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er 29, 1943 Tl ah) SATUS Meo er ee) Arctic cold on the Alcan highway doesnt faze these big Studebaker trucks Ys ea /UNDREDS upon hundredsof huge,multiple: drive Studcbeker trucks are rumbling over the wild, rugged route ofthe great new 1610- smile Alaska-Canada highway. More of these big Suadebakers ace i service on this amaxiag siliary road thas any other make of tuck. And despite temperatures that often deop far below ero, Studebaker stamina is getting the cargoes ‘of vital supplies through to our important North Pacific theater of was. [Not only om this Alcan highway that forms a Janid-beidge berwcea our distant Alaska out [posts and the consiacotal United States, but also in all kinds of clim parts of the world, Studebaker trucks are busy helping to 7 e@ y victory balance in favor of the United Nations. ‘Tens of thousands of them are in service on the supply lines and atthe fighting fronts. And tens of thousands more are on the way. ‘Snudebaker engineering and craftsmanship provide Seadehaker tucks in wartime with the samestand-out superiorities for which they were 10 widely recognized in peacetime. Through generation afer generation, for more than 91 years; the men of Studebaker have made i their bit co “give more than they promise.” And that is still heir watchword in the manufacture of big, multiple-dive military trucks, ‘Wright Cyclone engines for the Flying Fortress and all the other vital war mac titiel they are produciag now. TAIBERP | Pranmacac\ come Trustworthy in a hundred little emergencies Looking back into your childhood many of you ean remember your fst ext finger your frat scratched foot, Your frst sore throat... and the speed with which Mother brought out the Listerine Antiseptic botele. Tin the decades that followed the discovery cof antsepric surgery, fathered by Lond Lister for whom Listerine Antiseptic was named, this safe antiseptic Became a trusted first-aid in counties litle emergencies Its bright am- bor liquid gleamed from the white shelf of the medicine cabinet and from the Black bag ofthe family physician, And with medicine making magnifcent strides, and research uncovering new truche cach day, Listerine Ancneptic continies t0 iw service more tHan 60 years hold firse place in the esteem of critical mi Fons who demand of their antiseptic rapid germ-killing action combined with absolute safety. Lanuenr Puansiacat Co., St Louis, Mo, LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC he taf nnbioplic nnel geome GE-3HO2 Wr WHO SAYS mm Shy 18 THE LIMIT? He looks like @ mon fom Mars— FASTENERS 2H a, wo LETTERS TO THE EDITORS VERONICA & DRILL PRESS DORIS LEE'S CHURCH ‘sear, AMERICAN SUNDAY BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM SPEAKING OF RUSSIAN CARTOONS PICTURES... OF NAZIS ARE SAVAGE VER took inside » sales pack? It's compact E vations compece.s pace fr everything sod areontiog ba fle But there's more here than mects the eye! A soldier from the U. 8. A isthe best equipped fighting man in the world for is pack is bursa with memories bright with deeams, crammed fell of hopes! Prety cramped quarters allright... but living out Ris ts the home ete will be coming back... back to.a Mrs. Perkins or « Brighteyed intended. ‘Together they will Rad the thi Plies... bring untold comforts and conveniences. There wil PLB hind orhook welllwase 7 =P sour dream home come trae: Bay War Bonds! All you can, whenever you ean ‘They're the sure ievestment for your Suture happiness and security, and for the peace and. prosperity of fom oman. Ths Gt thane Comers nat at Berry Cm Hier eer tes reer oe: or rer Fea aren ile Cag aeceker Leander tse Heaingted te Cations. Beles kere ci ee ee GENERAL @ ELECTRIC SPEAKING OF PICTURES WILL ( HAVE 4 that the right word tor your glasses P WHEN vou first put on clases, ever sok you, “Where ‘heaters? med he fat ‘every minute by actually ftraining voor eves withont your Kneseing i= Tiorally cheating” vos of the comfort and eficieney {laenes ought to ive you ‘ak about Soft-Lite ERR apes ARM NGA, for glasses that cine say important source of eye. dis comfort. Ack if Sof-Lite Lantos are beeded for pour yen, ‘Soft-Lite Tenses iter ont glare, ie naly retfl. Easing bervestrain at hey help concen ‘make work lee teing. They ‘can he ground to any prescription, ‘Snglevicion oF hives less Consplevous Soficite Lenses are slightly Meshe toned, Test conspicnons th spPe Ancise reads yous ete LIFE’S COVER Tovah Stalin ie prope en the cover ort wa taken by LIFE Photwe IB Weve juat ben talking to Cost [B.DeMile abou his Technislor wonder “REAP THE WILD WIND" sich has ben creating such a sentation advanced prices. C.B. tad ws, "Tee Stout due for its popular priced ran— twthoutnacenc orale oranigghdeeted $B “Vm sorry we couldn't show it crdinary prizes to star wth—but Reap Wawa expensive a cat well over 4000, est boats built end destroyed ‘ist sections of Charleston recreated = takes and retake shot ia Technicolor for ttlets ie that ndereater battle with "he monster devilish "But no expenve is too reat. no efort one Fung. iirc vith the nd of ovation "Reap recived. “And now, both or mysl nd for John ‘Wayne, Ray Milan, Pullete Gosard and the rer of the ext, I'm thle to know that those who havent see it Inve thei chance now reas pie.” S S © AuunLaddvinied the otherday. diese i. his Army uniform. He wat zed when we told ie ie fan mal ‘wat wall over hound later & day, snd delighted Shen we ar aged sneak pre view of hie SCMINA' a rough. tough, ‘erie ary that Inu Ladd teamed ith Loretta Young and Willan Bendix BB out shin « cyclone bt Hally- word when “HENRY ALDRICH GETS GLAMOUR snd give the amour gis lens in. love. I the Inu ofthat popular series that started in adie and fst becoring a national The naked es ey tet he ee ee Dees ier cal pee bee eee me ee today engaged in the development of instruments for our Army and Navy Famsworth's plans, with years of experience in the precision manufacture of the superb Capsbare Phonograph Radio and other equipment, sre now ‘Sevotelwlely tothe prociction of sight and sound devices for ships, planes, tanks and field forces Bt ot of todays work coming a greater knowl ‘ge for tomorroe, When the war is nally won, Famoworth will be able to bring you radioe and phonograph-adios far beter than any you have Frown the past. Ie will be eady to provide studios with leasing spparts of remarkable ficiency It'll povdt tninesee with spec eevison equips for many new and ieceting wes ‘And eventually, of cone, there will be Fane worth tlvison receiving ss for you oe ome “fan can soe new tnd entertoment and the gest Worces of sczoe ight in your ving Kf can bring that dy cle by tying toy the ‘War Bonds that wil spel cut the Ales Vitor! Farnswortn TELevision 1 Manetecturrs of i ond Televi Tranenitors ond Recelvors the: the Copebert, the Capshart-Fenamere, eed the FarawerthPhonogrepitad Airerott Rade SOLDIERS OF THE SUBARCTIC —one reason for shoe rationing mics LLFE on SPECIAL ISSUE U.S.5.R. a LIFE'S PICTURES ENGLISH LAVENDER AND BEAUTY PREPARATIONS how tie outa eNO" POnUtAE: COMBINE TROND ANB DOMEC NOREEN OW Ge” FROV- WW tte thefehtingmen of the United Nations ce action today, Westinghouse wartime prod- ucts are ut work—on every front, in every battle, ‘There are already thousands of these products — lectrial, electronic mechanieal, che More of them are coming. Day and night, the search ofan ai ance tease el ang See © ‘These tanks, unlike enemy tanks, are able to fire with incredible ages W EVERY CATTLE! goes on in our laboratories and engineering depart= ‘ments to find still more effective ways of bringing vietory Westis Pittsb ‘sfter battle. Westinghouse builds parts for these planes provides vital equipment for peodueing the aluminum and Iagaesiim from which they are made. ee eet eee 2, nee ee (On the seven seas, helping to keep our supply lines open, are scores of Westinghouse products. Among them ate turines, gears, electric drives, motors, antivaireraft gun mounts instruments and controls 3. Germany, delicate precisionmade aircraft ments and raloa direct our planes to their targets. Much of this blind flying and navigating equipment is made by Westinghouse. Tune in the Westinghouse Program starring Jol Charlee Thomas ‘communications equipment, Xrays, homb-tuses, anti ‘other weapons are doing their share to lick the Japs. 4. In the Pacife, Westinghouse-uilt “walkietalkes” and other types of (On the preduction front, Westinghosse products —from generators to motors, switches, transformers, automatic controls-—are onthe hundreds of war plants... helping win the battle of production. job = NBC Network, Sunday, 2:30 P.M, Basten Wor Time Westinghouse PLANTS IN 25 cities... Dorrices everywHERE re 1901 - LIFE LEND-LEASE T0 RUSSIA U.S.S.R. NOW GETS LION'S SHARE OF U.S. PLANES & TANKS SHIPPED TO ALLIES [> Washington a fortnight ago, Lend-Lease Administrator Kdvard R.Stttinies Rusta's reception of thee tol of war has been wtnewhat engin. U.S "es epeted Unt lendewse id provide by the U.S. tothe USS. Rup te comatalaned tthe Ramin spy bein Ian fonmel Cor all oe sipped wa March 1 totaled 1,825, 600,000. Following Ambassador Stanley's accusation the wuthern route, report that Tel Army pi hat the Resin public had not heen esiving fll nfrmation on th extent of forthe low-fighting Stace a the fst 20 attack bombers whieh are Melly csstnce, release ofthese ures tad many an American cris tolkow sited for providing ir supest tothe Russian armies. On the other hand Soviet fe more about Washington Moncow tramaction. Above all, Americans malar atthenes have repeatedly turned dawn U.S equets frp mi to koew i their cratey-we-atly helping Basse wad Kew the Hed sbocy levblescequiperal imopernion at te even frou America de ot my Hked and employed what reseed Tow for certain how ou tanks, planes and The ist qestion was casero anawer trucks chave once tes have lft the U.S Although lend lose to id Rai Gn dollars) onembly plat in ean Teun for ati totals less than half of that sent to Britain, SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE U.S.S.R. tance which the U. 8 is willing and happy to {he U8. Ras been inthe war ony hal ‘ive, American offal smnetines wish the ‘slong. Dung telat twelve nants 296 | Of oll the great countries of the world the U.S.5.R isthe leost | Ftusian customers woul be « hile more ‘fall lend lease goods have gone to Rusia, | Mmown 10 Anericons. For 25 years the Soviet Union bos ved | candid, a litle mare extroverted, litle se eee isles, | 95d aroun behind © well of screcy and suspicion. Within the | puoe ink Soviet tate few joumolism cd not exit Foreign reporter: wore rigidly rected ond foreign photographers wore gen- equrewents and als ‘tanks and military vehicle, the U. 8. 8 R Eetdtmyraniietaietectel paw | "Linipeca icc ue hes tid we apt hes tue | roma ei pet pve af SS | eee oer eer sse Ss | oe ee sed ae ee eames, | eae eeeatgaetenegeeite, | Sot I cee oe ee Seer tetera | a peets st masotdamar tag ‘was certainly enough to keep many a Red greatness is the greatest political fect to emerge from this war. ‘ments which the U.S. i today shipping to BULKY BUT PRECIOUS : INSTRUMENTS OF WAR ARE CLUMSY TO SHIP FORD TIRE PLANT IS SHIPPED TO U.S. S.R. 16 Lend-Lease to Russia (cn r PS, wh s Xie Rx -@°@ we = ss rs Si ~ ne Prarie aa Ta TUSSTUA i 3s se EDITORIAL THE 0.8.5. 9. LIFE PRESENTS A SPECIAL ISSUE PORTRAVING THE WORKS AND MANNERS OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE is inane of LIPE is all Russia—nothin elec thas taken months to elleet and eit Maybe the Hussians won't like it—not he cate i i eitienl but beeause we don't ways pit things the way they wou. AMl we fan say is that we have tried to be good ‘meriean journalist, and that, so far a ont intentions ure concerned, they are warm and Fienaly. We respect the mighty. Busan people and alenite them. Putting this ise together was quite an adventure. LIFE Correspoudent Walter {Grachner was in charge of the Beld work in ‘Mose, and he dt tough job, At that time the Russians were angry at LIFE be- ‘cause of some eaptions thal they” claimed svete “unfriendly to the U.S...” But even i they had loved us, they’ had almost op Aographers available, ane! there woe desper ate shortage of fin, lashbulbs and phioto- sraphie paper.‘The problem was partly wlved ‘with captured German fa: and at the lst minute photographic paper was. flown in from—of all pkces—Leningrad, which was Lightly locked in siege but which happened tohave a small supply. Various official agen cies came to our aid, notably VOKS (the ingeney in charge of cultural relations with the outside world) which put a big collee- tion of 20,000 pictures at our disposal And se finally got four photographiers=Nusinow, ‘Testy, Ridov and Azgeraky. Msinoy, the le equipment and was suffering ilhealth, ut he got most pictures innie-On leaving Maneow Grachncr gave Musinoe his osm wide-angle lens, worth rote to Musinow than diamond Free Speech We have done this issue for one chiet reason. ‘There ere two ays by” whieh nae tions-ean come elose together: one is throngh theirState Departments, the other is through popular avmpathy and uaerstanding. The falitorsof LIFE can't do anything about the U.S. State Department. We ean hhelp our readers to see and und Rundan people. And we'd lke to thik that ‘maybe Hussian journalists wil undertake a ‘Smilar project about the U.S. ‘OF course, the Tussians don't entirely ‘gee with this ides. They’ live under a sy temo tight state-controlled information, But probably the attitude to take toward this i hot to get too exited about it. When se take fecount of what the SSR, has aveom- Dlishal in the 20 yeuss ofits existence we ‘tan make allowences far ecrtain short ‘comings, however deplorable. For that mat- ter, even 15 years ago the Russian ceoneon thud searcely yet changed from the days af ‘he Ceara and the hula of the steppe were sill treating modern industrial machines ike new toys. In 1080 the Soviet Union did not Ihave a single automobile or trator plant PICTURE OF THE WEEK Opposite is 4 mew Soviet poster emphasising the collaboration of Britain, Ur. and U8. 8 Under the tide "Thunder Clap,” ghting bolt 20 and did not produce highsgrade steel or ball earings. Teday the U.S.S.R. ranks among the top three or four nations in industrial power. She has improved her health, built mares raised he literacy to about 809 fal trained one of the most formidable a ‘ics om earth, Its safe to say that wo nation in history has ever done so much x0 fast. IF the Soviet leaders tellus that the control of information was necessary Wo get this job done, we ean afford to take their word for it Tor the time being. We who know the power of free speech, and the necesity for ity may ‘assume that if those lenders are sinecre it Uc work of emaneipating the Russian peo ple they will swing) around toward free recch and we hope soon. the US.8. Re whieh Higstrates in ‘ne way’ or another. The fst is that the So- ‘ict Union is huge. AS we aie on this page Some time ago, it takes the sun eleven hours {rose that land, as against four hours to cross the US. nd five to cross the Atlantic ‘Gcean, ‘Thus it is farther in degrees of longi- de from Moscow to Cellen (om the Bering Strait) than from San Francisco to London. "To this stagsering fact there should be ape fended, however,» note for the new work, 1 the Russians fy a great crete route ( most over the pole) ellen is anly a little farther from Moscow than the tip of New founda from San Francis, And inciden- tally from Seattle to Moscow ners the pole is almost the sume distanee as New York to ‘Moscow across the Atlantic—a fat that may. rican mich Lo oar Northwest in the fature Tike the U: $., the U.S. $. R. is a huge rnelting pot, only in a diferent way. Teco {ains 175 nationalities speaking about 150 languages and dialects. They don't mix as ‘much as our ethnie groups do; yet the sy tem by whieh all these peoples ane held to gether uns parallel to ur in that tis fe ‘ration, There are $4 autonomous units in the. 8.8. R-—republie, regions, terior ‘One hig fact that keeps eropning up abort Rewsia pits modernity: In way, this was true even in the days of the Czar, forthe eassian court was always quick to sire the latest gadgets, Meas and philosophies, But ‘Soviet Union has extended mulernty to © people. For instance, ‘Russian clectrie powerplants are among the most modern in the world. The new Sovier architecture is very advanced. The Russians ate great aie {ors And they have came to have a feeling for mover machinery almost as intense as thee Feeling of pate "This love of manlerity is expecially ime portant when we think of our future rla- tions with Russia Kt would, ofcourse, prit susuothing to try to decide which ofthe grest composed ofthe thre flags strikes Hider od Mus. Solin comering under an icfetal sel. The poster hy "Kokrynibey™ (oe aio popes $7) posers will be most important to us as time oes on. Yet itis clear that, each in its sep- rate way, three are indispensable Britain, Chine aud the U.S 8. Rs The future peace if we can ever win it, must be integrated with all thee. «And Realistic ‘The proces of integrating our future with the U.'S. 8. is bound t0 be a slow one, Though we both ave the same sims—the advancement of our peoples—the methods ‘ve exploy are in many enses diametrically ‘opposed. One thing we cam eount on in the light of the recor i thatthe U.S... “realiati.” For instance, before Munich, se Ine been the goeatest advocate of elective security, but when she saw that the demo racies would not support that poliey, she turned completely around and guined ime to prepare herelf by signing a pact with Tiler. Conceivably, having been foreed to play alone hand, af terrible cost in Russian lives she will ind it realistic to goon playing itn the future. Sueh a deesion mould doable Tee lea to claims om nearby teritry, such as the Baltic nations: to the of Strategie areas and the setting up of satelite States—all in the name of security. And hostever this might violate our ens of junk tnd stable peace, there is little we eould do tw prevent it. Yet “realnm,” while adairable ao far asi oes, has manifest dangers. Russia should ‘ot forget that on isolationist are very fond fof that word. ‘They argue that our realistic fellinterest isto stay ont ofall the trouble vwe ean. Ti, now, the Ttussian realists argue That their selfinterest eto pla a lone ad nothing but grief ean come to ether of us. Clearly it sup to both the Rand the US. to seek & broader and. more en- Tighteued base for their future relationship. ‘On Russia's part, we think, she must try toovercome the suspicion which she seems to harbor against all demoeratie peoples. Russia should realize tht she has strug friends in dive these friend dipand encouragement by opening thechane tele of information and good wil We on eur part havea twofold task to per= form. Our fist ta, which must take prece dence over everything, is to Inunch 9 feree attack on the continent of Europe, Our sec fond task i Tonger-range but mo leas impor- tant. Te is to clear ap the doubt in Kus mins, and inthe minds of other nations, eon ‘cerning our willingness to enter » collective security system. This we must set about at tice. Ine, the recent resalution intr ‘luce in the Senate by Senators Ball, Hil, Burton and Hatel is goo frm step in the right dtcetion, Tt deserves the cupport of very American who seeks peace with the other great peoples of the earth. (6 by 4, andi colo. I is ein printed in Roe si newspapers displayed widely, repradced on postcards and mailed to Red soles a the font, 1 saci i aT eit ae, LES OF THE U.S.S.R. THE FIGHTING GREAT RUSSIANS BROUGHT THEM ALL TOGETHER comnmes on wear peak 23 People times U.S.S.R. HAS ! 175 PEOPLE au slphabet and have taken to publishing books. Ap. frovimately 40 such languages have beun revered From the abyss of iliteuey aud launched into his Lorie eultare. Ths the Gilaks and tho Vagnobians the Kets and the Karsgas, and » sore mara ao sce ther traditional songs and egends in pint and have begun to write new ones. Naturally, Gret Rie Buriat, meri, rene pare Uzbeks, untsing 0000, ar people Samarkand ud okbae, grow elton od = Tah nterag ani gost eran a lan I taught a soon language inal the soos "This is unquestionably the greatest peaefl story in th wood today. What wil cone of i impomble to muy, wheter a ba of bickering nationals oF & grt outpouring of energy. wit and beauty. Kirzhi, UUsiecy Aneraidzhang, Tatars are Sighting today together forthe U.S. R., welding a trie won rd poole ores eto Palin Hero then Bo. Kalyks,unering 19800 Boi Jews, mein 000 ae xatered over the USSR. a thee pages are shown only a characterise 18 of theU SS 175 peoples. Roughly they aedivided Ai cat ofthe Caspian Sea 500,000 Fiano Urine of the north, phis various sie Iranian, Meogoian, Sowish, German, Grock, Siberian and Baltic stoke. ssreth a9 lber rpies Thar eure ots ne oS100B. ‘S2aMS,nanberng ome 170, are rete tothe Fan Tay Ie the maths prt of Europ ns ne Marwan conrimoce ox wexr race 25 ata a3 — Cae 3 1 an aun CUO a at atta tt} Pa Build your wartime meals around soups like these... Milky, country-fresh Corn—on April Ist./ (and No Footing!) THE FATHER OF MODERN RUSSIA shape the state man of modern times was Madinis sich Ulyanov, He took the maine Lenin, peat cet of his yearn ee rom Ms ‘country and gave the work the bigest ew por Heal fact of ou era the feral Union of Sovit Socialist Replies aera fora of Communi "The impresion af integrated fore be gave in le may be send inthe portnt above, taken ot lang before his great step to power Lei was that rareatof men, an ablutelyunselfcmacions fod unvelfsh man whe Ded pandonate rope! ideas, ot even re expect for dee Head taster the trick of complete eucentration, He Had a fantastisenpacity for work and attr Juloer ad thoes shoal Ube snaliet ar wel {the biggest atic of his ite. He spike Ea Teh, Geren and Prouch a well Haein, ad could ru Tali, Swish nd Push, He we oem, well-balanced ma who was dedicated to ven 140,00, people fom brutal td in onmpetenttpranay- He dil what he stout tod. Tein didnot make the Revolution in Rossa oe aid any one organized group of wen. Bat he tenth leybe reve sadeerl ee tach f the flly af the French Htevolution. Tes Impostbe to imagine what the history of Basia and the work wookd Rave been kal he not Hee 2» “The Yankee Doodle dandiest hands he eve Not a bit rough— ‘cause luse Hinds before and after war work. A Honey of a lotion! after my o they're 5 a kittens ear! HINDS *# HANDS and wherever skin needs softening! 30 Lenin (nines wikia Novernber7, 1917» ‘Stalin, Lenin and Kalinin & Lenin (corinws) 0. SocLow 2 HES “My dear, your ingenuity har quite reconciled me to _siving up wanecesary traveling forthe duration.” LOOK AT IT THIS WAY—IF all of us took a pleasure trip ‘whenever we gor the urge, transportation facilities would ‘be secely swamped, Notun otD-rAsmioneD _ Statler Hotels pens pore rewnsnvana «= $205 oe ew vor “ae s08 #130 SHES "Yes, and we can put the money into War Bonds and go wwice as many places after the war.” Sp Uncle Sam asks ust curtail smcesary traveling for the duration, eh When you do have to ral the tsssportiion people will bless you if you'll get tickets a ae Wellin advance’ and cel une ‘wanted space promptly. Likewise, whea you head for suater of the Statler-opersved William Pena ia, Hotel Pesoaylvn swerean give you far more satilac: tory service Hf youll reserve your oom a least three days Bele ferive. Thatand ely cancel tions when your plans tre changr ill help ease the shortage of hotel accommodations ia many large cities, Foctun ly, when you stay at a Statler, there is 00 ‘of comfort, Ta these tense times we believe you'll appreciate the famous Statler beds more than ever, ‘And we've lee nothing undone to keep Statler food and service as near perfection as wartime conditions permit, ‘YOUR DOLLARS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED FOR U.S. WAR BONDS 2 FOOD RATIONING SURE HAD ME WORRIED \ te Sal =6l- NO VITAMIN. SHORTAGE IN MY y FAMILY, THANKS TO Lenin (nis) ons of workers Wor attocts not only the number of shoes yostean bay-—but the syle of those shoes! Because of recent rulings afoting shoe styles, Regal asked Oliver Moore, noted castom bootinaker of New York, for his Interpretation of «wingtip design which te in keeping wit wartime rate. tions without steificing authentic syle Ties Above is the Oliver Moore oviginal, contng $45 a pate, together withthe atch. stitch, leather for leather Regal Repro bringing you not just cuthentiestyle—but the fines imported and domestic leathers, and painstaking quality workmanship? Tt i this com ‘Shoes went and wear and WEAR... and ‘etain tei eorreet shape! wwe don't pretend Rey are warth the price of The orginal are custo 11 andsminde throughout, atthe Fate of w Sew pais daily, Regal Shove are olume:preduce on the same efcient rnachinery used deh maiface od the entire outpat of eur iret to you tarouzh ou al Store. Hence the low Reval Can you tell the *45° Oliver Moore Original from the OV REGAL REPRODUCTION? for every paiv in every vaef, in any Regal Store votmakers originals, tether vith the Regal Repro “high fs whi,” Th reseription fre if you ean el opal Stores you get correct ft, ar ad authenti siyle, «the bigs joncy's worth” and the REGAL SHOES 35 If you're slated for action like this WILLIONS of wx are alate for more ative Fines tives in which our ll ws ont nt in tht of need. And if you undertake sich ation You'll want to be dressed like this It’s MUNSINGWEAR The only underwear with the STRETCHY-SEAT Js ook orth MSG late 36 Lenin (nines FROM LENINISM TO STALINISM ithe om hi ik hed 1928, he was master of allscilist sate. After the Cieil War, Leia visers had else the absolute contrels of "War Camis oF the New Beovomie Policy (1021). The NEP permitted peacoat fel foo spi in the open market and allowed sal private tn Imanfacuring to tar up agai, When Losin diel in Janvary 1924, there were two poe among his esocates who might have taken dver. One was the talkative, errti,midl-las Aithongh he continually opposed many Bolshevik decions, wus not expelled rom the Party until 1027 He went into eile Hind secret network of epporition wi the gremoment. Aemarnation of pe Kino, in 1088, Stalin rately dimiauted the socalled Totayist ith eal, With the ‘och of the sel or work tion Stalin mf t cor Plan (192-2) eta ttn the wiping out ofthe la pao wt item pom der i irl Five Year Plan the Sovicts annonecd ed oft to the manufacture of armamentn [AU Lenin's doath the Soviets were embarked om many great ent campaign against relish wa 7 cep fhe anya rat But uy the dnb th re harder to obtain, the fail ried, and early 1050's the Ure of word revsltion hs ‘more thas a talking pint. Although the much-feured Commit Tater lagu weet ot ctv Moe tage ca trl i. ences hoping to avert war eo that the U8. 8 R. ould ga Soviets med the Brand: Kelly pac, were reognia by the U8 in he League of Nation in 1884, aad mia Litvinal tried to tabi raring the Hsing tide 1d was followed by appeasement at Muni, League clin ete ntmgpnin ct i 5alhectne e Hin ‘ear wlen Hier invaded them on dane "Those events brought the Soviets to the in which interoationlina wat at leat temporarily shelved. Te Rs tecay looks hack on aed adiives the trang points ite pre Revoltionars and Caar its biliant general ts romantic Revelaonary ures share U de Lenin, Stalin (oor) ad Town tha taayof the present-day Red leaders shown on pages 0-1

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