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1.) W: I think we are going to miss it. Did you lock up and switch everything off?

M: Stop worrying: Everything is under control. I checked everything.

W: have you got the tickets and passports?

W: yes they are in my carry out bag. Look at the time we are going to be late;
We´ve only got a short way to go.

M: But we are supposed to arrive an hour before the flight.

W: Don´t worry. It´s only around the corner now.

According to the conversation where are the speakers?

A- On the way to their house.

B- At an airport.
C- At a friend´s house.
D- In a plane.

Answer: B

2.-) W: Let´s meet on Monday.

M: I’m tied up all day Monday.

W: Then we´ll have to make it Tuesday.

What are the speakers trying to do?

A- Go on a trip.
B- Finish a draft.
C- Arrange a meeting.
D- Make a presentation.

Answer: C

3.-) W: do you have the latest finance report?

M: My colleague is typing it now.

W: Please let me know when it is done.

Why can´t the woman get the report?

A- It´s still being typed.

B- It is confidential.
C- The woman is too late to get it.
D- The final draft is ready.

Answer: A
4.-) W: would you like some coffee and a roll?

M: Just coffee, thanks

W: Cream and sugar?

What will the man have?

A- A pastry.
B- A glass of milk.
C- A coffee.
D- A roll.

Answer: C

5.-) W: I can get you on the seven o´clock flight.

M: Great. I would like a window seat, please.

W: I am afraid, there are only aisle seats left.

What kind of seat would the man prefer?

A- A window seat.
B- An aisle seat.
C- A center seat.
D- A comfortable seat.

Answer: 10-A

6.-) M: These books are due back in the library in four weeks.

W: What happen if I turn them in late?

M: We charge 25 cents for every day the book is overdue.

What happens if the woman´s books are overdue?

A- She will lose her library card.

B- She will have to pay a fine.
C- She will get to keep the books.
D- She will have to buy the books.

Answer: B
7.-) W: I can´t get the fax machine to work.

M: Put each sheet of paper in very slowly.

W: Oh! Thank you, it is running now.

What was the woman doing wrong?

A- Putting the paper too fast.

B- The machine was not on.
C- Using the wrong kind of paper.
D- Letting the paper get caught.

Answer: A

8.-) W: Do you catch this train very often?

M: Yes quite regularly. I have appointments to go every two weeks.

W. Do you find it an easy journey?

M: It depends. It can take me quite a long time to get here from the area where
I live, but sometimes it is not too bad .How about you?

W: I live just around the corner so it is no problem for me to go quite regularly

on business as well.

M: look the train is coming now, right on time.

According to the conversation: what is the relationship between them?

A- They are good friends.

B- They are strangers.
C- They are neighbors.
D- They are close relatives.

Answer: B
9.-) M: would you like to fill out a card for the store mailing list?

W: What kind of mail would I receive?

M: You would receive notice about upcoming sales and events.

What would the woman receive in the mail?

A- Bills for purchases.

B- A store credit card.
C- A price list.
D- Notices of upcoming sales and events.

Answer: D

10.-) W: Since the presentation ends at eleven thirty, everyone can break for lunch.

M: Isn´t that too early for lunch?

W: Yes, but with so many people, we´ll need the extra time.

Why will they break early for lunch?

A- The presentation is short.

B- They´ll need a short time.
C- There are too many people.
D- They can´t be late.

Answer: C

11.-) M: I am expecting a new client this morning.

W: Shall I send him up when he arrives?

M: No, Call me instead. I will come and get him.

What does the man want the woman to do?

A- Wait for the client.

B- Send the client up.
C- Call the man.
D- Ask the client inside.

Answer: C
12.-) W: This tour bus stops at all museum and monuments.

M: Will we stop at the market district?

W: The last stop on the bus tour is next to the market district.

When can the woman go to the market district?

A- Before the tour starts.

B- During the tour.
C- At the end of the tour.
D- On a different tour.

Answer: C

13.-) M: I am in the mood for a concert this weekend.

W: I would rather go to a play.

M: We will go to the opera that will suit us both.

What does the man suggest to see?

A- A Movie.
B- A play.
C- A conference
D- An opera.

Answer: D

14.-) M “If I had known that Jane wasn´t going to be able to take the Red Eye special,
I wouldn´t have had to book her a room at an inn close to the airport.”

What is Jane´s situation?

A) She cannot take the midnight flight.

B) She has red eyes.
C) The hotel is full.
D) She needs another passport.

Answer: A
15.-) W: “Bob needs to finish the report before the deadline tomorrow evening.”

M “If he comes over this evening we will have time to do it.”

What does “over” mean in this conversation?

A) At midnight.
B) After work.
C) From his house to mine.
D) Into the school.

Answer: 16- C

16.-) M “Who is going to buy your old car, Bonnie?”

W “An acquaintance has offered to buy it.”

Who is buying the car?

A) Someone Bonnie knows.

B) Someone Bonnie dislikes.
C) A close friend.
D) A member of Bonne’s family.

Answer: A

17.-) W: “You didn’t buy me a birthday present!”

Which is the best response?

A) If I knew about it I would.

B) Had I known about it I would have.
C) If I would know about it I might could’ve.
D) If I could have I wouldn’t.

Answer: B
18.-) W “What time will you be home tonight?”

M “I’ll be home when rehearsal is over.”

What does he mean?

A) He’ll be home late.

B) He’ll be home after midnight.
C) He’ll be home when practice has finished.
D) He’ll be home sometime in the future.

Answer: C

19.-) M “What did you think of the exhibition?”

W “I thought it was over-rated.”

What did she mean?

A) It was amazing.
B) It was unexpected.
C) It was better than she expected.
D) It was worse than she expected.

Answer: D

20.-) M: “When I was a child my family would go camping on the weekends.”

What does “would” imply in this sentence?

A) A desire.
B) A special need.
C) Seldom.
D) Regularly.

Answer: D

21.-) M: “Who do I look for? There are so many mothers here.”

W: “Look for someone who is the spitting image of Elizabeth.”

Who is the speaker looking for?

A) Someone who looks like a mother.

B) Someone who looks old.
C) Someone who looks exactly like Elizabeth.
D) Someone who looks motherly.

Answer: C
22.-) W: “What do I need to do in order to be able to take the art class?”
M: “It’s up to you to bring your supplies.”

What does this mean?

A) It’s your turn.

B) It’s your responsibility.
C) There are some supplies on the shelf.
D) Time is up.

Answer: B

23.-) M: “What is wrong here? Why is all this crap floating in the sink?”

W: “We need to call a plumber. I cannot work in this situation.”

What is wrong?

A) The sink is logged.

B) The sink is blocked.
C) The shower is running.
D) The toilet is by the door.

Answer: B

24.-) W: “Have you heard about Ruth? It’s terrible. She is out of a job and can’t pay
her bills.”

M: “She is highly educated and has great experience. She will get a job soon
and this will all blow over.”

What does this mean?

A) Her problems will get worse.

B) She has just found a new job.
C) This period will pass.
D) Her job is to oversee the project.

Answer: C
25.-) W: “There’s a party on Saturday night. Do you think that Mary will be there?”

M: “I don’t know. She usually begs off from social events.”

What does “beg off” mean?

A) She will be at the party

B) She is jobless and begging in the street.
C) She doesn’t usually attend social events.
D) She sometimes attends social events to find a job.

Answer: C

26.-) M: “You seem really nervous about the presentation on Friday.”

W: “I’m not nervous at all. I’m really fired up about it!”

What does this mean?

A) Really angry.
B) Really excited.
C) Really burned out.
D) Really sad.

Answer: B

27.-) W: “That damn dog!”

M: “What happened?”
W: “He chewed up my shoes!”

What happened to the shoes?

A) The dog wore them.

B) The dog polished them.
C) The dog destroyed them.
D) The dog ate them.

Answer: C
28.-) M: “Honey, it’s getting late. Where are the children?”

W: “They are sound asleep.”

What is happening to the children?

A) They are restless but in bed.

B) They are listening to music as they sleep.
C) They sound like they are asleep.
D) They are sleeping deeply.

Answer: D

29.-) W: “If men wearing skirts catches on I will move to another country.”

M: “I agree with you 100 per cent!”

What does the first speaker imply?

A) If men wear skirts they will catch on things.

B) Men would look really silly wearing skirts.
C) There’s a real possibility that men will wear skirts.
D) Men wearing skirts could become popular.

Answer: B

30.-) W: “I met the new girl a few minutes ago in the lounge. I think her name is Jane

M: “I’ve never met Jane Smith! What is she like?”

What is the best answer?

A) He’s tall and slim.

B) He’s has blonde hair and blue eyes.
C) She is angry and in a bad mood.
D) She is intelligent and attractive.

Answer: D
31.-) M: “Has Julia lost something? She keeps fumbling about in her bag.”

What is Julia doing?

A) She is trying to find something in her bag.

B) She is changing the strap on her bag.
C) She is clumsy and awkward.
D) She is putting groceries into her bag.

Answer: A

32.-) M: If you really want to fit into the job market, you need to learn as much as
you can about computers.

W: Yea, I’ve been considering that, but I just don’t have the time.
M: You need to find the time. I feel it is really important.
W: Maybe it is worth a try.

How does the woman feel?

A) That it is useless to try.

B) That time is a problem.
C) That trying is expensive.
D) That she has plenty of time.

Answer: B

33.-) M: When you have finished your trail ride bring the horse back into the stable

W: What do I do with it? Just let it graze here?

M: No, you need to tether it at the gate.

What should the woman do with her horse?

A) Tie it up using it’s bridle.

B) Tie its legs together.
C) Let it stop to eat at the gate.
D) Give it sugar.

Answer: A
34.-) W: What did you do last weekend?

M: We went to the opera.

W: What opera did you see?
M: Really it was the highlights of popular 20th century operas.

What did the man see?

A) Some foreign operas.

B) A rock opera.
C) A selection of music from various operas.
D) A light-show with opera music.

Answer: C

35.-) W: “Have you heard about the jailbreak?”

M: “I can’t believe the convict got away without even a chase!”

What happened to the convict?

A) The police followed him and captured him.

B) The convict evaded the police.
C) The convict spent time in jail.
D) The convict was chased.

Answer: B

36.-) M “Looking back over the highlights of the last month we understand that
there is a change in the trends.”

What does “looking back over the highlights” mean?

A) Looking at the behind you.

B) Looking at the calendar.
C) Reviewing the special moments.
D) Reviving the light.

Answer: C
37.-) M “Where are the kids today?”

W “They are hanging out at the mall.”

What are the kids doing?

A) They are playing cards.

B) They are shopping malt.
C) They are spending time together.
D) They are watching an athletic event.

Answer: C.

38-) W: Due to the recession many companies are in a fix.

M. But there are a few industries that are getting rich from the recession.
W: That just doesn’t seem right.

What is the woman referring to when she says “in a fix”?

A) Wealthy.
B) Needing more workers.
C) Having financial problems.
D) Being repaired.

Answer: C

39.-) M: I’m just not into the grown-up thing right now. I am feeling the bug to
explore new cultures and visit new places.

W: I have to agree with you. We should be adventurous while we are young.

There is plenty of time to settle down later.

What does the woman want to do after she finishes her adventures?

A) Go to university.
B) Become more stable.
C) Plant a garden.
D) Develop her career.

Answer: B
40.-) M: This coffee is delicious. It’s not our usual brand, is it?

W: No it isn’t. I bought it at the new gourmet coffee shop.

M: I’ve heard they are expensive, but if the coffee is this good, they’re worth it.

What is the best way to describe the coffee?

A) New.

B) Cheap.

C) Usual.

D) Good.

Answer: D

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