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Juan Guerrero

Identifying Your Rhetorical Situation: Essay 2

As you have been told during lecture, before beginning a writing or communication task, you
should identify components of your rhetorical situation to help you with your writing process.
We will practice how to approach a writing task by doing a close reading of the essay 2
assignment prompt. The essay prompt is found in the Week 2 Folder. After clicking on the Week
2 Folder, click on the folder titled “Essay 2.” Use the document “Essay 2 Assignment Prompt” to
answer the following questions.

What is the purpose of the essay of the course?
Who is the intended audience for the essay of the course?
How will the audience influence the way you write this essay?

What is the genre for the essay of the course?
How long should the essay be? (word count; this is considered to be a feature of the genre)
Juan Guerrero

What format does this essay follow? (this is considered to be a feature of the genre)

What are some words/phrases that are not appropriate for this genre as described in the
assignment prompt?

What evidence will you be using in this essay?


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