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Trudge (7:13) From the EP "Trudge", 1985

02. Dionysious (2:45) From the album "Ceremonial: Vocals and Studio Outtakes", 2006 [recorded 1985]
03. Pios Den Mila Yia Ti Lambri (3:43) From the album "Jamahiriya Democratique et Populaire de
Sauvage", 1988
04. When All Else Fails... (3:03) From the album "Tragic Figures", 1982
05. Film Noir (3:26) From the single "Film Noir / O Andonis", 1983
06. The Birds of Pork (6:23) From the album "Customs", 1989
07. Song for Rikki (4:16) From the album "1938", 2007
08. Omonoia (4:34) From the album "Aegean", 2014
09. Sparta (4:43) From the album "Varvakios", 2012
10. Next to Nothing (3:21) From the album "Tragic Figures", 1982
11. Year of Exile (9:26) From the album "Ceremonial", 1985
12. Moujahadeen (3:24) From the album "Jamahiriya Democratique et Populaire de Sauvage", 1988
13. Mapia (4:47) From the album "Customs", 1989
14. Mobilization (3:18) From the compilation album "The Radio Tokyo Tapes", 1983
15. Siege (4:20) From the EP "Trudge", 1985
16. Hippodrome (4:20) From the album "Varvakios", 2012
17. Aegean (7:07) From the album "Aegean", 2014
18. Taranto!!! (3:14) From the single "Sword Fighter / Taranto!!!", 2009
19. Caravan (17:03) From the album "1938", 2007

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