the “type” of pattern which underlies
the whole situation. As this may not always be what we think, if you cannot
quickly decide on an obvious Major card, select it from the deck face-down,
using on the twenty-two Majors. The card may surprise you!
A few examples of the selection of Major card:
Star = Hope
Lovers = Choice
Hierophant = Faith
Tower = Self-destructive
So, if I wanted to address a social situation where I wanted to get out
and meet more like-minded people, I might choose:
Energy card = Queen of Wands, as I want to bring more vibrancy and
passionate energy to my social sphere.
Minor Card = 8 of Swords, as I feel the situation is me binding myself with
illogical fears. Perhaps I feel as if I have been left behind or out of society.
Major Card = Death. I was going to pick “Strength”, but I decided to make
a draw and drew “Death”. Whilst this may be a bit startling, I guess there is
a pattern of transformation I must face which is present in a lot of other
areas in my life.
Step Two
To represent your own numerological patterns in the ritual, take your
previously calculated cards for personality, soul, constellations, and hidden
In my case, it would be:
Personality/Soul Card: Emperor/Fool
Background Card: 12 (Hanged Man)
Step Three
To represent time as a factor in the ritual, select the Year Card for the
current year:
Year Card (2020) = 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4 = Empress
Note that you cannot get the timeless (and zero) Fool for a time-card and it
will be more than a century or so from the writing of this book that you
might need to reduce a number over 21.
Step Four
We now select a card from the Minor arcana to represent the AIM of
the ritual.
If we wanted a situation to reach a speedy financial conclusion, we
might select the 10 of Pentacles, or to help the energy of a new project, the
Ace of Wands.
Nb. In every step, if you have a card that is already being used in the
ritual, either select the same card from a different deck, or chose another
Step Five
We can now arrange our cards in a relevant layout to build our tarot temple.
We use numerology in the context of shape at this stage.
There is no template for this stage. Arrange your Spell Cards, Energy
Card, Situation and Pattern Cards about your Outcome card as reflects the
situation and the desired aim.
You may arrange the cards in different shapes and in relation to each
other, or place cards on top of each other, lay them in overlapping patterns,
or however seems best to create a “temple” plan.
You may choose to place some cards face-down, if you want the ritual
to reduce their power.
Consider that Shapes have meanings as we have seen:
Square = Solid
Triangle = Force
Circle = Unity
Pentagram = Force, Protection
We can now conduct the actual ritual, although much work has already been
done - and will resonate - by selecting the relevant cards and setting them
Step Six
We now load the Cards by conducting a divination “in” the temple we have
Select all the cards you have not used in the temple layout and draw three
cards (the number of power) to reveal the following:
1. How do I Purify the Temple of my Life?
2. What do I invoke?
3. What do I Consecrate?
The first card will often show you what needs removing or simplifying in
your life to gain the desired aim.
The second card shows what needs adding or amplifying to be best directed
to the aim.
The third card shows what needs your immediate attention and resolution -
and usually, how to achieve that resolution.
The three cards together will provide a clear message which is aligned on
deep layers of pattern, providing the most important steps to take in
achieving the desired ambition.
Step Seven
You can now clear away the cards or leave them out until you have acted on
the three divination cards.
You can add more components to the performance of this ritual by many of
the suggestions in the Talisman section:
Commence the Working at an appropriate hour.
You may burn a candle and/or suitable corresponding incense.
A working can also involve a movement of the cards over time, for
example, bringing the three divined cards closer into the ‘centre’ of your
temple layout as the days progress and you take the suggested actions.
At the start and close of the working, ring a bell or chime a gong an
appropriate number of times.
Closing the Working
Once a suitable period has elapsed (appropriate to each working)
and/or the result obtained, pack the cards away and shuffle them back into
the deck.
Number Spells
Constructing Number Spells
In this chapter we will look at one of the most widely-recognised words
of magic and use it to demonstrate how we can construct our own number
spells for any purpose.
The most well-known magical word is surely “abracadabra”, uttered by
stage magicians even to this day. This magical word actually has an esoteric
pedigree, going back all the way a first appearance in the 2nd century and
then throughout history as a charm upon amulets, a word of magical power
and an incantation of spirits. It was often written in a triangular form, and is
composed of 11 letters, eleven being a number associated with magic and
change, as is 111.
In 11 we have 1 + 1 = 2, which I interpret as the Magician (card 1)
turning the Wheel of change (card 10 = 1 + 0 = 1) creating transcendent and
mystical change, indicated by the High Priestess (card 2). When we have
111, this adds to 3, the number of creation and the divine trinity - another
powerful combination. The numbers 111 also signify to me the three upper
Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, as being three separate aspects of reality, yet
at the same time being identical.
When Abracadabra is written as a triangle, it starts with 11 letters, and
obviously draws down to a point with one letter, the letter “A”, which is the
first letter of the alphabet.
However, there is a further and more esoteric working of the word,
which I would like to share with you and demonstrate used as a simple
number spell. This is the word ABRAHADABRA, with one letter changed
by the notorious magician Aleister Crowley, in the same way he added a
“K” on the end of “Magic(k)” to return it to the more original spelling of
the word - and to distinguish it from stage magic.
In a sense, he did this also with Abracadabra, by changing a letter to
both reclaim it and utilise it.
The word first makes its appearance as ABRAHADABRA in his
earliest but most profound experience of receiving the Book of the Law in
Cairo, 1904. This short piece of writing was taken by Crowley (with some
apparent hesitations along the way) as a received or channelled “gospel” for
a New Aeon. The word makes an appearance several times during this piece
and it also appears in his diary - which I have seen - just prior to the
occurrence of his mystical experience.
The Hebrew spelling of Abracadabra is said to be ABRA-KDBRA,
which might be taken to mean “I create, as the ‘word’”. This would be very
suitable for our magical purpose and numerology.
If we apply Hebrew gematria to this spelling, we get a total of
1+2+200+1+20+4+2+200+1 = 431 = 4 + 3 + 1 = 8, the number of mastery.
The word is generally taken as a warding; against malign spirits, evil
intents, disease or misfortune, so I use it in terms of a simple numerology
spell for protection. It is best created as a small talisman and then worn,
carried, or placed near to the bed or outside the house, depending on its
purpose and from where the misfortune might be seen as coming.
I also use the Crowley version of the word, ABRAHADABRA, as this
adds up to 418, which is a powerful and meaningful number in Thelema,
signifying the “formula” of the New Aeon, and is the word which appears
on the Chariot card for this reason in the Thoth Tarot.[10]
In brief, ABRAHADABRA has 11 letters, which is the number of
magick, it equals 418 in Hebrew gematria, which is a formulae describing
how the universe works from the view of the New Aeon, and by English
numerology, it adds to 22 (1+2+2+1+5+1+4+1+2+2+1), which is the
number of Tarot Major Arcana, paths on the Tree of Life, Hebrew letters,
and twice eleven. It is a very powerful word in terms of numerology.
To create the warding spell, I create a small triangular talisman out of
paper, wood or stone, with the word upon it as below:
On one side I write the letters, on the other side of the talisman I write
the numbers from English numerology (adding to 39 = 3 + 9 = 12 = 1 + 2 =
I choose a good time for the working (see chapter on spell-casting by
numbers) and then recite the numbers and their sums like so, over the
So mote it be.
1 2 9 1 8 1 4 1 2 9 1 makes 39 makes 12 makes 3
By the power of this talisman I am made free.
1 2 9 1 8 1 4 1 2 9 makes 38 makes 11 makes 2
From all evil that any may seek to do.
1 2 9 1 8 1 4 1 2 makes 29 makes 11 makes 2
From all malign influences and magick too.
1 2 9 1 8 1 4 1 makes 27 makes 9
The powers of these numbers will combine.
1 2 9 1 8 1 4 makes 26 makes 8
Against all enmity, mastery and hate.
1 2 9 1 8 1 makes 22 makes 4
And protect me from misfortune coming through my door.
1 2 9 1 8 makes 21 makes 3
By all the cards numbered and unnumbered I call to me.
1 2 9 1 makes 13 makes 4
The number of bad luck kept from my door.
1 2 9 makes 12 makes 3
As the spell is spoken, so mote it be.
1 2 makes 3 makes 3
I speak it again, so may it be.
1 makes 1 makes 1
So, thrice-spoke, it is done.
This creates a downward focus, earthing the word to a single “1” at the
point and creates an almost trance-like repetition of the numbers, energising
and binding them as each is read out separately. It also removes the
conscious mind from the actual word and intent of the spell, being reminded
with each spoken word-line, and then combining again into a semi-
patterned and repeated set of numbers.
The more you also learn the energy and discrete power of each number,
the more powerful this spell becomes, because each number comes more
strongly to represent a wealth of rich correspondences, powers, energies,
deities, and forces, all as attributes of a single number.
The universe is certainly built of number, and when we work with
numbers in this strange angle, we might find ourselves weaving and
working that web of patterns to an immediate effect.
You can now design your own numerology spells and workings based
on this simple method, by creating a small talisman of appropriate material,
colour and shape, and binding the numbers of a magical word upon it to suit
your intent.
As an example, for rapid or major change, breaking us free of a
situation, we could use the number 111.
The word for this number would be ALEPH (ALPh = 1 + 30 + 80 =
111). We could simply bind the letters in triangle on one side of a talisman
and the (reduced) numbers on the other side:
A L Ph

The chant for this number spell could involve the rhyming words
“won” (one), “free” (three) and “fate” (eight) for example, or other words
more suited to your intent.
Having looked at the construction of our own number spells, with the
components already in this book, we will next move onto the construction
and use of talismans and magical squares, which can also be added into our
Number Talismans & Magic Squares
Magic Squares
In this chapter I will demonstrate how numbers form magical squares,
and we can then add this method to our creation of talismans or use in
number spells.
A magical square is simply an arrangement of numbers in a square
grid, which all add to the same total number, whether they are added across,
down or even diagonally. In the example 3x3 square for SATURN below,
we see a magic square of 15, where each row (vertical) or column
(horizontal) adds up to 15.

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

These squares, when used magically rather than mathematically, are

sometimes referred to as Kamea, from the Hebrew meaning ‘amulet’. It is
spelt Kaph + Mem + Aleph + Heh, totalling 66 (in Hebrew gematria), a
powerful master number. These letters also correspond to the Tarot cards of
the Wheel + Hanged Man + Fool + Emperor. This illustrates the power of
the Squares to make a sacrifice to fate, freeing universal power.
The Squares were adopted from earlier sources into Western
esotericism through grimoires such as the evocatively named Picatrix (of
unknown date, likely the middle of the 11th century), the Archidoxa Magica
(1567) and De Occulta Philosophia (1531).
The size of the square was attributed to the number corresponding to
the planets, so the 5x5 square was seen as the Square of Mars (5) and the
9x9 square, the Square of the Moon (9).
We can also create magic squares of Hebrew letters, which as we see in
our gematria section, also have numeric values. In the case of our example,
for the top row, we would replace the 4 with the letter Daleth, the 9 with the
letter Teth, and the 2 with the letter Beth.
We can also use the Tarot cards in these squares, so again for our
SATURN example, we could use the correspondence of the Latin numbers
or the Hebrew letter correspondences.
The Tarot equivalences for the top row (4, 9 , 2) would be:
Latin Numbers (on the cards): Emperor, Hermit, High Priestess.
Hebrew Numbers (through correspondence): Empress, Strength, Magician.
We will look at how to lay these cards based on the numerology of the
magical squares at the conclusion of this section. First, we will look at how
to decide on a standard planetary square to use for magic, how to use it, and
how to create your own unique sigils.
Planetary Squares
The Planetary Squares may be used as talismans to attract or ward
against their respective forces. To ward off or protect against something, we
tend to use the magical square with the numbers, and to attract or manifest
something, we draw a sigil from the square. We will look at sigils in the
next section.
I have listed their uses and sizes below, followed by each square.

Planet Size of Total Ward Attraction

Square (Protect (Towards)
Saturn 3 15 Sadness Wisdom,
Jupiter 4 34 Greed, Bad Resources,
Luck Money,
Mars 5 65 Anger, Courage,
Evil Recognition
Sun (Sol) 6 111 Repression Good Luck,
Venus 7 175 Envy Love,
Mercury 8 260 Confusion, Clarity, Swift
Lying Results,
Exam Success
Moon 9 369 Bad Spiritual
(Luna) dreams, Insight,
anxiety, Divination,
fear Self-
These are just a few of the examples for the use of the Squares, for
example, if a colleague at work was vying for a job by telling misleading
things to a manager, you might use both Venus to ward off the envy and
Mars to gain better recognition. A long spell of debilitating bad luck might
be countered by the Moon and Jupiter together, leading also to some insight
as to the spiritual lesson to be learnt.
I will now give the method of creating a sigil on the Squares as I learnt
in Magicka School.[11]
First, choose the square appropriate for the planet with which you wish
to work.
Square of Saturn
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6
Square of Jupiter
4 14 15 1
9 7 6 12
5 11 10 8
16 2 3 13
Square of Mars
11 24 7 20 3
4 12 25 8 16
17 5 13 21 9
10 18 1 14 22
23 6 19 2 15
Square of the Sun
6 32 3 34 35 1
7 11 27 28 8 30
19 14 16 15 23 24
18 20 22 21 17 13
25 29 10 9 26 12
36 5 33 4 2 31
Square of Venus
22 47 16 41 10 35 4
5 23 48 17 42 11 29
30 6 24 49 18 36 12
13 31 7 25 43 19 37
38 14 32 1 26 44 20
21 39 8 33 2 27 45
46 15 40 9 34 3 28
Square of Mercury
8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1
49 15 14 52 53 11 10 56
41 23 22 44 45 19 18 48
32 34 35 29 28 38 39 25
40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33
17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24
9 55 54 12 13 51 50 16
64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57
Square of the Moon
37 78 29 70 21 62 13 54 5
6 38 79 30 71 22 63 14 46
47 7 39 80 31 72 23 55 15
16 48 8 40 81 32 64 24 56
57 17 49 9 41 73 33 65 25
26 58 18 50 1 42 74 34 66
67 27 59 10 51 2 43 75 35
36 68 19 60 11 52 3 44 76
77 28 69 20 61 12 53 4 45
The standard planetary sigils are given in Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult
Philosophy and are created by an artistic connection of each of the numbers
in the square as follows.




Personalized Sigils
Using numerology, we can now produce a sigil on the appropriate Square
by converting our desired aim into a series of numbers. This also removes
the aim from our conscious attention, so that we can better work without
“lust of result”.
This can be done using our standard numerology below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

We might choose to simply convert our magical name to numbers and

use that to draw a general sigil on the appropriate planetary Square or work
our specific aim down to one word and use that to generate the numbers.
Once we have the numbers, we can connect them together on the Square,
creating our own unique sigil.
If my aim were to improve my luck, for example, I would choose the
Square of Jupiter or the Sun. As it is a general talisman in mind, and I
would also like favourable growth, I will choose the SUN. To keep it
absolutely focused on luck, I will use the two words GOOD LUCK for my
I first derive the numbers for each letter in my key word or phrase.
GOOD LUCK = 7 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2
I then connect these numbers together with lines as simply and
elegantly as possible on the Square of the Sun. There are a few general
guidelines with sigils;
1. Start them with a small circle to mark the commencement of the first
2. If a number is repeated, you can either draw a small repeated loop or
a circle.
3. Finish the last line with a small line across the line, like a T, marking
it as the final position.

Here we see my sigil for GOOD LUCK on the SUN Square, starting
with the position of the number 7, a small loop for the twice-repeated 6,
then down to 4 and back up to the three 3’s, which I have marked with a
circle. I then draw the line down to the final position for 2, marking it with
a terminating line.
This is my unique sigil and talisman for manifesting good luck through
the agency of the Sun. We now either simply carry it, place it under our
pillow, or activate it through the ritual we have already given earlier in this
You can also use colour symbolism to draw the numbers and the line
against the relevant colour background of the Square - or even mark the
Square on the appropriate metal for the planet, if you have a plate of gold or
silver to hand for the sun or moon.
We have now reached the end of this present book on Numerology and
I hope it has given you many ideas for looking at number patterns in life -
and seeing life itself as a pattern that can be expressed in numbers. Not only
that, but with a deeper understanding and application of numerology, you
can come to experience life in a totally different way, a bit like Neo does at
the end of the first Matrix film, where his view of reality resolves itself into
a constant stream of numbers and programs.
For now, I will leave you with a little interesting side-note on the
appearance of numbers in art. Who knows, perhaps other artists and tarot
designers have also used numerology, numbers and patterns in their works
to express this fundamental truth; that everything is made up of ones,
ultimately making one whole “one”, as Feynman said in our quote at the
opening of this book, and as Pythagoras termed it, the Monad.
Albrecht Dürer (1471 - 1528)
In this famous image of 1514, designed by Albrecht Dürer, we see the
Square of Jupiter as a ward against melancholy, which is the title of the
picture, “Melancholia I”. The Square is particularly interesting as it totals
34 in the rows, columns, corners, of the square, and even the centre four
squares, the outer four squares, and many other arrangements within the
square. Not only that, but the middle two numbers of the bottom row are 15
& 14, together making the date of the picture, 1514, and the numbers either
side of those two numbers on the bottom row are 4 and 1, which we will
immediately recognise as D and A, reversed being the initials of the artist,
Albrecht Dürer.
The artist is revealed by the patterns he has created.
Illus. Melancholia I, Albrecht Dürer (1514).
Illus. Tree of Life.
I hope you have found this Numerology book to be informative and
encouraging and thank you for taking the time to purchase and read this
My key aim to share genuine, fresh teaching techniques that leave you
wanting to learn more. If you have liked what you have read and would like
to learn more about numerology, Kabbalah and tarot please do come along
and join me and many thousands of other readers in the website where you will discover much more
innovative and lively tarot.
To discover more about the Kabbalah and the Western Esoteric
Initiatory System, you are welcome to visit the site at where you can learn more and apply for
apprenticeship and teaching in this system.
Wishing you all the right numbers!
With love, Andrea.
Further Reading in Numerology
The aim of this small book has been to provide a general introduction and
practical guide to the world of Numerology. If you have been encouraged
by the experience, here are some further books for your study that I have
found useful.
Goodwin, Oliver Matthew, Numerology: The Complete Guide, Vol I
and II (California: Newcastle Publishing Press, 1981)
Stewart, Ian, Natures’s Numbers, Discovering Order and Pattern in the
Universe (London: Phoenix Publishing 1995)
Kaplan, Aryeh, Meditation and Kabbalah (York Beach: Samuel Weiser
Cooper, Jason D., Understanding Numerology, A Practical Guide to the
Power of the Numbers (London: Thorsons, 1986)
Ducie, Sonia, The Complete Illustrated Guide to Numerology
(Shaftsbury, Element, 1999)
Peterson, Ed, Numerology (Charleston, 2010)
Lawlor, Robert, Sacred Geometry, Philosophy & Practice (London,
Thames & Hudson 2007)
Decoz, Hans & Monte, Tom, Numerology a Complete Guide to
Understanding and Using Your Numbers of Destiny (Garden City Park,
Avery Publishing 1984)
Greer, Mary, Tarot Constellations: Patterns of Personal Destiny (North
Hollywood: Newcastle Publishing, 1987) –republished as Who Are You In
the Tarot.
Hitchcock, Helyn, Helping Yourself Through Numerology (London:
Wolfe Publishing, 1972)
Hitchcock, Helyn, Your Number Please (London: W.H. Allen & Co,
Balliet, L. Down, Numerology and the Meaning of Colors as Disclosed
Through Vibration of Numbers as Taught by Pythagoras (Kessinger Press,
only small extract)
Drayer, Ruth A., Numerology: the Power in Numbers (Garden City
Park: Square One Publishers, 2003)
Jordan, Juno, Numerology: The Romance in Your Name (Camarillo:
DeVorss Publications, 1988)
Everett, Caleb, Numbers and the Making of Us (Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2017)
Kindle Tarot Books & Series

Check out all these other books and series for original and exciting ways in
which you can use a deck of tarot cards to change your life.

Also by Andrea Green

True Tarot Card Meanings: Learn the Secrets of Professional Readers!
Tarot for True Romance
7 Day Lenormand
Kabbalah and Tarot: A Step-Up Guide for Everyone
Astrology Love Lookup

Gated Spreads Series

Set 1
Book 1: The Tarot Shaman (Contact Your Animal Spirit)
Book 2: Gates of Valentine (Love & Relationships)
Book 3: The Resurrection Engine (Change Your Life)
Set 2
Book 4: Palace of the Phoenix (Alchemy)
Book 5: Garden of Creation (Creativity & Inspiration)
Book 6: Ghost Train (Explore Your Past)
Set 3
Tarot Temple
Book 1: Create a Tarot Dream Temple
Book 2: The Sacred Altar
Book 3: Tarot Temple Tools
Book 4: Banishing Negativity & Unbalanced Forces
Book 5: Purification of your Temple & Life
Book 6: Consecration of your Temple & Life
Book 7: Divining with the Gods
Tarosophy KickStart Series

Volume I.
Book I: Tarot Flip - Reading Tarot Straight from the Box
Book II: Tarot Twist – 78 New Spreads and Methods [paperback]
Book III: Tarot Inspire – Tarot for a Spiritual Life
Tarot Life Series
Tarot Life: A revolutionary method to change your life in 12 Kindle
booklets. Also includes membership of a private discussion group on
Facebook to share and explore your experiences with over a thousand other
1. Discover Your Destiny
2. Remove The Blocks
3. Make Decisions Better
4. Enter the Flow
5. Ride the Lion
6. Connect to Service
7. Find Equality
8. Die To Your Self
9. Entering Unity
10. Becoming the Real
11. Your Keys to Freedom
12. The Depth of Divinity
Also in Print and Kindle
Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot: Learn the real meanings of the world’s
most popular tarot deck.
Around the Tarot in 78 Days: The ideal beginner book, a three-month
course through every card. An award-winning book, recognized by the
COVR New Age Industry Award for Best Divination Book 2013.
Tarosophy: A ground-breaking book packed with original ideas. The book
also includes 50 unique exercises for Tarot and an extended method of
using the Inner Guide Meditation as given here.
Tarot Face to Face: Take your tarot out of the box and into life!
Tarot Turn Vol. 1 - 3: A massive crowd-sourced reference guide to all
12,200 possible combinations of reversed Tarot card pairs.
Websites & Resources

If you enjoy new learning and want many more ways to use your Tarot
deck, we encourage you to explore our websites. You are also welcomed to
join us in your national Tarosophy Tarot Association, where as a member
you will instantly receive thousands of pages of materials, and tarot video
courses for every level.
We look forward to seeing you soon on your Tarot journey!
Tarosophy Tarot Associations
Tarot Professionals Facebook Group
Free Tarot Card Meanings & Spreads
The Original Lenormand Deck

‘How Humans Invented Numbers—And How Numbers Reshaped Our World’,
reshaped-our-world-180962485/ [Last accessed 16th April, 2020].
So, 65,430 adds up to 18 (6+5+4+3+0) which is equally divisible by 9 (there are 2 x 9 = 18), so
that means that 65,430 is also equally divisible by 9. If you check on a calculator, it is, exactly 7,270
Dantzig, Tobias ([1930], 2005) Number. The Language of Science. p. 42.
Theosophy here means the work and spiritual teachings of Helena Blavatsky (1831 - 1891).
I also double-checked that 7 + 8 does equal 15, just in case.
The more common method which we have already seen is called Mispar Hechrachi, “standard (or
absolute) value”.
Concrete, unless it is the Moon, which, is, of course, made of cheese.
According to Aleister Crowley.
See Marcus Katz, Secrets of the Thoth Tarot Vol. I.
Magicka School at

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