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虐童案後小孩找不到新學校?專家提 3 解方,

Unable to Find New Schools for Your Child After Child
Abuse Incident? Experts Recommend 3 Solutions for
Parents in Need of School Transfers.

親子天下媒體中心 - 陳奕安

Parenting World Media Center – Chen Yi An

Recently, suspected incidents of feeding sedatives to children at a kindergarten in
New Taipei city and child maltreatment at a childcare center in Taipei city have
left many parents anxious. At the same time, it underscored Taiwan’s lack of
standardized procedures to handle surge in requests for transferring children due
to sudden closures of childcare facilities. What policies should be implemented to
address the demands of transferring children to alternative childcare facilities?

After child abuse cases, there is an ugent need to transfer schools but cannot find
one. How can we solve the problem of transfering children?

Key Takeaways

• 虐童案後寶寶急轉出,家長為何陷送托困境?
Why do parents face difficulties in finding alternative childcare options
when their children need to be urgently transferred after child abuse cases?
• 協助轉托轉園需求,專家提 3 解方
Experts suggest 3 ways to assist the school transfers demands
• 解方一:積極盤點空手保母、協助教保員到其他托嬰
Solution 1: Actively inventory vacant positions for babysitters and assist
childcare workers in finding positions at other childcare centers.
• 解方二:佈建公共臨托,度過「緊急過渡期」
Solution 2: Establish publish temporary childcare centers in order to
overcome “the emergency transistion period”
• 解方三:加強定型化契約內容,對違規業者課責
Solution 3: Strengthen standardized contract terms and hold non-
compliant operators accountable.

新北市板橋一所私立幼兒園(下稱 A 幼兒園),日前傳出
疑似餵食幼童安眠藥事件,至今驗出 8 名孩童身上有藥物
於 7 月底歇業,新北市教育局則裁定園所於 6 月 12 日起
廢止設立許可,讓園內 65 名孩子的安置成為問題。
Recently, a private kindergarten, below referred to as "A Kindergarten," was
suspected of feeding sleeping pills to children. Up until now, eight children have
been found to have drug residues in their bodies, causing panic among parents.
After the incident occurred, The operator announced that the facility will be
closed at the end of July. The New Taipei City Department of Education has also
decided to revoke the establishment permit of the kindergarten starting from June
12th. This has made the arrangement of 65 children in the facility a problem.

A parent surnamed Jiang, whose child attends A kindergarten, recently attended
a press conference to make a complaint. The child has been confirmed to have
tested positive for Barbital (a Schedule III controlled substance). However, it is
challenging to immediately find a new school for the child as the current semester
is still ongoing. The parent not only hopes that relevant authorities will assist in
conducting drug tests but also the government to take action in arranging a
transfer to another school for the child.

類似狀況也發生在今年 5 月,台北市內湖某私立托嬰中心
(下稱 B 托嬰中心)發生多起幼兒虐待事件,遭北市社會
局開罰,勒令停辦 1 年。律師吳沂錚負責部分家長對該起
A similar incident occurred in May this year. Cases of child abuse occurred at a
private childcare center located in Neihu, Taipei City, below referred to as B
childcare center, was penalized by the Taipei City Department of Social Welfare
and ordered to suspend its operation for one year. Lawyer Wu Yizheng is
responsible for handling lawsuits from some of the parents involved in this case.
She mentioned that some parents have shared with her that upon discovering their
children were also harmed, they immediately took leave for their children.
However, without any support, they cannot find suitable childcare centers or
babysistters in the short term. As a result, they “have no choice but to send the
child back to this childcare center.” The parents can only consolse themselves by
saying, “Although child abuse did occur here, the social welfare department is
now intervening and monitoring the situation strictly.”


Recent events of serious mistreatment being reported at two childcare facilities

have made parents anxious and feared that their children may encounter
malicious childcare centers. At the same time, the incidents have also
underscored Taiwan’s current lack of appropriate procedures to deal with the
sudden closure of childcare facilities, leading to a high demand for transferring
schools by the affected children and their parents.


Why do parents face difficulties in finding alternative childcare options when

their children need to be urgently transferred after child abuse cases?


“Parenting World” has gathered opinions from experts in the field of preschool
education and discovered that when there is a sudden demand for school transfers,
parents and their children encounter two major challenges: inadequate capacity
of childcare facilities and the absence of prompt placement regulations and
procedures from the government.
乎全滿!」,全中心近 70 個寶寶的送托成為難題。
Inadequate capacity of childcare facilities makes it difficult for parents to find
alternative options if the operator closes the facility. Wu Yizheng has asssisted
parents in transferring schools. She made call to all of the childcare centers in
Neihu district, “However, all childcare centers in Neihu are currently mostly full!”
Placement of 70 children becomes a challenging task.

在幼托領域工作逾 20 年的全國教保產業工會理事楊秀彥
說,2021 年高雄曾爆出托嬰中心集體不當對待事件,7
3 個月,有超過 30 個寶寶急需送托。但正值學期中,有
Working in the childcare sector for more than 20 years, National Education and
Industry Union’s Director Yang Xiuyan mentioned that in 2021, a childcare center
in Kaohsiung City was involved in an incident of improper treatment. 7 children
were suspected to have been pinched on the face and slapped on the mouth by
childcare workers, leading to a three-month suspension of business for the
operator. As a result, 30 children were in urgent need of school transfers. But
during the middle of the semester, reputable and affordable semi-public and
public childcare centers were fully occupied. Additionally, there was a shortage
of temporary childcare facilities in Kaohsiung at that time. Consequently, many
children could only be taken care of by grandparents or parents who had to quit
their jobs to provide care themselves.
少年福利機構設立許可及管理辦法》第 13 條第一項,規
As for the procedures following the closure of childcare facilities, director of the
Women and Children’s Section of the Taipei City Department of Social Welfare,
Nian Yuhan, stated that the current "Child and Youth Welfare and Rights
Protection Act" has neither explicit handling mechanisms nor assistances that
should be provided by government agencies. According to the current regulations,
only Article 13, Paragraph 1 of the “Regulations for the Establishment and
Management of Private Child and Youth Welfare Institutions" requires childcare
facilities to submit an application and provide placement for children and staffs
before ceasing operation.

粘羽涵指出,以近期的內湖 B 托嬰中心不當對待事件為例,
Nian Yuhan pointed out, using the recent mistreatment case of Neihu B childcare
center as an example, the Department of Social Welfare can only rely on the
aforementioned article to require the suspended childcare center to take care of
the arrangements for both affected teachers and students. This, along with the
supervision and assistance of the assigned personnel from the department,
support the placement progress.
協助轉托轉園需求,專家提 3 解方
Experts suggest 3 ways to assist the school transfers demands

When a childcare facility treats the children improperly, causing parents and
children to encounter school transfers difficulty, relevant agencies should do what
to assist them? Associate professor of the Department of Child and Family
Welfare of Fu Jen Catholic University, Tu Miaoru, believes that even in the
absence of specific regulations, local educational bureaus and social welfare
bureaus should still assume their responsibilities as supervisory authorities. They
should intervene with emergency placements, facilitate matching with childcare
facilities, and provide comprehensive support measures to assist parents.


Solution 1: Actively inventory vacant positions for babysitters and assist

childcare workers in finding positions at other childcare centers.

進行送托,對於未滿 2 歲、有長期托嬰需求的寶寶來說相
“Inventorying vacant positions for babysitters is one approach,” said Lin Yueqin,
Executive Director of the Jing-Juan Safety and Education Foundation. When
public childcare and public preschools are full, it may not be necessary to insist
on sending children to these institutions. When such incidents occure, the
government can quickly assess the availability of childcare spots in home-based
childcare centers, identify babysitters who have vacancies and can take on
childcare responsibilities, and assist parents in contacting these babysitters.
Moreover, finding suitable babysitters for placement is highly suitable for babies
under 2 years old who require long-term childcare.

上僅收托不到 50 名幼兒」。
In addition, Shijie, the administrator of the well-known Facebook page
“Complaining about Malicious Kindergartens,” pointed out that there are
childcare centers who are being limited by manpower, resulting in the actual
enrollment capacity is less than the approved capacity. “There are centers who
have more than one hundred approved enrollment spots, but due to inability to
recruit enough education and care personnel, they actually enrolled less than 50

However, in non-compliant childcare centers, there are still education and care
personnel or babysitters who are not involved in the violations. She suggests that
if the government can match these individuals and temporarily place them in
nearby facilities where the approved enrollment capacity has not been filled, they
can take care of the children from the original center. This would be beneficial in
alleviating the current demand for childcare.

Solution 2: Establish publish temporary childcare centers in order to overcome
“the emergency transistion period”

「再過 3 個月我家孩子就能上幼兒園,但現在家裡真的沒
有後援」、「其他托嬰中心要 2 週後才能收托⋯⋯」對於家
“Three months later and my child can finally attend kindergarten, but right now
we have no support at home,” “other childcare centers can only accept
enrollment after two weeks from now…” When it comes to parents and children
needing urgent but short-term childcare, what should the government do? Yang
Xiuyan frankly stated, "It is only possible to meet the urgent needs of parents
when there are temporary childcare centers available in different administrative

楊秀彥分享,2021 年高雄托嬰中心集體不當對待事件發
意送托的家長能夠選擇臨托,最後由 2 個臨托據點、臨時
收托共 6 名孩子,提供家長找下一間園所的緩衝時間。
Yang Xiuyan shared that in 2021, when the collective mistreament incident
occurred, the city government provided temporary spaces and resources and
arranged qualified babysitters. This allowed parents who intended to enroll their
children in childcare to choose temporary care. In the end, two temporary care
locations accommodated a total of six children, providing parents with a buffer
period to find another childcare center.

許就是一個送托選擇。「現在高雄臨托據點增加至 12 個,
Yang Xiuyan observed that after experiencing incidents of mistreatment in their
original childcare facilities, many parents develop a sense of distrust towards the
childcare environment. They may have more concerns about home-based care,
such as babysitters who typically do not have surveillance cameras installed. In
this situation, public temporary care centers located in parent-child centers is a
potential option. These centers have a relatively open and transparent
environment, with other families frequently present. The children also have
opportunities to play with other peers. "Currently, there are 12 temporary care
locations in Kaohsiung. In case of emergencies, we can quickly meet the needs of
parents and children," she said. Yang Xiuyan urged the government to continue
establishing flexible and friendly public childcare resources like temporary care
centers. She also emphasized the importance of considering resource distribution
across different regions while planning and constructing public childcare
facilities. By improving accessibility and convenience for parents, the government
can effectively meet the real needs of parenting families in critical moments.
0~8 歲階段,最容易遇到臨時突發狀況,但現況下,育
嬰留職停薪僅能於孩子 3 歲前申請。她建議,育嬰假應該
涵蓋孩子 0~8 歲階段,讓家長面對突發狀況時能夠兼顧
Regarding the demand of temporary childcare, Huang Qiaoling, spokeperson of
the Childcare Policy Advocacy Alliance, pointed out that a more flexible parental
leave system could assist parents. Parents are most likely to encounter unexpected
situations during their child's 0-8 years, but the current parental leave system
only allows for leave until the child reaches 3 years of age. She suggested that
parental leave should cover the 0-8 year age range, enabling parents to balance
work and childcare responsibilities when faced with unforeseen circumstances.

Solution 3: Strengthen standardized contract terms and hold non-compliant
operators accountable.

Besides the government's responsibility to assist parents in transferring their
children to other childcare centers, Shi Jie believes that childcare operators also
share the responsibility and cannot make any excuses. Unfortunately, according
to Nian Yuhan, when reviewing the “Standardized Contract Regulations for
Childcare Centers” by the Executive Yuan, it is found that while the contract
regulates the responsibilities and obligations of operators during the period of
childcare, it lacks provisions for protecting children and parents in cases of harm
to the child's physical and mental well-being, or in the event of closure,
suspension, or termination of operations. The contract only requires operators to
"notify" parents and provide "appropriate" referrals to other childcare centers.

Nian Yuhan believes that if the standardized contract could include increased
responsibilities for operators, such as holding them accountable for operational
issues and bearing the additional costs incurred by parents during the transition,
it would provide better protection for parents and alleviate the damage suffered
by childcare families in such incidents.

Furthermore, Tu Miaoru also pointed out that the government should emphasize
more in the contract, for example, when signing agreements with operators,
establishing clear guidelines on how publicly operated, quasi-public, or
outsourced childcare institutions should respond to child abuse incidents and
what responsibilities they should assume. She also reminded that the public sector
must exercise strict oversight and implement sufficient supervisory and guidance
mechanisms for childcare institutions to prevent child abuse incidents from
occurring in the first place.

When childcare centers are forced to suspend operations due to child abuse cases,
it is the non-compliant operators who have commited the mistakes, and innocent
children and childcare families should not suffer as a result. Ensuring a safe
growth for every child is a mission the government cannot ignore. In addition to
the operators taking their corresponding responsibilities, the government must
also propose follow-up placement and support measures to prevent parents and
children from being trapped in a helpless situation.

Editor: Liu Yingjun

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