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Ally McBeal 1x04 The Affair - Part 2 (from minute 21:20 to the end)

Useful words:

 keynote speech/ address: the main speech at a meeting or formal event, which
is given by the keynote speaker.

 To be/ get in over your head: to be or become involved in a situation in which

you do not have the necessary skills, knowledge, or money to succeed

1) Answer the following questions

a) What were Professor Dawson’s feelings towards Ally? (22:00)

b) What does Ally finally tell Professor Dawson’s widow? (23:00)
c) Why do Richard and Bill like smoking cigars? (25:00)
d) Why does Bill want to talk to Georgia? (25:40) What’s going on with her?
e) Why does Ally feel so bad about her affair? (28:00)
f) Why is Richard worry about Ally and Cheanie’s relationship? (32:00)
g) Summarize the priest’s words at the funeral (33:20-35:00)
h) Explain the confusion at the church (35:00)
i) What is Billy doing at the office so late at night? (39:00) Why?
j) What does Ally tell him about her breakup?
k) What do they do in the end? What do you think about it?

2) Complete the conversation between Ally and Cheanie (form 29:30 to 31:30)

A: ____________________________________?
C: About what?
A: Come on Ally! Some things… you go behind closed doors with Billy and it
may be innocent but all the way if I’m going into a relationship
______________________. Are you two…?
A: No!
C: ______________________?
A: _____________________________________. And I was feeling conflicted
about the fact that I was the keynote speaker at his funeral and the widow:
____________________ or whether the love had completed dried out in their
marriage and the truth seemed brutal _________________________________
A: I knew you were gonna get stuck on that. No, no_____________________?
C: Why didn’t you come to me? __________________________
A: I don’t know. I just _______________________________
C: Well, I think you are right
A: ________________________ (thinking)
C: Look, I’m still interested. I still…I’m gonna change overmuch just to be in
over my head
A: Ronnie the last few days have hardly been typical
C: ________________________ The next turn when I come tomorrow we just
don’t know what it is going to be yet. And you? Even if I was mature enough to
handle this Billy thing, I don’t wanna be. I like being jealous. I like being
A: Ronnie ____________________________________
C: No. I realize it is probably my lost but there are just some victories I’m not
equipped to handle

Can we talk about it?
Being confused isn’t my favourite
Then what?
In my third year at Law school I had an affair with a dead professor
She really needed to know whether it was a sex thing
And I am not a good liar so I’ve been going behind closed doors with Billy to
confess and get his advice
Did you have an affair with your Professor?
Didn’t you hear the rest of what I said?
To confess or for advice
Didn’t think we were quite ready for that
I know that tone
But… they have}
Just give me a couple more days. Can you at least do that?

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