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Maria Alejandra Guerrero Arango-Mariana Gonzalez Mina

Caused by a malfunction
in the way the brain
processes pain signals,
resulting in widespread
pain, fatigue, and other

Fibromyalgia causes
pain in your muscles. It
can also make you feel
fatigued and cause
mental symptoms like
memory problems.
Experts don’t know what
causes fibromyalgia —
and there’s no cure for
Caused by wear and tear
on the joints over time,
leading to pain, stiffness,
and loss of mobility.

In osteoarthritis, the
protective cartilage on the
ends of your bones breaks
down, causing pain,
swelling and problems
moving the joint. Bony
growths can develop, and
the area can become
swollen and red.
With fibromyalgia the
FYBROMYALGIA IS MORE swelling is bigger than in
THAN OSTEOARTHRITIS the osteoarthritis

Fibromyalgia is stronger and

more common in women
than osteoarthritis

Fibromyalgia is acuter in
muscles than osteoarthritis

Fibromyalgia is stranger
disease than osteoarthritis.
Because its diagnostic has
not been scientifically

People with fibromyalgia

have a lower level of
concentration than people
with osteoarthritis. Because
this disease directly affects
the nervous system
Osteoarthritis is deadlier
OSTEOARTHRITIS IS MORE than fibromyalgia
THAN FYBROMYALGIA Osteoarthritis is graver
than fibromyalgia because
it affects the autoimmune

Osteoarthritis causes
people to feel sorer than
fibromyalgia. Because
fibromyalgia only generates
intermittent pain appear
and disappear

Osteoarthritis generates a
wider damage to joints,
degenerating and wearing
away the bones than

Osteoarthritis is stronger
and more common in older
people than fibromyalgia,
and has a scientifically
proven diagnostic
Fibromyalgia- Osteoarthritis

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