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Biology and Pathology

of Apical Periodontitis

P. N. R. Nair
Institute of Oral Biology, Center of Dental and Oral Medicine,
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Chapter contents

Nomenclature and Classification
Primary Apical Periodontitis
A microbial disease
Routes of pulpal infection
Root canal flora
Virulence factors
Host Defence
Molecular mediators
Initial apical periodontitis
Development of chronic apical periodontitis (Granuloma)
Cystic transformation of apical periodontitis (Radicular cysts)
Persistent Apical Radiolucencies (Endodontic Failures)
Microbial causes
Intraradicular and apical biofilm
Microbes within periapical lesions
Non-actinomyces microbes in inflamed periapical tissue
Non-microbial causes
Cystic lesions
Cholesterol crystals
Foreign bodies
Periapical scar
Persistent Post-Surgical Radiolucencies
Concluding Remarks
Bacteria (BA) in dentinal tubules
(DT) in the apical part of human
root dentin (D). The bacteria in-
vade the tubules from the infect-
ed root canal (RC). The presence
of dividing forms (inset) is a clear
sign of vitality of the microorgan-
isms at the time of fixation (x2480;
inset, x9600).

9.1 Introduction cannot get rid of the microbes, mostly well

Contemporary advances in the microbiol- entrenched as biofilms, in the sanctuary of
ogy have far reaching influence on the under- the necrotic root canal. Therefore, the apical
standing of the etiology, pathogenesis and periodontitis is not self-healing. The micro-

Endodontic Science
treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases bial factors and host defence clash, strike an
of persistent infections. Single, specific etio- equilibrium that allows the persistence of mi-
logical agents cause classical infectious dis- crobes in the root canal and limited host re-
eases such as tuberculosis and tetanus. But sponse leading to the formation of different
there are several diseases that are caused categories of apical periodontitis lesions183.
by a consortium of microbial species living
together in ecologically ordered form of sur- 9.2 Nomenclature and Classification

Chapter 9
vival, known as biofilms51. Apical periodonti- Being an inflammatory disorder, apical
tis belongs to this category of diseases. It is periodontitis can be classified on several
an inflammatory disorder of periradicular tis- bases such as the etiology, symptoms and
sues caused by irritants of endodontic origin, histopathological features. The World Health
mostly of persistent microbes living in the root Organization (WHO)347 classified apical peri-
canal system of the affected tooth119, 299. The odontitis into various categories (Table 9.1).
necrotic pulp provides a selective habitat for It is clinically a very useful classification but
the endodontic flora73 that grows in adhesive does not take into account the structural as-
biofilms, aggregates, coaggregates, and as pects of the lesions. As the structural com-
planktonic cells suspended in the fluid phase ponents of the lesion form the basis for an
of the canal182. A biofilm51 is an extracellular understanding of the pathological process, a
matrix-embedded community of microor- histopathological classification is followed in
ganisms that adheres to each other and/or to this chapter (Fig. 9.1). The criteria for classifi-
a moist surface as against planktonic organ- cation include the distribution of various cell
isms, which are free-floating single microbial populations within the lesion, the presence
cells in an aqueous environment. Microor- or absence of epithelial cells, whether the
ganisms are protected in biofilms where they lesion has been transformed into a cyst and
have the ability to resist microbicides several the relationship of the cyst-cavity to the root
hundred times that of the same organisms in canal of the affected tooth183, 194.
planktonic form49, 348. Essentially apical perio-
dontitis is the body’s defence response to Acute Apical Periodontitis
the destruction of the tooth-pulp and micro- This is acute inflammation at the peria-
bial settlement of the root canal system134. pex. An incipient or primary acute apical
The microbes residing in the root canal can periodontitis is inflammation of transient
advance or their products can egress into the nature initiated within a healthy periapex
periapex. In response, the body mounts an in response to irritants (Fig. 9.1A). If the ir-
array of defence consisting of several class- ritation is due to microbial infection this re-
es of cells, of intercellular messengers, of sponse may develop into a primary abscess.
chemical weapons and of effector molecules. A secondary acute apical periodontitis (Fig.
In spite of the formidable defence, the body 9.1B) is an acute inflammatory response oc-
curring in an already existing chronic apical Chronic Apical Periodontitis
288 periodontitis lesion. Such a response is of- This is periapical inflammation extending
ten clinically referred to as periapical flare- to a long period of time and characterized
up, acute exacerbation, ‘phoenix abscess’ by the presence of a granulomatous tissue
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

or secondary abscess. Depending on the predominantly infiltrated with lymphocytes,

presence or absence of epithelial cells the plasma cells and macrophages (Fig. 9.1C).
secondary acute apical periodontitis may These lesions may be epithelialized or non-
be further subdivided into epithelialized epithelialized.
or non-epithelialized lesions. The PMN re-
sponse may be restricted to a small area Periapical True Cyst
in the periapex forming a micro abscess or This is an apical inflammatory cyst (Kystis
may engulf the whole periapical area when = bladder) with a distinct pathological cavity
it is referred to as dento-alveolar abscess completely enclosed in an epithelial lining so
which may “point” and open to the exterior that no communication to the root canal exists
by formation of a sinus tract or fistula. (Fig. 9.1D).
Chapter 9

Table 9.1 - WHO classification of diseases of periapical tissues

Code No Category

K04.4 Acute apical periodontitis

K04.5 Chronic apical periodontitis (Apical granuloma)

Periapical abscess with sinus (Dentoalveolar abscess with sinus, Periodontal abscess of
pulpal origin)

K04.60 Periapical abscess with sinus to maxillary antrum

K04.61 Periapical abscess with sinus to nasal cavity

K04.62 Periapical abscess with sinus to oral cavity

K04.63 Periapical abscess with sinus to skin

Periapical abscess without sinus (Dental abscess without sinus, Dentoalveolar abscess
without sinus, Periodontal abscess of pulpal origin without sinus)

K04.8 Radicular cyst (Apical periodontal cyst, Periapical cyst)

K04.80 Apical and lateral cyst

K04.81 Residual cyst

K04.82 Inflammatory paradental cyst

(Names in parenthesis denote given synonyms and conditions that are included in the category)
Periapical Pocket Cyst September 1697: “…one of the back teeth in
This is an apical inflammatory cyst contain- my mouth got loose again, and bothered me
ing a sac-like, epithelium-lined cavity that is much in eating. So I decided to press it hard
open to and continuous with the root canal on the side with my thump … so as to get rid
(Fig. 9.1E). of the tooth, which I succeeded in doing. …
The crown of the tooth was nearly all decayed
9.3 Primary Apical Periodontitis while the root consisted of two branches; so
that the very roots were uncommon hollow
9.3.1 A microbial disease and the holes in them were stuffed with a soft
Antony van Leeuwenhoek is generally matter. I took this stuff out of the hollows of
credited with the first description of micro- the roots, and mixed it with clean rain water,

Endodontic Science
organisms (“animalcules”) in the necrotic and set it before the magnifying glass so as
root canals of diseased human teeth. In one to see if there were so many living creatures
of his celebrated letters to the Royal Society as I had aforetime discovered in such mate-
of London, England, he wrote on the 10th of rial: and I must confess that the whole stuff

Chapter 9
Acute AP Chronic AP Cysts

A - Primary Ly

C D - True cyst


Classification of Apical Periodontitis

B - Secondary E - Pocket cyst

Figure 9.1 - Pathogenesis of acute (a, b), chronic (c) and cystic (d, e) apical periodontitis (AP) lesions. The acute lesion may be primary (a) or
secondary (b) and is characterized by the presence of a focus of neutrophils (PMNs). The major components of chronic lesions (c)
are lymphocytes (Ly), plasma cells (Pc) and macrophage (Ma). Periapical cysts can be differentiated into true cysts (d) with com-
pletely enclosed lumina and pocket cysts (e) with cavities open to the root canal. Arrows indicate the direction in which the lesions
can change.
seemed to be alive … the number of these the ultrastructural visualization of intracanal
290 animalcules was so extraordinarily great”64. It microbial biofilms and their strategic location
took another 200 years when Miller165 demon- in the apical root canal system182. These stud-
strated again the presence of several types of ies provide a chain of evidence on the essen-
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

bacteria in the necrotic dental. Nevertheless, tiality of microorganisms in the development

the role of microorganisms in the causation of apical periodontitis.
of apical periodontitis remained uncertain
for several decades thereafter. Only bacte- 9.3.2 Routes of pulpal infection
ria found within intact solid lesions, within The possible routes through which mi-
phagocytic cells, were considered genuine99 croorganisms can reach the dental pulp are
because of the problem of microbial contam- many. Breaches in the hard tissue wall, result-
ination. As bacteria were detected only in a ing from caries, clinical procedures, fractures
small fraction of the lesions, apical periodon- and cracks are the frequent portals of pulpal
titis was considered to be caused not only by infection. Microbes have also been isolated
microbial infection alone but also by other from teeth with necrotic pulps and crowns
independent factors such as the necrotic appearing ‘intact’ to naked eye19, 21, 33, 45, 69, 153,
pulp138, 288, stagnant tissue fluid227 or root ca- 169, 299, 352
. Necrosis of the pulp precedes en-
nal fillings. In 1965 Kakehashi et al.119 report- dodontic infections of such teeth. Microbes
Chapter 9

ed that no apical periodontitis developed in from the gingival sulci or periodontal pockets
gnotobiotic rats when their molar-pulps were have also been suggested to reach the root
kept exposed to the oral cavity as compared canals of these teeth through severed blood
with control rats with a conventional oral mi- vessels of the periodontium93. But, it is unlikely
croflora in which massive periapical radio- that microorganisms would survive the im-
lucencies developed. Möller169 showed the munological defenses between the marginal
importance of asepsis in sampling of micro- gingiva and the apical foramen. Alternatively,
organisms from root canals of diseased teeth it is possible that the teeth may clinically ap-
for culture-studies and highlighted the great pear intact but reveal microcracks in their hard
significance of obligate anaerobes in endo- tissues, providing portals of entry for bacte-
dontic infections. Independent researchers ria. Pulpal infection can also occur through
confirmed the latter observations23, 120, 352. In exposed dentinal tubules at the cervical root
the 1970s, advanced anaerobic techniques surface due to gaps in the cemental coating.
enabled Sundqvist299 to find that the root It has been proposed that bacteria remaining
canals of 18 out of 19 periapically affected in infected dentinal tubules (Fig. 9.2) can be a
teeth harbored a mixture of several species potential reservoir for endodontic reinfection8,
of bacteria that consisted predominantly of 151, 179, 182, 216, 222, 267, 336
. Microbial infection has
strict anaerobes. A series of experimental also been claimed to reach and seed in the
studies71 determined: (a) the conditions un- necrotic pulp via the general blood circulation
der which the endodontic flora develops and by a process sometimes referred to a anacho-
establishes itself, and (b) the biological prop- resis6, 38, 89, 230. However, bacteria could not be
erties and endodontic conditions which may recovered from the root canal systems when
favor the root canal flora to become patho- the blood stream was experimentally infected
genic. Further clinical66, 127, 310 and animal ex- unless the root canals were over instrumented
perimental170, 330 studies conclusively showed during the period of bacteremia6, 38, 63, 89, 230. In
that stagnant tissue fluid and sterile necrotic another study170, all experimentally devitalised
pulp tissue do not cause sustaining inflam- pulps (n=26) in monkeys remained sterile for
mation at the periapex. The application of more than six months. Therefore, pulpal expo-
the precise technique of correlative light and sure to the oral cavity mainly as a result of car-
transmission electron microscopy enabled ies is the pathway of endodontic infections.
9.3.3 Root canal flora suspended in the fluid phase of the infected
On necrosis of the dental pulp the pul- and necrotic root canal. The undisturbed in-
pal space provides a selective habitat for the tracanal flora of an infected tooth with apical
infecting oral microflora73. The endodontic periodontitis is mostly organized as a matrix-
flora consists of a mixed population of cocci, embedded collection of multi-species of or-
rods, spirochetes and filamentous organ- ganisms that are immobilized on the dentinal
isms. Numerous dividing forms of cocci, rods wall (Fig. 9.3 to 9.5)182, 183, 200. Apical periodon-
and yeast cells are generally identifiable by titis, therefore, is caused by an intraradicular
transmission electron microscopy182, 200 which growth of certain microorganisms that are or-
is a clear sign of vitality of the organisms at ganized into protected adhesive biofilms49, 51
the time of cell fixation. The root canal mi- composed of cells embedded in a hydrated

Endodontic Science
crobes exist as aggregates of one microbial exopolysaccharide-complex that cannot be
type (Fig. 9.3A-C), co-aggregates (Fig. 9.4) of eradicated by host defenses and/or chemo-
several forms182 and also as planktonic cells, therapy alone.

Figure 9.2 - Bacteria (BA) in dentinal tubules (DT) in the apical part of human root dentin (D). The bacteria invade the tubules from the infected Chapter 9
root canal (RC). The presence of dividing forms (inset) is a clear sign of vitality of the microorganisms at the time of fixation (x2480;
inset, x9600).
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 9

Figure 9.3 - Axial view endodontic microbial biofilm of a human tooth with apical periodontitis (GR) and previously untreated root canal in axial
view. The areas within the axial section of the tooth (A) in between the upper two and the lower two arrowheads in are magnified
in (B, C), respectively. Note the biofilm as dense bacterial aggregates (BA) sticking (B) to the dentinal (D) wall and also remaining
suspended among neutrophilic granulocytes in the fluid phase of the root canal (c). A transmission electron microscopic view (D) of
the pulpo-dentinal interface shows bacterial condensation on the surface of the dentinal wall forming sessile biofilm. Magnifications:
A x46; B x600; C x370; D x2350 (From Nair183).

Endodontic Science
Chapter 9

Figure 9.4 - Horizontal view of endodontic biofilm within the apical root canal system of a human tooth with apical periodontitis and previously
untreated root canal. Stage-wise magnifications of a ramified segment of the canal system (A-C) . Note the segment of the canal
system is filled with microorganisms (MO) of varying morphological forms. The small dot-like bacteria (BA in C) and the large pleo-
morphic organisms showing filamentous and dividing forms (arrow head) seem to be yeast stage of fungi. Original magnifications:
A x100, B x280, C x800 (From Nair et al.200).
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 9

a b

Figure 9.5 - Composite transmission electron micrographs show the presence of bacteria (BA) and fungi (FU) in the accessory canal illustrated
in Figure 14. Note the distinct electron lucent cell wall and the larger size of fungal organisms in comparison to that of the bacteria
(BA). The fungus (FU) shows several dividing forms some of which form chains. The organisms marked FU are further magnified in
Figure 14. Original Magnifications: A x750, B x600 (From Nair et al.200).
Cultivable Microbes by obligate anaerobes39, 94, 299, 306 usually be-
The database on the taxonomy of the endo- longing to the genera Fusobacterium, Porphy-
dontic flora of infected root canals that has been romonas (formerly Bacteroides261), Prevotella
built-up during the latter half of the 20th century (formerly Bacteroides262), Eubacterium and Pep-
has been based on the application of advanced tostreptococcus. However, the composition of
microbial culture techniques. The onset of the the microflora, even in the apical third of the
new millennium was marked by the application root canal of periapically diseased teeth with
of molecular genetic methods in endodontic mi- pulp canals exposed to the oral cavity by car-
crobiology178, 234 with the consequence that this ies is not only different but also less dominated
database is being re-evaluated and widened. (<70%) by strict anaerobes17. Spirochetes have
The results of early endodontic microbial cul- been found in necrotic root canals using micro-

Endodontic Science
ture studies have become largely irrelevant due bial culture techniques55, 95, 120, dark-field33, 54, 318,
to the difficulty of avoiding bacterial contamina- transmission electron microscopy182 and molec-
tion from the oral surroundings25, 169, 350 and to the ular techniques18, 231, 270. Spirochetes are motile
absence of appropriate anaerobic methods for invasive pathogens (Fig. 9.6) that are associated
root canal sampling and cultivation of fastidious with certain marginal periodontitis147 and sus-
organisms. In order to recover such microorgan- pected etiological agents of acute narcotizing
isms from the necrotic pulp, stringent anaerobic ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG)148. Their etiological

Chapter 9
sampling and cultivation techniques are nec- role in apical periodontitis remains to be clari-
essary. These methods have been developed fied. Culture studies, application of correlative
and refined only during the latter half of the 20th light and transmission electron microscopy200
century110. The two most significant advances in (Figs. 9.4 and 9.5) and scanning electron micros-
anaerobic technology have been (i) the innova- copy260 revealed the presence of fungi in canals
tive use of an anaerobic glove-box235, 282 in which of teeth with primary apical periodontitis341. The
bacteria are protected from oxygen during iso- presence of intraradicular viruses has so far been
lation and cultivation, and (ii) the development shown only in non-inflamed dental pulps of pa-
of pre-reduced, anaerobically sterilized culture tients infected with human immunodeficiency
media for transport and growth114, 174. Obligate virus90. Viruses can replicate themselves only by
anaerobes were believed to be killed by brief infecting a host cell. They cannot reproduce on
exposure to atmospheric O2, but they can sur- their own and do not survive in a necrotic root
vive for several hours in media supplemented canal without living cells to host them. There-
with hemolysed blood43. The enzyme, catalase, fore, virus may not play an etiological role in pri-
present in hemolysed blood, breaks down the mary apical periodontitis.
toxic H2O2 in the medium to non-toxic O2 and
H2O. Advances in anaerobic techniques have Culture-Difficult Microbes and
enabled the isolation and characterization of Microbial Remnants
obligate anaerobes from the root canal systems Several methods contributed to the ad-
of periapically affected teeth and facilitated the vancement of endodontic microbiology, such
study of their pathogenic properties59, 60, 71-73, 120, as conventional histology, correlative light and
169, 170, 299, 309, 352
. electron microscopy, scanning confocal laser
A characteristic feature of the endodontic microscopy, microbial culturing, biochemical,
microflora is the few number of species that and molecular techniques. All these methods
are usually isolated from root canals of teeth have varying degrees of limitations with re-
with necrotic and infected pulp. Application spect to sensitivity, specificity, and etiological
of advanced anaerobic techniques helped to relevance. The advent of molecular genetic
establish that the root canal flora of teeth with methods revolutionized biological sciences
clinically intact crowns but having necrotic pulps with huge impact on oral and endodontic mi-
and diseased periapices is dominated (>90%) crobiology. Among the DNA based methods,
the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)177 has en- be followed by a control for contamination of
296 abled detection of microbes by amplification samples to check that no contaminating spe-
of their DNA, when PCR has been targeted at cies remain at the surface before entry to the
16S rRNA gene sequences for taxonomic iden- pulp chamber. That a second decontamination
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

tification. There are several aspects to be con- step is essential was shown in a classic work
sidered in the useful application of molecular more than 35 years ago in which bacteria were
methods in endodontic microbiology such as: found to thrive under restorations31. These
(1) PCR is a very sensitive technology, (2) mo- methods are well established for culture stud-
lecular genetic approaches are of great scien- ies, yet most molecular studies contain none
tific value, (3) PCR can be applied to identify or inadequate molecular contamination proce-
as-yet-uncultivable species, (4) such species of dures and controls.
microbes may in the future become cultivable, To the author’s knowledge, only one study
(5) molecular genetic methods detect dead has applied these steps: a first and second
microbes, (6) molecular techniques have been cleaning, disinfection and oligonucleotide
successfully applied to recover many-hundred- decontamination followed by sampling for
year-old DNA, (7) contamination of microbial contamination control202. They found that use
samples is a very serious concern, (8) applica- of pumice, hydrogen peroxide and iodine
tion of molecular methods in endodontic re- resulted in contaminating DNA recovered
Chapter 9

search keeps pace with change74, (9) culture from 45% of investigated teeth. Furthermore,
techniques remain important in microbiology. cleaning by pumice, hydrogen peroxide and
Contamination problem. The molecular sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), yielded 13% of
genetic methods have confirmed the microbial samples that were positive for contaminating
species that have been previously detected by DNA. Thus, the study202 showed the impor-
culture methods178, 234 and also facilitated the tance of a second round of cleaning, greater
identification of “as-yet-culture-difficult”178 en- effectiveness of NaOCl as against iodine and
dodontic organisms. The PCR replicates and the challenge of achieving a contamination-
amplifies the DNA. The importance and advan- free surface before entry to the pulp chamber.
tages of the molecular genetic methods cannot The point was confirmed again in a more re-
be over emphasized. But understanding the im- cent study253 in which the initial cleaning and
portance and application of the technology is decontamination procedures were done us-
not sufficient on its own. Research that utilizes ing pumice, hydrogen peroxide and NaOCl
this technology, or any technology, must be but was not followed by the second round of
performed with a methodological rigor and sci- cleaning procedures. The result was that con-
entific standards that allow safe and justifiable tamination controls showed253 contaminating
conclusions. In the absence of a valid scientific “… bacterial DNA in all … samples”.
procedure the resulting data has only very lim- These findings illustrate an essential step for
ited etiological relevance. valid isolation of microbial species from the root
For example, controls for microbial contam- canal, namely accurate recovery without con-
ination were shown to be essential for culture tamination. More than 40 years ago, this lesson
studies in order to get authentic results. The was learnt and applied for culture work169, yet
procedures for taking microbial samples from studies using highly sensitive molecular meth-
infected root canals have been well established ods appear to have ignored this valuable lesson
by Möller169. It is essential that the tooth and of the past. In brief: while research should keep
surrounding area be thoroughly cleaned and pace with change, the lessons learnt previously
disinfected before preparation of the access and from other scientific approaches must not
cavity. After gaining access and before reach- be discarded when it comes to applying mo-
ing the pulp chamber, a second cleaning, disin- lecular tools for the study of the endodontic
fection and inactivation are essential. This must microbial flora.

Endodontic Science
Chapter 9

Figure 9.6 - A microbial biofilm at the root-tip of a human tooth with secondary acute apical periodontitis of endodontic origin. The mixed bac-
terial flora consists of numerous dividing cocci, rods (lower inset), filaments (FI) and spirochetes (S, upper inset). Rods often reveal
a gram negative cell wall (GW, lower inset). C, cementum; D, dentin. Magnifications: x2' 680; upper inset x 19' 200; lower inset x 36'
400 (Adapted from Nair182).
Non-viability problem. Apart from the ulartechnique, therefore, require very careful
298 possible contamination of samples, the mo- interpretation in the light of the technique’s
lecular technique does not differentiate be- many advantages and numerous limitations.
tween viable and non-viable organisms, but The DNA based molecular method is superior
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

can pick up a minuscule amount of microbial for microbial sensitivity and specificity, but it is
DNA that is amplified using the PCR177 result- prone to false positive results due to detection
ing in an exponential accumulation of several of dead organisms and/or contaminants. Re-
million copies of the original DNA fragments. finements or adjustments in molecular meth-
An estimated 700 or more different species of ods, such as the application of real time PCR,
microorganisms live in a healthy human mouth. using larger primers and targeting rRNA or
Theoretically speaking, all of them have equal mRNA may mitigate some of the ‘high sensi-
opportunity to gain access into and establish tivity’ and ‘non-viablity’ problems.
themselves in the exposed pulp space. But, for Taxonomical data. Another aspect is the
each pulp diseased tooth, only a very limited identification of microbial species in infected
number of microbial species has been found root canals305. There is absolutely no doubt
to do so. Even with the highly sensitive molec- about the usefulness of molecular tools for
ular genetic methods the number of identified the precise taxonomical identification of the
intracanal species remains low. This disparity microbes. But the validity of the ‘newly identi-
Chapter 9

between the potential and actual number of fied’ organisms as the authentic residents of
species in infected canals is due to the selec- infected root canals to be considered as the
tive environment of the root canal. Obviously, etiological agents of pulpal and apical dis-
a large majority of the microbial species die ease remains unaddressed. While it is true
off, leaving behind cellular remnants including that some species that are culture difficult
the DNA. Vital pulp may contain host nucleas- or not-yet-culturable have been detected by
es that may degrade free microbial DNA. But molecular approaches, most of the ‘new’ spe-
the necrotic root canal, with many pockets of cies are merely re-classified or split off from
dry areas, is a favorable place for persistence other genera. It may be pointed out that in
of bacterial remnants particularly DNA. This principle any metabolically active microorgan-
is particularly so with root canal treated and ism living in sufficient numbers in an infected
obturated teeth. There is no evidence yet that root canal can participate in inflammation of
all such free microbial DNA, particularly those the periradicular tissues. That means all viable
located in the drier parts of necrotic root ca- microbes in root canal are ‘candidate patho-
nals, are degraded by nucleases released from gens’ for endodontic disease. Therefore, it is
microbes living and/or dying in the root canal. important to show that the microbial DNA de-
How long DNA from dead microorganisms tected by molecular methods really originates
may persist in the root canal is unknown272, from viable root canal microbes.
. It may be pointed out that application of Sound understandings on the etiology of
PCR methods enabled to detect and amplify microbial diseases is under threat of erosion
DNA fragments of Mycobacterium tuberculo- or even reversal189 by writings such as: “In the
sis from hundreds of year-old human remains78, event DNA from dead cells is detected, the
129, 248
and from that of an “extinct bison dated results by no means lack significance with re-
17,000 years before the present”236. Detec- gard to participation in disease causation”272.
tion of 400-year-old Yersinia pestis DNA in hu- Apparently some researchers avoid meeting
man dental pulp helped to diagnose ancient the basic tenets that are required to relate a
septicaemia and deaths in humans65. These pathogen to a disease and provide robust ev-
research findings on the detection of ancient idence for their conclusions. It is obvious that
DNA cannot be dismissed as instances of con- a mere detection of already known microbes
tamination. The data derived from the molec- or ‘discovering’ new microbes, cultured or
“as-yet-culture-difficult”178 at disease sites ganisms in the biofilm and develop synergisti-
using any technology is the most preliminary cally beneficial partners, (ii) the capability to
and relatively simple of the stringent require- interfere with and evade host defenses (iii) the
ments needed today to implicate the organ- release of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and other
isms in question to causation of diseases. A microbial modulins, and (iv) the synthesis of
mere observation of the presence of certain enzymes that damage host tissues.
microbial remnants in necrotic root canals of
pulp diseased teeth is not sufficient to impli- Biofilm Formation
cate the organisms in question as etiological The ability to form biofilms, depending on
agents of endodontic diseases. Therefore, several properties such as adhesion and colo-
the onus is on the researchers, particularly nization, has to be considered as a virulence

Endodontic Science
those using DNA-based methods in endo- factor for disease producing organisms. The
dontic microbiology, to provide proof for importance of a mixed endodontic microflora
causation of pulpal and periapical disease in in the development of apical periodontitis
the contemporary sense. has long been recognized through carefully
planned studies72, 73, 309. There is clear evidence
9.3.4 Virulence factors that interaction among various microbial spe-
Pathogenicity is the capacity of a microbe cies42, 73, 142, 149 play a significant role in the eco-

Chapter 9
to produce disease and virulence is the rela- logical regulation and eventual development
tive capacity (degree of pathogenicity) of a mi- of an endodontic habitat-adapted polymicro-
crobe to cause injurious damage in a host349. bial flora300, 301, 305 that live in biofilms. Biofilms
The term virulence is derived from the Latin are matrix-embedded microbial populations
word virulentus meaning “full of poison”. Any adherent to each other and/or to surfaces or
metabolically active microbe living in the root interfaces50. Current understanding of bio-
canal has the potential to participate in the in- films has been based on diverse research
flammation of periradicular tissues. However, approaches that particularly include the ap-
certain differentiation is essential between a plication novel scanning confocal laser mi-
mere presence and the ability of the microbe croscopy, molecular methods to determine
to induce the disease or comparable patholo- gene expression, cell signaling, and culture-
gy in susceptible experimental animals. This is independent methods that identify (gene
particularly important in infectious diseases in amplification and sequencing) and localize
which the organisms have to be present within (fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)) bio-
the body milieu of the host. In apical and mar- film components. These methods have shown
ginal periodontitis the microbes, living in bio- that biofilms are well structured with diverse
film, are located in the necrotic pulp or peri- microbial species existing as organized sym-
odontal pocket, which are outside the body biotic communities in a protective extracellu-
milieu. Viable, metabolically active microbes, lar matrix and traversed by a network of fluid
situated at those locations release antigenic channels reminiscent of a very primitive cir-
and other molecules that irritate periodontal culatory system50. The ability to organize and
tissues, both at the apical and marginal sites to live in biofilms with an open architecture has
cause inflammation, irrespective of them living provided several biological advantages to the
there with or without virulence and tissue inva- microbes such as gene transfer, novel gene
siveness. Individual species in the endodontic expression, co-ordinated gene expression,
flora may be of low virulence, but their surviv- population size dependent (quorum sens-
al in the necrotic root canal and pathogenic ing) and independent cell signaling, limiting
properties are influenced by a combination physical hazards (dehydration), protection
of several factors. These include, (i) the ability from host defenses, increased resistance to
to build biofilms, interact with other microor- biocides and enhanced virulence.
Microbial Interference seal off and destroy all tissues in the area”.
300 The ability of certain microbes to shirk and The presence of LPS has been reported in
interfere with the host defenses has been samples taken from the root canal57, 251 and the
well elaborated302. The LPS can signal the en- pulpal dentinal wall of periapically involved
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

dothelial cells to express leukocyte adhesion teeth112. The Gram-negative organisms living
molecules that initiate extravasation of leu- in the root canal multiply and die, thereby re-
kocytes into the area of the infection. It has leasing LPS that egresses through the apical
been reported that Porphyromonas gingiva- foramen into the periapex354, where it initiates
lis, an important endodontic and periodon- and sustains apical periodontitis56, 58.
tal pathogen, and its LPS do not signal the In addition to LPS, there are number bac-
endothelial cells to express E-selectin. P. gin- terial degradation products that can induce
givalis therefore has the ability to block the mammalian cells to produce cytokines. Sever-
initial step of inflammatory response, ‘hide’ al proteins, carbohydrates and lipids of bacte-
from the host and multiply. The antigenicity rial origin form a novel class of ‘modulins’ that
of LPS occurs in several forms that include induce the formation of cytokine networks and
mitogenic stimulation of B-lymphocytes so host tissue pathology106).
as to produce non-specific antibodies. Gram-
negative organisms release membrane par- Enzymes
Chapter 9

ticles (blebs) and soluble antigens which may Microbes living in the necrotic pulp and
‘mop up’ effective antibodies so as to make root canal produce many enzymes, that are
them unavailable to act against the organism not directly toxic but aid in the spread of the
itself166. Actinomyces israelii, a recalcitrant pe- organisms in host tissues. Collagenase, hy-
riapical pathogen, is easily killed by PMN in aluronidase, fibrinolysins and several proteas-
vitro77. In tissues, A. israelii aggregate to form es are examples. Some of these enzymes can
large cohesive colonies that cannot be killed degrade plasma proteins that are involved in
by host phagocytes77. blood coagulation and other body defenses.
The ability of certain Porphyromonas and Pre-
LPS and Other Microbial Modulins votella species to break down plasma proteins,
LPS, erroneously known as endotoxin, particularly IgG, IgM125, and the complement
form an integral part of the outer membrane factor C3307 is of particular significance as these
of Gram-negative cell walls. They are released molecules are opsonins necessary for both hu-
during disintegration of bacterial cells af- moral and phagocytic host defenses.
ter death and also during multiplication and
growth. The patho-biological effects of LPS 9.4 Host Defense
are due to its interaction with endothelial cells Apical periodontitis is the defense response
and macrophages. LPS signal the endothelial of the body to the threat of microbial invasion
cells to express adhesion molecules and ac- from the root canal. The host defense consist
tivate macrophages to produce a number of of cells, intercellular mediators, metabolites,
cytokines such as the tumor necrosis factor-a effector molecules and antibodies.
(TNF-a) and interleukins (IL)11. Administarion
of exogenous TNF-a into experimental ani- 9.4.1 Cells
mals induce a lethal shock that is indistinguish- The radiographic and histologic changes
able from that caused by LPS. The latter signal taking place at the periapex in the form of hard
the presence of Gram-negative bacteria in the tissue resorption and infiltration of inflamma-
neighbourhood. The impact of LPS in tissues tory cells in the area have long been record-
has been aptly stated320. “When we sense LPS, ed24, 82, 161, 319, 356. The presence of neutrophils,
we are likely to turn on every defense at our lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages
disposal; we will bomb, defoliate, blockade, was initially visualized only as a defense ma-
neuver against the microbes, but their role in or secretory granules are released into the tis-
the destruction of the periapical tissues was not sues in response to stimuli337.
initially recognised. Most of the early informa- The PMN extravasate (Fig. 9.8), in great
tion came from data on periodontal diseases210. numbers at the site of tissue injury where they
Major roles were assigned to defense cells and seek the targets by chemotaxis. They move in
immune-reactions in the tissue destruction as- the direction of an ascending gradient of the
sociated with marginal periodontitis, and by chemotactic molecules so as to congregate at
de facto in apical periodontitis. The immune the site of maximum concentration which co-
system itself was regarded as the ‘culprit’ for incides with the site of microbial presence. In
the disease process325. This resulted in side- the meantime the microbes are generally op-
lining the central role of microorganisms in the sonized. Opsonins are complement factors or

Endodontic Science
disease process. Subsequent investigations antibodies that coat the surface of microbes
on apical periodontitis provided a molecular and facilitate phagocytosis. The microbes are
basis for the disease as a dynamic interaction ingested and isolated in membrane bound
between microbial invaders and the body de- phagosomes. Depending on the availabil-
fense at the tooth-apex12, 52, 163, 245, 289, 313, 316, 329, 343. ity of oxygen (O2) the PMN are provided with
Several classes of cells participate in periapical two pathways for intracellular killing of the mi-
defence. Majority of them are recruited from crobes. During the early stages of inflamma-

Chapter 9
the defense systems. They include neutrophils, tion there is generally plenty of oxygen in the
lymphocytes, plasma cells and monocyte/mac- tissues and the PMN follow an aerobic route,
rophages (Fig. 9.7). The importance of neutro- commonly known as the “respiratory burst”,
phils and monocyte derivatives in apical perio- in which the enzyme NADPH oxidase situated
dontitis has been experimentally shown291. The on the phagosome-membrane converts mo-
intensity of induced murine pulpitis and apical lecular O2 into oxygen-derived free radicals,
periodontitis can be suppressed by treating also known as reactive oxygen species (ROS).
the animals with a biological response-modify- They are very small, highly reactive molecules
ing drug, PGG glucan, that enhances the num- due to the presence of unpaired valence shell
ber and ability of circulating neutrophils and electrons.
monocytes. In addition, structural cells such as Being highly unstable and reactive they liter-
fibroblasts, osteoblasts and epithelial remnants ally ‘rob’ electrons from other molecules there-
of the enamel organ (rests of Malassez)155 also by damaging them. Speroxide (O2-) is formed
play particular roles. when NADPH oxidase acts on stable O2. A pair
of O2- can interact to form a molecule of hydro-
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) gen peroxide (H2O2). Both the O2- and H2O2 are
The PMN are the non-specific fighting force mildly microbicidal. But the latter in the pres-
and the hallmark of acute inflammation. Their ence of the enzyme myleoperoxidase oxidises
function is to find and destroy microorganisms halides ions (eg.,Cl-) to form hypochlorous acid
intruding into the body. PMN are phagocytes (HOCl) which is highly bactericidal. It is impor-
and are well equipped to attack with weap- tant to realize that clinicians reproduce this pro-
ons already stored within them or quickly as- cess by using sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for
sembled by them. These weapons consist of endodontic irrigation. This antimicrobial path-
various cytoplasmic granules that are classified way is known as the H2O2-halide-myeloperox-
into primary, secondary and tertiary groups. idase system. Under hypoxic conditions (ab-
The primary granules or azurophilic granules, scess) PMN shift the intracellular killing process
contain lysosomes, myeloperoxidase, cationic to the anaerobic pathway in which the phago-
proteins and neutral proteinases. The second- somes fuse with primary or secondary granules
ary or specific granules are marked by lactofer- containing powerful enzymes that can kill and
rin and vitamin B12 binding protein. The tertiary digest the microbes.
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 9

Figure 9.7 - The primary body cells involved in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis. Neutrophils (NG in A) in combat with bacteria (BA) in a
secondary acute apical periodontitis. Lymphocytes (LY in B) are the major components of chronic apical periodontitis but their sub-
populations cannot be identified on a structural basis. Plasma cells (PL in C) form a significant component of chronic asymptomatic
lesions. Note the highly developed rough endoplasmic reticulum of the cytoplasm and the localized condensation of heterochro-
matin subjacent to the nuclear membrane which gives the typical 'cart wheel' appearance in light microscope. Macrophages (MA
in D) are voluminous cells with elongated or U-forming nuclei and cytoplasm with rough endoplasmic reticulum. (Magnifications:
A,B,C,D x3900).
Although the PMN are to kill microorgan- Lymphocytes
isms (Fig. 9.7A), they also cause severe dam- Lymphocytes belong to the special fight-
age to the host tissues. The cytoplasmic gran- ing force of the defense system. They play
ules of PMN contain scores of enzymes which several roles in apical periodontitis. There are
on release can degrade the components of three major classes of lymphocytes designat-
tissue cells and extracellular matrices. The ed as T-lymphocytes (T cells), B-lymphocytes
zinc-dependent enzymes which are respon- (B cells) and the natural killer (NK) cells. The
sible for the breakdown of most of the extra- primary function of NK cells is to monitor and
cellular matrices are classified under the family destroy neoplastic and virus infected cells.
of enzymes known as the matrix metallopro- Therefore, they may not be of significance in
teinases (MMP)180. However, the PMN-derived apical periodontitis. But the T- and B-cells are

Endodontic Science
weapons (super oxide, hydrogen peroxide of particular importance. The three classes
and hypochlorous acid) do not discriminate of lymphocytes originate from bone-marrow
between hostile microbes and own tissues337. stem cells, but undergo different pathways
In the tissues the PMN live only for about 3 of growth and differentiation. Nevertheless,
days and die in great numbers at acute inflam- they are morphologically identical (Fig. 9.7B)
matory sites240. It is the high concentration of and cannot be distinguished by conventional
PMN-derived myeloperoxidase that gives pu- microscopical examination and require spe-

Chapter 9
rulence its creamy white appearance. Irrespec- cial immunohistochemical or in situ hybridiza-
tive of the cause of PMN mobilization, the ac- tion techniques for identification. Lympho-
cumulation and rapid death of neutrophils is cytes and other leukocytes are phenotyped
a major cause for tissue breakdown in acute on the basis of surface receptors using mono-
apical periodontitis. clonal antibodies (mAbs) against the latter.

Figure 9.8 - Intravascular neutrophilic granulocytes (NG) marginating, adhering to the endothelial cells, and transmigrating across the blood ves-
sel wall into the inflamed periapical tissues. RBC, Red blood cells (x1650).
Cells so identified are given a cluster of dif- discovered in chicken in which their early dif-
304 ferentiation (CD) number. The CD nomencla- ferentiation was found to take place in a gut-
ture was established in the 1st International associated organ called the bursa of Fabricius.
Workshop and Conference on Human Leuko- Humans do not have this structure. The origin
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

cyte Differentiation Antigens (HLDA), held in and differentiation of B-cells in man occur in
Paris in 1982. The CD system was intended bone marrow itself233. The differentiated B-
for the classification of the many mAbs gen- cells enter the blood circulation where they
erated by different laboratories around the constitute about 10 to 20% of the lymphocyte
world against certain surface molecules of population. They also accumulate and prolif-
leucocytes. Its use has been expanded to in- erate in and around the germinal centers of
clude many other cell types. So far more than extrathymic lymphoid tissues. On receiving
320 CD clusters have been identified. The signals from antigens and the Th2-cells some
proposed surface molecule is assigned a CD of the B-cells transform into large plasma
number once two specific mAb are shown to cells (Fig. 9.7C) with characteristic nuclei of
bind to the molecule. “cartwheel” appearance and extensive rough
T-lymphocytes. The thymus-derived lym- endoplasmic reticulum. Plasma cells are the
phocytes are known as T-cells. Originating only cells that can manufacture and secrete
from the bone-marrow stem cells, the pre- antibodies, the specific chemical weapons of
Chapter 9

T-cells migrate to the thymus and undergo the immune system.

further differentiation, immunological spe-
cialization and stringent selection before, Macrophages
the ‘successful candidates’ are released into Macrophages164 (Greek = big eaters) are
general circulation. T-cells constitute about cells within the tissues that originate from
60 to 70% of circulating lymphocytes. They blood monocytes. Macrophages are phago-
also concentrate in the para-cortical areas of cytes acting in both nonspecific and spe-
lymph nodes and other lymphoid organs. T- cific defenses. They are large mononuclear
cells are multifunctional with certain division phagocytes (Fig. 9.7D) that represent the
of labor so that the various functions are per- major differentiated element of the mono-
formed by their subpopulations. The nomen- nuclear phagocytic system211, 338, previously
clature of T-cells can be confusing. Tradition- known as the reticuloendothelial system.
ally, they have been designated after their This system consists of closely related cells
effect or functions, as for instance the T-cells of bone marrow origin that comprise blood
working with B-cells have long been known monocytes and tissue macrophages. The lat-
as T-helper/inducer (Th/i) cells and those with ter are diffusely distributed throughout the
direct toxic and suppressive effects on other body. Depending on their location, they have
cells have been named T-cytotoxic/suppres- been known by various names such as the
sive (Tc/s) cells. The Th/i cells are CD4+; and the macrophages of connective and lymphoid
Tc/s cells are CD8+. The CD4+ cells differentiate tissues, alveolar macrophages of the lung,
further into two types known as Th1 and Th2 cells. Kupfer cells of the liver, Langerhan’s cells of
The former produce IL-2 and interferon-g (IF-g), the integument, microglial cells of the brain
and control the cell mediated arm of the im- and fusion-macrophages that produce vari-
mune system. The Th2 cells secrete IL-4, -5, -6 ous types of multinucleated giant cells such
and -10 so as to control the humoral immune as osteoclasts, dentoclasts, and foreign body
responses by regulating the production of an- giant cells.
tibodies by the plasma cells. Monocytes begin to migrate relatively
B-lymphocytes. They are the bursa-equiv- early in inflammation. Extravasation of mono-
alent (B) cells directly responsible for anti- cytes is governed by the same factors that
body production. The B-cells were originally are involved in PMN emigration. On reaching
the extravascular tissue monocytes undergo pling’225 of these cells with osteoblasts. Bone
transformation into large phagocytic cells, marrow stem-cells provide the progenitor-
the macrophages (Fig. 9.7D). Unlike PMN, cells of osteoclasts. The pro-osteoclasts mi-
macrophages are long living (months) and grate through blood as monocytes to the
slow-moving cells. Once they arrive, the mac- periradicular tissues and attach themselves to
rophages can persist at the inflammatory site the surface of bone. They remain dormant till
for several months to years. If the first wave signaled for further changes and activity. In
of PMN-defense has failed to exterminate the physiological state those signals, involv-
the enemy the process becomes a chronic ing several cytokines and other mediators,
inflammation. Thus, macrophages form a ma- are given by osteoblasts and other cells. It is
jor component of the inflammatory cells in known that osteoclast formation requires the

Endodontic Science
later stages of inflammation. They move by presence of RANK ligand (receptor activator
chemotaxis and are activated by microorgan- of nuclear factor κβ) and M-CSF (macrophage
isms, their products (LPS), chemical mediators colony stimulating factor). These membrane
or foreign particles. Activated macrophages bound proteins and cytokines are produced
become larger, show numerous lysosomal by neighbouring stromal cells and osteo-
and other cytoplasmic granules and a greater blasts; thus requiring direct contact between
affinity for phagocytosis and intracellular kill- these cells and osteoclast precursors. During

Chapter 9
ing of microorganisms. They possess the same apical periodontitis these mediators are also
biochemical weapons for killing of microbes released by several other cells which stimu-
as the PMN do and can attach to foreign ob- late the pre-osteoclasts. As a result, the lat-
jects273. Among the various molecular media- ter begin to proliferate and several daughter
tors that are secreted by macrophages, the cells fuse to form multinucleated osteoclasts
cytokines IL-1, TNF-α, interferons (IFN) and which spread over injured and exposed bone
growth factors are of particular importance in surface. The cytoplasmic border of the os-
apical periodontitis. They also release other teoclasts facing the bony surface becomes
metabolites such as prostaglandins and leu- ruffled as a result of extensive infolding of
kotrienes that are important in inflammation. the plasma membrane. Bone resorption take
The functions of macrophages include (i) place beneath this ruffled border known as
phagocytic killing of microorganisms, (ii) scav- the subosteoclastic resorption compartment.
enging of dead cells and tissue components, At the periphery, the cytoplasmic clear-zone
(iii) removal of small foreign particles, (iv) im- is a highly specialized area which regulates
munological surveillance by antigen capture, the biochemical activities involved in breaking
(v) processing and presentation of antigens to down the bone. The bone destruction hap-
immune competent cells and (vi) secretion of pens extracellularly at the osteoclast/bone
wide variety of biologically active molecules interface and involves, (i) demineralization of
and their regulation. the bone by solubilizing the mineral phase
in the resorption compartment as a result of
Osteoclasts ionic lowering of pH in the microenvironment
Osteoclasts (Greek = bone and broken) and (ii) enzymatic dissolution of the organic
are bone resorbing cell. Histologically it matrix. In the process the enzyme-families
is characterised by high expression of tar- cystineproteinases and MMPs are involved.
trate resistent acid phosphatase (TRAP) and Root cementum and dentin are also resorbed
cathepsin K. One of the major pathological in apical periodontitis by fusion macrophages
events of apical periodontitis is bone resorp- designated as odontoclasts. However, they
tion. Osteoclasts are the effector cells in this belong to the same cell population as osteo-
process. There are extensive reviews on the clasts in view of their ultrastructural and his-
origin203, structure88, regulation105 and ‘cou- tochemical similarities246.
Epithelial cells Terminology. The current knowledge on
306 About 50% of all apical lesions contain cytokines is evolved from various independent
proliferating epithelium82, 139, 194, 258, 268, 284, 319, 356. sources of research in immunology, virology,
The cell rests of Malassez155 are believed to be cell and molecular biology. Consequently, a
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

stimulated by cytokines and growth factors re- unifying concept of cytokines has been slow-
leased during apical inflammation to undergo emerging and the terminology has been in a
division and proliferation. These cells partici- state of flux and confusion. Four decades ago
pate in the pathogenesis of periapical cysts when early evidence for the existence of inter-
by serving as the source of epithelium. How- cellular mediators in supernatants of antigen-
ever, ciliated epithelial cells are also found in sensitized lymphocytes in culture were report-
periapical lesion196, 264 particularly in lesions af- ed, they were designated on the basis of their
fecting maxillary molars. The maxillary sinus- biological effects. The terms lymphokines and
epithelium was suggested to be a source of monokines have been used to denote the
those cells193, 196. products of lymphocytes and macrophages
respectively. A decade later a plethora of ep-
9.4.2 Molecular mediators onyms existed for the monocyte and lympho-
The pathogenesis of apical periodontitis is cyte-derived activities. It also became evident
the result of interaction among the cells de- that a large number of designations existed
Chapter 9

scribed above and several molecular media- for the same biochemical molecule. This mo-
tors belonging to cytokines47, eicosanoides, tivated a group of investigators at the Second
effector-molecules and antibodies. International Lymphokine Workshop held at
Interlaken/Switzerland in 1979 to propose the
Cytokines term interleukin (IL) to describe the molecu-
They are low molecular weight (< 30 kDa) lar messengers acting between leukocytes.
polypeptides or glycoproteins, secreted tran- The names IL-1 and IL-2 were introduced for
siently by activated source-cells under various the two important molecules which until then
stimuli71. Cytokines are produced by a variety had been known under various names. But IL
of haematopoietic and structural cells, having is a restrictive term to designate the signal-
pleotropic effects on target cells in the regu- molecules among leukocytes. A number of IL
lation of immunological defense, inflammatory are, however, not only produced by non-hae-
response, cellular growth and differentiation, matopoietic cells but also affect the functions
tissue remodelling and repair. They act on mul- of diverse cells. Therefore, after a long period
tiple target cells with numerous effects (ambi- of negligence the term cytokine47 has become
guity of action) and structurally dissimilar cytok- the preferred collective designation for the
ines may have overlapping spectrum of actions cell regulatory proteins. Nevertheless, many
(redundancy). They function in a net-work fash- cytokines continue to be designated as IL and
ion so as to increase or decrease the produc- many others remain to be known by their old
tion of other cytokines. Most of the cytokines designations based on historical names (inter-
have functions with synergistic or antagonistic ferons) or biological effects (cytotoxic factors,
effects on the source-cell (autocrine) or other colony stimulating factors and certain growth
target cells (paracrine) in the nearby tissue. Spill factors).
over into general circulation with effects on Proinflammatory & chemotactic cytok-
distant cells (endocrine) are exceptional. One ines. They include interleukin (IL)-1, -6, -8 and
endocrine example is the role of IL-1 in the pro- tumor necrosis factors (TNF)208. The systemic
duction of fever due to a bacterial infection. Cy- effects of IL-1 are identical to those observed
tokines are effective in very low concentrations in toxic shock. Local effects include enhance-
(pg/ml) as they produce their actions by bind- ment of leukocyte adhesion to endothelial
ing to high affinity cell surface receptors. walls, stimulation of lymphocytes, potentiation
of neutrophils, activation of the production of Three distinct proteins of this category have
prostaglandins and proteolytic enzymes, en- been isolated, characterized and designated
hancement of bone resorption and inhibition as cytokines. They are (i) Granulocyte-Mac-
of bone formation. IL-1ß is the predominant rophage Colony Stimulating Factor (G-MCF),
form found in human periapical lesions and (ii) Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-
their exudates13, 14, 143, 160. IL-1α is primarily in- CSF) and (iii) Macrophage colony Stimulating
volved in apical periodontitis in rats313, 343. IL-6 Factor (M-CSF). In general, CSF stimulate the
is produced by both lymphoid and non-lym- proliferation of neutrophil and osteoclast pre-
phoid cells under the influence of IL-1, TNF-α cursors in the bone marrow. They are also pro-
and IFN-γ 108. It down-regulates the production duced by osteoblasts225 thus providing one of
and counters some of the effects of IL-1. IL-6 the communication links between osteoblasts

Endodontic Science
has been demonstrated in human periapical and osteoclasts in bone resorption.
lesions62 and in inflamed marginal periodontal
tissues355. IL-8 is a family of chemotactic cytok- Growth Factors
ines61. They are produced by monocyte/mac- The term ‘growth factor’ refers to a natu-
rophages and fibroblasts under the influence rally occurring signal protein capable of stimu-
of IL-1β and TNF-α. Massive infiltration of neu- lating cellular proliferation and differentiation.
trophils is a characteristic of the acute phases Growth factor is often used interchangeably

Chapter 9
of apical periodontitis for which IL-8 and other with the term cytokine. It is already stated that
chemo-attractants such as bacterial-peptides, the latter is associated with hematopoitic and
plasma-derived complement split-factor C5a immune cells. This is logical for the circulatory
and leukotriene B4 are important. TNF has system and bone marrow in which cells occur
direct cytotoxic effects and general debilitat- in a liquid suspension and not generally tied up
ing effects in chronic disease. In addition, the in solid tissue, necessitating to communicate
macrophage-derived TNF-α332 and the T-lym- by soluble, circulating molecules. However, as
phocyte-derived TNF-β239, formerly lymphoto- research in various fields converged, it became
xin, have numerous systemic and local effects clear that some of the same signaling proteins
similar to those of IL-1. The presence of TNF-α of the hematopoietic and immune systems
has been reported in human apical periodon- are also used by all sorts of body cells, dur-
titis lesions and root canal exudates of teeth ing growth and in maturity. Generally ‘growth
with apical periodontitis12, 13, 245. factor’ implies a positive effect on cell division
Interferon (IFN). It was originally described and ‘cytokine’ is a neutral term with respect to
as an antiviral agent and is now classified as a whether a molecule affects cell proliferation.
cytokine. There are three distinct IFN desig- Some cytokines can be growth factors as in the
nated as -α, -β and -γ molecules. The antiviral cases of G-CSF and GM-CSM. However, some
protein is the IFN-γ produced by virus-infected other cytokines have an inhibitory effect on cell
cells and normal T-lymphocytes under various growth or proliferation. Certain other cytokines,
stimuli whereas the IFN-α/β proteins are pro- such as the ‘Fas ligand’ signals programmed
duced by a variety of normal cells particularly cell death or apoptosis.Therefore, growth fac-
macrophages and B-lymphocytes. tors are proteins that regulate the growth and
Colony Stimulating Factors (CSF). An- differentiation of non-haematopoietic cells.
other major group of cytokines that regulate Transforming Growth Factors (TGF) are pro-
the proliferation and differentiation of hae- duced by normal and neoplastic cells that were
matopoietic cells are the colony stimulating originally identified by their ability to induce
factors (CSF). The name originates from the non-neoplastic, surface adherent colonies of
early observation that certain polypeptide mol- fibroblasts in soft agar cultures. This process
ecules promote the formation of granulocyte appears to be similar to neoplastic transforma-
or monocyte colonies in semisolid medium. tion of normal to malignant cells and therefore
the name TGF. Based on their structural rela- nase pathway. The PGE2 and PGI2 are potent
308 tionship to the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) activators of osteoclasts. Much of the rapid
family, they are classified into TGF-α and TGF-β. bone loss in marginal and apical periodontitis
The former is closely related to EGF in struc- happens during episodes of acute inflamma-
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

ture and effects but are produced primarily by tion when the lesions are dominated by PMN,
malignant cells and therefore is not significant which are an important source of PGE2. High
in apical periodontitis. But TGF-β is synthesized levels of PGE2 have been shown to be present
by a variety of normal cells and platelets and in acute apical periodontitis lesions163. Apical
is involved in the activation of macrophages, hard tissue resorption can be suppressed by
proliferation of fibroblasts, synthesis of con- parenteral administration of indomethacin, an
nectives tissue fibers and matrices, local an- inhibitor of cyclooxygenase328.
giogenesis, healing and down regulation of Leukotrienes. Leukotrienes (e.g. LTA4,
numerous functions of T-lymphocytes. There- LTB4, LTC4, LTD4 and LTE4) are formed when
fore, TGF-β is important to counter the adverse arachidonic acid is oxidized via the lipoxyge-
effects of inflammatory host response. nase pathway. LTB4 is a powerful chemotactic
agent for neutrophils207 and causes adhesion
Eicosanoids of PMN to the endothelial walls. LTB4329 and
Eicosanoids are signalling molecules de- LTC452 have been detected in apical periodon-
Chapter 9

rived from injured cell membranes. Outer titis with a high concentration of the former in
membranes of mammalian cells contain phos- symptomatic lesions329.
pholipids. Some of these are polyunsaturated
essential fatty acids, particularly arachidonic 9.4.3 Effector-molecules
acid. In response to a variety of inflamma- Degradation of extracellular matrices is
tory signals, the arachidonic acid is cleaved one of the earliest histopathological changes
out of the phospholipid to release free fatty that take place in apical periodontitis. The
acids. They are then oxygenated (by one of destruction of the matrices is caused by en-
two pathways), further modified, to yield the zymatic effector-molecules. Four major deg-
eicosanoids or C20 compunds (Greek: eicosi radation pathways have been recognized: (1)
= twnty). The eicosanoides are thought of as osteoclastic, (2) phagocytic, (3) plasminogen-
paracrine mediators with physiological effects dependent and (4) metallo-enzymes regulat-
at very low concentrations. They mediate in- ed.(27) These are are zinc-dependent endo-
flammatory response, regulate blood pres- peptidases belonging to the super family of
sure, induce blood clotting, pain and fever, enzymes called the matrix metalloproteinases
and control several reproductive functions (MMP). They degrade all kinds of extracellular
such as ovulation and induction of labor. Pros- matrix proteins. MMP are responsible for the
taglandins (PG) and leukotrienes (LT)250 are degradation of much of the tissue matrices
two major groups of eicosanoids involved in built on collagen, fibronectin, laminin, gelatin
inflammation. and proteoglycan-core-proteins. The biology
Prostaglandins. The name prostaglandin of MMP has been extensively researched and
derives from the prostate gland. When pros- reviewed28, 29. MMP have also been reported in
taglandin was first isolated from human se- apical periodontitis lesions266, 316.
men in 1935 by the Swedish physiologist Ulf
von Euler, it was believed to be part of the 9.4.4 Antibodies
prostatic secretions. It was later found that They are specific weapons of the body that
many other tissues secrete prostaglandins for are produced solely by plasma cells. Different
various functions. Prostaglandins (e.g. PGE2, classes of immunoglobulins have been found
PGD2, PGF2a, PGI2) are formed when arachi- in plasma cells118, 135, 176, 224, 279, 293 and extracel-
donic acid is metabolized via the cyclooxyge- lularly135, 159, 181, 331 in human apical periodontitis.
The concentration of IgG in apical periodonti- cal neuro-vascular response of inflammation
tis was found to be nearly five times of that in resulting in hyperaemia, vascular congestion,
non-inflamed oral mucosa92. Immunoglobulins and edema of the periodontal ligament and
have also been shown in plasma cells resid- extravasation of neutrophils. The latter are at-
ing in the periapical cyst-wall224, 281, 293, 324 and tracted to the area by chemotaxis, induced ini-
in the cyst-fluid255, 278, 324, 359. Their concentra- tially by tissue-injury, bacterial products (LPS)
tion in the cyst fluid was several times higher and complement-factor C5a. As the integrity of
than that in blood255, 278. The specificity of the bone, cementum and dentin has not yet been
antibodies present in apical periodontitis may disturbed, the periapical changes at this stage
be low as LPS may act as antigens or mito- are undetectable radiographically. If non-in-
gens. The resulting antibodies may be a mix- fectious irritants have induced inflammation,

Endodontic Science
ture of both mono- and polyclonal varieties. the lesion may subside and the structure of
The latter are non-specific to its inducer and the apical periodontium may be restored9.
therefore ineffective. However, the specific If microbial infection has initiated the in-
monoclonal component may participate in the flammation, the PMN not only attack the mi-
antimicrobial response and may even intensify crobes (Fig. 9.7A) but also release leukotrienes
the pathogenic process by forming antigen- and prostaglandins. The former (LTB4) attracts
antibody complexes328. Intracanal application more neutrophils and macrophages into the

Chapter 9
of an antigen against which the animal was im- area and the latter activate osteoclasts. In a
munized before resulted in the induction of a few days time the bone surrounding the pe-
transient apical periodontitis326. riapex can be resorbed and a radiolucent area
may become detectable at the periapex289.
9.5 Pathogenesis This initial rapid bone resorption can be pre-
The ‘dynamic encounter’ between the mi- vented by indomethacin326, 328 that inhibits cy-
crobial and host factors at the periapex results clooxygenase, thus suppressing prostaglandin
in different categories of apical pathology (Fig. synthesis. Neutrophils die at the inflammatory
9.1). The histological picture and the cellular site (Fig. 9.7A) and release enzymes from their
composition of the lesions are determined at cytoplasmic granules that cause destruction of
any particular time by the equilibrium at the pe- the extracellular matrices and cells. The self-
riapex between the microbial and host factors. induced destruction of the tissues prevents
the spread of infection to other parts of the
9.5.1 Initial apical periodontitis body and provides space for the infiltration
Sustaining inflammation of the periapex of specialized defense cells. During the acute
(apical periodontitis) is generally initiated by phase, macrophages also appear at the peria-
intracanal biofilms and microbes invading pex. Activated macrophages produce a variety
from the apical root canal into the periapi- of mediators among which the proinflamma-
cal tissues (Fig. 9.6). It can also be induced tory (IL-1, -6 and TNF-a) and chemotactic (IL-8)
by trauma, injury from instrumentation or ir- cytokines are of particular importance. These
ritation from chemicals and endodontic ma- cytokines intensify the local vascular response,
terials, each of which can provoke an intense osteoclastic bone resorption, effector-mediat-
tissue-response of short duration. The process ed degradation of the extracellular matrices
is accompanied by pain, tooth elevation and and can place the body on a general alert by
tenderness to pressure on the tooth. Such endocrine action so as to raise the output of
initial, symptomatic lesions are viewed as the acute phase proteins by hepatocytes141. They
primary acute apical periodontitis (Fig. 9.1A). also act in concert with IL-6 to up-regulate the
The tissue response is generally limited to the production of hematopoietic colony stimulat-
apical periodontal ligament and the neigh- ing factors, which rapidly mobilize the neu-
boring spongiosa. They are initiated by typi- trophils and the pro-macrophages from bone
marrow. The acute response can be intensi- prevailing at the periapex can be disturbed by
310 fied, particularly in later stages, by the forma- one or more factors that may favor the micro-
tion of antigen-antibody complexes326, 328. The organisms stationed within the root canal. The
acute primary apical periodontitis has sev- microbes may advance into the periapex (Fig.
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

eral possible outcomes such as; spontaneous 9.6) and the lesion spontaneously becomes
healing, intensification and spreading into the acute with clinical manifestations (Secondary
bone (alveolar abscess) or open to the exterior acute apical periodontitis, Periapical exacer-
(fistulation or sinus tract formation). The lesion bation, Phoenix abscess). As a result, microor-
usually becomes chronic. ganisms can be found extraradicularly during
these acute episodes with rapid enlargement
9.5.2 Development of chronic apical of the radiolucent area. This radiographic
periodontitis (Granuloma) feature is due to apical bone resorption oc-
Persistence of microbial irritants leads to a curring rapidly during the acute phases with
shift in the PMN-dominated lesion to a mac- relative inactivity during the chronic periods.
rophage, lymphocyte and plasma cell rich The progression of the disease, therefore, is
one, encapsulated in a collagenous connec- not continuous, but happens in discrete leaps
tive tissue. Such asymptomatic, radiolucent after periods of ‘stability’.
lesion can be visualized as a ‘lull phase’ fol- Asymtomatic chronic apical periodontitis
Chapter 9

lowing an intense phase in which PMN die en is also referred to as solid dental or periapi-
mass, the foreign intruders have been tempo- cal granuloma. Histopathologically the lesion
rarily beaten and held back in the root canal consists of a granulomatous tissue with infil-
(Fig. 9.9). The macrophage-derived proinflam- trate cells, fibroblasts and a well-developed
matory cytokines (IL-1, -6; TNF-a) are powerful fibrous capsule. Serial sectioning shows194 that
lymphocyte stimulators. The quantitative data about 45% of all chronic periapical lesions are
on the various types of cells residing in chronic epithelialized. When the epithelial cells begin
periapical lesions may not be representative. to proliferate, they may do so in all directions
Nevertheless, investigations based on mono- at random forming an irregular epithelial mass
clonal antibodies suggest a predominant role in which vascular and infiltrated connective
for T-lymphocytes and macrophages. Acti- tissue becomes enclosed. In some lesions the
vated T-cells produce a variety of cytokines epithelium may grow into the entrance of the
that down-regulate the output of proinflam- root canal forming a plug-like seal at the api-
matory cytokines (IL-1, -6 and TNF-a), leading cal foramen156, 192, 284. The epithelial cells gener-
to the suppression of osteoclastic activity and ate an ‘epithelial attachment’ to the root sur-
reduced bone resorption. On the other hand, face or canal wall which in TEM reveals a basal
the T-cell derived cytokines may concomitant- lamina and hemidesmosomal structures192. In
ly up-regulate the production of connective random histological sections the epithelium in
tissue growth factors (TGF-b), with stimulatory the lesion appears as arcades and rings. The
and proliferative effects on fibroblasts and the extraepithelial tissue predominantly consists
microvasculature. Th1 and Th2 cell populations of small blood vessels, lymphocytes, plasma
may participate in this process290. The option cells and macrophages. Among the lympho-
to down-regulate the destructive process ex- cytes T-cells are likely to be more numerous
plains the absence or retarded bone resorption than B-cells53, 130, 204, 327 and CD4+ cells may out-
and rebuilding of the collagenous connective number CD8+ cells14, 152, 158, 219 in certain phases
tissue during the chronic phase of the disease. of the lesions. The connective tissue capsule
Consequently, the chronic lesions can remain of the lesion consists of dense collagenous
‘dormant’ and symptomless for long periods fibers that are firmly attached to the root sur-
of time without major changes in the radio- face so that the lesion may be removed in toto
graphic status. But the delicate equilibrium with the extracted tooth.

Endodontic Science
Chapter 9

Figure 9.9 - Chronic asymptomatic apical periodontitis without (A) and with (B) epithelium (EP). The root canal contains bacteria (BA in A and B).
The lesion in (A) has no acute inflammatory cells, even at the mouth of the root canal with visible bacteria at the apical foramen (BA).
Note the collagen-rich maturing granulation tissue (GR) infiltrated with plasma cells and lymphocytes (insets in A and B, D, Dentin;
BV, blood vessels (A x80; B x60; inset in A, x250; inset in B, x400) (From Nair183).
9.5.3 Cystic transformation of apical squamous epithelium, (ii) the ‘abscess theory’
312 periodontitis (Radicular cysts) postulates that the proliferating epithelium
Periapical cysts are a sequel to chronic surrounds an abscess formed by tissue necro-
apical periodontitis. However, every chronic sis and lysis because of the innate nature of
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

lesion does not develop into a cyst. Although epithelial cells to cover exposed connective
the reported prevalence of cysts among tissue surfaces. During the third phase, the cyst
apical periodontitis lesions varies from 6 to grows, the exact mechanism of which has not
55%184 investigations based on meticulous yet been adequately clarified. Theories based
serial sectioning and strict histopathological on osmotic pressure117, 322, 323 have receded to
criteria194, 268, 284 show that the actual preva- the background in favor of a molecular ba-
lence of the cysts may be well below 20%. sis for the cystogenesis26, 36, 100, 101, 316. The fact
There are two distinct categories of radicu- that apical pocket cyst (Fig. 9.11), with a lu-
lar cysts namely, those containing cavities men open to the necrotic root canal, can grow
completely enclosed in epithelial lining (Fig. would eliminate osmotic pressure as a po-
9.10) and those containing epithelium-lined tential factor in the development of radicular
cavities that are open to the root canals (Fig. cysts183, 194. Although no direct evidence is yet
9.11)194, 268. The latter was originally described available, the tissue dynamics and the cellular
as ‘bay cysts’268 and has been newly designat- components of radicular cysts suggest pos-
Chapter 9

ed as ‘periapical pocket cysts’194. More than sible molecular pathways for cyst expansion.
half of the cystic lesions are apical true cysts The neutrophils that die in the cyst lumen pro-
and the reminder is apical pocket cysts194, 268. vide a continuous source of prostaglandins79,
In view of the structural difference between which can diffuse through the porous epithe-
the two categories of cysts, the pathogenic lial wall264 into the surrounding tissues. The
pathways leading to the formation of them cell population residing in the extraepithelial
may differ in certain respects. area contains numerous T-lymphocytes327 and
macrophages produce a battery of cytokines
True cyst particularly the IL-1b. The prostaglandins and
Many authors attempted to explain the the inflammatory cytokines can activate os-
pathogenesis of apical true cysts86, 154, 232, 263, 315, teoclasts culminating in bone resorption. The
319, 325
. The formation of true cyst has been dis- presence of effector molecules (MMP-1 and
cussed as taking place in three stages264. Dur- -2) has also been reported in human periapi-
ing the first phase the dormant epithelial cell- cal cysts316.
rests 155, 156 are believed to proliferate, probably
under the influence of growth factors85, 145, 317 Pocket cyst
that are released by various cells residing in The development of periapical pocket
the lesion. During the second phase an epi- cyst is not yet well understood. It has been
thelium-lined cavity comes into existence. The suggested to be initiated by the accumula-
two long-standing theories regarding the for- tion of PMN around the apical foramen in
mation of the cyst cavity are: (i) the ‘nutritional response to the microbial presence in the
deficiency theory’ is based on the assumption apical root canal183, 194. The microabscess can
that the central cells of the epithelial strands get enclosed by the proliferating epithelium,
get removed from their source of nutrition which on coming in contact with the root-tip
and undergo necrosis and degeneration. The forms an epithelial collar with ‘epithelial at-
products in turn attract neutrophilic granulo- tachment’192. The latter seals off the infected
cytes into the necrotic area. Such microcavi- root canal with the microabscess from the pe-
ties containing degenerating epithelial cells, riapical tissue milieu. When the externalized
infiltrating leukocytes and tissue exudate co- neutrophils die and disintegrate, the space
alesce to form the cyst cavity lined by stratified occupied by them becomes a microcyst.

Endodontic Science
Chapter 9

Figure 9.10 - Structure of an apical true cyst. (A), Photomicrograph of an axial section passing through the apical foramen (AF). The lower half of
the lesion and the epithelium (EP in B) are magnified in (B and C), respectively. Note the cystic lumen (LU) with cholesterol clefts (CC)
completely enclosed in epithelium (EP), with no communication to the root canal. (A x15; B x30; C x180) (From Nair187).
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 9

Figure 9.11 - Structure of an apical pocket cyst. (A and B) Axial sections passing peripheral to the root canal give the false impression of a cystic
lumen (LU) completely enclosed in epithelium. Sequential section (C) passing through the axial plane of the root canal clearly
reveals the continuity of the cystic lumen (LU) with the root canal (RC in D). The apical foramen and the cystic lumen (LU) of the
section (C) are magnified in (D). Note the pouchlike lumen (LU) of the pocket cyst, with the epithelium (EP) forming a collar at the
root apex. D, Dentin. (a-c x15; D x50) (From Nair187).
The presence of biofilm in the apical root ca- dontitis may persist in certain cases. This is be-
nal, their products and the necrotic cells in the cause of the anatomical complexity of the root
cyst-lumen, attract more PMN by a chemot- canal system107, 217 with regions that cannot be
actic gradient. Because the pouch-like lumen debrided and obturated with existing technol-
is biologically outside the periapical milieu it ogy200. In addition, there are causative factors
acts as a ‘death trap’ to the transmigrating located beyond the root canal system77, 186, 187,
PMN. As the necrotic cells accumulate, the 191, 199, 274
, within the inflamed periapical tissue,
sac-like lumen enlarges and may form a volu- that can interfere with post-treatment healing
minous diverticulum of the root canal space of the lesion, including compromising host
extending into the periapical area183, 194. Bone factors associated with certain systemic dis-
resorption and degradation of the matrices ease such as diabetes80.

Endodontic Science
that are essential for the enlargement of the
pocket cyst follow a similar molecular path- 9.6.1 Microbial causes
way as in the case of the true cyst194. From the
pathogenic, structural, tissue dynamic and Intraradicular and apical biofilm
host-benefit points of view the pouch-like Microscopic investigation of periapical tis-
extension of the root canal space has much sues removed by surgery has been a method
similarities with a periodontal pocket. These to detect potential etiological agents of fail-

Chapter 9
similarities are sufficient to justify the name of ures in root canal treated teeth. Historical in-
periapical pocket cyst194. vestigations10, 30, 139, 144, 259 of apical biopsies had
several limitations such as the use of unsuit-
9.6 Persistent Apical Radiolucencies able specimens, inappropriate methodology
(Endodontic failures) and criteria of analysis. Therefore, these stud-
Because intraradicular microorganisms are ies did not yield relevant information about
the essential etiological agents of apical perio- the reasons for apical periodontitis persisting
dontitis119, 299, the treatment of apical periodon- as asymptomatic radiolucencies even after
titis consists of eradicating the root canal mi- proper orthograde root canal treatment.
crobes or substantially reducing the microbial A histological analysis259 of apical speci-
load and preventing re-infection by orthograde mens of failed cases, there was not even a
obturation200. When root canal treatment is mention of persisting microbial infection as a
done properly, healing of the periapical lesion potential cause of the failures. An investiga-
usually occurs with hard tissue regeneration, tion10, using serial step sectioning and special
which is characterized by a gradual resolution bacterial stains, found bacteria in the root ca-
of the radiolucency91, 124, 171, 172, 257, 275, 276, 295, 296, 308. nals of 14% of the66 specimens examined. Two
Nevertheless, a complete healing of the pe- other studies30, 139 analysed 230 and 35 endo-
riapex or reduction of the apical radiolucency dontic surgical specimens, respectively, by
may not occur in all root canal treated teeth. routine paraffin histology. Although bacteria
Such cases of non-resolving post-treatment were found in 10% and 15% of the respective
periapical radiolucencies usually occur when biopsies, only in a single specimen, in each
treatment procedures have not reached a sat- study, intraradicular infection was detected.
isfactory standard for the control and elimina- In the remaining biopsies in which bacte-
tion of infection. Inadequate aseptic control, ria were found, the data also included those
poor access cavity preparation, missed ca- specimens in which bacteria were found as
nals, insufficient instrumentation, and leaking “contaminants on the surface of the tissue”. In
temporary or permanent fillings are common yet another study144 “bacteria and or debris”
problems that may lead to post-treatment api- was found in the root canals of 63% of the 86
cal periodontitis304. Even when most careful endodontic surgical specimens, although it is
clinical procedures are followed, apical perio- obvious that ‘bacteria and debris’ cannot be
equated as etiological agents in endodontic endodontic treatment has been of great inter-
316 treatment failures. The reported low incidence est. In a very recent study, it has been shown
of intraradicular infections in these studies is that 14 of the 16 instrumented and root canal-
mainly due to a methodological inadequacy treated mandibular molars showed residual
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

as microorganisms often go undetected when infection of mesial roots when the treatment
the investigations are based on random paraf- was completed in one-visit during which in-
fin sections alone. This has been convincingly strumentation, irrigation with NaOCl and
demonstrated182, 201. Consequently, early stu- obturation were done. The infectious agents
dies on teeth with non-healing apical lesions were mostly located in the uninstrumented
did not consider residual intracanal infection recesses of the main canals, isthmus commu-
as a major factor that prevented healing. nicating them and accessory canals. The mi-
For the identification of the etiologi- crobes in such untouched locations existed
cal agents of persistent apical periodontitis primarily as biofilms that were not removed
by microscopy, the cases must be selected by instrumentation and irrigation with NaOCl.
from teeth that have had the best possible In view of the great anatomical complexity of
orthograde root canal treatment and the ra- the root canal system, particularly of molars107,
diographic lesions remain asymptomatic till 217
, and the ecological organization of the flora
surgical intervention. The specimens must be into protected sessile biofilms49, 51 composed
Chapter 9

anatomically intact block-biopsies that include of microbial cells embedded in a hydrated ex-
apical portion of the roots and the inflamed opolysaccharide-complex in micro-colonies182,
soft tissue of the lesions. Such specimens it is very unlikely that an absolutely microor-
should undergo meticulous investigation by ganism-free canal-system can be achieved by
serial or step-serial sections that are analyzed any of the contemporary root canal prepara-
using correlative light and transmission elec- tion, cleaning and root filling procedures.
tron microscopy. A study that met these crite- Then the question arises as to why a large
ria and also did microbial monitoring before number of apical lesions heal after conven-
and during treatment201 revealed intracanal tional root canal treatment. It has been shown
microorganisms in six of the nine block biop- that some periapical lesions heal even when
sies (Fig. 9.12). The finding conclusively show infection persists in the canals at the time of
that the majority of root canal treated teeth root filling276. Although this may imply that the
evincing asymptomatic apical periodontitis organisms may not survive post-treatment, it
harbor persistent infection in the apical por- is more likely that the microbes may be pre-
tion of the complex root canal system. How- sent in quantities and virulence that may be
ever, the proportion of failed cases with intra- sub-critical to sustain the inflammation of the
radicular infection is likely to be much higher periapex200. In some cases the residual mi-
in routine endodontic practice than the two crobes can delay or prevent periapical healing
third of 9 cases reported201 because of sev- as was probably was the case with six of the
eral reasons. At the light microscopic level it nine biopsies studied201.
was possible to detect bacteria in only one of Based on the ultrastructure, only Gram-
the six cases201. Microorganisms were found positive bacteria were found (Fig. 9.13),
as biofilm located within small canals of api- an observation fully in agreement with the
cal ramifications of the root canal (Fig. 9.12) results of purely microbiological investi-
or in the space between the root fillings and gations of root canals of previously root
the canal wall. Obviously conventional paraffin filled teeth with persisting periapical le-
technique is inadequate to detect infections sions. Of the six specimens that contained
in apical tissue specimens. intraradicular infections, four had one or
Whether the apical root canal system con- more morphologically distinct types of bac-
tain microbes immediately after orthograde teria and two revealed yeasts (Fig. 9.14).

Endodontic Science
Chapter 9

Figure 9.12 - Photomicrographs of axial semithin sections through the surgically removed apical portion of the root with a persistent apical
periodontitis. Note the adhesive biofilm (BF) in the root canal. Consecutive sections (A to B) reveal the emerging widened profile
of an accessory canal (AC) that is clogged with the biofilm. The AC and the biofilm are magnified in (C and D) respectively. Mag-
nifications: A x75, B x70, C x110, D x300 (Adapted from Nair et al. 201).
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 9

Figure 9.13 - Composite transmission electron micrographs of the biofilm (BA, upper inset) illustrated in Figure 9.12. The bacterial population is
composed of only Gram-positive, filamentous organisms (arrowhead in lower inset). Note the distinctive Gram-positive cell wall.
The upper inset is a light microscopic view of the biofilm (BA). Magnifications: x3400; insets: upper x135, lower x21,300 (From Nair
et al.201).

Endodontic Science
Chapter 9

Figure 9.14 - Fungi as a potential cause of endodontic failures. (A). Low-power overview of an axial section of a root-filled (RF) tooth with a per-
sisting apical periodontitis lesion (GR). The rectangular demarcated areas in A and B are magnified in C and D, respectively. Note
the two microbial clusters (arrowheads in B) further magnified in C. The oval inset in D is a transmission electron microscopic view
of the organisms. Note the electron-lucent cell wall (CW), nuclei (N) and budding forms (BU). Magnifications: A x35, B x130, C x330,
D x60, oval inset x3400 (Adapted from Nair et al.201).
The presence of intracanal fungi in root it is rarely found in infected but untreated
320 treated teeth with apical periodontitis was root canals304 E. faecalis is the most consis-
also confirmed by microbiological tech- tently reported organism from former cases,
niques214, 340. These findings clearly associ- with a prevalence ranging from 22% to 77%
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

ate intraradicular fungus as a potential non- of cases analyzed81, 96, 168, 169, 213, 220, 271, 308. The
bacterial, microbial cause of endodontic organism is resistant to most of the intracanal
failures. medicaments, and can tolerate40 a pH up to
It has been suggested that infection can 11.5, which may be one reason as to why this
also remain within dentinal tubules that serves organism survives antimicrobial treatment
as a reservoir for endodontic reinfection that with calcium hydroxide dressings22. The latter
might interfere with periapical healing150, 151, is probably by virtue of its ability to regulate
179, 218, 267, 336
. It must be pointed out that the internal pH with an efficient proton pump70. E.
idea provides disproportionate importance faecalis can survive prolonged starvation76. It
to tubular microbes as against those in the can grow as monoinfection in treated canals
complex canal system. Tubular infection is re- in the absence of synergistic support from
stricted to the inner third of radicular dentine. other bacteria72. Therefore, E. faecalis is held
A substantial portion of the tubular microbes to be a very recalcitrant microbe among the
are removed by instrumentation and irriga- potential etiological agents of post-treatment
Chapter 9

tion. Further, dentinal tubules are far less nu- apical periodontitis. However, the presence
merous in apical parts of the root dentine and of E. faecalis in cases of post-treatment api-
are also mostly occluded in mature and aging cal periodontits is not a universal observation.
patients. On the other hand, the canal system This is because one microbial culture44 and a
in the apical area, particularly of posterior molecular based234 study, in which the pres-
teeth, is very complex. Most of the microbes ence of E. faecalis in such cases was investi-
remaining in the complex canal system are not gated, failed to detect the organism. Further,
only inaccessible to conventional instrumenta- the prevalence of E. faecalis is found to be
tion200 but also for medicaments and devices 22% and 77% respectively of cases analyzed
such as endodontic lasers. by two molecular techniques81, 271. In this con-
The microbiology of treated canals is text the long reported correlation between
lesser understood than that of untreated the prevalence of enterococci in root canals
infected necrotic dental pulps. This may be of primary and retreatment cases and that in
due to the search for non-microbial causes other oral sites, such as gingival sulcus and
of a purely technical nature for the failure of tonsils, of the same patients, is worth noting68.
root canal treatments304. Only a small number It has been suggested that enterococci may
of species has been found in the root canals be opportunistic organisms that populate
of teeth that have undergone proper endo- exposed root-filled canals from elsewhere in
dontic treatment that, on follow-up, revealed the mouth81. Therefore, in spite of the cur-
persisting, asymptomatic periapical radiolu- rent focus of attention, it still remains to be
cencies. The bacteria found in these cases shown, in controlled studies, that E. faecalis
are predominantly Gram-positive cocci, rods is the pathogen of significance in most cases
and filaments. By culture-based techniques, of failing endodontic treatment188.
species belonging to the genera Actinomy- Conventional microbiological methods169,
ces, Enterococcus and Propionibacterium 340
and correlative electron microscopic201 stu-
(previously Arachnia) are frequently isolated dies have shown the presence of yeasts (Fig.
and characterized from such root canals84, 96, 97, 9.14) in canals of root filled teeth with non-
168, 169, 220, 274, 303, 308
. The presence of Enterococ- healing apical lesions. Candida albicans is the
cus faecalis in cases of post-treatment apical frequently identified fungus from root filled
periodontitis is of particular interest because teeth with apical periodontitis168, 308.
Apical biofilm (Periapical plaque) It is ing microorganisms with radiating filaments
biofilm adherent to the root tip of pulp in- in pus, give a “starburst appearance” which
fected teeth with apical lesions. In an ana- prompted Harz103 to coin the name Actinomy-
tomical and semantic sense it is extraradicu- ces or ‘ray fungus’. Four years later Actinomy-
lar in location and has been confused with ces israelii was isolated from humans in pure
the presence of microbes within the inflamed culture, characterized and its pathogenicity in
periapical tissue229, 333 commonly referred to animals demonstrated353. Many researchers,
as extraradicular microbes (see further be- nevertheless, considered the human and bo-
low). Biologically, those two conditions are vine isolates as identical. However, A. bovis
different entities and should be distinguished and A. israelii are now classified as two distinct
from each other. The periapical plaque is an bacterial species and in natural infections the

Endodontic Science
outgrowth or extension of intraradicular mi- former is restricted to animals and the later to
crobes spreading as adhesive biofilm around humans.
the root tip. Therefore, it is biologically part Human actinomycosis is clinically divided
of the intraradicular flora. The apical biofilm into cervicofacial, thoracic and abdominal
or plaque, being tooth-adherent, is also pro- forms. About 60% of the cases occur in the
tected from host defences. Presence of such cervicofacial region, 20% in the abdomen and
apical biofilm (apical plaque) is fully compat- 15% in the thorax121, 209. The most species iso-

Chapter 9
ible with the concepts of (1) intraradicular mi- lated from humans is A. israelii353, which is fol-
crobes as the major etiological agent of per- lowed by Propionibacterium propionicum37,
sisting apical periodntitis and (2) microbes do Actinomyces naeslundii321, Actinomyces vis-
not generally live and propagate within solid cosus113 and Actinomyces odontolyticus15 in
granulomas (exception: actinomycosis). descending order.
Periapical actinomycosis (Fig. 9.15) is a Extrararadicular microbes cervicofacial form of actinomycosis. The en-
dodontic infections are generally a sequel to Actinomycosis caries. A. israelii is a commensal of the oral
Actinomycosis is a chronic, granuloma- cavity and can be isolated from tonsils, dental
tous, infectious disease in humans and ani- plaque, periodontal pockets and carious le-
mals caused by the genera Actinomyces and sions303. Most of the publications on periapical
Propionibacterium162. The etiological agent actinomycosis are case reports and have been
of bovine actinomycosis, Actinomyces bovis, reviewed35, 157, 191, 247, 249, 345. Although periapi-
was the first species to be identified103. The cal actinomycosis is considered to be rare191,
disease in cattle, known as ‘lumpy jaw’ or ‘big it may not be so infrequent115, 173, 247. The data
head disease’, is characterized by extensive on the frequency of periapical actinomycosis
bone rarefaction, swelling of the jaw, suppu- among apical periodontitis lesions are scarce.
ration and fistulation. The causative agents A microbiological control study revealed ac-
were described as non-acid fast, non-motile, tinomycotic involvement in 2 of the 79 en-
Gram-positive organisms revealing charac- dodontically treated cases41. A histological
teristic branching filaments that end in clubs analysis showed the presence of characteristic
or hyphae. Because of the morphological ap- actinomycotic colonies (Fig. 9.15) in two of the
pearance these organisms were considered 45 investigated lesions191. An identification and
fungi and the taxonomy of Actinomyces re- etiological association of the species involved
mained controversial for more than a century. can be established only through laboratory
The intertwining filamentous colonies are of- culturing303 of the organisms, molecular tech-
ten called “sulphur granules” because of their niques and by experimental induction of the
appearance as yellow specks in exudates. On lesion in susceptible animals77. However, the
careful crushing, the tiny clumps of branch- strict growth requirements of A. israelii make
isolation in pure culture difficult. A histopatho- ated with actinomycotic infections. But the
322 logical diagnosis has generally been reached mechanism of pathogenicity of the organism
on the basis of demonstration of typical colo- has not yet been explained.
nies191 and by specific immunohistochemi-
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

cal staining of such colonies98, 303. Today, an Non-actinomyces microbes in

unequivocal identification of the organism inflamed periapical tissue
can be achieved by molecular methods. The Periapical inflammation has been viewed
characteristic light microscopic feature of an as a defense enclosure against invasion of mi-
actinomycotic colony is the presence of an in- croorganisms into periradicular tissues134, 183.
tensely dark staining, Gram and PAS positive, It is, therefore, possible that microorganisms
core with radiating peripheral filaments (Fig. invade extraradicular tissues during expand-
9.15) that gives the typical “star burst” or “ray ing and exacerbating phases of the disease.
fungus” appearance. Ultrastructurally77, 191, the Based on histological investigations99 there
center of the colony consists of a very dense has been a consensus of opinion that ‘solid
aggregation of branching filamentous organ- granuloma’ may not harbor infectious agents
isms held together by an extracellular matrix within the inflamed periapical tissue. Never-
(Fig. 9.15). Several layers of PMN usually sur- theless, microbes are consistently detected
round an actinomycotic colony. in the periapical tissue of cases with clinical
Chapter 9

Because of the ability of the actinomycotic signs of exacerbation, abscesses and draining
organisms to establish extraradicularly, they sinuses. This has been substantiated by mod-
can perpetuate the inflammation at the pe- ern correlative light and transmission electron
riapex even after orthograde root canal treat- microscopic techniques182.
ment. Therefore, periapical actinomycosis is Two decades ago, there was some re-
important in endodontics97, 98, 191, 199, 274, 303. A. newed interest in the idea of extraradicular
israelii and P. proprionicum are consistently microbes in apical periodontitis116, 333, 334, 344
isolated and characterized from the periapi- with the suggestion that extraradicular infec-
cal tissue of teeth, which did not respond to tions are the cause of many failed endodon-
proper conventional endodontic treatment97, tic treatments. It was further argued that such
. A strain of A. israelii, isolated from a case cases would not be amenable to orthograde
of failed endodontic treatment and grown in root canal treatment and would need apical
pure culture, was inoculated into subcutane- surgery and/or systemic medications. Sev-
ously implanted tissue cages in experimental eral species of bacteria have been reported
animals. Typical actinomycotic colonies were to be present at extraradicular locations of
formed within the experimental host tissue. lesions described as “asymptomatic periapi-
This would implicate A. israelii as a potential cal inflammatory lesions...refractory to en-
etiological factor of failed endodontic treat- dodontic treatment”334. However, 5 of the 8
ments. Actinomyces have been shown to patients had “long-standing fistulae to the
posses hydrophobic cell surface property, vestibule…”334, a clear sign of abscessed api-
Gram-positive cell wall surrounded by a fuzzy cal periodontitis draining by fistulation. Ob-
outer coat through which fimbriae-like struc- viously the microbial samples were obtained
tures protrude75. These may help the cells from periapical abscesses that always contain
to aggregate into cohesive colonies77. The microbes and not from asymptomatic periapi-
properties that enable these bacteria to es- cal lesions persisting after proper endodon-
tablish in the periapical tissues are not fully tic treatment. Other publications also show
understood, but appear to involve the ability serious problems. In one116, the 16 periapical
to build cohesive colonies that enables them specimens studied were collected “during
to escape host defense system77. P. propioni- normal periapical curettage, apicectomy or
cum is known to be pathogenic and associ- (during the procedure of) retrograde filling”.

Endodontic Science
Chapter 9

Figure 9.15 - An actinomyces infected periapical pocket cyst affecting a human maxillary first premolar (radiographic inset). The cyst is lined with
ciliated columnar (CEP) and stratified squamous (SEP) epithelia. The rectangular block in (A) is magnified in (C). The typical “ray-
fungus” type of actnomycotic colony (AC in B) is a magnification of the one demarcated in (c). Note the two black arrow-headed,
distinct actinomycotic colonies (AC in c) within the lumen (LU). Original magnifications: a x20, b x60, c x210 (From P.N.R. Nair et al.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 94: 485-493, 2002).
Of the 58 specimens that were investigated live in the cells of a biological organism. It
324 in another344, “29 communicated with the oral can replicate only by infecting a host cell and
cavity through vertical root fractures or fistu- cannot reproduce on its own. Lately several
las”. Further, the specimens were obtained publications241-244 reported the presence of
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

during routine surgery and were “submitted certain viruses in inflamed periapical tissues
by seven practitioners”. An appropriate meth- with the suggestion of an etio-pathogenic re-
odology is essential and in these studies116, 334, lationship to apical periodontitis. The claims
unsuitable cases were selected for inves- about possible viral involvement in endodon-
tigation or the sampling was not performed tic failures were quickly consolidated in a re-
with the utmost stringency needed to avoid view article even before some of the original
bacterial contamination169. works appeared in print280. Understandably
Contamination of periapical samples is the investigations were not supported by
generally considered to occur from the oral proper controls because it is almost impos-
cavity and other extraneous sources. Even if sible to provide controls for such observa-
such ‘extraneous contaminations’ are avoid- tions. This is because the reported viruses are
ed, contamination of periapical tissue samples present in almost all humans from previous
with microbes from the infected root canal re- primary infections. Therefore, the possibility
mains a serious problem. This is because mi- that such latent viruses may be activated by
Chapter 9

croorganisms generally live at the apical fora- periapical inflammatory process cannot be
men of teeth affected in both the primary182, 221, excluded.
and post-treatment apical periodontitis199, In conclusion, extraradicular infections oc-
. Microbes can be easily dislodged from cur in: (i) exacerbating apical periodontitis le-
this location during apical surgery and the sions182, (ii) periapical actinomycosis97, 98, 191, 274,
sampling procedures. Tissue samples so con- 303
(iii) association with pieces of infected root
taminated with intraradicular microbes may dentine that may be displaced into the peria-
be reported positive for the presence of an pex during root canal instrumentation111, 360 or
extraradicular infection. This is most likely the having been cut off from the rest of the root by
reason for the repeated reporting of microbes massive apical resorption140, 336 and (iv) infect-
in the periapical tissue of asymptomatic post- ed periapical cysts, particularly in periapical
treatment lesions by culture2, 297 and molecular pocket cysts with cavities open to the root ca-
techniques87, 298 even if strict aseptic sampling nal182, 194, 199. These situations are compatible22,
procedures could have been used. 183
with the long-standing and still valid idea
As discussed before, the molecular tech- that solid granuloma generally do not harbor
niques, in spite of the sophistication and high microorganisms. Therefore, the aim of treat-
sensitivity, are less suitable to solve the prob- ment of persistent apical periodontitis should
lem of extraradicular infection189, 190. Apart from be the biofilms200 located in the complex api-
the unavoidable contamination of the samples cal root canal system.
with intraradicular microbes, molecular genetic
analysis: (1) does not differentiate between vi- 9.6.2 Non-microbial causes
able and non-viable organisms, (2) does not
distinguish between microbes and their struc- Cystic lesions
tural elements in phagocytes from extracellular The issue of healing of periapical cysts
microorganisms in periapical tissues and (3) ex- after conventional root canal treatment has
aggerates the findings by PCR amplification. been long-standing. Surgeons are of opinion
that cysts do not heal and have to be removed Viruses by surgery. Many endodontists, hold the view
A virus (Latin: virus = toxin or poison) is that majority of cysts heals after root canal
an ultramicroscopic particle that infect and treatment. This controversy is probably an
outcome of the reported high prevalence of presence of a radiopaque lamina with histo-
cysts among apical lesions and the reported logical findings228. The vast discrepancy in
high ‘success rate’ of root canal treatments. the reported prevalence of periapical cysts is
There have been several studies on the preva- probably due to the difference in the interpre-
lence of radicular cysts among human apical tation of the sections. Histopathological diag-
periodontitis (Table 9.2). The prevalence of nosis based on random or limited number of
cysts among apical lesions varies from 6% to serial sections, usually leads to wrong catego-
55%. Apical periodontitis cannot be differen- rization of epithelialized lesions as radicular
tially diagnosed into cystic and non-cystic le- cysts. This was clearly shown in a study using
sions based on radiographs alone16, 24, 136, 146, 175, meticulous serial sectioning (194) in which an
223, 228, 339
. A correct histopathological diagnosis overall 52 % of the lesions (n = 256) were found

Endodontic Science
of periapical cysts is possible only through se- to be epithelialized but only 15% were actually
rial sectioning or step-serial sectioning of the periapical cysts. In routine histopathological
lesions removed in toto as has been convinc- diagnosis, the structure of a radicular cyst in
ingly shown in a recent study correlating the relation to the root canal of the affected tooth

Chapter 9
Table 9.2 - The prevalence of radicular cysts among apical periodontitis lesions

Cysts Granuloma Others Total lesions

% % % n
Sommer & Kerr (1966)283 6 84 10 170
Block et al. (1976)30 6 94 - 230
Sonnabend & Oh (1966)284 7 93 - 237
Winstock (1980) 351
8 83 9 9804
Linenberg, et al. (1964)146 9 80 11 110
Wais (1958) 339
14 84 2 50
Patterson et al. (1964)212 14 84 2 501
Nair et al. (1996)194 15 50 35 256
Simon (1980)268 17 77 6 35
Stockdale & Chandler (1988) 294
17 77 6 1108
Lin et al.(1991)144 19 - 81 150
Nobuhara & Del Rio (1993) 205
22 59 19 150
Baumann & Rossman (1956)16 26 74 - 121
Mortensen et al. (1970)175 41 59 - 396
Bhaskar (1966)24 42 48 10 2308
Spatafore et al. (1990)287 42 52 6 1659
Lalonde & leubke (1968)137 44 45 11 800
Seltzer et al. (1967) 259
51 45 4 87
Priebe et al. (1954)223 55 45 - 101
has not been taken into account. As apical bi- mains to be clarified by research based on a
326 opsies obtained by curettage do not include statistically reliable number of specimens. Lim-
root-tips of the diseased teeth, structural ref- ited investigations198, 199, 201 on 16 histologically
erence to the root canals of the affected teeth reliable block biopsies of post-treatment api-
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

is not possible. Histopathological diagnostic cal periodontitis revealed 2 cystic specimens

laboratories and publications based on ret- (13%), which is well above the 9% of true cysts
rospective reviewing such histopathological observed in a large study194 on mostly primary
reports sustain the notion that nearly half of all apical periodontitis lesions. The two distinct
apical periodontitis are cysts. histological categories of periapical cysts and
A ‘success rate’ of 85 to 90% has been re- the low prevalence of cystic lesions among
ported by endodontic investigators124, 275, 292. apical periodontitis would question the ra-
But, the histological status of a radiographic tionale of certain diagnostic and therapeutic
lesion at the time of treatment is unknown to practices such as: (i) routine histopathologi-
the clinician who is also unaware of the differ- cal examination of periapical lesions removed
ential diagnosis of the ‘successful’ and ‘failed’ by curettage which may not provide relevant
cases. Nevertheless, a great majority of the diagnostic information (neoplasia?) but only
cystic lesions should heal to account for the satisfies certain health-care formalities, (ii) ap-
‘high success rate’ after endodontic treatment plication of apical surgery based on unfound-
Chapter 9

and the reported ‘high histopathological inci- ed radiographic diagnosis of apical lesions as
dence’ of radicular cysts. As orthograde endo- cysts, and (iii) the notion that majority of cysts
dontic treatment removes much of the infec- heal after root canal treatment. As cysts can
tious material from the root canal and prevents sustain post-treatment apical periodontitis,
reinfection by obturation, a periapical pocket the option of apical surgery should be con-
cyst (Fig. 9.11) may heal after conventional en- sidered, particularly when previous attempts
dodontic therapy194, 198, 268. But a true cyst (Fig. at orthograde retreatment have not resulted
9.10) is self-sustaining198 by virtue of its tissue in healing187.
dynamics and independence of the presence
or absence of irritants in the root canal268. Cholesterol crystals
The structural difference between apical Cholesterol314 is a steroid lipid that is pre-
true cysts and pocket cysts has therapeutic sent in all animal cells. Excess blood level
significance. The aim of the root canal treat- of cholesterol is suspected to play a role in
ment is the elimination of canal-infection and arteriosclerosis as a result of its deposition
prevention of reinfection by root filling. Pe- in the vascular walls357, 358. Deposition of cho-
riapical pocket cysts, particularly the smaller lesterol crystals in tissues and organs can
ones, may heal after root canal therapy268. A cause ailments such as otitis media and the
true cyst is self-sustaining as the lesion is no “pearly tumor” of the cranium7. Cholesterol
longer dependent on the presence or ab- clefts have long been observed to in api-
sence of root canal infection194, 268. Therefore, cal periodontitis lesions. But the etiological
the true cysts, particularly the large ones, are significance of the observation to failed root
less likely to be resolved by non-surgical root canal treatment has not been fully appreci-
canal treatment. This has been reported in a ated185. Accumulation of cholesterol crystals
long-term radiographic follow-up (Fig. 9.16) in apical lesions24, 34, 198, 263, 335 has clinical sig-
of a case and subsequent histological analysis nificance in endodontics184, 198. In histopatho-
of the surgical block-biopsy198. logical sections, such deposits of cholesterol
It can be argued that the prevalence of appear as narrow elongated clefts because
cysts in post-treatment apical periodontitis the crystals dissolve in fat solvents used for
should be substantially higher than that in the tissue processing and leave behind the
primary apical periodontitis. However, this re- spaces they occupied as clefts (Fig. 9.17).

Endodontic Science
Chapter 9

Figure 9.16 - Longitudinal radiographs (A-D) of a periapically affected central maxillary incisor of a 37 year old woman for a period of 4 years
and 9 months. Note the large radiolucent asymptomatic lesion before (A), 44 months after root-filling (B), and immediately after
periapical surgery (C). The periapical area shows distinct bone healing (D) after 1 year post-operatively. Histopathological examina-
tion of the surgical specimen by modern tissue processing and step-serial sectioning technique confirmed that the lesion was a
true radicular cyst that also contained cholesterol clefts (Selected radiographs from Nair et al.198).
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 9

Figure 9.17 - Cholesterol crystals and cystic condition of apical periodontitis as potential causes for endodontic failures. Overview of a histologi-
cal section (upper inset) of an asymptomatic apical periodontitis that persisted after conventional root canal treatment. Note the
vast number of cholesterol clefts (CC) surrounded by giant cells (GC) of which a selected one with several nuclei (arrowheads) is
magnified in the lower inset. D = dentine, CT = connective tissue, NT = necrotic tissue. Magnifications: x68; upper inset x11; lower
inset x412 (From Nair185).
The incidence of cholesterol clefts in apical shown277. Accumulation of cholesterol crys-
periodontitis varies from 18% to 44% of such tals in apical periodontitis lesions (Fig. 9.17)
lesions34, 263, 335. The crystals are believed to can adversely affect post-treatment healing
be formed from cholesterol released by, (i) of the periapical tissues as has been shown in
disintegrating erythrocytes of stagnant blood a long-term longitudinal follow-up of a case
vessels within the lesion34, (ii) lymphocytes, in which it was concluded that “the presence
plasma cells and macrophages which die in of vast numbers of cholesterol crystals ...
great numbers and disintegrate in chronic pe- would be sufficient to sustain the lesion in-
riapical lesions, and (iii) the circulating plasma definitely”198. The evidence from the general
lipids263. All these sources may contribute to literature reviewed185 is clearly in support of
the concentration and crystallization of cho- that assumption. Therefore, accumulation of

Endodontic Science
lesterol in periapical area. Nevertheless, local- cholesterol crystals in apical periodontitis le-
ly dying inflammatory cells may be the major sions can prevent healing of periapical tissues
source of cholesterol as a result of its release after conventional root canal treatment. This
from disintegrating membranes of such cells is because root-filling retreatment cannot re-
in long-standing lesions198, 256. move the tissue irritating cholesterol crystals
Cholesterol crystals are hydrophobic and within the inflamed periapical tissues.
intensely sclerogenic1, 20. They induce gran-

Chapter 9
ulomatous lesions in dogs46, mice1, 4, 5, 20, 286 Foreign bodies
and rabbits109, 285, 286. In an experimental study Foreign materials trapped in periapical tis-
that investigated the association of choles- sue during and after endodontic treatment131,
terol crystals and non-resolving apical perio- 197
can perpetuate apical periodontitis persist-
dontitis lesions195, pure cholesterol crystals ing after root canal treatment. Endodontic
were placed in Teflon cages that were im- clinical materials131, 197 and certain food par-
planted subcutaneous in guinea pigs. The ticles269 can reach the periapex, induce a for-
cage contents were retrieved after 2, 4 and eign body reaction that appears radiolucent
32 weeks of implantation and processed for and remain asymptomatic for several years197.
light and electron microscopy. The cages
revealed delicate soft connective tissue that Gutta-percha
grew in through perforations on the cage Gutta-percha cone is the most frequently
wall. The crystals were densely surrounded used root canal sealant in orthograde obtu-
by numerous macrophages and multinucle- ration of root canals. It is widely held to be
ate giant cells forming a well circumscribed biocompatible and well tolerated by human
area of tissue reaction (Fig. 9.18). The cells, tissues. That view, however, is not consistent
however, were unable to eliminate the crys- with the clinical observation that extruded
tals during an observation period of eight gutta-percha is associated with delayed
months. The accumulation of macrophages healing of the periapex124, 197, 257, 275, 296. It has
and giant cells around cholesterol crystals been experimentally shown in guinea pigs
suggests that the crystals induced a typical that large pieces of gutta-percha are well en-
foreign-body reaction48, 197, 273. capsulated in collagenous capsules, but fine
Although macrophages and giant cells particles of gutta-percha induce an intense,
surround cholesterol crystals, they are not localized tissue response (Fig. 9.19), char-
only unable to degrade the crystalline choles- acterized by the presence of macrophages
terol. Further these cells are major sources of and giant cells273. The congregation of mac-
apical inflammatory and bone resorptive me- rophages around the fine particles of gutta-
diators. Bone resorbing activity of cholester- percha is important for the clinically observed
ol-exposed macrophages due to enhanced impairment in the healing of apical periodon-
expression of IL-1a has been experimentally titis when teeth are root filled with excess.
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 9

Figure 9.18 - Photomicrograph (A) of guinea pig tissue reaction to aggregates of cholesterol crystals after an observation period of 32 weeks.
The rectangular demarcated areas in A, B and C are magnified in B, C and D repectively. Note that rhomboid clefts left by choles-
terol crystals (CC) surrounded by giant cells (GC) and numerous mononuclear cells (arrowheads in d). AT = adipose tissue, CT =
connective tissue. Magnifications: a x10, b x21, c x82 and d x220 (From Nair.185).

Endodontic Science
Chapter 9

Figure 9.19 - Disintegrated gutta-percha as potential cause of post-treatment apical periodontitis. As clusters of fine particles (A) they induce
intense circumscribed tissue reaction (TR) around. Note that the fine particles of gutta-percha (* in C, GP in D) are surrounded by
numerous mononuclear cells (MNC). Original magnifications: a x20, b x80, c x200, d x750 (From Nair.186).
Gutta-percha cones contaminated with tissue lomatous lesions. This indicates that certain
332 irritating materials can induce a foreign body components in pulses such as antigenic pro-
reaction at the periapex. In an investigation on teins and mitogenic phytohaemaagglutinins
nine asymptomatic apical periodontitis lesions may be involved in the pathological tissue
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis

that were removed as surgical block biopsies response128. The pulse granuloma are clini-
and analyzed by correlative light and electron cally significant because particles of vegetable
microscopy, one biopsy revealed the involve- food materials can reach the periapical tissue
ment of contaminated gutta-percha197. The via root canals of teeth exposed to the oral
radiolucency grew in size but remained asym- cavity by trauma, carious damage or by endo-
tomatic for a decade of post-treatment follow- dontic procedures269.
up. The lesion was characterized by the pres- Cellulose granuloma are apical periodon-
ence of vast numbers of multinucleate giant titis developing against particles of predomi-
cells with birefringent inclusion bodies (Fig. nantly cellulose-containing materials that are
9.20). In transmission electron microscope used in endodontic practice132, 133, 254, 346. The
the birefringent bodies were highly electron cellulose in plant materials is a granuloma-
dense. An X-ray microanalysis of the inclusion inducing agent128. Endodontic paper points
bodies using scanning transmission electron (Fig. 9.21) are utilized for microbial sampling
microscope (STEM) revealed the presence of and drying of root canals. Sterile and medi-
Chapter 9

magnesium and silicon. These elements are cated cotton wool has been used as an apical
presumably the remnants of a talc-contami- seal. Particles of these materials can dislodge
nated gutta-percha that protruded into the or get pushed into the periapical tissue346 so
periapex and had been resorbed during the as to induce a foreign body reaction at the
follow-up period. periapex. The resultant clinical situation may
be a “prolonged, extremely troublesome and
Other plant materials disconcerted course of events”346. Presence
Food particles of plant origin such as legu- of cellulose fibers in periapical biopsies with a
minous seeds (pulses), and endodontic clinical history of previous endodontic treatment has
materials of plant origin can get lodged in the been reported132, 133, 254. The endodontic paper
periapical tissue before and/or during endo- points and cotton wool consists of cellulose
dontic treatment and cause treatment failures. that cannot be degraded by human body
Oral pulse granuloma is a distinct histopatho- cells. They remain in tissues for long periods
logical entity126. The lesions are also referred of time254 and induce a foreign body reaction
to as the giant cell hyaline angiopathy67, 126, around them. The particles, in polarized light,
vegetable granuloma102 and food-induced are birefringent due to the regular structural
granuloma32. Pulse granuloma has been re- arrangement of the molecules within cellu-
ported in lungs104, stomach walls and peritone- lose133. Infected paper points can protrude
al cavities265. Experimental lesions have been through the apical foramen (Fig. 9.21) and al-
induced in animals by intratracheal, intraperi- low a biofilm to grow around it. This will sus-
tonial and submucous introduction of legumi- tain and even intensify the apical periodontitis
nous seeds128, 311. Periapical pulse granuloma post-treatment.
are associated with teeth damaged by caries
and with the antecedence of endodontic treat- Other foreign materials
ment269, 312. Pulse granuloma are characterized Amalgam, endodontic sealants and cal-
by the presence of intensely iodine and PAS cium salts derived from periapically extruded
positive hyaline rings or bodies surrounded by Ca(OH)2 are often found in persitent apical le-
giant cells and inflammatory cells167, 269, 311, 312. sions. In a histological and X-ray microanalyti-
Leguminous seeds are the most frequently in- cal investigation of 29 apical biopsies 31% of
volved vegetable food material in such granu- the specimens were found to contain materi-
als compatible with amalgam and endodontic 95%226, 361. This disparity is attributed to differ-
sealer components131. ences in methods and criteria for evaluation
of success226. Methods include several aspects Periapical scar such as selection of appropriate cases, surgi-
Persistent apical radiolucencies may occa- cal procedures, period of follow-up, sample
sionally be due to healing of the lesion by scar size and so on. It is recognized that a large
tissue24, 199, 215, 259 that may be misdiagnosed as number periapical surgery is performed on
a radiographic sign of failed endodontic treat- cases in which such treatment is not justified3.
ment (Fig. 9.22). The tissue dynamics of pe- Well-defined case selection and skilled appli-
riapical healing after conventional root canal cation of ‘state of the art’ surgical techniques
treatment and periapical surgery is unknown. resulted in a success rate of 91% after periapi-

Endodontic Science
However, the data available on normal heal- cal surgery361. Nevertheless, a small % of surgi-
ing and guided regeneration of the marginal cally treated cases may not show hard tissue
periodontium suggest that several types of healing of the periapex even after proper case
cells participate in the healing process. The selection and skilled surgical procedures. Al-
pattern of healing depends on two decisive beit the classical histological attempts of the
factors. They are the regeneration poten- pioneers237, 238, the reasons for post-surgically
tial and the speed with which the tissue cells persistent radiographic lesions are currently

Chapter 9
bordering the defect react122, 123, 206, 252. A scar unknown. In order to identify the potential
healing is likely to follow when precursors of causative agents of asymptomatic post-surgi-
soft connective tissue colonize both the root cal apical radiolucencies by microscopy, the
tip and periapical tissue. If such cell seeding cases must be selected from teeth that have
happens before the appropriate cells with the had proper orthograde root canal treatment,
potential to restore various structural compo- good coronal restoration, the best possible
nents of the apical periodontium, scar tissue surgical treatment and the radiographic le-
development occurs at the periapex199. sions remain asymptomatic. Further, the sur-
gical specimen must be anatomically intact
9.7 Persistent Post-surgical (block-biopsies) that include certain length of
Radiolucencies the apical portion of the previously surgerized
Radiolucencies can persist after surgical roots and the radiolucent lesions. Only such
treatment of the disease. Apical surgery cov- specimens should be selected and undergo
ers various procedures. It can include one or investigation. Meticulous serial or step-serial
a combination of periapical curettage, apicec- sections should be prepared and analyzed us-
tomy and retrograde filling. However, before ing correlative light and transmission electron
apical surgery is attempted on a tooth with microscopy as has been done for apical le-
persistent apical lesions, a careful consider- sions persisting after conventional root canal
ation of the potential causes is necessary. treatment201. Studies meeting these criteria is
Teeth wit persistence of radiolucencies asso- not yet available.
ciated with substandard endodontic proce- In brief, to identify the reasons for post-
dures respond well with proper retreatment of surgical failures in endodontics, the problem
the root canal. However, for cases in which a must be investigated in a scientific manner.
root canal retreatment is unlikely to result in Evaluating radiographs, analysis of literature
periapical healing, or such treatment may not on prognostic studies, or surveying epide-
be possible, periapical surgery should be the miological type of investigations are unlikely
preferred clinical procedure to follow. Works to yield meaningful results. Rigorous analysis
on the outcome of apical surgery have been denotes investigating well-documented cases
extensively reviewed83, 226. The reported suc- by careful and painstaking correlative light
cess rates of apical surgery range from 25% to and transmission electron microscopy.
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 9

Figure 9.20 - Talc contaminated gutta percha as a potential cause of endodontic failure. Note the apical periodontitis (AP) characterized by
foreign-body giant cell reaction to gutta-percha cones contaminated with talc (A). The same field when viewed in polarized lights
(B). Note the birefringent bodies distributed throughout the lesion (B). The apical foramen is magnified in (C) and the dark arrow-
headed cells in (C) are further enlarged in (D). Note the birefringence (BB) emerging from slit-like inclusion bodies in multinucleated
(N) giant cells. B, bone; D, dentin. (Magnifications: a, b x25; c x66; d x300).

Endodontic Science
Chapter 9

Figure 9.21 - A massive paper-point granuloma affecting a root-canal-treated human tooth (A). The demarcated area in (B) is magnified in (C)
and that in the same is further magnified in (D). Note the tip of the paper point (FB) projecting into the apical periodontitis lesion
and the bacterial plaque (BP) adhering to the surface of the paper point. RT, root tip; EP, epithelium; PC, plant cell. (Magnifications:
A x20, B x40, C x60, D x150).
Biology and Pathology of Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 9

Figure 9.22 - Periapical scar (SC) of a root canal (RC) treated tooth after 5-year follow-up and surgery. The rectangular demarcated areas in (B-
D) are magnified in (C-E) respectively. The scar tissue reveals bundles of collagen fibers (CO), blood vessels (BV) and erythrocytes
due to haemorrhage. Infiltrating inflammatory cells are notably absent. Original magnifications: a x14, b x35, c x90, d x340, e x560
(Partially adapted from Nair et al.199).
9.8 Concluding Remarks istence of the extraradicular agents of persis-
The primary apical periodontitis is caused tent apical periodontitis is not yet available.
by the presence of infection within the root ca- Although, the great majority of persistent api-
nal system. The purpose of endodontic treat- cal periodontitis are caused by residual infec-
ment is to eliminate intracanal infection or to tion in the complex apical root canal system107,
reduce the microbial load of the root canal and 217
, it is not guaranteed that retreatment of an
to prevent re-infection by root filling188, 200. The otherwise well root canal treated tooth can
complexity of the canal system107, 217 and the eradicate the residual intracanal infection.
organization of the microbes into biofilms49, 51 Therefore, with cases of asymptomatic, persis-
make it unlikely that a microbe-free root canal tent, periapical radiolucencies, it is worth re-
can be achieved by current treatment proce- moving the extraradicular factors by an apical

Endodontic Science
dures200 Therefore, radiolucent lesions of pe- surgery361, in order to improve the long-term
riapices may not heal in all root canal treated outcome of treatment. A periapical surgery
teeth. not only enables to remove the extraradicu-
The cause of post-treatment apical perio- lar factors that sustain the apical radiolucency
dontitis is more complex than that of teeth post-treatment but also simultaneously allows
with primary apical periodontitis. The etiologi- a retrograde access to potential infection in
cal agents of persistent apical periodontitis the apical portion of the root canal system

Chapter 9
include: (1) infection persisting in the apical that can also be removed or sealed within the
root canal system; (2) extraradicular infection, canal by a retrograde root-end filling186.
mostly in the form of periapical actinomyco-
sis; (3) root filling or other exogenous materi- Acknowledgement 

als that cause a foreign body reaction; (4) ac- The author is indebted to Mrs. Margrit Am-
cumulation of cholesterol crystals that irritate stad-Jossi for skilful technical assistance.
periapical tissues; (5) cystic transformation of
lesions, and (6) healing of the periapex by scar
tissue. Among them, infection persisting in the
root canal system is the major cause of post-
treatment apical periodontitis. Actinomycosis,
true cysts, foreign-body reaction and periapi-
cal scar are of rare occurrence. Recognizing
the importance of intracanal infection in per-
sistent apical periodontitis201, the main target
of treatment should be the biofilm residing
within the root canal system.
Apical periodontitis persisting due to non-
microbial causes are not dependent on the
presence or absence of biofilm in the root
canal system. Initiation of a foreign body re-
action in periapical tissues and/or cystic trans-
formation of the lesion delay or prevent post-
treatment healing. In well root canal treated
teeth with adequate root filling, an orthograde
retreatment is unlikely to solve the problem,
as it does not remove the offending agents or
pathology that exist beyond the root canal131,
133, 197-199, 201
. A differential diagnosis for the ex-
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