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OK, now let's see how our choice

of the hyperparameter value alpha

affects the performance of our model for any general objective
function in this form.
So let's start with the case with alpha being 0.
In that case, our objective function
is purely just a lost term, which
means that our model should do very
well to approximate the relationship
between the training data inputs and the training data outputs.
So in terms of training objective function,
as alpha increases from 0, we should
see a increase of our objective function value.
In terms of accuracy, which is proportional to the inverse
of our objective function, because we're
trying to minimize our objective function,
this will look like something like this as we increase alpha.

Now, let's think about what happens

to the testing objective function
value and testing accuracy.
When alpha is very small, let's say
we start off with some testing objective function
value that's here.
As we increase alpha, we increase the amount
of regularization that's been put on our model, which
means that our model is starting to generalize better
to unseen testing data.
So the objection function value actually decreases.
However, beyond a certain point, we may generalize,
we may place too much value on the regularization term
and make our model so generalizable
that it can no longer classify any sort of data set,
so our testing error starts to increase again.
On the accuracy plot, this will look something like this.

And we see that there's actually a value--

let's call that alpha star--

for which we have a minimum in our testing objective function

of value and a maximum in our testing accuracy performance.
And this is the alpha that we want to use,
because it's the optimal alpha that
gave us the best performance for our model on unseen testing
And the question is, how do we actually
find this alpha star value with only training set data?

Because we can't actually use testing

set to test what this alpha star value is
because we, by definition, testing set is data
we haven't seen before.
And to do this, we'll actually see that the method we use
is cross-validation.

And we will now go over that in the next video.

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