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(The Existence of Recognition of Non-Binary Choice, Women, and Men by

themselves as a form of Damage to the Current Human Mindset in the LGBTQ

By Puspito Rizky Wahani

What is non-Binary? What is Gay? What is Lesbian? What is Bisexual?

What is Queer? A new term formed by old humans who felt most entitled to their
rights as humans on earth. New ambiguous terms. New terms that dance over the
opportunity of the formation of the change many old terms to modern and serve as
nothing but a smoothing of the previous rough terms. Tansy, Snout, and Homo are

"Lesbian is a term often used for women who direct their sexual orientation
to fellow women, this term also refers to women who love women either physically,
sexually, emotionally, or spiritually. Lesbian also refers to women who like the
same sex, or means traits or objects or activities associated with same-sex
relationships between women." (Imran, 2019:214)

"Homosexuality is a person's sexual orientation and liking with other people

of the same sex and biologically or the same gender identity. Sexual behavior with
someone of the same gender, no matter sexual orientation or gender identity. Sexual
identity or self-identification may refer to homosexual behavior or homosexual
orientation. Homosexuality can also be defined as a desire to have a romantic
relationship or sexual desire with the same sex if men are often referred to as gay
while women are called lesbians." (Imran, 2019:215)
"Health experts say that bisexuality is a sexual orientation, while
transgender or transsexualism is included in the group of people with mental
disorders. Bisexual by definition is romantic attraction, the existence of sexual
attraction or the liking to have sexual relations with men and women at the same
time. This definition is used in the context of human attraction to show romantic or
sexual feelings to both men and women at the same time. It is also defined as
encompassing romantic or sexual attraction to any type of gender identity whether
male or female or to a person regardless of gender." (Imran, 2019:227)

The existence of the terms Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer, and non-Binary
is considered only a joke term according to most people. A term coined by a group
of people who feel that they are the most judged in the world. This group of people
says that if they don't feel they are, are uncomfortable with themselves, they can
easily change God's rules to their heart's content and echo that transgression against
other humans. A group of human beings who can't tell the difference between black
and white. A group of human beings invents and use ambiguous terms that cannot
be proven true to themselves. A group of human beings who are incapable of
accepting reality. They only live in a world of shadows, imaginations, and fantasies
that they form and assemble themselves. Live in the shackles of lust and pretend
that they can't get out of them.

Human beings should have dignity equal to what other human beings have
as human beings, instead, they destroy that dignity of themselves. Many things are
reversed, and they still do, one of which is that they place, drop, and plunge the
rights and dignity they have before other human beings. Herding the opinions they
have, forcing other human beings to agree with the claims they use, creating a thick
atmosphere of the opinions they make, forcing the will they have, which only tends
to make them look right, and we as humans who disagree with what they echo are
labeled as intolerant, selfish humans, Humans who do not want to see what is in
front of their eyes. It happened, then it happened. It is what it is.
Is that true? What reverse claims occur? A group of human beings with a
circular of pamphlets, brochures and, billboards in hand full of colorful patterns. A
group of human beings who assume that other humans who believe there is only
black and white in the world are not visionaries, and are blindfolded. Human beings
who are eager to seek more freedom. A human being who thirsts for the recognition
of others. You unconfident human being! The real human being aware of his
hypocrisy but unwilling to admit it.

Speaking of their dignity, is that worth questioning? As a human being? Or

as a human being who bears a desire that is not recognized by most people around
them? Does it need to be questioned again? If they really want to be questioned,
what rights and dignity do they demand? According to (Imron, 2019: 210) "The
social phenomenon of Lesbian, Guy, Bisexual and, Transgender (LGBT) which is
a category of social disease will have a negative effect on other individuals where
the social phenomenon appears. Just as social ills if not immediately addressed will
endanger the community at large, in the next stage it will threaten a community
called society."

The sexual deviant behavior they have is behavior that is considered

disruptive, behavior that is considered bad and is considered abnormal even though
the behavior they have does not harm others and is also considered not harmful to
themselves. But if you look at the medical literature, one journal says "How is it
explained that a gender is "not a woman" and "not a man"? How not, if women
consist of XX chromosomes and men have XY chromosomes" (Moore et al., 2015),
"while there are individuals who have XXX and XXY chromosomes" (Lee et al.,

With the conclusion that, whatever arguments they have, no matter how
strong the arguments they fight, gender consists of only two in this world, namely
men and women. Those in the name of the disease, in the name of their rights as
human beings, in the name of human needs as they are not the same as most human
needs in general, are nothing but a group of people talking in an empty room without
any biological proof of their arguments. Medical facts that exist can never be
disturbed, medical facts that have been proven real before our eyes, studies that
throughout human life have been carried out and will continue, will not be easily
broken just like that with the recognition of the right of claim from one party.

From the perspective of the political world related to the phenomenon of

deviant sexuality that occurs in Indonesia, we can see in the speech of one of
Indonesia's political figures, namely Mr. Mahfud MD, he related to the spread of
LGBTQ in Indonesia that "LGBTQ is a nature that cannot be punished, but its
behavior directed against the law itself causes violations." Although the word nature
in his speech had experienced many pros and cons, we can still draw a conclusion
point that sexually deviant behavior possessed by humans who recognize
themselves as LGBTQ still have rights as humans in Indonesia and will not
experience judgment for what they do to themselves.

However, what is meant to be avoided by Indonesian society is mainly based

only on social sanctions that apply to their deviant behavior. Furthermore, because
the link to deviant behavior has been ingrained and seen as a representative form of
the existing public judgment material, many of them feel that they are the ones who
are avoided and threatened by society, they feel they do not get the rights they
should have and try to strike back at the arguments they have as a form of defense.

But if we try to open our eyes, just as Mr. Mahfud MD said that what people
try to avoid is their deviant behavior, and also anxiety or worry that arises about the
effects and influences they can transmit to society from the behavior they have.

Actually, many things can be done to deal with LGBTQ which is now
spreading rapidly, one concrete piece of evidence is according to the journal
(Yudianto, 2012: 70) "To prevent this, the state has established the prevention of
deviant sexual orientation and explained it in Law No. 44 of 2008 concerning
pornography and has included the term "deviant intercourse" as one of the elements
of pornography. The definition of the term includes, among other things,
"intercourse or other sexual activity with corpses, animals, oral sex, anal sex,
lesbians, and homosexuals."

So the conclusion that we can draw from many of these LGBTQ deviance
phenomena is that recognition from one side can never be true and real, whatever
arguments they have, no matter how strong the arguments they fight, gender only
consists of two in this world, namely men and women. LGBTQ people will only
stop in one place and can never be considered real in this world.


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