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UNIT 07: The
empty Classroom

Word Definition Sentence

 I think it's very likely that your assumption is

wrong. Because you have no concrete
evidence to the contrary.
Something that you think is
Assumption  The Prosecutor's Office will be in charge of
true although you have no
Noun demonstrating whether the confusing
definite proof
assumptions are true or not. The culprit is
expected to be caught.

 Analyzing the farm reform proposals will make

To examine or think about it possible to choose the best option for the
Analyze something carefully in order to country's well-being. And that is excellent since
Verb see what it is like or to it is important to find a solution.
understand it  This year I will finish university, so I must
analyze the master's options that I can study.

 The workers were informed that they would be

paid in anticipation, which is why they await
Anticipation When you are expecting their payment with great interest and
Noun something to happen expectation. 
 She had a feeling of great anticipation before
her graduation ceremony.

 Collaboration between the geologists led to the

When you work together with discovery of new rocks, which will be studied to
Collaboration another person or group to identify their characteristics.
Noun achieve something, especially  To achieve the development of cleaner fuels
in science or art for automobiles, more collaboration between
companies is needed.

 The President's message of peace was crucial

Something that is crucial is to end protests. The message put an end to
extremely important, because several weeks of chaos in the country. 
everything else depends on  The conservation of aquatic ecosystems is
crucial for human development.

 The scandals that occurred last week will not

Enhance Improve the attribute of enhance the reputation of the organization.
Verb something  These books will enhance your listening skills
and comprehension.
STEP 2: Synthesize

Choose one of the scenarios. For number 1, write a response from Margie.

From a MOOC student to Margie: “You are really lucky that you learn via
technology. Before I took this MOOC course, I had always wanted to have the
flexibility that an online course allows. I also enjoy the international perspective
offered by my cyber-classmates; now I am so happy. You must be, too”

Margie’s answer: Yes, you may be right to say that I am lucky to learn through
technology. There are many reasons to however think so, not everything is rosy,
there are some aspects that you should consider before choosing an online
course. First, these types of courses give you greater flexibility than a face-to-face
course in many aspects. Most of the time the online classes are videos, this allows
you to see them at the time and place you want, that is, you manage the schedules
as best suits you. On the other hand, you can choose the course that you like the
most among many options, however I cannot do it. While you have a person as a
teacher, I have a robot that teaches me at home. Unlike human teachers,
mechanical teachers teach according to each child, that is, they adjust to what we
need to learn. Another advantage of taking a course online is that you can be
connected studying anywhere, as long as you are connected to the internet.
Unfortunately, I can't do it because my mom believes that little girls learn better if
they learn on a regular schedule. On the other hand, you may miss being able to
talk with your colleagues face to face and not just through a screen, being able to
do homework together in a meeting, for example, in a library. Finally, I think you
have a better experience interacting with other people face-to-face than online.

Imagine you are a reporter interviewing the students and the professor from
Reading One and Reading Two. How would they respond to the questions? Write
answers using the words in the boxes. Change the word form or tense if

anticipation assume disappointment issue

1. REPORTER: This is the first MOOC that you were involved in. What were
your expectations before you took the course, and how did it turn out to be
different from what you expected?
Before taking the MOOC course, I had a feeling of great anticipation. I also
made many assumptions about what it would be like to take a virtual
course with people from different countries. To be honest, I must say that I
had a lot of problems during the first three classes. For example, I did not
have good internet, so I was disconnected from the class and that is why I
missed the explanation of the teacher's lessons, this made me believe that
due to these problems the course was going to be a disappointment. But it
was not like that, I was able to solve those problems and continue with the
course. I was also a bit nervous because I was going to meet people from
different countries, and we had to share our ideas in the forums about the
issues in our societies. Finally, all my assumptions were wrong, the
MOOC course was amazing. I was able to learn what sociology is like in
different countries, share my ideas and above all make many friends.
diversity significantly virtual

2. REPORTER: Were you able to feel a connection to your classmates and

teacher, or did you feel isolated?
Because I'm a shy person at first, I didn't feel a connection. I was so isolated
that I preferred not to ask questions even though I had doubts. However,
thanks to Professor Duneier's methodology, which differed significantly
from that of my regular teachers, we did collaborations in every class. As a
result, I began to connect with my colleagues and efficiently solve our
virtual tasks. I remember that one of the tasks was to share about the
diversity of the sociology of our countries. It was an incredible experience
because I got to know different points of view.

analyze overall sector subsequent

3. REPORTER: This was the first MOOC that you have taught. How do you
think it went, and what will you do differently in the next MOOC you teach?
I think it went well; however, I plan to change some things. I consider that
teaching a Sociology course was a bit complicated, however during the
whole course I was in overall control. For that I must first analyze how the
participation of my students was in each class. Then I will review the
surveys conducted by the students, since in them they evaluated my
teaching methodology. This will allow me to know the point of view of the
different student sectors. Subsequently, all this will allow me to improve
my course.

collaborate dispute enhance significantly

4. REPORTER: What do you think about the schools of the twenty-first century
compared to your school?
Schools in the 21st century are very different from today's schools. First of
all, classes are no longer held in schools, but in a room in your house. Also,
there is no more teamwork, so there is no more collaboration between
students. Although technology has advanced over the years, I would prefer
my teacher to be a human and not a machine because there is a
significant difference between their teaching methodologies. This is an
issue that will come into dispute in the government next week. I hope they
go back to teaching humans because I am sure they will enhance teaching.


How do you envision education in the future? Do you think the traditional
classroom with one teacher, 20-25 students, and a chalkboard is a thing of the
past? What role do you think technology will play in education in the future? What
effects will these changes have on the student?

Over the years there have been many improvements in technology. As a result,
technological improvements have improved many aspects of our lives, including
the area of education. Education is essential today, but I wonder to what extent
technology can change education, whether students would really enjoy the change,
and whether they would find it easier to learn with technology. Would the change
be very noticeable? Can technology affect education? Thanks to the collaboration
of many students in a survey, I have been able to analyze and answer all these
Technology can really change education in the best way. In the survey, many
students responded that they would prefer to keep their documents on an
electronic device instead of carrying their notebooks and books in their backpacks,
as these are usually heavy. They also mentioned that with the technology they
could study from anywhere. Through the internet and an electronic device, they
could take their classes remotely. On the other hand, the way of communicating
will also change, since it is likely that students will communicate from their homes
through video calls. For them, this would be more efficient. 
However, technology could cause some problems in education in the future. For
example, if students only communicate through video calls, they may no longer
know how to deal with someone face-to-face. In addition, the fact that they prefer
to use only electronic devices may cause dependency. The students also said that
they agreed that in the future their teachers would no longer be human but
machines, as these would adapt to their needs. This is good to a certain extent, but
they may feel uncomfortable with the teaching methodology of these robots.
Technology will continue to develop, so there will be new ways of providing
education. As a result, the classic classroom with desks and blackboards will be
replaced by electronic devices. This is the best vision for education in the future.
As we have seen, many students said how much they would like to see this
change and how much easier the technology would make it for them. Will this
technological vision be a reality for future classrooms? 
UNIT 08: Managing
your Smartphone

 The most talked about topic in the news

was people's compulsive shopping after
Compulsive Action to have irresistible receiving their AFP.
Adjective impulses.  My brother is a compulsive liar, so when he
says something, we don't believe him

 He suffers from a brain disorder that can

To make something happen very trigger convulsive fits.
quickly.  Russia should not have invaded Ukraine.
The incident could trigger a civil war.

 The temptation to blame others for your

A feeling of wanting to have
Temptation own problems always exists.
something, even if you know you
Noun  Resist the temptation to engage in such
research. The Sinaloa cartel is involved.

 Being conscious of what we are facing is

important to overcome obstacles.
Conscious Awake and able to understand
 My cousin was so drunk that he was barely
Adjective what is happening around you
conscious of what he was doing at the

Stop doing something that you

 If you experience any unusual symptoms
enjoy because it is bad or
after withdrawal of treatment, you should
Withdrawal unhealthy
contact your doctor.
Noun The act of taking money from a
 In many banks there are penalties for early
bank account, or the amount you
withdrawal of savings.
take out

 Children should attend workshops to reduce

Someone or something that you
Dependency their dependency on electronic devices.
can’t separate or walk away
Noun  The dependency of a patient to certain
medications can cause health problems.

Dear Sick and Tired Sadie,

I applaud you for recognizing that your husband has a problem. You are definitely
doing the right thing by trying to help him manage his smartphone dependency. It
is not going to be easy for either of you, but there are definite strategies you can
employ to make the smartphone a blessing again, and not a curse.

First of all, you need to help him to stop compulsively checking his smartphone.
Tell him to set a time in the day where he doesn't use his cell phone at all.
During that time he can do other activities that he likes, either alone, with
friends or with you.

There are also things he can do to alleviate the anxiety he feels when he doesn’t
have his phone nearby. For example, he can listen to relaxing music from a
stereo. You should also make him notice that the use of the cell phone is
affecting his behavior, so he must show discipline and control that desire to
have the cell phone nearby.

If one of his problems is that information is constantly available to him, I suggest

he avoid using web browsers. There are other ways to stay informed! For
example, he can buy newspapers every morning or if he prefers to watch the
news on television.

Finally, to help him stop using the phone at inappropriate times, you could tell him
to do so can get him into trouble. For example, if he is in a work meeting and
his boss sees him using his cell phone, he might think that he is not
interested in being in the meeting and lose his job because of this.

If your husband is able to implement these strategies, he (and you) will see a big
change. He will feel more relaxed and more aware of his surroundings. His
relationship with friends, family, and co-workers may also improve. I hope this
advice helps, and I wish you and your husband good luck overcoming this problem.

Imagine you are the person answering each question. How would you respond?

1. Why are you constantly checking your Smartphone usage, and what
effect did it have on your life?

compulsion Influx Trigger urge

I check my cell phone compulsively because my brain needs information

from it. My body sometimes focuses on photos or posting what it wants, and
this triggers my need for an influx of information. On vacations I usually
check my phone, especially when I'm traveling as it helps me a lot when I
get lost. However, when I leave my phone at home, I feel the urge to write
and talk to someone, no matter who it is, and no matter what time it is. In
short, I'm the kind of person who needs to know what's going on around me.
Although this has caused me many problems at work, with my family and
2. How are you able to manage your smartphone usage, and what effect
did it have on your life?

conscious diminishing wean away from

In order to accomplish this, I had to be conscious that I had a problem. This

made me make a commitment to myself because I needed to do
something for myself. To begin with I started to diminish the time I spent on
my cell phone, this allowed me to enjoy time with my family and friends. I
started to take the cell phone away from my life, at first it was not easy but
with a lot of determination I was able to do it. Now I can control the time I
spend on my cell phone, I feel free.
3. Why don’t you consider extreme smartphone usage a true addiction?

Dysfunction Temptation withdrawal
Smartphones have made our lives easier in many ways. So, I don't consider
the extreme use of smartphones as a real addiction because it depends on
whether it is disrupting your work or your family life. It is true that
dependency on smartphones can cause some dysfunctions in your
behavior. For example, you may be at a family gathering and you are
tempted to check your email. This can be a symptom of withdrawal, but it
can be controlled. However, I believe that there is still not enough evidence
to prove that extreme smartphone use is an addiction.

4. What was the effect on your business and on your life of taking
predictable time off?

Anxiety Contemplation Dependency diminishing ensure

Participating in the Predictable Time Off program brought a lot of benefits to

my life. First, I decided to take about 10 minutes off my smartphone a day,
then 15 minutes, until I managed to reach one hour a day. This allowed me
to overcome my dependence on my cell phone. I no longer used it to look
up simple things like directions or to check the time. I was no longer
anxious about connecting to social networks. This allowed me to work
efficiently, because by diminishing the hours I used my cell phone, I was
able to better contemplate and appreciate my work. If you are interested in
being part of this program, I can ensure you a place in the next event. You
will not regret it.

5. At the start of the week, what did you think of your mother´s idea of
going without electronics? How did the way you feel change as the
week progressed?

can´t relen
device repeatedly twitching
stand t

At first, I thought it would be boring and I couldn´t stand that idea since
natural environment doesn´t have videos or videogames. I noticed that if I
am not using my device, I get nervous and start twitching. When I am
outside, I feel stressed since I don't have enough energy to play and
repeatedly. I get out of breath and at the end I relent to that. In conclusion,
things were boring for me after all since it is not the same as playing
videogames when you are at the mountains with papa but at the end it was
funny to try something different. I got to spend time with my family, even
though it was a challenging week for me.


Try to go smartphone-free for at least two days. Write your experience. Did you
suffer any withdrawal symptoms? What was hard about the experiment? Were
there any benefits to being tech-free? Explain.

My experience of being smartphone-free for two days

Cell phones are considered a great invention for mankind. Consequently, the cell
phone has become an essential element in everyone's life. One of the reasons is
because this electronic device is not only a means to receive and answer calls, but
also allows us to perform multiple activities such as surfing the Internet, interacting
in social networks, chatting, taking pictures, recording videos, playing video games,
etc. Many people wonder if it is possible to live without a cell phone, without
technology and without Internet connection for several days. At first, I did not know
if it was possible, but this is something I managed to figure out during these two
days without using the cell phone. In addition, I will explain the benefits and
disadvantages of this.

These two days without a cell phone have benefited me a lot. I will not deny that
since I woke up the first day, it was difficult since the first thing I always did was to
look at my cell phone, so I tried to do something different, like listening to music
from a radio that I did not even remember we had at home. From then on
everything got better as I started to do activities that I almost never do, like reading
a book. I had the book a long time ago, however, in that free cell phone time I
managed to finish it. I did other activities, for example I started to draw, which is
something I like very much but sometimes I don't do it because I'm too lazy. I feel
that being without a cell phone also favored my ability to concentrate when
studying because there was nothing to distract me. I could spend a full hour
studying any course. And something I can't deny is that at the same time it helped
me realize that sometimes I sleep too few hours because of being connected to
social networks until late.

Although the benefits of not using the cell phone are plentiful, there are also some
disadvantages. For example, from day one I wanted to talk to my friends, chat with
them or at least see what they were posting. This showed me that I'm anxious, so
I'm going to get better at that. On the other hand, I couldn't listen to the music I
wanted from my cell phone as usual, this made me feel somewhat frustrated. Other
times I was anxious about not being able to entertain myself on social media,
catching up on celebrities' lives or playing the soccer game I enjoy so much.

Finally, after these two days without a cell phone, I was able to realize how much
we depend on this electronic device. This is because we have become
accustomed to using this device in all our routines. Thanks to this I started to value
every moment I can spend with my family and friends. In conclusion, I think it is
good to disconnect at least a few days from the cell phone, as this will help us not
to have an addiction and cause problems in our health. That is why I invite people
to try it, they will not regret it.

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