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Teaching of Book Review Texts to Youth in the Wildlife Alley

Complex, Sekaran, Gunung Pati, Semarang with the Discussion Method


Puspito Rizky Wahani / 2201422010

Radite Ranggi Ananta / 3211422019

Emilia Indri Artanti / 6411422177

Lastri Utami / 7101422198

Genia Saputra Amaral / 7311422431

Diyamon Prasandha, S. Pd., MP – NIP. 199008282020121011


Juvenile Wildlife Alley Complex, Sekaran, Gunung Pati, Semarang
MARCH, 2023

Teaching of Book Review Texts to Youth in the Wildlife Alley Complex, Sekaran Gunung
Pati, Semarang with the Discussion Method.

1)Name of the Implementation Team Member
a. Puspito Rizky Wahani, 2201422010, English Education,
b. Radite Ranggi Ananta, 3211422019, Geography,
c. Emilia IndriArtanti, 6411422177, Public Health,
d. Lastri Utami, 7101422198, Education Economy Cooperative,
e. Genia Saputra Amaral, 73114224, Management,
1)Social Project Partners
a) Name of Partner : Youth Gang Wildlife Complex, Sekaran, Gunung
Pati, Semarang.
b) Name of Leader/ Manager : Neti Wiyanti
c) Address :Jl. Taman Sari I No. 37 Sekaran, Kec. Gn. Pati, City
Semarang, Central Java 50229
d) Contact : 085225624492
2)Social Project Material :Submission of text chapter material for fiction and book review genres
3)Social Project Goals :Provide explanation and understanding of some
related Wildlife Gang complex juveniles with material from the text of the book review with
goals help improve their critical thinking power in response to a piece of writing.

Execution time :March 24, 2023


Indonesian language education has a very important role in the world of education in Indonesia.
One of these important roles is that Indonesian language education is a basic component in many
aspects of the life of the Indonesian nation. The important role of Indonesian Language Education
can be seen by the existence of regulations regarding Indonesian language learning subjects which
are required to be included in the curriculum of all educational institutions in Indonesia. According
to Presidential Decree No. 63, 2019 Part Five Language of Instruction in National Education Article
23 paragraph (1) "Indonesian must be used as the language of
introduction to national education. Paragraph (2) " Indonesian as the language of instruction
in national education as referred to in paragraph (1) is used at all levels of education.”
Paragraph (3) "In addition to the Indonesian language referred to in paragraph (1), the regional
language can be used as the language of instruction in elementary schools, madrasah
ibtidaiyah, or other equivalent forms in the first and second years to support learning." Another
important fundamental role of Indonesian language education is as a medium for developing
critical thinking skills, where the main subject is students. Learning methods are needed that
are able to direct Indonesian language students to be more critical, ethical, and confident.

Basic discussion in the real application of basic Indonesian language materials in people's
daily lives, such as correspondence, commerce, and communication. According to the 2006
KTSP (Ministry of National Education, 2006: 231) "Indonesian language learning is directed
at increasing students' ability to communicate in Indonesian properly and correctly, both
orally and in writing, as well as fostering appreciation of the works of Indonesian human
literature." Furthermore, in the world of communication, Indonesian language education is
used as a medium for developing critical thinking skills in conveying one's opinion in
commenting on a literary work.

The curriculum of Indonesian language learning materials taught in units of educational

institutions, one of which is material regarding book review texts. The ability to think
critically in commenting on a literary work and how the ability to convey the review into a
review that is in accordance with the rules of writing is very much needed by all Indonesian
language students. However, it is not uncommon for the basic abilities that must be
possessed by Indonesian language learners, especially, to experience many obstacles due
to deficiencies. Examples of problems faced by students due to the many
Weaknesses both in terms of how to deliver material and in terms of teaching methods
in class in general are:

1. There are many questions that cannot be resolved by educators because the
material provided is only as an introduction.

2. The emergence of difficulties in processing the material given to some Indonesian

language students because the assignments given often only come to the surface,
but Indonesian language students are required to be able to write texts right away.

3. the emergence of fear to ask educators because of the lack of communicative

interaction between the two parties.

4. there is a narrowing of students' thinking, because no time is given to argue or comment

in the context of a review of literary works which is limited to that every literary work is
good and does not need to be commented on.

The emergence of many of these deficiencies, makes learning in the classroom ineffective,
boring, and gives the impression that only educators have the right to speak, the right to
express opinions, limit the differences of opinion that students have.

The effectiveness of learning Indonesian language material is very important for the provision
of Indonesian language students, especially the importance of the effectiveness of the
methods used for delivering book review text material in class learning, which is very much
needed by students, supporting quotes related to the importance of teaching in review texts
both books and film/drama are as follows "the importance of film review text is the process of
learning to assemble or formulate one's view of something he sees/a particular problem and
also to find out the qualities, strengths and weaknesses of the film work which is shown to
readers or audience listeners ." (Safitri, 2017)

As well as in the quote "Providing access to books and teaching book review texts to
adolescents can increase their interest in reading and their understanding of literature.
This has a positive impact on developing youth's creativity and knowledge." (Rahayu, 2017)
So, the conclusion that can be drawn from the importance of students' basic
understanding of book review texts in the teaching and learning process, especially in
schools, is that students can improve students' critical thinking, analytical, and creative
Therefore, the various effects that arise as a result of the many deficiencies of learning in
the classroom as mentioned above, which are also relevant to the deficiencies that occur in
book review text material according to (Siregar, Nova and Rosmaini, 2018: 134) "lack of
understanding and training or student practice in identifying the structure of review texts,
especially the content interpretation and evaluation sections” I and my partner in a group
of general Indonesian language courses, then decided to look for participants in our
Indonesian social project from students at the junior high school level, and in the end we
find participants who are considered suitable and in accordance with what we plan. Many
junior high school children who are classified as teenagers live in the complex area of Gg.
Wildlife, Now,

Another supporting reason for our decision to select some complex adolescents is Gg.
This wildlife is based on the objectivity of those who are junior high school level
students. They have compatibility of the book review text material taught in school
with the book review text material in our general Indonesian language courses. The
main problem faced by our participants, after conducting surveys and interviews, was
that some of them found it difficult to understand the discussion of book review texts
in classroom learning due to the absence of active interaction between teachers and
students. Most of them were asked only to listen to the understanding of the review
text, structure, language rules, instructions to read examples of review texts that they
didn't even understand what was being discussed, what books were being discussed,

The situation analysis that we have carried out in the survey resulted in a conclusion that, what the participants of the social project need in

relation to the main topic of our general Indonesian lecture material is the creation of a method capable of giving the impression of a flexible,

fluid approach. and not just fixated on one-way communication, so in the end, we decided to carry out the book review text teaching method

in discussion, this is supported by the quote which says that "The use of the micro discussion method in learning book review text can increase

student interaction and participation. Through micro-discussions, students can share their understanding, opinions, and experiences related

to book review texts." (Hadija, Charles Kapile, and Juraid, 2015) and in a journal quote which says that "The learning process with the subject

discussion method with the discussion method really helps student learning. No more students playing, daydreaming, or playing alone or

talking to themselves. They do the work assigned by the teacher. From the learning process, the teacher has shown that most students are

willing to ask difficult material. The teacher also provides reinforcement of students' opinions. They are eager to do the task given. They give

each other opinions to maintain the results of the material discussion that has been given by the group. They do the work assigned by the

teacher. From the learning process, the teacher has shown that most students are willing to ask difficult material. The teacher also provides

reinforcement of students' opinions. They are eager to do the task given. They give each other opinions to maintain the results of the material

discussion that has been given by the group. They do the work assigned by the teacher. From the learning process, the teacher has shown that

most students are willing to ask difficult material. The teacher also provides reinforcement of students' opinions. They are eager to do the task

given. They give each other opinions to maintain the results of the material discussion that has been given by the group.
they are very creative, and innovative. The class atmosphere is very comfortable and well maintained.” (Ermi
Netti, 2015)

The method that can be used as the right choice to achieve the important role that must be
owned by Indonesian students, especially for some young Indonesian language students at the
junior high school level in the Margasatwa alley is to apply the discussion method so as to be
able to create two-way communication in the teaching and learning process.

1. Planning Stage:

a. Problem analysis:

Conduct in-depth analysis of the problems faced by partner groups through interviews
and surveys. This question and answer process can help understand the main problem
and find the right solution, according to (Remsis, 2021) "analysis is an activity in which
there is a process of sorting, parsing, and differentiating something to be classified
according to certain criteria so that it can connect parts into a unified whole, or in
other words, analysis is an activity that starts from searching for data to making a
conclusion from the data so that the data obtained can be easily understood both for
oneself and for others.

b. Defining Goals and Goals:

Setting goals and objectives to be achieved in social projects. This helps present materials
clearly and focus on the right solutions. "Setting clear objectives and goals is essential for
effective social project planning, as it provides a roadmap for implementation and
evaluation." (watts, 2014)

2. Implementation Stage:

a. Selection of Discussion Method: This method includes the provision of material, discussion
of questions and answers about the material, distribution of fiction and non-fiction books to
partner groups, and delivery of learning outcomes to partner groups in the discussion process
at the second meeting. The debate method is a training method that aims to solve problems
that arise, regardless of whether two or more people present their arguments to strengthen
their opinions. "The results of the study show that there are significant differences in the
achievement of mathematical creative thinking abilities between students who receive learning
by discussion methods and conventional learning. This is based on the average post-test score
for the ability to think creatively mathematically between the experimental class and the
control class which gives a significant value. so that it has a positive impact on students to
develop mathematical creative thinking abilities. (Moma, 2017)

b. Project Team Coordination:

Building good cooperation between all members of the Indonesian language course social project
group, both internally in material exchange and externally with partner group coordinators. This is
important to ensure the smooth implementation of the project and the optimization of the partner
group. “Coordination is placed as a very important element for the effectiveness of the company's
operations or processes. Although the two papers do not present explicit findings about the role of
coordination in improving performance, the effectiveness of coordination is assessed as a factor
influencing company performance." (Juliawati, 2012)
3. Evaluation Stage of Social Project Activities:

a. Evaluation: Conduct an evaluation of social project activities at the end of the final session for
delivering the learning outcomes of the partner group. This can make it easier to identify problems
or obstacles that arise during the delivery of material and implementation of the material provided,
so that solutions can be adapted to actual needs. "Assessment activities in program evaluation are
not only carried out at the end of program activities, but should be carried out from the start,
namely from the preparation of program design, program implementation and the results of the
program." (Muryadi, 2017)

1. Planning Stage:

a. Problem Analysis: Conduct an analysis of the problems that will be faced by prospective
partner groups that have been planned. In determining the stages to be passed for interviews
and surveys with members of the partner group and the coordinators of the partner group, we
identified problems related to what material was considered to have a connection between the
problems of the partner group and the Indonesian language course material.

b. Development of Goals and Objectives: Setting goals, namely to provide an explanation

regarding the understanding of several adolescents in the Wildlife Alley Complex with
material from book review texts to help improve their critical thinking skills in responding
to a written work. “The aim of the academic curriculum is to impart knowledge and train
students to use 'research' ideas and processes. By being knowledgeable in various
disciplines, students are expected to have concepts or ways that can be developed in the
wider community.” (Lazwardi, 2017)

Related discussions about problem analysis, development of goals and objectives we carry out with
online and offline meetings

Details of the time and place of the planning stage:

1) Date of the discussion: 11 March 2023

2) Implementation time of the discussion : 15.00 WIB

3) Place of Implementation of the discussion : Burjo Asep Lima

Evidence of online discussion documentation through the WhatsApp group:

2. Implementation Stage:

a. Selection of discussion method: Selecting the discussion method that will be applied to the
partner group, preparing needs such as fiction and non-fiction books to be loaned to the partner
group, and several other supporting tools, providing instructions and explanations to the partner
group on the first day, providing material book review text, implementation of the question and
answer process to partner groups in the second stage of implementation.

In this implementation stage, we also divided the work between each group member, so that
the project assignments for this Indonesian language course could be divided equally. "... it can
be concluded that the discussion model on the subject of village and sub-district government
systems can achieve indicators of success..." (Widiarsa, 2020)
b. detail

1. P mpok partners that we can


2. Conducting surveys and interviews with partner groups, reviewing what they need
regarding Indonesian language course material. The interview was conducted one day
before the Indonesian language project activity. We conducted interviews with the
partner groups immediately after obtaining permission from the partner group
coordinators, with the aim of shortening the implementation time of this social project.

3. Implementation of activities:

a. Preparation of partner groups and members of the Indonesian language project group

-Prepare whiteboards, fiction and non-fiction books.

- Provide direction to partner groups regarding what they should do,
namely to read and understand the contents of the books that we lend for
about one week.

Date of giving the book : March 17, 2023

Place of execution : Partner group coordinator boarding house

Implementation hours : 15.00 WIB

- Implementation at the second meeting viz

Activity implementation date: March 24, 2023

Place of execution : Mrs. Siti's boarding house jl. Taman Sari 1, Gg,
Wildlife, Sekaran, Gunung Pati, Semarang.
3. Evaluation Stage of Social Project Activities:

a. Monitoring and Evaluation: at the end of the social project activity session that we carried out after
delivering material and a question and answer session from our partner group, we still found
many flaws. According to (Lazwardi, 2017) "Evaluation is an activity to find out and decide whether the
program that has been determined is in accordance with its original purpose."

The form of this deficiency is:

- The group of partners that we interacted with turned out to be impressed that they were not
free to use the methods we applied, they still felt awkward and tended to be passive in

- Many of them still cannot express their opinions with confidence.

- The space that we provide is too narrow so that the learning that we convey does
not seem free.

From the deficiencies that arise from the implementation of this social project, we feel that
there are still many evaluations that are needed, the forms of evaluation that we need to
do to correct the many deficiencies that occur and as learning materials for the future are:

- Improve spatial planning and carefully reconsider the places used to carry
out social project activities.

- Choose an efficient time with the social project activities that we carry out by taking
into account the time owned by the partner group so that the objectives of
implementing the activities are achieved perfectly.

- Planning this social activity for more than 2 meetings, so that in the teaching
process carried out, partner groups can feel more familiar with us and not
feel awkward.

So the conclusion that we got from the social project that we carried out on March 24,
2023, for complex youth Gg. Wildlife, Sekaran, Semarang is that the main problem they
have as Indonesian language students who are in junior high school and has a
connection with the main topic of the Indonesian language learning material that is
being taught is not far from the emergence of difficulties in understanding Indonesian
language material, which especially here is the text of the book review because the
learning method is not appropriate. So from these existing problems, my colleagues
and I from an Indonesian language group carried out our social project with the main
objective of conveying book review text material to young Gg. Wildlife, Now,


The main advice that we can give after carrying out this social project activity is that
learning is carried out in all educational institutions in Indonesia, especially for learning
Indonesian, to improve the quality of learning, especially in the aspect of teaching
methods, because this greatly influences the level of success. students. From the
suggestions we gave based on the results of the group evaluation we had done, it was
that some of the youth were still having difficulties in learning that we had given the
method that they felt was right. So the existing learning really needs to be improved,
especially in the methods that will be used in the teaching and learning process.


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