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UNNERSTATE: DN RuauLesy! TRUCTATEA ne Hlowne SORIN VASILE SABOU, Lic, MA, MPhil, PhD 5820 Reba St., Morton Grove, IL 60053, USA. 224-577-6550 13 decembrie 2021 S. Sohn PROFIL GENERAL Un teolog si filosof cu domenii de specialitate in Apostolul Pavel, Aristotel si Alasdair Macintyre. Experienta de predare in domenille teologiei, eticil si filosofiei de 24 de ani. Experientd editorial de 18 ani. Experient de predare online de 12 ani EDUCATIE $1 DIPLOME PhD, Teologie, Brunel University, cu teza: Between Horror and Hope ~ Paul's Metaphorical Language of Death in Romans 6 (coordonatori: Prof Max Turner, Dr Stephen Motyer; examinatori: Prof Steve Walton, Dr William Campbell; 2001) MPhil, Filosofie, with teza: The Dependency of Happiness on External Goods in Nicomachean Ethics, University of Birmingham, UK (coordonatori: Dr lain Law, Dr Jussi Suikkanen; examinatori: Prof Heather Widdows, Dr Fiona Leigh; 2019) MA, Studi liberale si integrative: Filosofie, cu teza After Virtue and Morality, University of Illinois, USA (coordonator: Dr William Kline; examinatori: Dr Roxanne Kurtz, Dr David Bertaina; 2015) Diploma de licentd, Titlu de licentiat in teologie, Universitatea 8abes-Bolyal din Cluj Napoca, Romania (1996) Diploma de Bacalaureat, Liceul Industrial nr 5 din Bala Mare, Romania (1987) GRANTURI DE CERCETARE $1 MENTORARE Saint Xavier University, Chicago, 2019 Wheaton College, 2006 Regent's Park College, University of Oxford, 2005 EXPERIENTA ACADEMICA, Conferentiar Universitar ~ Institutul Teologic Baptist din Bucuresti 2000 - Prezent ~ predare si mentorare in domeniile Teologiei Noului Testament, Hermeneutic’, Filosofie, si Etic’ (online si in persoana) ~ Editor al Jurnalui teologic — jurnal bianual, de tip peer review al Institutului Teologic Baptist din Bucuresti si al Facultdtii de Teologie Baptist’ din Universitatea din Bucuresti (2003 - Prezent) = Director, Centrul de cercetare pentru studi teologice st istorice baptiste Profesor Asociat ~ Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Teologie Baptista 2013 ~ Prezent Studi avansate de hermeneutic biblic’ (programul de master) Instructor (online) - Liberty University 2011 - Prezent - Predare online a cursurilor Ethics (ETHC 101), Philosophy (PHIL 240), Hermeneutics (NBST 652), Greek Language Tools (NGRK 505), Advanced Greek Language Tools (NGRK 511), New Testament Orientation | (NBST 521), New Testament Orientation I (NBST 525) Profesor adjunct — Harper College 2016 - Prezent - Predarea cursurilor: Introduction to Philosophy (PHI 105), Ethics (PHI 115), Critical Thinking (PHI 101) Profesor adjunct Saint Xavier University 2018 - Prezent - Predarea cursurilor: The Examined Life (PHIL 150), First Year Seminar (FYS-175), Ethics (PHIL-200), Church and Sacraments (RELST-268) Profesor adjunct - Moraine Valley Community College 2012 - 2019 - Predarea cursurilor: Philosophy (PHI 101), Critical Thinking (PHI 111), Ethics (PHI 125), World Religions (PHI 120) Asistent universitar - Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea 1995-1998 - Predarea cursurilor: Greaca Noulul Testament, Exegeza Noului Testament, Teologia Noului Testament AFILIER! PROFESIONALE Chicago Society for Biblical Research 2013 - Prezent Ancient Philosophy Society 2017 - Prezent Evangelical Theological Society 2007 - Prezent Society of Biblical Literature 2007 - Prezent PUBLICATII arti + Happiness and External Goods in Nicomachean Ethics (Wipf and Stock, 2019) * Happiness as Actuality in Nicomachean Ethics, An Overview (Wipf and Stock, 2018) * The Cross to Rome, Studies in Romans (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014) + Between Horror and Hope: Paul's Metaphorical Language of Death in Romans 6.1-11 (Paternoster, 2005) + Studit fn literatura paulind, (Editura Cartea Universitar’, 2005). * Cristos proclamat, (Editura Agape, 2004). losif Ton ~ Orizonturi noi in spiritualitate si slujire, [Festschrift], as coordinating editor, together with Dorothy Ghitea, (Editura Cartea crestin’, 2004), Intre groazé si speranté, limbajul metaforic al mortii in Romani 6.1-11 (Editura Cartea Crestin’, 2003). Capitole in cdrti + Tnceputul lucrérii lui Isus (Matel 1-4), La umbra Celui Atotputernic, Volum omagial Beniamin Féragdu, Radu GheorghitS, Emil Bartos, eds. (Cluj-Napoca: Editura Risoprint, 2020), p. 267-276. + Biblia intre catedra si amvon. Responsabilitatea Bisericil in noul context social si academic, Interpretarea Biblicé intre Bisericé si Universitate: perspective interconfesionale, Alexandtru toni, ed., Sibiu, Cluj Napoca: Editura Andreian8, Presa Universitarg Clujan8, 2016, pp 15-29. Arndt, William Frederick, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, 134. London: Rowan & Littlefield, 2016. Blackwell, Antoinette Louise Brown, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, 280-281. London: Rowan & Littlefield, 2016. Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, 979-980. London: Rowan & Littlefield, 2016. Ives, Levi Silliman, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, 1222. London: Rowan & Littlefield, 2016. + Trifa, Valerian, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. George Thomas Kurlan and Mark A. Lamport, 2328-29. London: Rowan & Littlefield, 2016. Botezul ca metafora in Romani 6.3, Care imparte drept Cuvéntul adevéirului, Volum ‘omagial loan Bunaciu, Otniel Bunaciu, Radu Gheorghit, Emil Bartos, eds. (Oradea Editura Reformatio, 2005), pp. 85-100. Vechi si nou in viata omului ~ continuitate si discontinuitate, observatii din Epistola tre romani, in Josif Ton — orizonturi noi in spiritualitate si slujire, Sorin Sabou, Dorothy Ghitea, coord. (Oradea: Editura Cartea Crestin’, 2004), p. 137-146. Articole Apostolul Pavel in interpretarea lui Alain Badiou. O notd critic’, Jurnal teologic, 18.2 (2019): 121-134. Rolul profesorulul in prevenirea plagiatului, Jurnal teologic, 18.1 (2019): 5-14. Luther despre libertate, Jurnal teologic, 17.1 (2018): 47-65. Dupa virtute si moralitate, Jurnal teologic, 15.2 (2016): 69-108. Descartes, Husserl, and Derrida on Cogito, Jurnal teologic, 14.2 (2015): pp. 5-18. John Locke and the Moral Value of Toleration. Jurnal teologic, 14.1 (2015): pp. 5-13. Snippets of Modern Wisdom, Jurnal teologic, 13.2 (2014): pp. 5-27. Human Nature and Moral Principles, Jurnal teologic, 13.1 (2014): pp. 5-16. Snippets of Ancient Wisdom - From the Milessian School to Augustine, Jurnal teologic, 12.2 (2013): pp. 24-36. The Son from Above, Jurnal teologic, 12.1 (2013), pp. 43-58. 13, Jurnal teologic, 11.2 (2012), pp. 33- The Law, the Flesh and the Spirit - Romans 46. The Christian Proclamation as Gospel: The Polemics, Politics, and Praxis of euangelion in the Greco-Roman World of the First Century, Jurnal teologic, 11.1 (2012), pp. 72- 81. Christ in His Death, Jurnal teologic, vol. 9, 2010, pp. 14-22. Comuniune, divinitate si revelatie ~ exegez3 teologica la Prologul Evangheliei dupa loan, Jurnal teologic, vol. 10, 2011, pp. 24-30. ‘Dead to the Law’ in Romans, Pleroma, anul XI, nr. 1 (2008) 49-62. ‘Infelegerea convertirii, Jurnal teologic, vol. 8, 2009, pp. 30-43. Cristos ca si eixiiv al Dumnezeului nevazut, Jurnal teologic, vol. 7, 2008, pp. 35-42, Romani 1.1-7 ~ Prezentarea apostolului si salutul pentru cei din Roma, Jurnal teologic, vol 6, 2007, pp. 57-66. Moartea fata de lege ~ spre o noua hermeneutica, Jurnal teologic, vol 5. 2006, pp. 67- 79. ludaism palestinian intertestamental - elemente definitorii, Jurnal teologic, vol. 4, 2005, pp. 135-155. ‘A Note on Romans 6:5: The Reprezentation (S1oiwya) of His Death, Tyndale Bulletin, 55.2, 2004, pp. 219-229. Cristologie si viata comunitatil, observatit din Epistola c&tre coloseni, Jurnal teologic, vol. 2, nr.1, 2004, p. 172-176. Cristos in moartea sa: centrul focal al dreptatii mintuitoare a lui Dumnezeu in Romani 3.24-25, Jurnal teologic, vol. 1, nr. 1, 2002, pp. 54-64, Aseménarea mortii Lui, Crestinul azi~ Supliment teologic, vol. 3, nt. 1, 2002, pp. 40- 44, * Pavel si Socrate: moartea ca o metafora pentru intelegerea transfomarii omului, Crestinul Azi~Supliment teologic, vol. 2, nr. 1, 2000, pp. 44-48 Traduceri ale Bibliei + Biblia, noua traducere in limba roman’, (Coordonator ~ 1995-1999 ~ si unul dintre traducdtori, International Bible Society, 2007). + Noul Testament, o traducere in limba romana contemporana, (International Bible Society, 1998). PREZENTARI ACADEMICE + God after the ‘death of God’; Christianity in the Hermeneutics of Gianni Vattimo, Evangelical Theological Society, Southeastern Regional Conference, Charleston Southern University, 2021. * Ethics with Paul: Present state of research and ways of moving forward, Society of Biblical Literature, Midwest Meeting, St Mary's College, Notre Dame, 2020. * Luther on Liberty, Evangelical Theological Society, Midwest Regional Meeting, Moody Bible Institute, 2019. + Macintyre, Aristotle and Modern Morality in After Virtue, Evangelical Theological Society, Midwest Regional Meeting, Wheaton College, 2017. + The Gospel of God's Kingdom, A New Thematic Approach in doing New Testament Theology, Evangelical Theological Society, Midwest Regional Meeting, Lincoln Christian University, 2013. + The Son from Above, Society of Biblical Literature, Midwest Regional Meeting, Olivet, Nazarene University, Bourbonais IL, 2013. + The Christian Proclamation as Gospel: The Polemics, Politics, and Praxis of euangelion in the Greco-Roman World of the First Century, Evangelical Theological Society, 57" Midwest Regional Meeting, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, 2012. + Christ’s Death in Romans 3:21-26, Evangelical Theological Society, 61% Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 2009. * Dead to the Law in Romans, Evangelical Theological Society, 60 Annual Meeting, Providence, 2008. * Relatia cu puterea politica, Romani 13 in interpretarea lui E. Kasemann, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Teologie baptist’, 2005. + Vechi si nou in viata omului, continuitate si discontinuitate, Institutul Teologic Baptist din Bucuresti, 2004, * Comunitatea crestina ca rispuns apologetic in postmodernitate, Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea, 2004. Noul Testament, 0 traducere in limba romana contemporané, filosofia traducerii ilustrat8 prin exemple, Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea, 2003. Urmand pe Cristos chiar si in Europa ~ Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Teologie baptist’, 2003. Intruparea ca revelatie ~ Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea, 1997. LUCRARE $1 CONDUCERE PASTORALA Romanian Baptist Association of USA and Canada + Pregedinte 2021-prezent; 2015-2018 * Secretar executiv 2013-2015 * VicePresedinte pentru Coastade Est 2011-2013 EIRoi Romanian Baptist Church, Chicago * Pastor 2007-prezent Biserica Baptista Romana din Brasov, Romania *Pastor 2000-2006

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