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Scars, Burns & Healing

Intralesional excision as a surgical Volume 5: 1­–9

DOI: 10.1177/2059513119867297

strategy to manage keloid scars:

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© The Author(s) 2019

what’s the evidence?

Ioannis Goutos

Introduction: Keloid scars are a particularly challenging clinical entity and a variety of management approaches
have been described in the literature including intralesional surgery. The current literature lacks a summative
review to ascertain the evidence base behind this surgical approach.
Methods: A comprehensive English literature database search was performed using PubMed Medline,
EMBASE and Web of Science from their individual dates of inception to March 2018. We present the different
rationales proposed for the use of this technique, the clinical outcomes reported in the literature as well as
the scientific basis for intralesional excision of keloid scars.
Discussion: A number of arguments have been proposed to support intralesional excision including avoiding
injury to neighbouring non-keloidal skin and the deep layer of the dermis, removal of the most proliferative
fibroblastic group as well as debulking to facilitate the administration of injectable steroid. The most current
literature does not provide sufficient support for the adoption of intralesional excisions based on data
emerging from basic science as well as clinical outcome studies.
Conclusion: Emerging evidence supports the extralesional excision of keloid scars based on current mechano­
biological, histological as well as clinical outcome data. Further trials comparing extralesional and intralesional
surgical practices are eagerly awaited to ascertain the role of intralesional excisions in the keloid management arena.

Intralesional, intramarginal, scar, keloid, hypertrophic, extralesional

Lay Summary
Keloid scars are a particularly challenging subset of scars to treat successfully. Complete (extralesional)
removal and radiotherapy represent one of the most efficacious combined modalities for treatment;
nevertheless, a number of scar services offer the option of partial (intralesional) removal for keloid
scars frequently in conjunction with steroid therapy. This study was undertaken to find out how effective
partial removal of keloids is in clinical practice. Based on the available literature, there is limited evidence
that this approach can provide reliable long-term results; emerging data on the scar forming activity of
different parts of keloids as well as mechanical factors contributing towards keloid growth fail to support
partial scar removal techniques for this subset of scars.

Centre for Cutaneous Research, Blizard Institute, London, UK

Corresponding author:
Keloid scars represent a challenging clinical Ioannis Goutos, Centre for Cutaneous Research, Blizard Institute, 4
entity, whose pathophysiology is thought to Newark Street, London E1 2AT, UK.
involve an impaired balance between fibroblastic Email:

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2 Scars, Burns & Healing

proliferation and apoptosis1 as well as possible series/reports and review articles elaborating on
endothelial dysfunction.2,3 Historically, hyper- the philosophy, basic science evidence and out-
trophic and keloid scars have been considered as comes of intralesional excision. Reports were
separate clinical and histological entities; never- excluded if the surgical technique involved the
theless, recent work suggests that they are con- use of a keloidal fillet/rind flaps or the exclusive
tiguous scar subtypes with keloids representing use of split skin grafting for wound coverage. We
the severe end of hypertrophy by virtue of a more limited our search to human studies only and
prolonged and intense inflammatory activity excluded letters, meeting abstracts, proceedings
within the dermis.3,4 reports, editorial material and notes.
Management options can be divided into
those aiming to:
(1) decrease the bulk of the scar and improve A total of 638 abstracts were identified in the origi-
symptoms—most commonly pain and nal search (95 in PubMed Medline, 211 in
itch; modalities in this category include EMBASE and 332 in Web of Science). The
intralesional steroid administration and abstracts were screened for relevance and full
cryosurgery;5-7 or texts were read in full to confirm eligibility for
(2) replace the bulky keloidal mass with a inclusion into the work. This exhaustive literature
fine and symptom-free surgical scar. search identified four reports describing different
Some historical literature reports suggest intralesional excision techniques, another four
that isolated extralesional excision of elaborating on the philosophy behind this surgi-
keloid scars is associated with a very high cal technique and six providing data on outcomes
rate of recurrence of up to 80–100%;8 following intralesional excision for keloid scars.
nevertheless, the addition of postopera-
tive radiotherapy yields a significantly
lower rate of recurrence in the range of Different rationales proposed in
2–33%, raising the role of adjuvant radio- favour of intralesional excision
therapy in achieving favourable long-
A number of different rationales have been pro-
term results.9
posed in the literature to support the intrale-
sional excision of keloids as a surgical strategy:
A number of specialist services offer the option of
intralesional (or intramarginal) excision of keloid
(1) Avoidance of incision placement in
scars. This can be defined as a partial excision
neighbouring ‘keloid prone’ skin. The
technique using incisions within the peripheral
high rate of recurrence following extral-
borders of the existing scar to a variable deep
esional excision without adjuvant radio-
clearance and wound closure via approximation
therapy has been linked to inducing
of the remaining keloidal rims. The aim of this
injury to the skin immediately adjacent to
work is to explore the theoretical basis/rationale
the keloid mass.9 This forms one of the
for intralesional excision as presented by various
supporting rationales for the intralesional
authors over the last decades, delineate the differ-
method, which removes the bulk of the
ent modifications of pertinent surgical techniques
scar by staying within the keloidal
and appraise the level of evidence relating to out-
comes following this technique.
(2) Prevention against injury to the deep por-
tion of the dermis within the keloid.
Another supporting argument relates to
the fact that a subset of intralesional exci-
A comprehensive English literature database sions is performed in a manner which
search was performed of PubMed Medline, avoids injury to the deepest layer of the
EMBASE and Web of Science from their individ- dermis (i.e. exposing no fat during the
ual dates of inception to March 2018 using the procedure). Violation of this layer of the
following keywords: keloid AND intralesional OR dermis has been postulated to signal the
intramarginal AND excision. The retrieved production of excess collagen synthesis
abstracts were screened for relevance to the field in keloid scars.11
of study and filtered according to the inclusion (3) Removal of the most proliferative fibro-
criteria, which included original research, case blast group within the scar. More
Goutos 3

specifically, it has been proposed that is excised into normal fat. Furthermore,
keloidal fibroblasts within the centre of he proposed that the margins of the scar
the lesion have lower levels of apoptosis are ‘undercut’ to relieve tension before
compared to superficial and deep por- layered closure occurs leaving a narrower
tions. Therefore, removal of the central and flatter keloid lesion.15
portion of a keloid predisposes to lower •• Peracok proposed an excision technique,
levels of recurrence by leaving behind which leaves a small (< 1 mm) rim of scar
cells more likely to undergo programmed and the deep margin does not expose any
cell death.1 subcutaneous fat.11
Mechanical debulking. Some authors
have proposed intralesional excision of Outcomes following intralesional
keloids as a means of decreasing the bulk
of keloid scars with a view to facilitating excision of keloid scars
postoperative intralesional steroid injec- A small number of studies have been identified
tions. Given that courses of steroid injec- providing outcome data following intralesional
tions are prolonged and associated with excision in combination with a variety of adjuncts
discomfort, especially in longstanding, including steroids and radiotherapy for keloid
bulky non-compliant scars, the strategy scars.
translates into an overall reduction in the In 1960, Conway et al. published a compara-
number of adjuvant injections needed tive study of results obtained with the following
and minimisation of discomfort as well as three different regimens for a cohort of 154
topical side effects.10 patients with keloid scars followed up for a period
Protective action of the keloidal rim between six months and six years:
against tensile forces. It has been advo-
cated that the perimetrical rim of tissue (1) intralesional excision and direct clo-
left behind in the intralesional technique sure with 32-gauge stainless-steel wire
is able to act as a physical restraining splint. or tie-over skin graft (28 patients);
This has been postulated to eliminate the (2) intralesional excision with adjuvant
aggravating effect of physical tension on X-ray therapy (24 patients);
excessive collagen synthesis, which is cen- (3) intralesional excision and cortisone
tral to keloidal pathophysiology.12 derivative injection for three weeks
postoperatively (59 patients); and
(4) the combination of all three modalities:
Intralesional excision techniques
intralesional excision; X-ray therapy;
A wide variety of techniques have been described and steroids (43 patients).
for the intralesional excision of keloid scars relat-
ing to the management of both peripheral as well Intralesional excision was performed within the
as deep margins. confines of the scar leaving a narrow margin at
the junction of keloid and normal skin and not
•• Straatsma described excision of the cen- exposing fat at the depths of the dissection. In
tral portion of the scar leaving 1/8th inch the first cohort of 28 cases treated with intrale-
(i.e. approximately 3 mm) of its external sional excision, six patients were lost to follow-
border to allow bulk reduction and elimi- up and the rate of recurrence was 45% (the
nate invasion of ‘normal’ surrounding differential rate between direct closure and split
tissues.13 skin grafting was unfortunately not specified).
•• Conway advocated excision within the Out of the 59 patients treated with intralesional
pathological tissue borders in a bevelled excision and cortisone derivative injection, pri-
manner allowing the formation of a three- mary closure was performed in 48 patients with
dimensional phalanx of keloid. He also a rate of recurrence of 23% (the corresponding
stressed the importance of avoiding the rate in the skin graft group of 11 patients was
involvement of healthy skin in wound 55%).14
closure.14 Another North American report in 1967
•• Kitlowski advocated an incision, which described intralesional excision in the context of
leaves sufficient peripheral margins for managing a recurrent auricular keloid combined
closure without the necessity of suturing with the postoperative use of intralesional steroid.
normal skin, while the depth of the keloid The exact technique comprised reduction of the
4 Scars, Burns & Healing

keloidal bulk, and thinning down of the resulting for isolated intralesional recurrence for keloid
flaps leaving behind a thin layer of ‘rubbery tissue’ scars, since only one study employed it as a sole
on the wound background. The steroid regimen modality giving a rate of recurrence of 45% for
comprised the use of 25 mg of 10 mg/mL triamci- the subcohort, including direct and skin graft clo-
nolone on day 9, followed by 30 mg the following sure;14 these studies did not explore the compari-
day and repeat administration at 1–3 weekly inter- son between intra- and extralesional modalities. It
vals for a total of 21 injections. No evidence of is therefore interesting to consider the findings of
recurrence was reported in this report, which had the following three reports.
a follow-up period of nine months.16 One UK retrospective report investigated the
In a Zambian cohort published in 1980, 35 influence of surgical excision margins on recur-
earlobe keloids were treated with intralesional rence in 75 patients presenting with keloids in a vari-
excision, closure and postoperative hydrocorti- ety of bodily locations including head and neck,
sone (100 mg mixed with 1 mL of 2% xylocaine) chest and limbs undergoing either extra- or intrale-
every fortnight for an overall number of 6–10 sional excision. All patients underwent adjuvant
injections. The exact surgical technique was not therapy including (compression, intralesional ster-
specified in this report and one immediate recur- oid injections, silicone, radiotherapy) and recur-
rence (rate of 2.85%) was seen at follow-up rang- rence was defined as a further raised scar following
ing between 6 to 12 months.17 complete excision or in the cases of intralesional
Tang proposed the combination of intrale- method, an increase in the visible scar mass.
sional excision and lateral undermining to min- Furthermore, all keloids were histologically con-
imise tension in a cohort of three hypertrophic firmed and their subtype was classified as either cir-
and eight keloid scars. Following full thickness cumscribed (clearly demarcated borders) or
excision just within the margins of the lesion, an infiltrative (borders not easily definable). Results
injection of 10–30 mg triamcinolone around suggest that there is a statistically significant differ-
the margins was performed before closure. ence in favour of extralesional excision at 3, 6 and
Repeated injections were performed weekly for 12 months (8.7% vs. 38.5%, 9.1% vs. 58.5% and
a period of five months. Results among eight 19% vs. 76.2%, respectively; P ⩽ 0.001) for both
keloid scars showed two recurrences (overall peripheral and deep m ­ argins. Furthermore, histo-
rate of 25%) at a mean follow-up of 15 months logical infiltrative borders and incomplete excision
(range for the whole cohort, which included were strongly correlated (P < 0.001); a similar trend
three hypertrophic scars was 12–36 months).18 was identified based on clinically indistinct sur-
In another report published in 2007, 18 roundings and excision completeness (P < 0.05).19
patients with head and neck keloids were treated Two comparative studies between intra- and
with intralesional excision defined as the exci- extralesional excision are available for hyper-
sion of the central bulk leaving behind a thin rim trophic scars. The first involved a retrospective
of peripheral keloid. The wound edges were review of 50 burn scars. The authors claimed to
undermined to permit advancement and pri- have obtained better results with intramarginal
mary closure was achieved. Adjuvant 40 mg triam- excision; however, this conclusion was not con-
cinolone injection was administered first at 10–14 firmed in the statistical analysis due to either a
days (i.e. time of suture removal) and an addi- P value > 0.01 in the head and neck scar
tional two at monthly intervals into the remaining subcohort and the low number of patients
lesion. The rate of recurrence in this study was recruited in the other subcohorts resulting in an
6%; the complications included wound dehis- overall ­low-powered study. Additionally, the out-
cence on postoperative day 3 (this was successfully come ­measures employed comprised a subjective
re-sutured but lost to follow-up) and hypopigmen- improvement as a consensus of opinion without
tation in all patients.10 any objective criteria for recurrence been used.20
All the above studies have severe limitations A different retrospective study compared the
including the small number of patients assessed, intralesional versus extralesional excision of 15
the lack of histological definition of keloid pathol- lower limb hypertrophic scars and skin graft cov-
ogy and recurrence as well as the variable use of erage. The intralesional method involved leaving
steroid dosage in the postoperative management; a scar border of 2 mm and the extralesional
nevertheless, based on this summative literature involved a peripheral clearance of 3–5 mm;
review, the median rate of recurrence for intrale- results revealed a statistically significant differ-
sional excision and adjunctive radiotherapy or ence in favour of the extralesional method (100%
steroids is 25%. It becomes clear that it is very vs. 33% rate of recurrence; P = 0.011). This study
challenging to assess the true rate of recurrence had an immunohistochemical component, which
Goutos 5

showed that transforming growth factor (TGF)- deeper layer of dermis as part of the keloidal resec-
beta1 expression extends beyond the clinical tion.11 Recent work investigating the histopatho-
margins of the hypertrophic scar; in addition, logical structure in auricular keloids has identified
the expression of PCNA (proliferating cell that three distinctive parts exist, whose central
nuclear antigen-marker of proliferating cells) core contains abundant proliferation of abnormal
was increased in this region compared to normal blood vessels, increased inflammatory cell infiltra-
dermis, accounting for the increased recurrence tion and high cellularity of activated young fibro-
rate for intramarginal excision. These findings blasts; this has been postulated to be a key portion
point towards an infiltrative proliferating margin for keloidal growth and recurrence.22 In other
with tumour-like behaviour left behind following words, preservation of the deep layer of the der-
intramarginal excision.21 mis leaves behind a histologically active segment
These conclusions are corroborative with the of the scar.
clinical study by Tan19 and assume significance A clinical prospective study provides further
given the recognition that keloids scars represent support to the central proliferative core being a
the extreme spectrum of scar hypertrophy. key part of keloid recurrence; this study investi-
It is interesting to now look at the different gated parameters inherent to auricular keloidal
rationales supporting the intralesional excision recurrence in 71 patients with an average follow-
for keloid scars and transpose the relevant evi- up of 19.8 months (range = 1.2–48.8 months).
dence supporting or refuting its adoption as a Results suggest that complete excision of the pro-
surgical strategy. liferating core in the deepest portion of auricular
keloids is paramount for completeness of excision
with a positive margin status shown to be associ-
Avoidance of incision to adjacent ated with lesion recurrence (P < 0.0001).23 This
unscarred keloid prone skin work would support a more aggressive depth of
This rationale ‘proposed by’ Donkor10 does not excision and refutes the rationale for a big propor-
fit with recent advances in the understanding of tion of keloidal intralesional excision practices.
keloidal pathophysiology. Based on current
mechanobiology theories, it is now widely recog-
nised that one of the major predisposing factors Removal of the most proliferative
for the genesis of keloids is tension on the dermis fibroblast group
from the underlying musculature. This explains Exploration of the literature on the differential
the high preponderance of certain sites, includ- activity of keloidal fibroblasts reveals interesting
ing the presternal, shoulder/upper back and findings. A number of in vitro studies were iden-
suprapubic area, towards keloid scar formation tified in the literature search as below:
as well as the shape of keloid scars, which are dic-
tated by the underlying pull of the musculature.3 •• Luo et  al. studied the activity of keloidal
It is difficult to imagine why neighbouring skin fibroblasts in a culture model and com-
would have a particularly different tension pro- pared apoptotic activity in superficial,
file compared to keloidal lesion to make this central and basal portions of cultured
argument valid from the index a mechanobiol- cells deriving from intramarginal excision
ogy perspective. The study findings by Tan link- of six scars. The fibroblasts obtained from
ing recurrence with incomplete excision for the superficial and basal regions of the
peripheral (as well as deep) margins provide sup- keloidal tissue showed population dou-
porting ­evidence against the intralesional exci- bling times and saturation densities simi-
sion ­rationale.19 This is reinforced by the lar to age-matched fibroblasts; cells from
TGF-beta1 immunohistochemical findings by the centre of the keloid lesions neverthe-
Shin et  al. involving an infiltrative tumour-like less had significantly reduced doubling
behaviour in the hypertrophic rim left behind in times and reached higher cell densities
this surgical technique.21 (P < 0.001).1
•• Supp et al. in an in vivo athymic mouse
Prevention against injury to the model showed that the expression of
certain genes including type 1 collagen
deep portion of the dermis alpha 1 and transforming growth factor
This proposed rationale is theoretically applicable beta 1 was elevated in deep keloidal
to surgical intralesional techniques preserving the fibroblasts compared to superficial
6 Scars, Burns & Healing

(adjacent to the epidermis) and normal (ATPA), creatine kinase (KCRM), glu-
fibroblasts; the authors proposed that tathione S-transferase major (GSTP1) and
deep dermal fibroblasts secrete extra- sulfotranferase (ST1C2) at the keloidal
cellular matrix causing thickening of margin suggesting an epicentre within
the lower dermis and fibroblasts in the the scar in terms of proliferative activity.27
upper dermis spread along a longitudi-
nal direction resulting in the typical Limitations of the abovementioned studies
bulging keloidal phenotype; the exact include their in vitro nature as well as the lack
phenotype varying in different individu- of histological and clinical analyses linking dif-
als based on the relative contributions ferential fibroblastic activity with risk of recur-
of deep and superficial fibroblasts.24 rence. Nevertheless, summative appraisal of
The findings of the above two studies the findings on the differential activity of keloi-
could support the notion that excision dal fibroblasts provides equivocal evidence
of the central portion of a keloidal supporting an intralesional approach, espe-
lesion removes the most proliferative cially if it involves preservation of the deep
population of fibroblasts, and provide layer of the dermis. More specifically, two stud-
the theoretical basis for intralesional ies support the rationale that the central part
excision provided the deep portion of of keloids represents the less apoptotic and
the keloid is excised. more metabolically active/fibrogenic site1,24
•• Syed et  al. investigated collagen I and and one suggests the peripheral, actively grow-
III expression in keloidal fibroblast cul- ing front being key to keloidogenenesis.25
tures deriving from the following sites: It is prudent at this point to investigate find-
extralesional (macroscopically normal ings from keloidal studies using histological
skin not involving the keloid), intrale- parameters as opposed to in vitro studies to fur-
sional (top, middle and deep part of the ther elucidate into the differential activity of
keloid) and perilesional (growing mar- fibroblasts.
gin of the keloid periphery). Expression
levels of collagen types I and III were •• Initial work focusing on the histopatho-
significantly higher in perilesional logical appearance of keloid scars
fibroblasts compared to extralesional ­demonstrated a relatively acellular central
and intralesional keloid biopsy sites, core in the deepest portion of the
reinforcing the notion of a peripheral lesion and a periphery of hyperproliferating
growing front in keloidal structure (P < fibroblasts.28 This reinforces the periph-
0.05).25 This would not support intrale- eral parts of keloidal lesions as key to
sional excision practices by virtue of ­progression based on fibroblastic activity
leaving behind the comparatively most alone.
active fibroblastic group within the •• A very recent experimental study investi-
keloidal field. gated the histological zones of 19 keloi-
•• Seifert et  al. employed gene microarrays dal lesions from a variety of bodily sites.
to identify the differential gene expres- The superficial dermis layer comprised
sion within keloidal lesions and identified parallelly organised collagen fibres and
localised overexpression of the novel spindle-shaped fibroblasts with an overall
apoptosis inhibitor AVEN as well as inva- appearance similar to granulation tissue.
sion promoting genes such as PTHrP at The mid-dermal layer was thicker with
the active peripheral margin; most inter- compact collagen fibres and the most
estingly, apoptosis-inducing genes such as prominent fibroblast infiltration, whose
ADAM12 and those inducing extracellu- cellular appearance suggest a static cel-
lar matrix degradation such as metallo- lular state. The deep dermis was charac-
protease-19 are upregulated in the terised by prominent degeneration and
regressing keloidal centre.26 loosely organised hyalinised collagen.
•• Javad et al. investigated the protein extract Comparison of superficial to deep layers
profiles of different regions in keloid scars revealed, that the number of fibroblasts
using comparative proteomics analysis. decreased and were transformed from an
They identified the e­xpression of mito- active to a static state. Most interestingly,
chondrial-associated proteins including two sites were found to have prominent
adenosine-5-triphosphate subunit alpha lymphocytic infiltration, namely the
Goutos 7

perivascular area of the superficial der- Discussion

mis and the skin at the junction of keloid
and healthy skin. Additionally, the most Keloid scars represent a challenging clinical
superficial dermal fibroblasts had the entity in reconstructive practice and a number
greatest migratory capacity in compari- of contributing factors have been identified
son to fibroblasts in normal skin and towards their pathophysiological development
hypertrophic scars suggesting that the including:30–34
superficial dermis may play a key role in
initiating keloid formation.29 This study (1) genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms;
shifts the paradigm of keloidogenesis (2) local mechanical tensile forces;
away from the key role of deep fibroblasts (3) hormonal states associated with raised sex
to the superficial part of the lesion and hormones (e.g. pregnancy, adolescence);
reinforces the role of immune activation (4) systemic inflammatory disorders including
at the peripheral margins in the patho- Castleman disease as well as hypertension.
genesis of keloid scars.
Some basic tenets of optimal surgical practice
In other words, an intralesional excision irre-
for keloid scars relate to the relief of tension on
spective of preserving the deepest layer of der-
the healing dermis and a variety of techniques
mis intact or not, leaves behind a rim of
have been described to this effect. These
peripheral and superficial active fibroblasts,
include the extralesional excision of the lesion
which would promote a high rate of recur-
to deep dissection planes and the placement of
rence in cytological terms. The complexity of
sutures in the deep as well as superficial fascial
keloidogenesis clearly needs to be further elu-
planes to allow approximation of the dermis
cidated with regards to differential fibroblastic
with minimal tension; furthermore, the impor-
tance of further distributing intradermal ten-
sion with the use of Z-plasties is emerging in the
Debulking literature.31,34-36 The adoption of postoperative
adjuncts appears to be critical in obtaining
Other authors have viewed intralesional exci- favourable long-term results and radiotherapy
sion as a means of allowing the formation of represents the most efficacious modality associ-
less bulky keloid scar in order to facilitate post- ated with the lowest rate of recurrence;37 our
operative intralesional steroid injections; the literature search identified that steroids are the
latter translates into the reduction of the num- most popular adjunct following the intrale-
ber of adjuvant injections needed and minimi- sional excision of keloids.
sation of topical steroid side effects.10 There The number of studies available in the liter-
are no studies to substantiate this; neverthe- ature focusing on outcomes following intrale-
less, it carries some gravity as a practical way of sional excision is very limited and are
facilitating steroid delivery to large keloid characterised by low evidence level (uncon-
scars. trolled or retrospective) and provide a com-
bined median recurrence rate of 25%10,14,16–18
Potential protective action of for surgery and steroid therapy. There is only
one study performed in the 1960s employing
keloidal rim against tension
intralesional surgical excision and direct clo-
It has been advocated that an intramarginal scar sure/graft coverage without adjunctive therapy
excision leaves a perimetrical rim of tissue, which quoting a rate of recurrence of 45%.14 The only
acts as a physical restraining splint; this has been comparative study available appraising out-
postulated to eliminate the aggravating effect of comes following intralesional versus extrale-
physical tension on excessive collagen ­synthesis.20 sional keloidectomy practices points towards a
Nevertheless, empirical personal experience statistically significant difference in favour of
would reinforce the published observation made extralesional excision at the follow-ups at 3, 6
by Minkowitz that, despite thinning of periph- and 12 months (P ⩽ 0.001) for both peripheral
eral keloidal flaps, it is difficult to produce com- and deep margin clearance.19
pliant enough scar edges to fold down and cover A number of rationales proposed for an
the resulting defect without tension.16 intralesional approach include preservation of
8 Scars, Burns & Healing

the integrity of perilesional ‘keloid prone’ skin Future randomised trials of similar scar and
and the deep portion of the dermis, the patient groups that take into account confound-
removal of the most proliferative fibroblastic ing factors including adjuvant interventions may
group as well as mechanical debulking among elucidate optimal surgical strategies further.
Review of the latest hypotheses based on mech- Declaration of conflicting interests
anobiology would not support the rationale behind The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with
neighbouring skin to the keloidal lesion being respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
keloid prone.3 Furthermore, there is strong emerg- this article.
ing evidence that the incomplete peripheral clear-
ance of keloids is associated with higher rates of Funding
recurrence19 with the rim of keloid left behind dis-
playing an infiltrative tumour-like behaviour.21 The The author(s) received no financial support for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
philosophy of not violating the deep portion of the
dermis by performing a superficial intralesional
clearance11 appears unfounded based on a study of ORCID iD
auricular keloids, which show a proliferating core Ioannis Goutos
in the deepest portion; a positive margin status for
this section has been shown to be associated
with keloid recurrence in a statistically significant References
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