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The Linacre Quarterly

Volume 40 | Number 2 Article 9

May 1973

The Willowbrook Experiments

Eugene F. Diamond

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Diamond, Eugene F. (1973) "The Willowbrook Experiments," The Linacre Quarterly: Vol. 40 : No. 2 , Article 9.
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with the s isters who own the hos- of offering women a n a lterna ve
which is not as certa in but j us as
safe as tubal ligatio n. They cc .ld
T he final authority on medico-
mora l matters is not the adminis- offer their gentle, guiding h nd The.Willowbrook Experiments
trator or the board of Directors, covered with the velvet glove nd
but the local bishop. ins ist that all C atholic wo en Eugene F. Diamond, M.D.
throughout the country atl nd
No Retreat Billings type ovulatio n-m u JS-
T he encounter then is imminent. te mperature classes in a mas tve
see no hint that the bishops are progra m. There is precedence for
this in their insistence tl;lat all At a recent meeting of the Amer-
about to retreat from the ir posi-
e ngaged couples attend Cana in- ican College of Physicians, there
tion o f total opposition to sterili-
was a student protest during the . '
zatio n . Dissenting and a bstaining structio n classes before they m; ry.
Their other a ltern a tive Is the -on bestowing of the J a mes D . Bruce
bisho ps in the 197 I vote are more Memorial Award on Dr. Sa ul Krug-
fist approach, as they have • me
like ly to have now joined the vast
majo rity because, a mong other w ith a bortion, declaring autor ttic man for his research on hepatitis at .
. ·. r-, .
excommunication fo r a ny wt tan the Willowbrook School in New
things, they have had the oppor- York. This was the latest incident
tunity to review their medico-moral a nd perh aps any physic ian vho
partic ipates in ster ilizatio n. in an ethica l d e bate which has fol-
princ iples during chats with John lowed the reve lation in 1971 that
Cardin al Wri ght on the ir recent They could ·also s mooth vith
the velvet glove and strike vith ~r. Krugman had delibera tely in-
tri ps to Rome. Jected retarded children at Willow-
T he bishops have the ir choice the iron fist simultaneously. ~
brook with an active strain of hepa-
titis virus as pa rt of an experiment
directed towa rd the development
of active and pass ive immuniza- Dr. Diamond is professor of Pe-
tion against serum hepatitis. diatrics at Loyola University Stritch
Willowbrook is the world's la rg- School of Medicine. He is an as-
est institution for the mentally re- sociate editor of Linacre Quarterly
~arded, housing some 5,200 patie nts and winner of the /969 Thomas
Are You Moving? m a sprawling complex of twenty- Linacre A ward.
seven buildings on 400 acres of In this article, Dr. Diamond con-
If the next issue of this journal should be delivered to a diff !r- ~Iaten Island. The current census siders the ethical points raised by
ent address, please advise AT ONCE. The return postage a td ts actually down fro m a peak of research on the prevention of viral
cost of remailing this publication is becoming more and m< re 6,250 and there is evide nce that hepatitis at the Willowbrook school
the current administration was in New York - specifically experi-
costly. Your cooperation in keeping us up-to-date with y<. ur s~ri ving mightily to improve condi- ments involving injection of child-
address will be most helpful. tions under the usual conditions inmates with an active strain of hepa-
?f overcrowding a nd understaff- titis. Although a number of points
Ing which the American citizenry are considered, Dr. Diamond notes
has tacitly accepted as standard for that the central issue is the " righ t
~he care of the mentally retarded to perform a dangerous experi-
10 most states. The spotlight of a ment on an indi vidual when no
press expose was, however, fo- benefit can accrue to that indi vid-
cused on Willowbrook's incredi bly ual."

May, 1973 133

Li nacre Quarterly
d eplorable conditions and allega- low brook in New York and I rt- taken to find a method of prophy- The project was discussed wi th par-
tions o f " human warehouses" and low School in Alabama have ad laxis against MS-2 hepatitis which ents in an interview with a psychi- .··· '
" Bedlam in 1972" became daily the effect of circumventing · tte has been endemic at Willowbrook atric social worker. 2) A group ses-
headlines in New York and through- legislatures to make better tre since 1949. Contra ry to some pre- sion was held at the institution with
out the country. It w as against this for the retarded a direct jud ial vailing . views · about serum hepa- the entire study group present, in-

• 0-
0 :j.i.
:.·. ...

background of not inappropri ate
emotionalism that Dr. Krugman's
ma ndate.
There is, of course, absol ely
no evid ence that Dr. Krugm8 in
titis, it was shown that MS-2 hepa-
titis was transmittable b y mout h as
cluding the physicians, to expla in
the study in d eta il. 3) The family
•'• studies were evaluated. The issues well as by the pare nteral route. physician was consulted by parents .
raised, however, are cogent and of any way condoned conditio r at Studies on acti ve im munization 4) Consent was obtained but could
crucial importa nce pa rticularly in Willowbrook. (The allegation hat were published in July, 197 1. H T he be withdrawn at a ny time. 5) No
view of the current medical and he was " racist" because of the infectivity of an MS-2 serum was chi ld witho ut pare nts or who was
experimental climate. dominance of black and . L atir ces- established by innocula ting vary- a ward of the state was innoculated. ·.
A French-sponsored resolution idents at Willowbrook is li k ;ise ing amounts of the serum into 25 Similar experiments in passive
spurious and unfo unded.) Th .! is
0 • '

in the U. N. General Assembly susceptible children. The a ttack immunizatio n with a high-titer type
on D ecember 20, 1971 , stated that evidence tha t Dr. Krugman wa mo- rate was 100% based on the ap- specific Hepatitis B immune serum ·.
" The mentally retarded person has ti vated by humanitarian cons era- pearance of Hepatitis Associated glo bulin were later conducted. 9
to the maximum degree of feasi- tions especiall y in his original ·ork Antigen, or 96 % based on the d e- This method proved to be 70 %
bility the same rights as o ther hu- at Willowbrook using the m tsles velopment of abnormal SGOT lev- effective in protecting against dis-
man beings" - i.e., the right to vaccine. As a result o f th i. pro- els. A second group of children ease after injectio n of the MS-2
proper medical care, econo mic gram, measles was completel) rad- was given the MS-2 serum after one serum .
security, legal safegua rds, a mea n- icated at Willowbrook with n one or two injections of a boiled , in- Editoria l comment in the Jour-
ingful occupation, freedom from si ng le case having been rc ' rted activated prepar~tion of a I : 10 dilu - nal of the American Medical A s-
abuse or abridgment, and all other there since 1963. tion of MS-2 serum in distilled sociation 1o and Yearbook of Med-
assistance necessary to enable him The work o f th e Krugman roup water. Active immunization was icine 1 1 was uniformly complimen-
to d evelop to his maximum poten- on the natura l history a nd r ven- induced and prevention o r modifi- tary. It was not until Lancet 12 com-
tia l. A se ries of United States tion of vira l he patitis at th Wil- cation of hepatitis was accomplished. mented editorially that the ethi cal
court decisions in recent years lowbrook School has been ir ,) fog- All four of the ch ildren who re- issues were d e lineated. What about
have underscored the need for a ress s ince 1956. 1 - 5 Twer y-fi ve ceived two injections were pro- the rightness of attempting to in-
"bill of r ights" for the retarded in tho usand serum specimens were tected. Of the children who recei ved fect mentally re ta rded children wi th
this country. In the 1965 St. Eliza- studied to clarify the inci •ation a single injection, four were pro- hepatitis for ex perimental purposes?
beth' s Hospita l Case in Washing- period, natura l history, anl d fec· tected and six developed a mod i- Letters to the editor of Lancet
ton, D. C., it was ruled th at the tiveness of gam ma globulin 1 o phy- fied hepatitis. by Goldby 13 and Shapiro 14 were
retarded must be "cared for and la xis on hepa titis. T he discc ~ry of Justification for the experiments sharpl y critical o f the experiments.
trained , not j ust kept in custody." Australia antige n by Blumb g and was that it was considered inevita- Dr. Krug man was g iven the o ppo r-
T his standard was a lso applied in associates •;, 7 opened a n v era ble that susceptible children would tunity to reply a nd did so, •s again
the Pennhurst Case in Pennsylvania in hepatitis research. It wa~ :>hown be infected in the institution. It a lluding to informed consent a nd
in 1971. In an A laba m a case, Fed - at Willowbrook that hepatit . asso- was alleged that artificial inductio n the inevitability of institutio nal in-
era l Judge Frank Johnson held tha t cia ted antigen (HAA) wa-. -:onsis- of hepatitis implied a " therapeutic" fection with MS-2.
these rights "are present ones and tently present in sera from atients effect because of " the immunity The centra l ethica l issue raised
. must not only be declared but se- w ith serum he patitis (MS-2) mt was which is conferred." :; Written con- by these e xpe riments is whether
cured at the earliest practicable not present in sera from ,,atients sent was obtained from a ll pare nts it is right to perform a dangerous
time." with infectious hepati tis MS-1?· of children invo lved in the study. experiment on a n individual when
Three recent class-action suits on Since ga mma glo bulin pro phylaXIS The means by which this becomes no benefit can accrue to that indi-
beha lf of residents of Belchertown was effective only again~t MS-1 an " informed" consent are described vidual. In this context, a child ob-
State School in Massachusetts, Wil- hepatitis, expe riments wen: under- in detail. •; The sequence was: I) viously requires more protectio n

Li nacre ()uarterlY May, 1973

134 135
than an adult and a mentally re- were infected in spite of < ve some other way. Other vaccines 4. Krugman, S., et al. E vidence f or Two
tarded child requires more protec- or passive immunization a r it have been successfully evaluated Distinctive Clin ical, E pidemiological
tion than a normal child. The issue cannot be claimed on the ba· of by the more painstaking and time and Immunologica l Types of Infection
of informed consent is germane, the inevitabilit y of infectio by consuming methods involved in JAMA 200:365, 1967.
but no t determinative. The Krug- an endemic organis m. 5. Krugman, S., a nd G iles, J . Viral Hepa-
studying large populations at risk. titis, New Lights on a n Old Disease
m an group points out that, in their The peculiar position tak er d i- Even if this were the only method JAM A 2 12:10 19, 1970.
opinion, their study conforms to torially in the Journal of the r er- of finding a means for active and 6. Blumberg, B., Sutnick, A., London, W.
the World Medical Association ican Medical A ssociation d e ves passive immunization aga inst hepa - Hepatitis and Leukemia; Their R ela-
Draft Code of Ethics on Human special mention . 16 The pc ion tio nship to Australia A ntigen Bull. N . Y.
Experimentation. 5 While it is tru e take n there apparently is that nee
titis, it still could not be j ustified
Acad. Med . 44:1566, 1968.
since the end does not justify the 7. Blumberg, B. et al. A "New" A ntigen
that The Draft Code does approve the experiments were suet -;fu l means. Since the experiments may in LeukemiaSera. J AMA 191 ; 54 1, 1965.
of the measures used at Willow- they were ipso facto ethical. lere conform to the letter of th e 8. Krugman, S., G iles, J. and Hammo nd,
brook to obtain informed con- we d o not see the old mor; fal- World Medical Association Draft J . Viral Hepatitis, Type 8 (MS-2 Strain)
sent, it does so only when the lacy of the end justifyin: the Code of Ethics on Human Experi- Studies on A ctive Immunizatio n JAM A ...
experiments conducted produce a means, but a new imp \ tive 21 7:41 , 197 1.
mentation , the need fo r th e updat- 9. Krugma n, S., Giles, J. a nd Hammond,
therapeutic result for the individ- which says th a t success j1 ifies ing of the Code is d emonstrated . J . Viral Hepatitis, Type 8 ( M S-2 Strain)
ua l child involved. If, on the other the means. The inference i t hat Prevention with Specific Hepatitis 8
:.. ·· hand, the experiments are construed the measures used would 0 1 be Immune Serum Globulin JAM A 2 18:
to be "solely for the acquisition o f une thical if they fail ed to o rk. REFERENCES: 1665, 197 1.
I. Ward, R. , Krugman, S., Giles, J. Infec- I IJ Ed itorial J AMA 200:406, 1967.
knowledge" then the code states: This advocacy· of an utterl y •rag- tious Hepatitis, Studies of its Natural
" Persons retained in mental hospi- matic standard of ethi cs is a cent I I. Yearbook of Medic ine 1967 -68, p. 429.
History and Prevention ew England 12. Editorial , Hepatitis Virus Lancet II
tals or hospitals for mental defec- but unmistakable trend i the J. Med. 258: 407, 1958. 577, 1969.
tives should not be used for human public posture of the An ican 2. 'Krugman, S., Ward, R., Giles, J . The 13. Gold by, S. Experiments at the Willow-
Medical Association. It is emi- Natural History of Infect io us Hepatitis
.,,, experiment." Surely the part o f brook State School Lancet 11 :749, 1971 .
Amer. J . Med. 32: 717, 1962.
the ir experimentation carried out niscent of the " what ·is It d is 14. Shapiro, S. Letter to the Editor Lancet
3. Krugman, S. et al. Infectious H epatitis:
.. . to determine the infectivity of th e ethical" position taken o n a l rtion
II: 967, 1971.
,·' . f
MS-2 serum was "solely for the
acquisition of knowledge" since
in 1970.
It would seem o bvious th . for
Detection of Virus During the Incuba-
tion Period, and in Clinically Inapparent
Infection. New Eng. J. Med. 261 :729,
15. Krugman, S. Experiments at Willow-
brook State School Lancet II: 966, 1971
16. Prevention of Viral Hepatitis: Mis-
..,, .
t ,J ' I

the devel opment of immunity as th e individual chi ld in volved 'l the sion Impossible? JA MA 217:70, 1971.
a result of deliberate infection can- Willowbrook ex periments, n· so lid
not legitimately be called a " th era- claim of thera peutic benefit could
peutic" effect. be m ade in adva nce of the ~ c~di es.
Likewise the claim by Krugman, The studies, th e refore, at le< t vio-
tha t the success of his experiments lated a time-ho nored pri nc 1le of
among those children who were d e- primum non nocere. It is a · o ob-
libe rately challenged after being vious that therapeutic bene! s will
given heat-modified serum and have resulted both to othc resi-
hyperimmune serum globulin, dents of the Willowbrook ')chool
pro ves a therapeutic effect is ope n as well as society at l arg~ if an
to se rious question. A thera peutic e ffective hepatitis vaccine b ~· co m es
effect cannot be claimed retroactive- avai lable. As dram atic and as salu-
ly or post-facto when a d eliberate tary as the possible el imi nation of
adm inistration of infected serum hepatitis may be, it is by no means
has been carried out. It certainly clea r th at it was not ac hie vable
cannot be claimed for those who by a n experiment constructed in

136 Linac rc QuarterlY May, 1973


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