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NOME: ______________________________________________ N.o: ______  8.o ANO


1. Give the Simple Past of the verbs given and their 3. Unscramble the words:
a) ? / when / born / Elton John / was
Simple Past Translation _______________________________________
a) To hear: ______________ – _____________ _______________________________________

b) To achieve: ______________ – _____________ b) What / Freddie Mercury / name / ? / was / real

c) To sell: ______________ – _____________ _______________________________________

d) To dub: ______________ – _____________ _______________________________________

e) To leave: ______________ – _____________ c) player / used / Rod Steward / be / to / harmonica / a

f) To reach: ______________ – _____________ _______________________________________
g) To buy: ______________ – _____________
h) To meet: ______________ – _____________ d) feelings / music / one / is / our / express / of /
i) To catch: ______________ – _____________ best / the / ways / to
j) To drink: ______________ – _____________
k) To release: ______________ – _____________ _______________________________________
l) To add: ______________ – _____________
m) To sleep: ______________ – _____________
n) To come: ______________ – _____________
o) To dream: ______________ – _____________
p) To bring: ______________ – _____________
q) To become:______________ – _____________
r) To grow: ______________ – _____________
s) To build: ______________ – _____________
t) To ride: ______________ – _____________
u) To sit: ______________ – _____________

You are lying on a beautiful beach, looking at the

2. Complete using the Simple Past of the verbs given:
lovely blue water... But what is under the water, deep
a) The little girl _________________ a lot of milk down in that terrible black world? Some people feel that
before going to bed. (drink) sea monsters are the most frightening of all monsters. In
Herman Melville´s book Moby Dick, a fisherman fought
b) Your cousins _______________ a horrible song a long, bloody war with a terrible whale. When Steven
last night. (sing) Spielberg´s film Jaws was first shown, people of all ages
screamed in cinemas around the world.
c) That animal _______________ that fish in front
But sea monsters aren´t only in films and books.
of me. (catch)
People have discovered ‘real’ monsters in the seas and
d) Abraham ____________ too much sugar to his oceans. These are often more frightening than a monster
coffee. (add) from a story.
Exercícios de Inglês (R.O.) – 8.o ano – 2.o bimestre 1
Giant squid 5. Write T (True) or F (False) and CORRECT the FALSE
The idea of a giant squid is very frightening, but sentences according to the text:
people have seen them. A US military ship was sailing
near Newfoundland, Canada, when suddenly a very large
whale jumped out of the water. It was fighting with a giant
squid. The whale looked about eighteen metres long, but
the squid was trying to kill it with its long arms. The squid
was as big as the whale! The men on the ship were very
frightened. They didn’t want to get close enough to take
photographs. These giant squid are true monsters. It still
isn’t understood why they grow so large.
The ‘Globster’
This is probably the most unusual monster. In
a) ( ) The large whale was fighting with the
November 1922, people on a beach in South Africa
watched two whales fighting with a sea monster. The small whale.
fight continued for hours. The monster sometimes _______________________________________
jumped six metres out of the water and hit the whales
with its tail. The whales won the fight and swam away. _______________________________________
The dead monster was then pushed onto the beach
by the water. People couldn’t believe what they saw. It b) ( ) The squid was trying to kill the men with its
was a very large, shapeless thing, with a long neck and long arms.
no head! It was fourteen metres long, three metres
wide and one and a half metres high. No expert could _______________________________________
name the animal. Many people, often fishermen, have _______________________________________
reported seeing these large, ugly monsters.

whale – a very large animal that swims in the sea; it takes in air c) ( ) In November 1922, people on a beach in
through a hole on the top of its head South Africa watched two sea monsters
giant (adj) – very, very large fighting with a whale.
squid – a sea animal with a long, soft body and ten arms _______________________________________
4. Answer according to the text giving complete answers:
a) What did a fisherman do in the book Moby Dick?
d) ( ) The whales lost the fight and walked away.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________

b) What happened when Spielberg’s film Jaws was

6. Simple Past or Past Continuous?
first shown?
_______________________________________ a) The whales _________________ (fight) when a
_______________________________________ very large monster ______________ (jump) out
_______________________________________ of the water.

c) What was happening when suddenly a very b) While the people _________________ (watch),
large whale jumped out of the water? the monster ________________ (hit) the whales
with its tail.
_______________________________________ c) When the squid _____________ (win), the men
on the ship _______________ (cry) of horror.
d) What was the Globster like?
_______________________________________ d) The people ______________ (lie) on a beautiful
_______________________________________ beach when suddenly they ____________ (see)
_______________________________________ a horrible monster.
Exercícios de Inglês (R.O.) – 8.o ano – 2.o bimestre 2
7. Make questions with the correct Question Words: Now REWRITE THEM using When or While:

a) _______________________________________ a) _______________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Supertramp started in 1969.
b) _______________________________________
b) _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
They played in London. _______________________________________
c) _______________________________________
c) _______________________________________
They played rock and pop music.
d) _______________________________________

_______________________________________ d) _______________________________________
Breakfast in America sold 20 million copies. _______________________________________
8. Match the two columns and THEN rewrite the _______________________________________
sentences joining the two halves with WHEN or WHILE:
a) My sister was studying...
b) His mum was teaching him good manners...
c) The players were playing happily...
d) Mario was so hungry that he was eating a huge
hot dog...

( ) … the coach told them they were going to lose

the game.
( ) … his mother was looking for some more food
for him.
( ) … her friends phoned her to go to a party and
stop studying.
( ) … he was telling terrible lies at school.

Exercícios de Inglês (R.O.) – 8.o ano – 2.o bimestre 3

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