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Cerebral Cortex Advance Access published March 20, 2014

Cerebral Cortex

A Differential and Timed Contribution of Identified Hippocampal Synapses to Associative

Learning in Mice
Agnès Gruart, Raudel Sánchez-Campusano, Azahara Fernández-Guizán and José M. Delgado-García

Division of Neurosciences, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville 41013, Spain

Address correspondence to Prof. José M. Delgado-García, División de Neurociencias, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1,
41013-Sevilla, Spain. Email:

Although it is generally assumed that the hippocampus is involved in The hippocampus seems to participate in many different
associative learning, the specific contribution of the different sy- functions, such as Pavlovian associative learning (Berger et al.
napses present in its intrinsic circuit or comprising its afferents and 1983; Moyer et al. 1990; McEchron and Disterhoft 1997; Gruart

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efferents is poorly defined. We studied here activity-dependent et al. 2006), spatial orientation (Moser et al. 2008), object rec-
changes in synaptic strength of 9 hippocampal synapses (corre- ognition (Clarke et al. 2010), and other forms of memory
sponding to the intrinsic hippocampal circuitry and to its main inputs acquisition, storage, and retrieval (Bliss and Collingridge 1993;
and outputs) during the acquisition of a trace eyeblink conditioning Neves et al. 2008; Wang and Morris 2010). In this regard, it is
in behaving mice. The timing and intensity of synaptic changes unresolved whether those different functions are carried out
across the acquisition process was determined. The evolution of by localized sites within the hippocampal circuits (McHugh
these timed changes in synaptic strength indicated that their func- et al. 2007; Nakashiba et al. 2008), or are dependent upon the
tional organization did not coincide with their sequential distribution specific, timed activation of the multiple synaptic contacts
according to anatomical criteria and connectivity. Furthermore, we present in those circuits.
explored the functional relevance of the extrinsic and intrinsic affer- We have addressed these important questions here, studying
ents to CA3 and CA1 pyramidal neurons, and evaluated the distinct the evolution in strength of 9 different hippocampal synapses
input patterns to the intrinsic hippocampal circuit. Results confirm during the hippocampal-dependent trace eyeblink condition-
that the acquisition of a classical eyeblink conditioning is a multisy- ing in behaving mice. For this, animals were chronically im-
naptic process in which the contribution of each synaptic contact is planted with stimulating and recording electrodes at selected
different in strength, and takes place at different moments across sites of the intrinsic hippocampal circuit and in the main hip-
learning. Thus, the precise and timed activation of multiple hippo- pocampal afferent or projecting sites. First, we determined the
campal synaptic contacts during classical eyeblink conditioning basic functional properties of the selected synapses—namely,
evokes a specific, dynamic map of functional synaptic states in that input/output curves, paired-pulse facilitation, and LTP evoked
circuit. by high-frequency stimulation (HFS) of presynaptic neurons
(see Madroñal et al. 2009). For eyeblink conditioning, animals
Keywords: associative learning, behaving mice, hippocampal networks, were presented with a tone as a conditioned stimulus (CS)
learning-dependent synaptic plasticity, LTP followed 500 ms from its end by an electrical shock of the
trigeminal nerve as an unconditioned stimulus (US). CRs were
determined from the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the
ipsilateral orbicularis oculi muscle. Field excitatory postsyn-
aptic potentials (fEPSPs) were evoked following CS presenta-
It is commonly accepted that learning and memory processes tions across training sessions in all of the selected synapses.
are able to evoke more-or-less stable changes in synaptic Results indicate that there is a precise and quantifiable acti-
weights in selected cortical and subcortical neural sites (Bliss vation sequence of the multiple hippocampal synaptic contacts
and Collingridge 1993; Kandel 2001; Neves et al. 2008; Wang that takes place during the acquisition and extinction of a
and Morris 2010)—that is, that newly acquired motor and/or classical eyeblink conditioning, involving a dynamic map of
cognitive abilities are stored in the brain in the form of func- synaptic-learning states.
tional and/or structural modifications of synaptic efficiency
(Ramón y Cajal 1909–1911; Konorski 1948; Hebb 1949). For
example, it has been shown that the hippocampal-dependent
trace eyeblink conditioning (Weiss et al. 2005; Bangasser and
Shors 2007), a form of associative learning, evokes a concomi- Material and Methods
tant change in strength at the hippocampal perforant pathway
Experimental Animals
(PP)–dentate gyrus (DG) (Weisz et al. 1984) and CA3–CA1 Experiments were carried out in C57Bl/6 male adult mice (3–4 months
(Gruart et al. 2006) synapses of behaving mice. It has also old; 25–30 g) obtained from an official supplier (University of Granada
been shown that these changes in synaptic strength share Animal House, Granada, Spain). Upon arrival, animals were housed in
many properties with experimentally evoked long-term poten- separate cages (n = 8 per cage), but they were switched to individual
tiation (LTP) (Bliss and Collingridge 1993; Kandel 2001; Gruart cages after surgery. Mice were kept on a 12-h light/dark cycle with con-
et al. 2006; Wang and Morris 2010). However, a still-open stant ambient temperature (21.5 ± 1 °C) and humidity (55 ± 8%). Food
and water were available ad libitum. Experiments were carried out in
question is whether all hippocampal synapses included in its accordance with the guidelines of the European Union (2003/65/CE)
intrinsic circuit, and those involved in its main inputs and and Spanish regulations (BOE 252/34367–91, 2005) for the use of lab-
outputs, present similar increases in strength and with similar oratory animals in chronic studies. All experimental protocols were
changing rates across the learning process. also approved by the local Ethics Committee.

© The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
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Animals were prepared for the chronic recording of the EMG deteriorate over time. A total of 10 animals per group (i.e., per
activity of the orbicularis oculi muscle and fEPSPs evoked at 9 selected synapse) were used for classical conditioning and fEPSP
different hippocampal synapses during classical conditioning of recordings. Some additional animals (n = 16) were used in a prelimi-
eyelid responses (Figs. 1 and 2). Only animals that reached all be- nary study to determine the most appropriate recording and stimu-
havioral criteria and with proper electrode placement and expected lating sites (Fig. 3). Finally, 10 animals/selected synapse were used
field potential recordings were analyzed. We considered successful for input/output curves, paired-pulse facilitation, and the LTP study
those animals that finished the experimental protocols presenting (Fig. 4). In accordance, a grand total of 196 mice were used in this
extracellular recordings (i.e., fEPSPs and/or LFPs) that did not study.

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Figure 1. Experimental design. (A) Example of stimulating and recording electrodes aimed to activate the right hippocampal CA3–CA1 synapse. Superimposed recordings at the
top left illustrate fEPSPs recorded in the stratum radiatum of the CA1 area after electrical stimulation (St.) of Schaffer (Sch.) collaterals. EMG recording electrodes were implanted in
the orbicularis oculi (OO) muscle of the left upper eyelid, and stimulating electrodes were implanted on the trigeminal nerve for US presentation. For classical eyeblink conditioning,
we used a tone (20 ms; 2.4 kHz; 85 dB) as CS. Superimposed recordings at the bottom left correspond to the blink reflex evoked in the OO muscle by the electrical stimulation of
the trigeminal nerve. Note the 2 short-(R1) and long-(R2) latency components characterizing the blink reflex in mammals. DG, dentate gyrus; PP, perforant pathway. (B) A
representation of the conditioning paradigm, illustrating CS and US stimuli, and the moment at which a pair of pulses (100 μs; square; biphasic) was presented to Schaffer
collaterals (St. Hippocampus). An example of an EMG recording from the OO muscle obtained from the seventh conditioning session is illustrated, as well as an extracellular
recording of hippocampal activity from the same animal, session, and trial. Note the fEPSPs evoked in the CA1 layer following paired-pulse stimulation of Schaffer collaterals. (C)
Typical learning curve (expressed as % CRs) calculated from the EMG activity of the OO muscle. (D) At the top are illustrated fEPSPs evoked at the CA3–CA1 synapse by
paired-pulse presentations at the moments (1–3) indicated below. The graphs at the bottom show the evolution of synaptic strengths (CA3–CA1 synapse) for the 2 evoked fEPSPs
(first, left ordinate; second, right ordinate) during the successive training sessions.

2 Hippocampal Synapses and Associative Learning • Gruart et al.

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Figure 2. Location of the stimulating and recording sites. (A) Selected sites for the implantation of stimulating (red dots) and recording (blue dots) electrodes corresponding to the
9 synapses included in the study. Diagrams and coordinates relate to the Paxinos and Franklin Atlas 2001. (B,C) Representative photomicrographs illustrating the final location of
stimulating (B) and recording (C) electrodes. Electrode tracts are indicated by red (stimulating) or blue (recording) arrows. Calibration is indicated in the bottom middle
photomicrograph. Abbreviations: D, L, M, and V, represent dorsal, lateral, medial, and ventral, respectively; CPv, caudate-putamen nuclei; DG, dentate gyrus; D3V, third ventricle,
dorsal part; fmi, forceps minor of the corpus callosum; IL, infralimbic cortex; LV, lateral ventricle; M1, M2, motor cortex; PAG, periaqueductal gray; PP, perforant pathway; PrL,
prelimbic cortex; REU, thalamic reuniens nucleus; SUB, subiculum. In green are indicated the horizontal coordinates for cCA3 implanted electrodes.

Surgery West Warwick, RI, USA). Field EPSP recordings were carried out with a
Animals were anesthetized with 0.8–1.5% isoflurane delivered via a high-impedance probe (2 × 1012 Ω, 10 pF). Electrodes were surgically
mouse anesthesia mask (David Kopf Instruments, Tujunga, CA, USA). implanted in the selected hippocampal and prefrontal areas using as a
The anesthetic gas was supplied from a calibrated Fluotec 5 guide the field-potential depth profile evoked by paired (40 ms of in-
(Fluotec-Ohmeda, Tewksbury, MA, USA) vaporizer, at a flow rate of terval) pulses presented at the corresponding synaptic input (Fig. 3).
1–2 L/min oxygen (AstraZeneca, Madrid, Spain). The 9 synapses The recording electrode was fixed at the site where a reliable monosy-
selected for this study were the following: PP–DG, DG–CA3, PP–CA3, naptic fEPSP was recorded (Fig. 2B). Synaptic field potentials were
CA3–CA1, contralateral CA3 (cCA3)–CA1, thalamic reuniens nucleus evoked in the 9 selected synapses during habituation, conditioning,
(REU)–CA1, PP–CA1, CA1–subiculum (SUB), and CA1–medial prefron- and extinction sessions by paired pulses (100 µs in duration, 40 ms of
tal cortex (mPFC). As shown in the diagrams included in Figure 2A,
interpulse interval) applied to Schaffer collaterals 300 ms after CS pres-
animals were implanted with bipolar stimulating and recording elec-
entation. Stimulus intensities ranged from 50 to 350 µA. For each
trodes at the selected sites, following the corresponding stereotaxic
animal, the stimulus intensity was set usually at 30–40% of the intensity
coordinates (Paxinos and Franklin 2001). Electrodes were made from
50 µm, Teflon-coated, tungsten wire (Advent Research, Eynsham, UK). necessary to evoke a maximum fEPSP response (Gureviciene et al.
A bare silver wire was affixed to the occipital bone as ground. All the 2004, Fig. 4A). An additional criterion for selecting stimulus intensity
implanted wires were soldered to a 6-pin socket (RS Amidata, Madrid, was that the second stimulus, presented 40 ms after the conditioning
Spain) and were then fixed to the skull with dental cement (Fig. 1A). pulse, evoked a larger (>20%) synaptic field potential (Bliss and
Further details of this chronic preparation are indicated elsewhere Gardner-Medwin 1973, Fig. 1B,D).
(Gruart et al. 2006). For input/output curves (Fig. 4A), animals were stimulated with
single pulses at increasing intensities (0.02–0.4 mA, in steps of 0.02
mA). We also checked the effects of paired pulses at different (10, 20,
Recording and Stimulation Procedures 40, 100, 200, and 500 ms) interstimulus intervals while using intensi-
EMG recordings were carried out with the help of Grass P511 differen- ties corresponding to 40% of the amount necessary to evoke a saturat-
tial amplifiers within a bandwidth of 0.1 Hz–10 kHz (Grass-Telefactor, ing response (Fig. 4B).

Cerebral Cortex 3
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Figure 3. Selective examples of preliminary depth-profile recordings carried out to facilitate the identification of fEPSPs evoked at the 9 synapses included in this study. (A),
Depth-profile representation of fEPSPs evoked in the hippocampal CA1 area by paired-pulse stimulation (40 ms of interpulse interval, red arrows) of ipsilateral Schaffer collaterals
(CA3 stimulation). Stimulus intensity was set at 40% of the intensity (mA) necessary to evoke maximum fEPSP responses. Recordings were carried out in steps of 100 µm. (B) A
diagrammatic representation of the location of somas and dendrites corresponding to CA1 pyramidal cells and to dentate granule neurons. The different strata are indicated. (C)
Another field-potential depth profile corresponding to fEPSPs evoked in the CA1 and dentate gyrus areas by the paired-pulse stimulation of the perforant pathway. Calibrations in (A)
are also for (C).

For evoking LTP, each animal was presented with five 200 Hz, during the CS–US interval had to be at least 2.5 times greater than the
100 ms trains of pulses at a rate of 1/s. This HFS protocol was pre- averaged activity recorded immediately before CS presentation
sented 6 times in total, at intervals of 1 min. The 100 µs, square, bipha- (Gruart et al. 2006).
sic pulses used to evoke LTP were applied at the same intensity used Field EPSPs were evoked at the 9 selected synapses 300 ms after CS
for the single pulse presented during baseline and post-HFS record- presentations across every habituation, conditioning, and extinction
ings. Baseline records were collected at a rate of 3/min for the 15 min sessions (Figs 1B,D and 5A,B).
preceding HFS presentation. After the HFS protocol, recordings at the
same stimulus intensity and frequency were collected for 2 h, and then
for 15 min on each of the 2 following days (Fig. 4C). Histology
At the end of the experiments, mice were deeply re-anesthetized
(sodium pentobarbital, 50 mg/kg) and perfused transcardially with
saline and 4% phosphate-buffered paraformaldehyde. Selected sec-
Classical Eyeblink Conditioning tions (50 µm) including the implanted wires were mounted on gelati-
For recordings, 2 animals at a time were placed in separate small (5 × nized glass slides and stained using the Nissl technique with 0.1%
5 × 10 cm) plastic chambers located inside a Faraday box (30 × 30 × Toluidine Blue, to determine the proper location of stimulating and
20 cm). Classical conditioning was achieved using a trace paradigm recording electrodes (Fig. 2B).
(Fig. 1B). For this, a tone (20 ms, 2.4 kHz, 85 dB) was presented to
the animals as a CS. The US consisted of a 500 µs, 3× threshold,
square, cathodal pulse. The US started 500 ms after the end of the CS. Data Collection and Analysis
A total of 2 habituation, 10 conditioning, and 5 extinction sessions EMG and hippocampal activity, and 1 V rectangular pulses correspond-
were carried out for each animal (Fig. 1C). A conditioning session ing to CS and US presentations, were stored digitally on a computer
consisted of 66 CS–US presentations, and lasted ≈30 min. In 10% of through an analog/digital converter (CED 1401 Plus; Cambridge Elec-
cases, the CS was presented alone. CS–US presentations were separ- tronic Design, Cambridge, UK), at a sampling frequency of 11–22 kHz
ated at random by 30 ± 5 s. For habituation and extinction sessions, and an amplitude resolution of 12 bits. Commercial computer pro-
only the CS was presented, also for 60 times per session at intervals of grams (Spike 2 and SIGAVG, from Cambridge Electronic Design) were
30 ± 5 s. As criterion, we considered a “CR” the presence, during the modified to represent EMG and extracellular synaptic field potential re-
CS–US period, of EMG activity lasting >10 ms and initiated >50 ms cordings. Data were analyzed off-line for quantification of CRs and the
after the CS onset. In addition, the integrated EMG activity recorded fEPSP slopes (Gruart et al. 2006). The slope of evoked fEPSPs was

4 Hippocampal Synapses and Associative Learning • Gruart et al.

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Figure 4. Functional properties of the 9 synapses included in this study. Illustrated data were collected from implanted animals (n = 10 per group) that passed the 3 successive
experimental tests: input/output curves, paired-pulse facilitation, and LTP. (A), Input/output curves evoked at the 9 selected synapses. Each circle represents the mean value (with its
corresponding SEM) computed from 50 stimulus presentations (5 per experimental animal). (B), Field EPSP facilitation evoked in the 9 synapses. Data shown are mean ± SEM
slopes of the second fEPSP expressed as a percentage of the first for the 6 interpulse intervals. Significant fEPSP facilitation was evoked at short (10–40 ms) interstimulus intervals
in most of the synapses, but some of them presented facilitation at large intervals (*, P < 0.05). (C) An attempt was made to evoke LTP in the 9 synapses by HFS of the
corresponding presynaptic sites. The HFS consisted of 5 trains (200 Hz, 100 ms) of pulses at a rate of 1/s. This protocol was presented 6 times in total, at intervals of 1 min. In
order to obtain a baseline, animals were stimulated every 20 s for 15 min in the afferent pathways. After HFS, the same single stimulus was presented at the initial rate (3/min) for
another 120 min. Recording sessions were repeated on 2 additional days (15 min each). Note that while most synapses presented significant increases in fEPSP slopes after HFS,
some of them presented a low (PP–CA1) or delayed (CA1–mPFC) potentiation, or a significant depression (REU–CA1). *, P < 0.05.

Cerebral Cortex 5
collected as the ratio between the difference of amplitudes (in mV) and Appendix A). Regression analysis was used to study the evolutions of
the corresponding difference of times (in ms) for the selected points the percentage of CRs (Figs 1C, 5B, and 7C) and the fEPSP slopes
from fEPSP recordings (i.e., mV/ms). The relatively different evolution (Figs 1D, 5A, and 7A,B) across conditioning, and for the trend of the sy-
of fEPSP slopes evoked by the 2 pulses presented during the CS–US in- naptic evolution index (SEI) (see eq. 3, Figs 6B,C, and 8, and Sup-
tervals was calculated as a second/first × 100 ratio (see Madroñal et al. plementary Table 3 and Supplementary Material, Appendix B).
2009). In general, for all the statistical tests (multivariate, regression, and
Only data from successful animals (i.e., those that allowed a com- circular statistics), the significance level (P) was indicated. It is
plete study with a proper functioning of both recording and stimulat- common to declare a result significant if the P value is <0.05 (*), 0.01
ing systems) were computed and analyzed. All the analyses were (**), or 0.001 (***). In particular, for each regression test, the correlation
developed with the help of homemade quantification and represen- coefficient (r), and the parameters and equation of the best poly-
tation programs. The computational tools, the analytical approach of nomial/sigmoidal fit, were reported. Unless otherwise indicated, data
synaptic-learning-state functions, and the timing–strength evolution are represented by the mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). The
indices proposed here (equations 1–3) were designed and developed different timing–strength evolution indices proposed in this work are
with the help of modified versions of the MATLAB (The MathWorks, defined below:
Natick, MA, USA) functions, as well as, by means of new applications Timing–strength dispersion index s  sðijrÞ for the ith-synapse or for
(see Sánchez-Campusano et al. 2009; 2011; 2012) and customized the rth-circular pattern of the % CRs:

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scripts (Figs 5–8).
Computed results were processed for statistical analysis using the 1  r s (ijr)
 s (ijr) ¼ 2 : ð1Þ
Sigma Plot 11.0 package (Sigma Plot, San Jose, CA, USA) and the 2½C s (ijr)
MATLAB Toolbox (“Multivariate Statistics” and “Circular Statistics”
[Berens 2009] tools) for Windows. For multivariate statistics assess- Relative dispersion index RDIi1,i2|r between the circular timing–
ments, both parametric (analysis of variance [ANOVA] F-tests, with or strength patterns of 2 different (i1 and i2) synapses or between the
without repeated-measures [RM]) and nonparametric (ANOVA tests on i1th-synapse and the rth-circular pattern for the level of expression of
Ranks, with RM [Friedman RM ANOVA] or without RM [Kruskal–Wallis the CRs:
ANOVA]) methods were used to assess the statistical significance of differ-   2
ences among groups, followed by the appropriate test (Holm-Sidak, or s
 s(i1) 1  rs(i1) C s(i2jr)
RDI i 1;i2jr ¼ ¼ : ð2Þ
Tukey, or Student–Newman–Keuls, in this order of priority) for all the s
 s (i2jr) 1  rs(i2jr) Cs(i1)
pairwise multiple-comparison analyses.
When the normality (Shapiro–Wilk, or Kolmogorov–Smirnov test) SEI (in the same unit of measurement as the fEPSP slope —i.e., mV/
and equal variance of the errors (Levene Median test) assumptions ms, or the % of baseline) was designed to estimate the changes
were satisfied, the statistic F½ðm1Þ;ðm1Þðn1Þ;ðlmÞ ; with its correspond- between different synaptic-learning states of the same synapse or to
ing orders m (number of groups), n (number of animals), and l measure the dynamic changes between different synaptic-learning
(number of multivariate observations), was reported (Sánchez- states of different synapses:
Campusano et al. 2009). For ANOVA F-test with/without RM, the first
number (m−1) represents the variability between groups (i.e., the 1;T 2
Si2 - SiT1
variability due to the differences among the column means) and deter- SEI Ti 1;i2 ¼ 1
: ð3Þ
T 2- T 1
mines the numerator degree of freedom in the F-distribution table. The
second and the third numbers in the bracket following the F statistic In equations 1 and 2, rs is the circular kurtosis and C s is the radius of
represent the variability within groups (i.e., the variability due to the the circumference that describes the centroid with respect to the
differences between the data in each column and the column mean). origin. In equation 3, Si1 T1
and STi22 represent the synaptic strengths
For ANOVA F-test with RM the second number (m − 1) × (n − 1) deter- (fEPSP slopes, as % of baseline) at the synaptic-learning states
mines the denominator degree of freedom in the F-distribution table, [Si1 ð j1Þ; T ð j1Þ and ½Si2 ð j2Þ; T ð j2Þ; respectively. Notice that the evol-
while the third number informs about the number of multivariate ution index SEI measures the simultaneous changes in the 2 physio-
observations. For ANOVA F-test without RM, the second number logical variables of each synapse—that is, the timing T( j) and the
informs about the number of experimental subjects, while the third synaptic strength Si ( j), as well as the relative dynamic evolution
number (l − m) determines the denominator degree of freedom in the between different synapses at different learning states. For further
F-distribution table (Hogg and Ledolter 1987). The factors related to details about these analytical approaches, the readers may refer to Sup-
the statistical model proposed here were the training phase and days, plementary Material (see Supplementary Tables 1–3, and Appendices
corresponding to 1-way or 2-way ANOVA F-tests. A and B).
When the normality assumption was not verified, the significance
(P value) of χ 2 statistic was calculated using the ranks of the data rather
than their numeric values. Ranks are found by ordering the data from Results
smallest to largest across all groups, and taking the numeric index of
this ordering. The rank for a tied observation is equal to the average
rank of all observations tied with it. Note that ANOVA test on Ranks is a Basic Functional Properties of Hippocampal Synapses
nonparametric version of the classical ANOVA F-test, and an extension Included in This Study
of the Wilcoxon rank sum test to >2 groups. Thus, the usual F statistic Mice were prepared for the chronic recording of fEPSPs evoked
is replaced by a χ 2 statistic (Hollander and Wolfe 1999). Finally, the at the 9 selected synapses belonging to the hippocampal intrin-
parametric and nonparametric methods were also applied to the data
sic circuit or involved in its main inputs and outputs (Fig 1A)
taking in to account the sessions/days as repeated measures.
For the circular statistics inferences (Batschelet 1981; Mardia and during classical conditioning of eyelid responses. The final
Jupp 1999; Berens 2009; Sánchez-Campusano et al. 2011), we used location of recording and stimulating sites was checked with his-
both the Rayleigh and the Watson hypothesis tests, in addition to the tological procedures at the end of the recording sessions
von Mises distribution (the circular analog of the normal distribution), (Fig. 2). Nevertheless, during surgery, the electrode location in
for the probability density of the circular mean of the time data and the the selected recording or stimulating sites was decided with the
corresponding circular dispersion indices: s  s for the simultaneous help of field-potential depth profiles collected in a preliminary
timing–strength characterization of each synapse (see eq. 1, Figs 6A
and 7D, and Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Material,
set of experiments (Fig. 3).
Appendix A) and relative dispersion index (RDI) for the relative In a first series of experiments (n = 10 mice/group) we
dispersion patterns between different synapses (see eq. 2, Figs 6A checked the general functional properties of the 9 selected sy-
and 7D, and Supplementary Table 2 and Supplementary Material, napses. Input/output curves presented increased fEPSP slopes

6 Hippocampal Synapses and Associative Learning • Gruart et al.

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Figure 5. Synaptic-learning states (colored rectangles) and multiple-comparison analyses of their synaptic strengths. (A,B) Evolution of fEPSP slopes (as % of baseline, see A) collected
at 9 hippocampal synapses, and CRs (% CRs, see B) across the successive training sessions. Selected synapses were: 1, perforant pathway (PP)–dentate gyrus (DG); 2, DG–CA3; 3,
PP–CA3; 4, CA3–CA1; 5, contralateral CA3 (cCA3)–CA1; 6, thalamic reuniens nucleus (REU)–CA1; 7, PP–CA1; 8, CA1–subiculum (SUB); and 9, CA1–medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC).
Note that some synapses increased in learning-dependent strength across training (PP–DG, CA3–CA1, cCA3–CA1, REU–CA1, and CA1–SUB), whilst for others their strengths increased
at the beginning of the conditioning sessions and decreased at the end (DG–CA3, and PP–CA3), did not present any significant change (PP–CA1), or decreased across training (CA1–
mPFC). See code color bars to the right of (A) and (B). (C) A diagram of hippocampal synapses included in this study, indicating their main input and output connections. (D) Mean
values of maximum synaptic strength during learning for the 9 synapses. According to the statistical analyses, 4 synapses (1, 2, 4, and 8) presented maximum synaptic strengths
significantly different [F4,36,45 = 11.70; P < 0.001] from those evoked by synapse 9 (left histogram). Note the potentiation [F1,19,18 = 30.37; P < 0.001] of synapse 8 in contrast to the
inhibition of synapse 9 during the acquisition process. A similar analysis (right histogram) showed that synapses 3, 4, 6, and 5 presented significantly different [F4,36,45 = 6.22;
P < 0.001] maximum synaptic strengths from those shown by synapse 7. However, synapses 1, 4, 5, and 8 presented similar synaptic strengths [F4,36,45 = 1.86; P > 0.05] at the
asymptotic level (session C10, see magenta arrows) of the acquisition process. For the multiple-comparison analyses (Tukey’s test) with respect to the synapses 9 (left histogram) and 7
(right histogram), the significance level is indicated (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001). Error bars represent SEM.

Cerebral Cortex 7
Figure 6. Evolution in timing and strength and functional organization of the 9 selected synapses across learning. (A) Timing–strength dispersion patterns between the mean Downloaded from at Serials Section Norris Medical Library on March 31, 2014
(green arrows) and maximum (red arrows) values of synaptic strengths across conditioning. The normalized fEPSP slope determined the strength/magnitude of the vector, while the
training session (H2, C1–C10, or E1) determined the timing/orientation of the vector. Three synapses showed a dispersion pattern similar [one way ANOVA F-test, F3,27,36 = 3.68;
P > 0.01] to that of eyelid activity (% CRs, 100%; PP–DG, 96.20%; CA3–CA1, 121.22%; CA1–SUB, 112.54%), whilst other synapses (cCA3–CA1, 31.16%; REU–CA1, 28.81%; PP–
CA1, 9.89%) presented smaller [one way ANOVA F-test, F3,27,36 = 341.91; P < 0.001] timing–strength dispersion patterns, and the synapses DG–CA3 (11.55%), PP–CA3
(10.37%), and CA1–mPFC (12.68%) showed smaller values [one way ANOVA F-test, F3,27,36 = 415.68; P < 0.001] of the dispersion indices but with angular displacements in
opposite directions (see blue bent arrow inside each circumference). (B, C) Color map representations of synaptic strengths (fEPSP slopes, as % of baseline) between mean and
maximum (max) values (white dashed arrows) for all the synapses. (B) Preliminary distribution of the 9 synapses according to anatomical criteria and connectivity (Fig. 5C). (C)
Proposed functional distribution of synapses according to the timing–strength dispersion index for each synapse ( ss) (see eq. 1 and Supplementary Table 1), the RDI between 2
circular patterns (see eq. 2 and Supplementary Table 2), and the trend (see black dashed arrow) of the SEI (see eq. 3, Supplementary Table 3 and Fig. 8) across synapses.

with increasing intensities (in mA), although some synapses were steeper for the PP–DG synapse than those evoked at the
(REU–CA1, CA1–SUB, and CA1–mPFC) reached lower asymp- PP–CA3 and PP–CA1 synapses, a fact already reported in an-
totic values than the others (Fig. 4A), indicating some impor- esthetized guinea pigs (Bartesaghi et al. 2006).
tant functional differences between them. In addition, We also checked the paired-pulse facilitation present in the
perforant pathway inputs evoked differential effects on their selected synapses. Paired-pulse stimulation is a form of short-
hippocampal targets. Specifically, input/output relationships term synaptic modulation used as an indirect measurement of

8 Hippocampal Synapses and Associative Learning • Gruart et al.

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Figure 7. Synaptic-learning states (see the color rectangles) and their timing–strength synaptic evolutions. (A, B) Evolution of the synaptic strengths (fEPSP slopes, as % of
baseline) collected in the hippocampal circuit following a paired-pulse stimulation paradigm (first and second St.) during a trace eyeblink conditioning. Selected synapses were: perforant
pathway (PP)–dentate gyrus (DG); DG–CA3; PP–CA3; CA3–CA1; contralateral CA3 (cCA3)–CA1; thalamic reuniens nucleus (REU)–CA1; PP–CA1; CA1–subiculum (SUB); and CA1–
medial prefrontal cortices (mPFC). (C) Evolution of the percentage of conditioned responses (% CRs) across the successive habituation (n = 2), conditioning (n = 10), and extinction
(n = 5) sessions. Colors correspond to the quantitative color bars to the right of the panels (A,B). (D) The timing–strength dispersion patterns between the mean (green arrow) and
maximum (red arrow) values of synaptic strength (for the normalized fEPSPs 2) across 12 training sessions (H2, C1–C10, and E1). Three synapses showed a dispersion pattern similar
[one-way ANOVA F-test, F3,27,36 = 1.92; P > 0.05] to that of the eyelid activity (% CRs, 100%; PP–DG, 98.19%; CA3–CA1, 121.09%; CA1–SUB, 108.01%), other synapses (cCA3–CA1,
9.67%; REU–CA1, 29.64%; PP–CA1, 3.11%) presented smaller [one-way ANOVA F-test, F3,27,36 = 436.49; P < 0.001] timing–strength dispersion patterns; and the synapses DG–CA3
(11.31%), PP–CA3 (10.23%), CA1–mPFC (11.52%) showed smaller values [one-way ANOVA F-test, F3,27,36 = 433.80; P < 0.001] of the dispersion indices ( ss, see eq. 1 and
Supplementary Table 1; RDI, see eq. 2 and Supplementary Table 2) but with angular displacements in opposite directions (see blue bent arrows inside each circumference).

Cerebral Cortex 9
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Figure 8. A 3D learning-dependent array constructed in accordance with the SEI. (A) The evolution of the mean timing between the mean and maximum values of the synaptic
strength (see black dashed arrow in Fig. 6C). (B) Trends of SEI in relation to the proposed functional distribution of the synapses (Fig. 6C). The color-dashed curves represent the
contours of the different regions (R1–R4 and R1.2–R3.4) where the SEI values are distributed with respect to the zero reference line (in red) and the regression line (in black). (C)
The regression analysis showed a strong dependence (r = 0.95; P < 0.01) between the mean timing and the SEI values. For all the regression analyses (in A–C) the linear
equations, the correlation coefficients (r), and the significance levels (P) are indicated. (D) At the left is illustrated a 3D-array representing the synaptic-learning states. The proposed
distribution of the synapses according to the SEI (in this order: 2, 3, 4, 8, 1, 5, and 6) allowed establishing an alternative model of functional connections (see the right diagram of
connections) in the hippocampal circuit. The colors of the arrows in the diagram of connections correspond with those of the contours of the regions (in B).

changes in the probability of release of neurotransmitter at the et al. 2011). Finally, the REU–CA1 synapse showed an evident
presynaptic terminal (Thomson 2000; Zucker and Regehr and significant (P < 0.05) long-term depression in response to
2002). According to the multiple-comparison analyses, most of the presentation of the HFS protocol (Fig. 4C). On the whole,
the selected synapses presented a significant (P < 0.05) paired- these results suggested the presence of different functional
pulse facilitation at short intervals (10–40 ms), but some of properties of the selected synapses that could make them act in
them extended the facilitation to 100 ms (DG–CA3, PP–CA3, diverse, but complementary, ways during the acquisition of
cCA3–CA1, and CA1–mPFC), or even 200 ms (REU–CA1) of actual associative learning tasks.
interpulse interval (Fig. 4B).
Finally, an LTP was evoked in all of the synapses by HFS of Differential Changes in Strength Evoked in the Selected
the corresponding presynaptic terminal (see Materials and Hippocampal Synapses by Classical Eyeblink
Methods). When evoked in behaving mice, most LTPs pre- Conditioning of Behaving Mice
sented profiles similar to those already described for the CA3– In a second series of experiments, animals were prepared for
CA1 synapse in the same species (Gruart et al. 2006; Madroñal the classical conditioning of eyelid responses using a
et al. 2007). However, and as reported recently (Jurado-Parras hippocampal-dependent trace conditioning paradigm (Fig. 1A,
et al. 2012), the CA1–mPFC synapse presented a significant B; Weiss et al. 2005; Bangasser and Shors 2007). Mice (n = 10
(P < 0.05) delayed building up of the expected synaptic poten- per group) acquired this type of associative learning progress-
tiation, a fact also reported recently in behaving mice (Eleore ively, reaching 50% of CRs by the fourth conditioning session

10 Hippocampal Synapses and Associative Learning • Gruart et al.

and reaching top values (75% of CRs) by the 10th (Fig. 1C). In the training session determined the timing/orientation of the
parallel with the increase in the percentage of CRs, and as vector.
already reported for this synapse (Gruart et al. 2006), we were According to the data illustrated in Figure 6A, 3 synapses
able to record a learning-dependent change in fEPSP slopes showed a dispersion pattern similar [F3,27,36 = 3.68; P > 0.01] to
evoked by a pair of pulses presented to the CA3–CA1 synapse that of eyelid activity during conditioning sessions (% CRs,
during the CS–US interval (Fig. 1B,D). It has already been 100%; PP–DG, 96%; CA3–CA1, 121%; and CA1–SUB, 112%),
shown that this synaptic potentiation is significantly related whilst other synapses (cCA3–CA1; REU–CA1; PP–CA1) pre-
with the increase in the percentage of CRs (Gruart et al. 2006). sented smaller [<32%; F3,27,36 = 341.91; P < 0.001] timing–
We used the same conditioning paradigm to check the evol- strength dispersion patterns, suggesting a lower degree of cor-
ution of activity-dependent changes in strength for the 9 sy- relation with the acquisition process (see Supplementary
napses included in this study. As illustrated in Figure 5A,B, Tables 1 and 2 and Supplementary Material, Appendix A).
changes in synaptic strength reached maximum (or minimum) Finally, 3 synapses (DG–CA3, PP–CA3, and CA1–mPFC) pre-
values at different times and rates. Although most synapses sented the smallest values [<13%; F3,27,36 = 415.68; P < 0.001] of
presented a progressive, sustained increase in fEPSP slopes, the dispersion indices, with angular displacements in opposite

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others presented an early potentiation that also disappeared directions (see blue bent arrows in Fig. 6A).
very soon (DG–CA3), were progressively depressed (CA1– The SEI was designed to estimate the changes between differ-
mPFC), or were not affected by the training (PP–CA1). ent synaptic-learning states of the same synapse or to measure
The appropriate statistical analysis (combination of para- the dynamic changes between different synaptic-learning states
metric multivariate methods [ANOVA F-test] and multiple- of different synapses. In particular, for each synapse, the analy-
comparison analyses [Tukey’s test]) carried out with the col- sis of the SEI between the mean and maximum values of the sy-
lected data indicated that some synapses (PP–DG, DG–CA3, naptic strength and their corresponding times of occurrence
CA3–CA1) belonging to the intrinsic hippocampal circuit (see Supplementary Table 3 and Supplementary Material,
(Amaral 1993) presented maximum synaptic changes signifi- Appendix B) enabled us to propose an alternative distribution
cantly [F3,27,36 = 16.51; P < 0.001] different (in both strength of the synapses (in this order: 2, DG–CA3; 3, PP–CA3; 4, CA3–
and session presentation) from those evoked by the CA1– CA1; 8, CA1–SUB; 1, PP–DG; 5, cCA3–CA1; 6, REU–CA1) (see
mPFC synapse (Fig. 5D, left histogram). Fig. 6B,C), and a hypothetical model of input–output physio-
We also observed important differences in the changes logical connections at the hippocampal circuit (see the diagram
evoked at the 2 hippocampal output pathways (CA1–SUB and of connections in Fig. 6C) while the animal learns the associative
CA1–mPFC) included in this study (Fig. 5A,D). Thus, one-way learning task.
ANOVA F-test with factors (days) revealed that fEPSPs evoked For comparative purposes, in Figure 7 are illustrated the
at the subiculum (CA1–SUB) were potentiated [F1,9,18 = 30.37; different changes in synaptic strength evoked by the second of
P < 0.001] during the conditioning sessions relative to baseline, the pair of pulses presented to each of the selected synapses
whilst effects on the prefrontal cortex (CA1–mPFC) were during the training sessions, in comparison with the effects
depressed [F4,36,45 = 11.70; P < 0.001] in comparison with the evoked by the first (fEPSPs 1 illustrated in Fig. 7A; and fEPSPs
maximum synaptic strengths in other synapses (intrinsic hip- 2 illustrated in Fig. 7B). Changes evoked by the second pulse
pocampal circuit and CA1–SUB). evolved across training in a way similar to those evoked by the
A similar statistical approach (Fig. 5D, right histogram) first one. Thus, some synapses increased in learning-
showed that the PP–CA1 synapse did not follow the changes in dependent strength across training (PP–DG, CA3–CA1, cCA3–
strength [F4,36,45 = 6.22; P < 0.001] taking place in the other in- CA1, REU–CA1, and CA1–SUB); other synapses increased their
trinsic synapses (PP–CA3, CA3–CA1, cCA3–CA1, and REU– synaptic strengths at the beginning of the conditioning ses-
CA1) of the hippocampal circuit. Finally, 4 synapses (PP–DG, sions and decreased at the end (DG–CA3 and PP–CA3); others
CA3–CA1, cCA3–CA1, and CA1–SUB) presented similar synap- did not present any significant change in this type of associat-
tic strengths [F4,36,45 = 1.86; P > 0.05] at the asymptotic level ive learning (PP–CA1); and, finally, others decreased in their
(10th conditioning session) of the acquisition process. synaptic strength (CA1–mPFC). Although the general evolution
of changes in synaptic strength was similar for the fEPSPs
evoked by the 2 pulses, some differences (≥25%; P ≤ 0.05) in
intensity (PP–DG, PP–CA3, CA3–CA1, and CA1–SUB) were
Different Timing–Strength Evolution Patterns Evoked also evident (Fig. 7A,B). In addition, some minor differences
at the Selected Synapses During Classical Eyeblink in the timing–strength dispersion pattern were observed in 2
Conditioning of the synapses (PP–CA3 and PP–CA1) for the evolution of
As illustrated in Figure 5A, the classical conditioning of eyelid fEPSPs evoked by the first (Fig. 6A) and the second (Fig. 7D)
responses carried out in the experimental animals not only pulses across learning.
evoked specific changes in strength in the 9 selected synapses, In accordance with an early report (Madroñal et al. 2009)
but also those changes took place at precise moments across paired-pulse facilitation (i.e., the relative changes in strength of
the successive training sessions. In accordance, we decided to the second vs. the first pulse) was significantly modified (P ≤
analyze both processes simultaneously. Thus, we also analyzed 0.05) in all of the studied synapses (apart the PP–CA1 one)
the timing–strength dispersion pattern (Batschelet 1981; across learning and extinction (not illustrated). As a whole, and
Mardia and Jupp 1999; Sánchez-Campusano et al 2011) ob- as already proposed for many other synaptic circuits (see
served between the mean and maximum synaptic strength Thomson 2000; Zucker and Regehr 2002 for details), the differ-
values across conditioning (Fig. 6A). In this analytical ap- ent synaptic effects evoked by the pair of pulses suggest that
proach, the normalized fEPSP slope determined the strength/ some presynaptic mechanisms are involved in classical eye-
magnitude of the vector (red or green arrow in Fig. 6A), while blink conditioning. In this regard, it has been already proposed

Cerebral Cortex 11
the involvement of presynaptic components of the CA3–CA1 in strength and takes place at a different acquisition moment
synapse in the same type of associative learning in mice (Madro- across the conditioning process.
ñal et al. 2009). The significance of the dynamic patterns set up by the intrin-
The analysis of the timing–strength synaptic evolutions sic and/or extrinsic afferents to both CA3 and CA1 networks
across conditioning (Figs 5–8), including the calculation of the was also established. Synaptic terminals impinging upon CA3
dispersion patterns (ss and RDI) (see equations 1 and 2, and postsynaptic pyramidal neurons (DG–CA3 and PP–CA3) pre-
Supplementary Tables 1 and 2) and the SEI (see eq. 3 and Sup- sented similar activation profiles (Fig. 5A,D) across condition-
plementary Table 3), allowed us to propose the putative func- ing; but quite different circular means of time distributions
tional organization of the 9 synapses included in the present (Fig. 6A) and different mean values of the SEI (Fig. 8 and Sup-
study, which did not coincide with their sequential organization plementary Table 3). These differing data suggest the need for
according to anatomical criteria and connectivity (Figs 5C and 2 distinct input systems to the hippocampal CA3 network
6B,C; Amaral 1993). The picture emerging (Figs 5D, 6C, and 8) while the animal learns this classical conditioning task. The
is that following an early, short-lasting activation of the DG–CA3 computational relevance of these 2 afferents to CA3 pyramidal
synapse, there is an increasing process of activation of the neurons has been suggested by other authors (Treves and Rolls

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intrinsic hippocampal circuit (CA3–CA1), including one of the 1992; Treves 2004; Rolls and Kesner 2006) and supported by
hippocampal main outputs (CA1–SUB) and its contralateral the present results. We found that the synapses from the
counterpart (cCA3–CA1). Perforant pathway inputs (PP–CA3 dentate granular cells onto CA3 neurons (DG–CA3 synapse) via
and PP–DG synapses) are activated in a delayed form, a fact that mossy fibers (first input system) presented an early and signifi-
has also been reported during a tone-food association test cant potentiation (Fig. 5A,D) and very high absolute values of
carried out in behaving rats (Segal and Olds 1972; Segal et al. the SEI (Fig. 8 and Supplementary Table 3) in order to force, at
1972), whilst the PP–CA1 synapse seems not to participate ac- the beginning of the learning process, the CA3 cells into a
tively in this type of associative learning (Figs 5A,D, 6C, and pattern of activity relatively independent of any input being re-
8C). Interestingly, whereas synaptic projections to the subicu- ceived from CA3 recurrent collaterals.
lum (CA1–SUB) are potentiated, those to the medial prefrontal Interestingly, at the precise moment that the synaptic
cortex (CA1–mPFC) are disfacilitated (Figs 5A,D and 6C). strength of the DG–CA3 synapse began to decrease, the PP–
DG synapse presented a progressive, sustained increase in
fEPSP slopes (Fig. 5A,D). In fact, the effects of these dynamic
Discussion changes were reflected as different dispersion patterns ( ss;
The functional and dynamic approach used here to better un- Figure 6A and Supplementary Tables 1 and 2) and very differ-
derstand the plastic changes taking place in 9 selected hippo- ent values of the proposed evolution index (SEI) (Fig. 8 and
campal synapses during the actual acquisition and extinction Supplementary Table 3). In this respect, we can propose that
of a classical eyeblink conditioning task allows us to propose following an early, short-lasting activation of the DG–CA3
the hippocampus as a neuronal structure enabling the specific, synapse, there is an increasing process of activation of the PP–
timed combinations in synaptic changes in strength character- DG synapse in order to regulate the intensity of the DG–CA3
izing this type of associative learning (Berger et al. 1983; synapse and to relay enough specific signals to initiate the re-
Moyer et al. 1990; McEchron and Disterhoft 1997; Weiss et al. trieval process, via perforant path input (second input system)
2005; Gruart et al. 2006; Bangasser and Shors 2007; Madroñal to CA3 pyramidal cells (PP–CA3 synapse, see Fig. 8D). In this
et al. 2007). It can be assumed that other cognitive functions regard, it has already been shown that single neuron changes
carried out by hippocampal networks, such as spatial orien- in CA3 are not directly dependent upon those in DG, and that
tation, object recognition, and memory storage and recall the sequence of changes taking place in those neurons does
(Moser et al. 2008; Neves et al. 2008; Clarke et al. 2010; Wang not directly confirm the classical intrinsic hippocampal circuit
and Morris 2010), are carried out by spatial-temporal patterns (Segal and Olds 1972; Segal et al. 1972). In addition, it was
of synaptic activities different to the ones described here for shown years ago that the PP–DG synaptic activity is poten-
classical eyeblink conditioning. tiated during nictitating membrane response conditioning in
The collected results have enabled us to evaluate the trends rabbits (Weisz et al. 1984).
of the proposed SEI (see eq. 3, Fig. 8A–C, and Supplementary According to this dynamic approach, synapses impinging
Table 3) and to define a 3D learning-dependent array (Fig. 8D) upon the same set of CA1 postsynaptic pyramidal cells (PP–
characterizing the contribution of the hippocampal synapses CA1, CA3–CA1, cCA3–CA1, and REU–CA1) seemed to present
(included in its intrinsic circuit and those involved in its main different activation profiles (Fig. 5A,D) at the asymptotic level
inputs and outputs) to trace eyeblink conditioning. In this (10th conditioning session) of the acquisition process.
respect, it is very important to consider that the evolution Additionally, these synapses have different dispersion patterns
index SEI measures the simultaneous changes in the 2 physio- ss) (Fig. 6A and Supplementary Table 1) and different values
logical variables of each synapse—that is, the timing and the of the SEI (Fig. 8 and Supplementary Table 3). This evidence
synaptic strength, as well as the relative dynamic evolution allows us to suggest the need for at least 3 different operant
between different synapses at different learning states. In input systems (from CA3, cCA3, and REU) to the hippocampal
general, the 3 indices defined here ( ss, eq. 1; RDI, eq. 2; and CA1 network (see diagram in Fig. 8D) during the acquisition of
SEI, eq. 3) enable a better determination of the relationships the trace eyeblink conditioning. The information relayed by
between different functional states—that is, between different such different afferent connections determines the timing and
synaptic-learning states involved in the acquisition of an intensity of the fEPSPs evoked in CA1 neurons. Thus, we can
associative learning task. The present results strongly suggest propose that whereas CA3 cells project both to CA1 via the
that this type of associative learning is a multisynaptic process Schaeffer collaterals (first input system, CA3–CA1 synapse) and
in which the contribution of each synaptic contact is different to other CA3 cells via recurrent collaterals, those from the

12 Hippocampal Synapses and Associative Learning • Gruart et al.

contralateral counterpart (second input system) project to CA1 synaptic patterns and underlying molecular events (Inda et al.
pyramidal cells (cCA3–CA1 synapse) with maximum poten- 2005).
tiation (Fig. 5A,D), as well as with an extensive dispersion In summary, we can propose that the results obtained with
pattern ( ss) (Fig. 6A, and Supplementary Tables 1 and 2) and the dynamic approach presented here for determining the
the highest values of the SEI (Fig. 8 and Supplementary functional organization of hippocampal circuits during actual
Table 3). In contrast, the synapse formed by the extrinsic affer- learning are incompatible with the excessive localization of
ents from the thalamic reuniens nucleus (third input system) to hippocampal functions proposed by others (McHugh et al.
CA1 neurons (REU–CA1) presented a lower activation profile 2007; Nakashiba et al. 2008). Thus, depending on the specific,
than the cCA3–CA1 synapse (Figs 5A,D and 6C). timed activation of its multiple synaptic contacts, the hippo-
Furthermore, and following the dynamic approach devel- campus can be involved in many different functions, such as
oped here, the dispersion patterns of both REU–CA1 and CA3– spatial orientation (Moser et al. 2008), object recognition
CA1 synapses with respect to the level of CR expression were (Clarke et al. 2010), and various other forms of memory acqui-
significantly different ( ss; Supplementary Tables 1 and 2); and sition and retrieval (Bliss and Collingridge 1993; Neves et al.
the calculation of the synaptic evolution index between REU– 2008; Wang and Morris 2010). It can therefore be proposed

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CA1 and cCA3–CA1 synapses indicates that there are important that for each associative and/or cognitive function carried out
differences (SEI; Figs 5D and 8) in the progressive potentiation by the hippocampal circuit there is a corresponding functional
of these synapses. The absence of a definite LTP (Eleore et al. map of different synaptic weights characterizing it. In future
2011), or even the presence of a long-term depression, instead studies, it will be important to systematically manipulate each
of the expected LTP, in the REU–CA1 synapse when activated of individual components of the hippocampal circuits,
by the HFS protocol, is coherent with its late activation during piece-by-piece, using powerful genetic approaches, to reveal
the extinction sessions (see Fig. 5A). In this regard, the exist- their respective roles in learning and memory processes.
ence has been proposed of a closed REU–CA1 circuit that
allows the reuniens nucleus to modulate the activity in CA1, de-
pending on hippocampal output (Dolleman-Van der Weel Supplementary Material
et al. 1997). Supplementary material can be found at: http://www.cercor.oxford
Whereas the CA1–SUB synapse is potentiated, the synaptic
projections to the medial prefrontal cortex (CA1–mPFC) are
disfacilitated, and the differences between them were highly
significant (Fig. 5A,D). These differences were reflected di- Notes
rectly in the dispersion patterns (ss) (Fig. 6A, and Supplemen-
The authors thank J.M. González-Martín for his technical assistance
tary Tables 1 and 2) and in the SEI values (Fig. 8 and and Roger Churchill for his editorial help. Conflict of Interest: None de-
Supplementary Table 3). The facilitation of learning-related clared.
commands sent to the subiculum could be related to the diffu-
sion across sensory-motor circuits of the increased CS–US
associative strength in order to generate the corresponding
overt motor responses (i.e. the CRs), whilst the disfacilitation This study was supported by Spanish MINECO (BFU2011-
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14 Hippocampal Synapses and Associative Learning • Gruart et al.

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