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Climate Change as Global

Identifiable change in the climate of world as a whole that lasts for an extended
period of time (decades or longer).
The problem of climate change impact
directly all living things under umbrella
of universe
Human being shelters and parks
where animals live are destroyed by
inondation, draughts and other factors
due to the climate change issue.
Heavy precipitation and forest,bushes
fires leads to loss of lives for both
animals and human beings.
The causes for the increase in climate change issue are
directly linked to human related activities that are profitable
such as industrial and Residential Energy Use,
deforestation, burning Fossil Fuels, etc….

As the above activities keep increasing in demand

due to growth in world populations, the issues due to
climate change keep killing both animals and human
Rwanda, like other world’s countries faces several climate
change challenges, including vulnerability to extreme
weather events, agricultural risks and food security
concerns, water scarcity and management issues,
ecosystem degradation, energy transition and access
obstacles, and health risks.

Rwanda National Environment and Climate Change Policy 2019.pdf (

Global annual land and ocean surface temperature
anomalies from 1880 to 2020 due to climate change

McKinsey Problem Solving Framework
• What is the problem? The climate as global challenge.
• Where and when does the problem occur? In Rwanda and worldwide.
• Who is affected? Human beings and animals.
• What will make a solution successful? If the world populations and government
work together to address the issue.
• What are the boundaries of this problem? Many activities that accelerate the issue
are businesses and bring more revenues to the wold’s governments .
• Who or what can stop you from implementing the solution? This is a complex
problem and without efforts and same understanding of both government and world
population, the issue can’t be addressed.
Solution #1
Transition to Renewable Energy:
Shifting from fossil fuels to renewable
energy sources like solar, wind, hydro,
and geothermal can significantly
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Encouraging the adoption of clean
energy through policy incentives,
research and development, and
investment can accelerate the
Solution #2
Reforestation and Afforestation:
Planting trees and restoring forests
helps sequester carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere. It enhances carbon
sinks, preserves biodiversity, and
contributes to sustainable land
management practices.
Solution #3

Sustainable Agriculture and Land Use:

Promoting sustainable agricultural
practices, such as organic farming,
agroforestry, and precision agriculture,
can reduce emissions from farming and
land use changes. These approaches
enhance soil health, increase carbon
sequestration, and improve resilience to
climate impacts.
As a farmer, I want to use smart
irrigation that will enable to water
User Story my plant in many fields using clean
energy to achieve sustainable
(Solution #2) agriculture.

Acceptance Criteria:

Users should have a mobile app that will

enable him/her to read crops parameters like:
temperature , Humidity, UV ray, etc…..
To see if the solution #1 was working,I would measure the
following:the rate at which the countries are shifting
from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources like solar,
wind, hydro, and geothermal can significantly.
Climate change is a significant
problem with wide-ranging impacts
on the environment, society, and the
• Addressing climate change is
crucial to mitigate its impacts and
protect the planet and its
inhabitants. By reducing
greenhouse gas emissions,
adapting to changes, and promoting
sustainable practices, we can work
towards a more resilient and
sustainable future for all.
Here are examples of
facts on climate change.
Rising Temperatures
Increased Carbon Dioxide Levels
Melting Ice and Rising Sea Levels:
And much more…………………
1. World population
2. Governments
3. Mining companies
4. Industries CEOs
User persona
Persona 1: John, an entrepreneur Persona 2: Catelyn, a Customer Success
● Name: John Shaw Manager
● Occupation: Owner of a bookshop, ● Name: Catelyn Brown
self-employed ● Occupation: Customer Success
● Demographic: 34 years old, lives in Manager
New York. Married with a 2-year-old ● Demographic: 29 years old, lives in
child, has a middle-income level. He London, UK. Married, has a
changed his occupation 3 years ago middle-income-level.
after getting married.

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