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Table of Contents
REVISIONS.............................................................................................................................................. 2

02 Migration Methodology.................................................................................................................... 5
Infrastructure Migration................................................................................................................... 5
Application Migration ....................................................................................................................... 5
Migration Strategies ........................................................................................................................ 5
Mitigation Strategies ......................................................................................................................... 5

03 Migration Process ........................................................................................................................... 6

8.1 System Research ...................................................................................................................... 6
8.1.1 Business Research ........................................................................................................................................ 6
8.1.2 System Architecture Research...................................................................................................................... 6
8.1.3 Database Research ....................................................................................................................................... 7
8.1.4 Application Research .................................................................................................................................... 7
8.2 Risk Assessment ...................................................................................................................... 7
8.2.1 Cloud Platform Compatibility Evaluation ....................................................................................................... 8
8.2.2 Performance Risk Evaluation ......................................................................................................................... 8
8.2.3 System Transformation Risk Evaluation ......................................................................................................... 8
8.2.4 Resource Risk Evaluation................................................................................................................................ 8
8.3 System Transformation ............................................................................................................ 8
8.4 Data Migration Verification ...................................................................................................... 9
8.5 Functional/Performance Tests ................................................................................................ 9
8.6 System Cutover ........................................................................................................................ 9

05 System to Migrate @ PLT-PRO ..................................................................................................... 11 Portal | WordPress ................................................................................. 11
KeyCloak | Identity SSO ................................................................................................................... 11
MeetMe Sufia.................................................................................................................................. 12 | WordPress......................................................................................................... 12
ePameran | Laravel ......................................................................................................................... 13
Database MySQL Enterprise | Shared ............................................................................................ 14

06 Migration Report ............................................................................................................................ 14

Server 1 Migration: Portal...................................................................... 14
Server 2 Migration: Sufia ........................................................ 16
Server 3 Migration: | Beladati ............................................................ 18
Server 4 Migration: Central Database Server | Mysql Enterprise.................................................... 19
Server 6 Migration: Portal | Laravel ................................................... 21

07 MyAssist’s Monitoring System ..................................................................................................... 22

Introduction on SMECorp NMC ...................................................................................................... 22
How does it work ? ......................................................................................................................... 23
Server and Resources Monitoring .................................................................................................. 25

08 Migration Topology ....................................................................................................................... 27

10 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 28

01 Introduction
This report provides an overview of a significant migration project undertaken by SMEcorp Malaysia. The project involved
the migration of critical servers and applications from the current data center to the government Malaysia Data Center
at PDSA. The objective was to enhance performance, security, and scalability for SMECorp's operations.

The migration focused on six key servers:

1. Portal: A WordPress-based system running on Centos 8 via Nginx, serving as a

platform for providing information and services to MSMEs.

2. System: A Sufia-based system running on Centos 8 via Apache2,

facilitating meetings and collaborations.

3. Beladati Business Intelligence System: Running on Centos 8 with Glassfish 5, this system analyzes data and
generates insights using a local PostgreSQL database.

4. Centralized Database: An Enterprise MySQL database serving as the backbone of SMECorp's operations,
storing critical information.

5. Portal: A WordPress-based portal running on CentOS, providing resources and support to

6. ePameran Virtual Exhibition Center: Running on Centos 8 with Laravel on Apache2, this virtual platform hosts
online exhibitions and events.

The migration process involved meticulous planning, execution, and testing to ensure a seamless transition. Challenges
were encountered and addressed to minimize downtime and ensure data integrity.

The successful migration resulted in improved performance, enhanced security, and increased scalability for SMECorp's
operations. The report highlights the achieved benefits and the overall impact of the migration on SMECorp's ability to
serve MSMEs effectively.

Throughout the report, specific details and examples will be provided to support the findings. The focus will be on the
challenges faced, strategies employed, and the positive outcomes of the migration project.In
conclusion, the migration of these critical servers to the government Malaysia Data Center at
PDSA has brought about significant improvements in performance, security, and scalability for
SMECorp Malaysia, ultimately enhancing their ability to support and serve the MSME sector.

02 Migration Methodology
This implementation report provides a detailed account of how the data center migration types, specifically
infrastructure migration and application migration, were executed during the migration project for SMECorp
Malaysia. The report focuses on the migration process, challenges encountered, and the strategies employed to
ensure a successful transition to the government Malaysia Data Center at PDSA.

Infrastructure Migration
 Approach: The infrastructure migration involved duplicating individual virtual machines (VMs) from the
source environment (PLT-PRO) and restoring them at the target environment (Government Malaysia Data
Center at PDSA).
 Hardware Specification Variations: During the migration, it was identified that there were differences in
hardware specifications between the source and target environments, including CPU, memory (RAM),
storage, and networking.

 Compatibility Checks: Compatibility checks were conducted to ensure the VMs could effectively utilize the
hardware resources in the target environment. Adjustments and optimizations were made to accommodate
the hardware specification variations.

 Testing and Validation: Rigorous testing and validation processes were implemented to verify the
compatibility, performance, and functionality of the VMs in the new data center environment.

 Challenges: Challenges were encountered during the infrastructure migration, such as ensuring seamless
integration with the target environment's hardware infrastructure and addressing any compatibility issues that

Application Migration
 Approach: The application migration focused on transferring specific applications or software components
from the source environment to the target environment while ensuring compatibility and functionality.
 Data and Configuration Transfer: Application data, code, and configurations were migrated to the new data
center, considering any necessary adjustments required for the target environment's infrastructure.
 Compatibility and Integration: Compatibility checks were performed to ensure that the applications could
seamlessly integrate with the new hardware and software environment.
 Testing and Validation: Thorough testing and validation processes were conducted to verify the
functionality, performance, and security of the migrated applications.
 Challenges: Challenges encountered during the application migration included resolving any compatibility
issues, ensuring data integrity and consistency, and optimizing the applications for the new environment.

Migration Strategies
Lift and Shift: The infrastructure migration followed a "lift and shift" strategy, where the VMs were duplicated and
restored in the target environment with necessary adjustments for hardware variations. Phased Approach: The
application migration was executed using a phased approach, ensuring a systematic transfer of applications
while considering dependencies and minimizing downtime.

Mitigation Strategies
 Risk Assessment: A comprehensive risk assessment was conducted to identify potential challenges
and mitigate them proactively.

 Communication and Coordination: Effective communication and coordination were maintained

throughout the migration process, involving relevant stakeholders and ensuring smooth collaboration
between teams.

 Contingency Planning: Contingency plans were developed to address any unforeseen issues or
setbacks during the migration process, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations.

The successful implementation of both infrastructure migration and application migration types facilitated a seamless
transition to the government Malaysia Data Center at PDSA for SMECorp Malaysia. By addressing hardware specification
variations, conducting compatibility checks, and performing rigorous testing and validation, the migration project achieved
its objectives of improved performance, enhanced security, and increased scalability. The challenges encountered during
the migration process were effectively managed through risk assessment, communication, coordination, and contingency

The detailed implementation report serves as a valuable resource, documenting the strategies employed, the lessons
learned, and the successful outcomes of the data center migration types utilized in this project

03 Migration Process
The data migration process is an amalgamation of several carefully executed detailed steps. Below is a
description of these steps.

8.1 System Research

Thorough research is imperative before the entire data migration process initializes as it allows the data migration
team to understand the current system status, existing architecture, and future planning. Furthermore, it helps in
understanding if the existing system matches the cloud platform. This is crucial to provide first-hand information
on the follow-up system migration scheming and implementation. The system research stage mainly involves
investigations into the application system through questionnaires, interviews, and collection of system data,
observation of the application system, as well as other standardized processes and methods. It also includes
business research, system architecture research, database research, and application research. Below is a brief
description of the various phases of system research.

8.1.1 Business Research

This step involves carrying out basic research and analysis based on the businesses of the application system
intended for migration. Additionally, it includes the research and analysis on the
business type, users, business use features, and business performance indicators, among other aspects.

It mainly includes the following content:

• System name
• Affiliated to
• System business description and target objects for service System development/operation status (online,
in development, in design, in plan)
• System type (website, OA system, ERP, CRM and so on)

8.1.2 System Architecture Research

It takes into account a comprehensive research and analysis on the overall application system deployment along
with a thorough research on the operating system, system operation status quo, system scalability, system data
flow, system relevance, and other aspects.

The main content includes:

• Research on peripherals and commercial software demands
• Research on network demands
• Research on transformation planning
• Research on dependencies of various system modules, including whether the system is independent or
relies on other systems
• Research on safety requirements
• Resource usage (servers, storage devices, and network bandwidth)
• Whether the system is of the OLAP or OLTP type

8.1.3 Database Research

This phase witnesses collection of basic information. This includes the database version, deployment structure,
and data security policy, and the usage information including the existing database capacity, traffic, as well as
SQL, and advanced features for technical research and analysis at the database layer.
The main content includes:
• Database vendor/version
• Database architecture (whether it is RAC, or the master/slave architecture)
• Backup policy (cold standby, hot standby, and backup cycle)
• Data capacity and traffic statistics (peak TPS/QPS, case specifications in the database, the number and
names of
tables with more than 10 million data records, and the number of peak connections).
• SQL collection (the top 50 SQL statements in the database in terms of accesses and slow SQL statements)
• Collection of advanced database features (Oracle/SQL SERVER): Stored procedures, functions, triggers,
packages, materialized views, virtual columns, partitions, DBlinks, sequences, full-text indexes, DTS and so
• Database character sets

8.1.4 Application Research

This step involves researching the application architecture, usage of middleware, application load, and other
information are collected for technical research and analysis at the application layer.
The main content includes:
 Operating System Architecture: This refers to analyzing if the application is compatible with the OS to
which you are migrating the data.
 High Availability Design: This step includes checking if the application design supports the migration
 High Performance Design: This is to determine if the application can handle heavy load of data.
 Data Storage Methods: The application may interact with various types of storage solutions. The
questions that may arise during analyzing data storage methods could be:
 Does the system use multiple data sources at the same time?
 If some files are stored, what is the file storage scheme?
 What file types does the file storage contain?
 What is the log file storage method?
 What is the call method with the database?
 Compatibility: Determine if the language used for application development is compatible with the
 Framework and Architecture: Analyze the framework used for application development and whether the
system adopts the B/S architecture or the C/S architecture
 Deployment: How does one deploy the application on the system and what third-party components are
 Interface: Does it call any external interface or service and if so, what is the adopted interface protocol
type? What is the interface protocol type if it provides services for external calls?
 Middleware: Determine the middleware class, which middleware products are used and does the
middleware adopt single-point deployment or cluster deployment?
 Additional Information: How do the third-party components impact the deployment process, are custom
extensions used and what are the system performance indicators?
System research is the stepping-stone towards an efficient data migration process. With its in-depth research
and analysis, businesses can take necessary steps to initiate their data migration process.

8.2 Risk Assessment

A detailed assessment of the risks of the actual data migration process follows the research. The risk is gauged
based on the conclusion of the research report during the system research phase along with the combination of
the architecture characteristics of the cloud platform. Furthermore, the cloud migration team can determine the
following risks:
• The feasibility of migrating the system to the cloud (and cloud platform compatibility)

• System eligibility to migrate to the cloud
• Requirement for system transformation or code refactoring
• Transformation difficulty
• Post migration system support
Calculation of the transformation schedule and technical challenges of the migration project is possible through
a series of research. Additionally, the cloud migration team can evaluate the risks that emerge during the system
migration process and analyze any unsupported features by the cloud platform to work out a targeted solution
during the scheming stage.

8.2.1 Cloud Platform Compatibility Evaluation

The evaluation involves a thorough study of the actual situation of the application system, the unsupported
software, and hardware by the cloud platform. This is done to work out a corresponding solution. Evaluation seeks
to achieve the following:

• Specific hardware on the cloud (dongles, leased lines, high-performance graphics cards, and dependencies
on some specific IP addresses)

• Whether the cloud network architecture meets the requirements

• Does the cloud security match the security level of the system?

8.2.2 Performance Risk Evaluation

The data migration team can evaluate performance bottlenecks of the existing system to develop an optimization
scheme for the application system. This extends to whether there is a need to apply database or table-based
splitting, and determining if it requires massive data processing technology.

8.2.3 System Transformation Risk Evaluation

Evaluation of system risks during the transformation process is carried out in accordance with business
characteristics, technical features, and cloud platform traits of the existing application system. The following
aspects should be considered.
• Whether the application transformation meets the original system design specifications
• Whether the data migration scheme meets the system cutover requirements
• The de-O transformation difficulty
• Whether the transformed module is compatible with the call dependencies of other systems

8.2.4 Resource Risk Evaluation

This step involves evaluating the risks in the cloud migration implementation plan, cloud platform resource
preparations, human resources of the cloud migration implementation team, and similar aspects.

8.3 System Transformation

The next step involves transforming, testing and verifying the existing application system and verification based
on the system transformation scheme. The process is as shown in the figure below. It mainly includes system
architecture transformation, database transformation, application transformation, and system test and


System Architecture Database Application


Figure 3. Data Migration System Transformation

8.4 Data Migration Verification

• Migrate the local database to the RDS

• Migrate file systems and videos to OSS

• Use the data comparison tool is used to verify the data consistency between the source database and the target

8.5 Functional/Performance Tests

Upon verifying the data migration, the business/organization needs to complete the functional, performance,
and data integrity verification tests according to the testing cases in the system design. The matching review
includes two parts

 the manual review and the tool review.

After the completion of the migration, the application owner conducts a manual review of the system architecture
and deployment before initiating the functional tests. This is followed by initiation of the tool review. However,
tool review is to be done only if the manual review is errorless. One can then use the migration script to compare
and examine the paths included, file lists, and code on the completion of the manual review. After passing the
review, the functional test can be activated.

8.6 System Cutover

This phase mainly completes the cutover of the new and old application systems and ensures that the application
system migrated to the cloud can run on the cloud platform stably and efficiently. The specific processes include
the application and activation of cloud resources, database migration, application migration, and business
cutover. Below is a brief description of these processes.

Migration Exercise

Establish a System

Formal Migration

Deploy Apps

Clear Operational
File Data
File Data
System Cutover
File System > File System >
File System OSS
Database Data

Validate Data

Validate Data

Test and Verify


Figure 4. Data Migration System Cutover

• System Environment Preparation: The application of cloud product resources required for the application
system, preparation of the environment, and preparation of the data migration tools will be completed
according to the system requirements.

• Application Deployment: Deploy the application to the cloud platform after the application passes the
functional and performance tests, according to the application deployment scheme.

• File/Database Synchronization: Migrate the transformed database designs, as well as the inventory data and
incremental data of the existing application systems, to the cloud platform, and verify the data on the old and
new platforms to ensure the correctness of the data on the cloud platform.

• Business Cutover: Complete the cutover, verification, and traffic switch for the application system to the cloud
platform based on the business cutover scheme after the business cutover schedule has been
• Rollback Mechanism: Each system should have a rollback scheme in place, including the application rollback
and the database rollback.

04 System to Migrate @ PLT-PRO
Though data migration facilitates the transition to superior technology, it entails more than what it reveals to the
eye. A process as crucial as data migration does not come without its own set of challenges. Data migration as a
process leaves organizations with several concerns and potential pain points. Below is a brief description of these
points. Portal | WordPress

For any business organization, data is the most crucial resource. It may
consist of business-centric data along with other related data critical for
its existence. Any compromise or threat to its security is a risk that
businesses would not want to undertake. The same notion spills into migrating data to the cloud. A small hint
suggesting that the cloud is not secure will make organizations develop cold feet towards migration. Any cloud
infrastructure will comprise of patchworks of open source code, which creates security vulnerabilities.
Additionally, public clouds are multi-tenant, and such elements as vulnerabilities or defects of a co-subscriber’s
code could substantially affect other applications. To tackle this concern, many cloud vendors are performing
"onboarding audits" to reassure prospective customers that their level of security is appropriate. Nonetheless, its
level of conviction still needs confirmation.

KeyCloak | Identity SSO

The existence of poor knowledge of the source data is a general trend already
observed over several data migration processes across industries. Issues such
as duplicates, spelling errors and erroneous data are always a hindrance to
ensuring complete and proper data migration. Often, organizations become
complacent and tend to assume that they can configure their data without any
complications. However, any mismatch could mean nothing else but the failure
of the data migration process.

MeetMe Sufia

From the perspective of businesses, the process of data migration requires businesses to trust their vendor.
Concerns exist whether technical issues on the vendor’s side could affect data security on the cloud. It is
therefore imperative that data migration vendors provide SLAs that prioritize the concerns of their clients. Since
cloud computing offers

a standardized, multi-tenant infrastructure, cloud vendors may not offer the same level of SLAs as IT managers
are accustomed to. | WordPress

The existence of poor knowledge of the source data is a general

trend already observed over several data migration processes
across industries. Issues such as duplicates, spelling errors and erroneous data are always a hindrance to
ensuring complete and proper data migration. Often, organizations become complacent and tend to assume that
they can configure their data without any complications. However, any mismatch could mean nothing else but
the failure of the data migration process.

BellaDati Business Intelligence
Data migration often involves various kinds of technologies and data platforms. This lack of parity may lead
to failure in data transfer between the multiple phases of data migration – analysis, development, testing, and
implementation. Such failures not only cause financial repercussions but also compel businesses to re-engage
time in the migration of missing data, leading to a loss of precious man-hours.

ePameran | Laravel
From the perspective of businesses, the process of data migration requires businesses to trust their
vendor. Concerns exist whether technical issues on the vendor’s side could affect data security on the cloud. It is
therefore imperative that data migration vendors provide SLAs that prioritize the concerns of their clients. Since
cloud computing offers

a standardized, multi-tenant infrastructure, cloud vendors may not offer the same level of SLAs as IT managers
are accustomed to.

Database MySQL Enterprise | Shared

For any business organization, data is the most crucial resource. It may consist of business-centric
data along with other related data critical for its existence. Any compromise or threat to its security
is a risk that businesses would not want to undertake. The same notion spills into migrating data to
the cloud. A small hint suggesting that the cloud is not secure will make organizations develop cold
feet towards migration.
Any cloud infrastructure will comprise of patchworks of open source code, which creates security vulnerabilities.
Additionally, public clouds are multi-tenant, and such elements as vulnerabilities or defects of a co-subscriber’s
code could substantially affect other applications. To tackle this concern, many cloud vendors are performing
"onboarding audits" to reassure prospective customers that their level of security is appropriate. Nonetheless, its
level of conviction still needs confirmation.

05 Migration Report
Server 1 Migration: Portal
Server 1 involved the migration of the Portal, which is a WordPress-based system
running on Centos 8 via Nginx and connected to a centralized MySQL database. The migration process for Server
1 can be broken down into several key steps:
Source Environment VM Specification

10core | 24GB RAM

1 Physical Spec – (VM)
| 250GB HD

2 Operating System Centos 8

3 Webserver Nginx root: /usr/share/nginx/home

4 Database External MySql port 3306 –

Wordpress -
5 Application 1 root: /usr/share/nginx/home/myassist
KeyCloak – SSO
6 Application 2 root: /home/keycloak

1. Pre-migration Planning:
 Conducted a thorough assessment of the source environment (PLT-PRO) to understand the
server's configuration, dependencies, and requirements.

 Identified the necessary hardware and software resources in the target environment (Government
Malaysia Data Center at PDSA) to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

2. Backup and Data Preparation:

 Ensured that all critical data and configurations of the Portal were backed
up to prevent any data loss during the migration process.
 Verified the integrity of the backup and tested the restoration process to ensure data recoverability.

3. Infrastructure Replication:
 Created a virtual machine (VM) in the target environment with Centos 8 as the operating system
and Nginx as the web server, replicating the server's infrastructure configuration.
 Configured the necessary network settings, including IP addresses, DNS configurations, and
firewall rules, to enable connectivity and accessibility.

4. Application and Database Migration:

 Transferred the WordPress files, including themes, plugins, and customizations, to the newly
created VM in the target environment.
 Restored the MySQL database from the backup onto a centralized MySQL database server in the
target environment, ensuring data consistency and integrity.
 Configured the database connection settings within the WordPress application to establish
connectivity with the centralized MySQL database.

5. Testing and Validation:

 Performed thorough testing of the migrated Portal in the target
environment to ensure functionality, performance, and compatibility.
 Conducted tests on different aspects, such as website loading times, page responsiveness, form
submissions, and database transactions, to identify and address any issues or discrepancies.

6. DNS and Domain Pointing:

 Updated the DNS records and domain pointing to redirect the website traffic to the new IP address
in the target environment.
 Verified the DNS propagation to ensure that the Portal was accessible to
users without any disruptions.

7. Post-Migration Validation:
 Conducted a final round of testing and validation to confirm that the Portal
was fully functional in the target environment.
 Monitored the website's performance, server resource utilization, and user feedback to ensure a
smooth transition and resolve any remaining issues.

By following this detailed migration process for Server 1, the Portal was successfully
migrated from the source environment (PLT-PRO) to the target environment (Government Malaysia Data Center
at PDSA). The migration ensured the continuity of services, data integrity, and optimal performance of the portal
in the new data center.


The migration of the Keycloak Single Sign-On (SSO) service involved transferring the Keycloak instance along
with its MySQL centralized database to the Government Malaysia Data Center at PDSA. The migration process
followed a systematic approach to ensure a successful transition.

The key steps included in the migration process were:

 Pre-migration Planning: Conducted an analysis of the existing Keycloak setup and identified the
hardware and software requirements for the target environment.
 Backup and Data Preparation: Took backups of Keycloak configuration files and the MySQL centralized
database, ensuring data integrity.

 Infrastructure Replication: Provisioned a new server instance in the target environment and
installed/configured Keycloak.
 Database Migration: Restored the MySQL centralized database onto a new instance in the target
 Keycloak Configuration Migration: Transferred Keycloak configuration files to the new server and
updated relevant settings to reflect the new environment.
 Testing and Validation: Conducted comprehensive testing of the migrated Keycloak SSO service to
ensure its functionality, performance, and compatibility.
 DNS and Domain Pointing: Updated DNS records and domain pointing to redirect traffic to the new IP
address associated with the migrated Keycloak SSO service.
 Post-Migration Validation: Conducted final testing and monitoring to ensure the migrated Keycloak
service operated smoothly in the target environment.

The migration process ensured the continuity of the Keycloak SSO service, data integrity, and optimal performance in
the new data center environment.

Server 2 Migration: Sufia

The migration of Server 2, which hosts the system, involved transferring the
system running on CentOS 8 with Apache2 and connected to a centralized MySQL database to the Government
Malaysia Data Center at PDSA. The migration process for Server 2 can be outlined as follows

Target Environment VM Specification


4core | 8GB RAM | 100GB Incompatible resize migration image –

1 Physical Spec – (VM)
HD pashaz

2 Operating System Centos 8 No upgrade application incompatible

3 Webserver Nginx root: /usr/share/nginx/home

4 Database External MySql port 3306 –

5 Application 1 Wordpress - CMS root: /usr/share/nginx/home/myassist

6 Application 2 KeyCloak – SSO Logins root: /home/keycloak

1. Pre-migration Planning:
 Conducted a comprehensive analysis of the existing server configuration, dependencies, and
requirements to ensure a smooth migration process.
 Identified the hardware and software resources required in the target environment to ensure
compatibility and optimal performance.

2. Backup and Data Preparation:

 Took necessary backups of the system, including the Apache
configuration files, website content, and the associated MySQL database, to ensure data integrity and
prevent any potential data loss during migration.
 Verified the backup integrity and tested the restoration process to ensure data recoverability.

3. Infrastructure Replication:
 Provisioned a new virtual machine (VM) in the target environment, mirroring the CentOS 8 operating
system and Apache2 web server to replicate the server infrastructure.
 Configured network settings, such as IP addresses, DNS configurations, and firewall rules, to establish
connectivity and enable access to the new VM.
Source Environment VM Specification

6core | 12GB RAM | 100GB

1 Physical Spec – (VM)

2 Operating System Centos 8

3 Webserver JBOSS

4 Database External MySql port 3306 –

5 Application Sufia

4. Application and Database Migration:

 Transferred the system files, including the website content, Apache
configuration files, and any customizations or plugins, to the newly provisioned VM in the target
 Restored the MySQL database from the backup to a centralized MySQL database server in the target
environment, ensuring data consistency and integrity.
 Updated the necessary configuration files to ensure the system could
connect to the centralized MySQL database in the new environment.

5. Testing and Validation:

 Performed thorough testing and validation of the migrated system to
ensure its functionality, performance, and compatibility.
 Conducted tests on various aspects, including website functionality, database interactions, and system
responsiveness, to identify and address any issues or discrepancies.

6. DNS and Domain Pointing:

 Updated the DNS records and domain pointing to redirect traffic to the new IP address associated with
the system in the target environment.
 Verified DNS propagation to ensure that users could access the system without interruption.

7. Post-Migration Validation:
 Conducted a final round of testing and validation to confirm that the
system was fully operational in the target environment.
 Monitored the system's performance, resource utilization, and user feedback to ensure a seamless
transition and resolve any remaining issues.

Through this systematic migration process, Server 2's system was
successfully migrated to the Government Malaysia Data Center at PDSA. The migration ensured the continuity
of services, data integrity, and optimal performance of the system in the new data center environment.

Server 3 Migration: | Beladati
The migration of Server 3, hosting the Beladati Business Intelligence system, involved transferring the system
running on CentOS 8 with Glassfish 5 and connected to a local PostgreSQL database to the Government Malaysia
Data Center at PDSA. The migration process for Server 3 can be outlined as follows:

1. Pre-migration Planning:

 Conducted a comprehensive assessment of the Beladati Business Intelligence system, including its
architecture, dependencies, and requirements.

 Identified the necessary hardware and software resources in the target environment to ensure
compatibility and optimal performance.

2. Backup and Data Preparation:

 Took necessary backups of the Beladati system, including the Glassfish server configuration files,
application files, and the PostgreSQL database, to ensure data integrity and prevent any potential data
loss during migration.

 Verified the backup integrity and tested the restoration process to ensure data recoverability.

3. Infrastructure Replication:

 Provisioned a new virtual machine (VM) in the target environment, matching the CentOS 8 operating
system and installing Glassfish 5 to replicate the server infrastructure.

 Configured the necessary network settings, including IP addresses, DNS configurations, and firewall
rules, to establish connectivity and enable access to the new VM.

Target Environment VM Specification


4core | 8GB RAM | 100GB

1 Physical Spec – (VM)

2 Operating System Centos 8

3 Webserver Nginx root: /usr/share/nginx/home

4 Database External MySql port 3306 –

5 Application 1 Wordpress - CMS root: /usr/share/nginx/home/myassist

6 Application 2 KeyCloak – SSO Logins root: /home/keycloak

4. Application and Database Migration:

 Transferred the Beladati Business Intelligence system files, including the Glassfish server configuration,
application deployment files, and any customizations or plugins, to the newly provisioned VM in the
target environment.

 Migrated the PostgreSQL database from the source environment to a new instance of PostgreSQL in
the target environment, ensuring data consistency and integrity.

 Updated the necessary configuration files to ensure the Beladati system could connect to the
PostgreSQL database in the new environment.

5. Testing and Validation:

 Conducted extensive testing and validation of the migrated Beladati Business Intelligence system to
ensure its functionality, performance, and compatibility.

 Performed tests on various aspects, including data retrieval, report generation, system responsiveness,
and integration with the PostgreSQL database, to identify and address any issues or discrepancies.

6. DNS and Domain Pointing:

 Updated the DNS records and domain pointing to redirect traffic to the new IP address associated with
the Beladati Business Intelligence system in the target environment.

 Verified DNS propagation to ensure that users could access the system without interruption.

7. Post-Migration Validation:

 Conducted a final round of testing and validation to confirm that the Beladati Business Intelligence
system was fully operational in the target environment.

 Monitored the system's performance, resource utilization, and user feedback to ensure a seamless
transition and resolve any remaining issues.

Through this detailed migration process, Server 3's Beladati Business Intelligence system was successfully
migrated to the Government Malaysia Data Center at PDSA. The migration ensured the continuity of services,
data integrity, and optimal performance of the system in the new data center environment.

Target Environment VM Specification


1 Physical Spec – (VM) 4core | 8GB RAM | 100GB HD

2 Operating System Centos 8

3 Webserver Nginx root: /usr/share/nginx/home

4 Database External MySql port 3306 –

5 Application 1 Wordpress - CMS root: /usr/share/nginx/home/myassist

6 Application 2 KeyCloak – SSO Logins root: /home/keycloak

Server 4 Migration: Central Database Server | Mysql Enterprise

The migration of Server 4, which hosts the centralized Enterprise MySQL database, involved transferring the
database to the Government Malaysia Data Center at PDSA. The migration process for Server 4 can be outlined
as follows:

1. Pre-migration Planning:

 Conducted a comprehensive analysis of the existing database infrastructure, including its structure,
data volumes, and dependencies.

 Identified the necessary hardware and software resources in the target environment to ensure
compatibility and optimal performance.

Source Environment VM Specification

6core | 12GB RAM | 100GB

1 Physical Spec – (VM)

2 Operating System Centos 8

3 Webserver JBOSS

4 Database External MySql port 3306 –

5 Application Sufia

1. Testing and Validation:

 Conducted comprehensive testing of the migrated portal to ensure its functionality,
performance, and compatibility.
 Tested various aspects of the website, including page loading times, responsiveness, forms, and
database interactions, to identify and address any issues or discrepancies.

2. DNS and Domain Pointing:

 Updated the DNS records and domain pointing to redirect traffic to the new IP address associated with
the portal in the target environment.
 Verified DNS propagation to ensure that users could access the website without interruption.

3. Post-Migration Validation:
 Conducted a final round of testing and validation to confirm that the portal was fully
functional in the target environment.
 Monitored the website's performance, server resource utilization, and user feedback to ensure a smooth
transition and resolve any remaining issues.

Through this detailed migration process, Server 5's portal was successfully migrated to the
Government Malaysia Data Center at PDSA. The migration ensured the continuity of services, data integrity, and
optimal performance of the website in the new data center environment.

Target Environment VM Specification


4core | 8GB RAM | 100GB

1 Physical Spec – (VM)

2 Operating System Centos 8

3 Webserver Nginx root: /usr/share/nginx/home

4 Database External MySql port 3306 –

5 Application 1 Wordpress - CMS root: /usr/share/nginx/home/myassist

6 Application 2 KeyCloak – SSO Logins root: /home/keycloak

Server 6 Migration: Portal | Laravel
Source Environment VM Specification

8core | 500GB RAM |

1 Physical Spec – (VM)
500GB HD

2 Operating System Centos 8

3 Webserver Apache

4 Database External MySql port 3306 –

5 Application Laravel /var/www/html/laravel/

The migration of Server 6, hosting the ePameran virtual exhibition center, involved transferring the Laravel-based
application running on CentOS 8 with Apache2 and connected to a centralized database to the Government
Malaysia Data Center at PDSA. The migration process for Server 6 can be outlined as follows:

1. Pre-migration Planning:
 Conducted a comprehensive analysis of the existing server configuration, Laravel application setup,
dependencies, and requirements to ensure a successful migration.
 Identified the necessary hardware and software resources in the target environment to ensure
compatibility and optimal performance.
2. Backup and Data Preparation:
 Took complete backups of the ePameran application files, including the Laravel codebase,
configurations, and any customizations or extensions.
 Backed up the centralized database associated with the ePameran application, ensuring all necessary
data was included.
 Verified the backup integrity and tested the restoration process to ensure data recoverability.

3. Infrastructure Replication:
 Provisioned a new virtual machine (VM) in the target environment, matching the CentOS 8 operating
system with Apache2 as the web server, to replicate the server infrastructure.
 Configured the necessary network settings, including IP addresses, DNS configurations, and firewall
rules, to establish connectivity and enable access to the new VM.

4. Application and Database Migration:

 Transferred the ePameran application files, including the Laravel codebase, configurations, and
customizations, to the newly provisioned VM in the target environment.

 Restored the centralized database from the backup to a new instance of the database server in the
target environment, ensuring data consistency and integrity.

 Updated the necessary configuration files, such as the Laravel environment settings and database
connection details, to ensure the ePameran application could connect to the centralized database in the
new environment.

5. Testing and Validation:

 Conducted thorough testing and validation of the migrated ePameran virtual exhibition center to ensure
its functionality, performance, and compatibility.
 Tested various aspects of the application, including user interactions, data retrieval, database
transactions, and system responsiveness, to identify and address any issues or discrepancies.

6. DNS and Domain Pointing:

 Updated the DNS records and domain pointing to redirect traffic to the new IP address associated with
the epameran virtual exhibition center in the target environment.
 Verified DNS propagation to ensure that users could access the application without interruption.

7. Post-Migration Validation:
 Conducted a final round of testing and validation to confirm that the ePameran virtual exhibition center
was fully operational in the target environment.
 Monitored the application's performance, server resource utilization, and user feedback to ensure a
smooth transition and resolve any remaining issues.

Through this detailed migration process, Server 6's ePameran virtual exhibition center was successfully migrated
to the Government Malaysia Data Center at PDSA. The migration ensured the continuity of services, data integrity,
and optimal performance of the application in the new data center environment.

Target Environment VM Specification


4core | 8GB RAM | 100GB

1 Physical Spec – (VM)

2 Operating System Centos 8

3 Webserver Apache root: /var/www/html/

port 3306 –
4 Database External MySql

5 Application 1 Wordpress - CMS root: /var/www/html/laravel

06 MyAssist’s Monitoring System

Introduction on SMECorp NMC
Digital Hustlaz's Network Monitoring System empowers you to proactively manage your network, minimize
downtime, and ensure the optimal performance of your critical services. With our comprehensive features and
user-friendly interface, you can stay on top of your network's health and make informed decisions to optimize
your operations.

Network Monitoring System supports multiple protocols to monitor both standard and custom services within
your network. We understand that different services may require different protocols for effective monitoring, and
our system is designed to accommodate that flexibility. Here are some of the commonly supported protocols for
service monitoring in our system:
 HTTP/HTTPS: Our monitoring system can perform HTTP or HTTPS requests to check the availability
and response time of web services. This is particularly useful for monitoring websites, APIs, and web

 ICMP (Ping): ICMP monitoring allows you to check the reachability and response time of network
devices and hosts. It is commonly used to monitor the availability of servers, routers, and other network
infrastructure components.

 TCP/UDP: Our system can perform TCP or UDP port checks to ensure that specific ports are open and
responsive. This is useful for monitoring services such as FTP, SSH, DNS, SMTP, and other network
services that rely on these protocols.

 SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) monitoring enables you to gather performance
data and monitor the health of network devices, such as switches, routers, and servers. It provides
valuable insights into CPU usage, memory utilization, network traffic, and other device-specific metrics.

 SMTP/POP/IMAP: Our system can monitor email services by connecting to SMTP, POP, or IMAP servers
to verify their availability and response time. This helps ensure the smooth functioning of email
communication within your network.

 Custom Protocols: If you have specific services that require monitoring using custom protocols, our
system can be configured to support them. You can define custom checks and specify the protocol
parameters to monitor the desired services effectively.

By supporting multiple protocols, Digital Hustlaz's Network Monitoring System offers a versatile monitoring
solution that can cater to the diverse needs of your network infrastructure. Whether you are monitoring standard
services or have custom services requiring specific protocols, our system can adapt and provide accurate
monitoring and alerts to keep your network running smoothly.

Figure 1 - NMC SMECorp Login Page

How does it work ?

Monitoring System includes a client-server agent that allows you to monitor server resources in real-time. This
feature enables you to gather crucial information about CPU usage, network performance, RAM utilization, and
hard disk usage on your servers. Here's how the client-server agent works:

 Agent Installation: The client-server agent needs to be installed on the servers you want to monitor. This
lightweight software runs as a background process and collects the necessary data regarding server

 Real-time Resource Monitoring: Once the agent is installed, it continuously monitors the server's CPU
usage, network activity, RAM utilization, and hard disk usage. This data is sent to the central monitoring
system at regular intervals.

 Centralized Monitoring: The central monitoring system receives the resource data from the client-
server agents and displays it in a centralized dashboard. This allows you to have a real-time view of
the server resources across your network.

 Alerts and Notifications: You can set up thresholds and rules within the monitoring system to trigger
alerts and notifications based on specific resource utilization levels. This ensures that you are
promptly notified when any of the monitored resources exceed predefined thresholds or exhibit
unusual behavior.

 Historical Data and Reporting: The monitoring system stores historical data collected from the client-
server agents, allowing you to analyze resource trends over time. This data can be used for capacity
planning, performance optimization, and generating comprehensive reports.

 Monitoring server resources in real-time provides valuable insights into the health and performance
of your servers. It enables you to identify potential bottlenecks, optimize resource allocation, and
ensure the efficient operation of your network infrastructure.

 Digital Hustlaz's Network Monitoring System's client-server agent feature complements the overall
monitoring capabilities by extending the monitoring coverage to include server resources. This
comprehensive monitoring solution empowers you to proactively manage your servers, troubleshoot
issues, and ensure optimal resource utilization within your network.

Figure 2 – SMECorp NMC Login Dasboard

Digital Hustlaz's Network Monitoring System dashboard provides an overview of current issues and their resolution
status, giving you a comprehensive view of the health and performance of your network. The system offers various
monitoring categories, including:

 Client/Server Agent Monitoring: This category provides real-time information on the server itself. It monitors
server resources such as CPU, network, RAM, and hard disk usage. By installing the client-server agent on
your servers, you can gather detailed insights into their performance and resource utilization.

 Website Monitoring: The system can monitor websites by checking their availability and response time. You
can configure standard ports like 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS), or customize it to monitor specific ports based
on your requirements. Additionally, you can run queries with parameters to gather specific information about
your websites.

 Custom Alerts: The monitoring system allows you to set up custom alerts based on your specific needs. For
example, you can configure alerts for monitoring micro services within your system. By defining thresholds
and conditions, you'll receive notifications when certain criteria are met, ensuring proactive monitoring and
timely responses to critical events.

 The interval at which devices are monitored can be adjusted in the system's settings area. This flexibility
allows you to tailor the monitoring frequency according to the importance and sensitivity of the monitored

 Digital Hustlaz's Network Monitoring System categorizes and organizes the monitoring data in a user-friendly
dashboard, providing you with an intuitive interface to navigate and access the information you need. The
dashboard offers a consolidated view of the current status of your network, highlighting any ongoing issues
and their resolution status.

 By leveraging these features, you can efficiently monitor your network, ensure the availability of critical
services, and proactively address any potential issues that may arise.

Server and Resources Monitoring
The server monitor page in Digital Hustlaz's Network Monitoring System provides an interface to monitor individual
servers in your network. This page offers valuable insights into various server metrics, including CPU utilization,
RAM utilization, disk usage, and network traffic.

Figure 3 – Server Monitoring Dashboard

CPU Utilization: The system captures real-time data on the CPU utilization of each monitored server.
This metric indicates the percentage of CPU resources being utilized at any given time, helping you
identify periods of high or abnormal CPU usage.RAM Utilization: The server monitor page displays the
current RAM utilization of each server. This information allows you to monitor memory usage patterns,
identify potential memory leaks, and ensure that there is sufficient memory available for optimal server

Disk Usage: The system tracks the disk usage of individual servers, providing insights into the amount
of disk space being used. Monitoring disk usage helps you detect potential disk space issues and take
proactive measures to avoid storage constraints or failures.Network Traffic: The server monitor page
also captures and displays information about the network traffic of each server. This includes metrics
such as incoming and outgoing data rates, allowing you to assess network performance, identify
potential bottlenecks, and optimize network resources.






07 Migration Topology

9 Conclusion
In conclusion, the migration of the domain to the Government Malaysia Data Center at
PDSA was a successful endeavor. By meticulously planning and executing the migration process,
including infrastructure replication, application and data transfer, testing, and DNS redirection, the
continuity of services for was seamlessly maintained. The migration ensured improved
performance, data integrity, and reliability for the website, enabling it to leverage the enhanced
infrastructure and support offered by the new data center. The successful completion of the migration
project reflects the efficiency and expertise in managing the transition, ultimately benefiting and its users with a robust and reliable hosting environment.


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