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 Esta prueba consiste en contestar 20 preguntas tipo test sobre cuatro (4) textos de dificultad

variable, con una duración máxima de 35 minutos.

 Las contestaciones deben marcarse en la Hoja de Respuestas adjunta y en la forma en que se


1 X

 Marque solamente una respuesta para cada una de las preguntas numeradas. Para anular tache

el recuadro y marque de nuevo la que considere correcta. Ejemplo:

1 X X

 Las respuestas erróneas no penalizan.




 Antes de comenzar el ejercicio lea atentamente las instrucciones en la carátula del cuadernillo
de preguntas y rellene sus datos personales en el cuadro que le identifica y que sigue a

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Nombre y Apellidos:


1 X 11 X
2 X 12 X
3 X 13 X
4 X 14 X
5 X 15 X
6 X 16 X
7 X 17 X
8 X 18 X
9 X 19 X
10 X 20 X


Text 1

Commercials on French public television will soon become a thing of the past under President Nicolas
Sarkozy's media reform plans, which many French broadcasters oppose. French Channel 2 presented its first
commercial-free night Monday, eliminating advertising between eight o'clock at night and six o'clock in the
morning. All advertising on all four public television stations would be eliminated by 2011.

The staff at one French station walked off their jobs Monday to protest the changes. More strikes are planned
Wednesday when the French Senate begins debate on the broadcast reform legislation. The lower house of
parliament has already approved it. The law would give President Sarkozy power to hire public television
bosses and make funding decisions.

Supporters of the advertising change say broadcasters would no longer have to worry about trying to get high
ratings and could put on better quality shows. The government has also promised to compensate for lost
revenue when commercials are eliminated.

1 What may happen soon on French public television channels?

a. Advertising will be permitted only at night.

b. Commercials will be limited to the 4 public TV channels.
c. Programs on the 4 public channels will have no advertising.
d. The government will pay for all future advertising on TV.

2 Which statement is true, according to the text?

a. The legislation of commercials has not yet been debated in Parliament.

b. The legislation of commercials has only been approved by the Senate
c. The legislation of commercials is pending approval in the French Senate.
d. The legislation of commercials still needs approval by the two French parliamentary houses.

3 According to this text, what can we say about President Sarkozy?

a. He feels commercials raise TV program quality.

b. He supports this legislation.
c. He thinks the new law would raise TV revenues.
d. He will lose power under the new legislation.

4 According to the text, the French government ...

a. feels the new law would reduce producers’ rating worries.

b. is against certain types of commercials such as those for tobacco.
c. is in favor of a limited schedule of advertising hours per channel.
d. will raise revenues to public TV stations.

5 The text tells us that the proposed legislation ...

a. will give the power to finance TV to the French President.

b. would reduce control of all hiring and firing decisions to heads of public TV stations.
c. would increase income for the public TV stations.
d. would use tax money to pay for commercials.

Text 2

A new luxury hotel in Dubai plans to offer the world's first refrigerated beach, lowering the risk that its high-
paying guests might hurt their feet on the sand.

The beach is part of the Palazzo Versace hotel, and will include a system of heat-absorbing pipes under the
sand. And if the sea breeze is not enough to tame the area's typical 40-to-50 degree [Celsius] heat, giant wind
blowers will keep things cool.

Environmentalists are infuriated by the plans, saying the hotel will greatly increase the levels of greenhouse
gas emissions. But the Palazzo president, Soheil Abedian, said the hotel will be sustainable (have an
unimportant impact on the environment).

Analysts estimate that each person living in Dubai has a carbon footprint (impact of human activities on the
environment) of more than 44 tons of carbon dioxide a year - more than four times what the average
American produces.

6. What do we know about the hotel the text refers to?

a. That no money has been spent to put in a refrigerated beach.

b. That its levels of greenhouse gas emissions will be highly enlarged.
c. That its sea breezes are very dry.
d. That spending a night there would be affordable.

7. The term “sustainable” as used in this text refers to...

a. how long it will take for the hotel to make a profit.

b. how much the hotel’s facilities will affect the environment.
c. the number of personnel needed for the hotel to function.
d. to what an extent the hotel will affect the local economy.

8. Air conditioning at the hotel beach...

a. was installed on the sand at the beach.

b. will consist of heat-absorbing pipes and huge fans.
c. will raise the temperature to about 40 to 50 degrees Celsius.
d. will reduce the number of people accommodated.

9. How does the text say environmentalists see the hotel?

a. As a great potential danger to the environment.

b. As a greenhouse for improving toxic gas emissions.
c. As a sustainable element in the environment.
d. As a way to reduce the Dubai carbon footprint.

10. What does the text imply about the carbon footprint of the average American?

a. That it contributes more than four times the Dubai footprints to the increase of global warming.
b. That it is much higher than that of the average resident of Dubai.
c. That it is one of the lowest in the world.
d. That it represents about ten tons of carbon dioxide every year.

Text 3

A French company says pirates off the coast of Nigeria have seized one of its ships and nine crew members.
The maritime services company Bourbon Monday said the Bourbon Leda was seized late Saturday or early
Sunday off the southeastern Nigerian coast near Bonny in Rivers state.

A company news release says Bourbon representatives have spoken by phone with the captain, who says all
the crew members are in good health. The ship's crew includes five Nigerians, two Ghanaians, a Cameroonian
and an Indonesian. The company says it is keeping their family members informed.

Most pirate attacks in African waters take place in the east, off the coast of Somalia. But piracy also has
spiked in Nigeria over the last two years, mainly involving attacks on oil vessels. The Bourbon Leda is a 155-
foot ship known as a fast support and intervention vessel, designed for quick transportation of personnel and
cargo. The company's Web site says Bourbon is involved in offshore work for the oil and gas industry in

11 What has happened here?

a. A group of pirates is holding some Somalis captive on a French ship.

b. An unknown number of pirates is holding nine people captive on a French ship.
c. Nigerian pirates have captured a French oil vessel.
d. Nine Nigerian pirates have captured a French ship.

12 When did this event take place?

a. On Saturday afternoon.
b. On Saturday morning.
c. On Sunday afternoon.
d. The exact time is not clear.

13 What does the text tell us about pirate attacks in general?

a. That they are mainly carried out by oil vessels.

b. That they have increased near Nigeria lately.
c. That they take place in Asian waters.
d. That they mainly take place in the west of Africa.

14 What do we know from the text about the ship’s crew?

a. That all are citizens of African countries.

b. That all hold French residence cards.
c. That all hold Nigerian citizenship.
d. That their families are aware of what is happening.

15 What does the text say about the company which owns the hijacked ship?

a. That at the moment it is in communication with the ship’s crew.

b. That it is an African maritime services company which uses French ships.
c. That it is out of touch with the Bourbon Leda.
d. That it works offshore in France for the oil and gas industry.

Text 4

China has launched a campaign to end pornography on major Web sites, targeting popular online portals and
search engine giants such as Google.

In a government announcement Monday, China listed search engines like Google and Chinese search engine
Baidu, among others. The statement said the companies have failed to respond effectively to government
complaints that search engine results contain numerous links to pornographic Web sites. China has carried out
Internet campaigns against pornography, tricksters and political activists in the past. However, its Internet
police find it hard to block Web sites that are based overseas.

In a written statement, Google's China-based spokeswoman, Cui Jin, defended the site's operations, stressing
that it is a search engine and that it does not generate pornographic content. Cui Jin says that if the company
finds any violations, it will take action in accordance with the law.

16 What is China’s aim here, according to the text?

a. To base more Web sites overseas.

b. To make its online portals more popular overseas.
c. To prevent use of Internet to spread pornography.
d. To stop foreign search engines from operating in China.

17 What does the text tell us about China’s past actions?

a. It has blocked overseas Web sites.

b. It has failed to respond to complaints about links to pornography on Google.
c. It has suspended licenses for Google.
d. That it has tried to stop political activists expressing opinions on Internet.

18 What does the text tell us that Google intends to do?

a. Dismiss Cui Jin from her post.

b. Take legal action over any violations it is able to uncover.
c. Prosecute political activists in accordance with the law.
d. Use international law to investigate violations.

19 What does the text say Google has stated about its operations?

a. That China is defending its operations.

b. That it constantly updates its links to pornography sites.
c. That its function as a search operation does not implicate it in disseminating pornography.
d. That its search operations are currently stressed.

20 What do we know from the text about Cui Jin?

a. That she has been investigated for violating the law.

b. That she is a Chinese State employee investigating Google’s Chinese activities.
c. That she is a lawyer hired by Google to defend the site’s operations.
d. That she works for a foreign company operating in China.

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