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All prisoners should be allowed to exercise their voting rights

1. The United States is a very restrictive country when it comes to prisoners’ right to
vote. But, over the last decades, reinstating the right to vote for this category of
citizens became a real political dispute between Democratic and Republican parties.
Even if this issue is nationally discussed by everyone, the decision will be taken
individually state-by-state. At this moment, there are just 3 states where felons
never lose their right to vote, even while they are incarcerated: District of Columbia(I
found out from Internet researching about this state too, from an article dated on
28.06.2021), Maine and Vermont. An interesting information about these states is
that they are also the whitest states in America, and this fact could be an argument
on racist view when it comes to prisoners’ right to vote in other places of this
country. In other other states, prisoners either lose their right to vote only while
incarcerating, either lose their voting rights during incarceration, and for a period of
time after, or there is the chance to lose their voting rights forever for some very
serious and aggravated crimes.

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