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You have been selected to present a paper in a conference in your County on

the changing role of teachers and parents in the digital age especially in the
advent of Competence Based Curriculum in Kenya. Prepare a paper that you will
present where you exhaustively explain each idea.

In today's world, technology plays an important role in our lives. With the advent of new
technologies, such as the internet, smartphones, and tablets, the role of teachers and parents
in the digital age has changed dramatically.

Teachers have always been responsible for teaching students how to use technology effectively.
However, with the advent of Competence Based Curriculum, teachers must also teach students
how to use technology to achieve specific goals. For example, a student may need to use a
computer to research a topic for a school project.

Parents also play an important role in the digital age. With the advent of smartphones and
tablets, parents can easily monitor their children's online activity. Additionally, parents can help
their children learn how to use technology to achieve specific goals. For example, a parent can
help a child learn how to use a computer to create a website.

Overall, the role of teachers and parents in the digital age has changed dramatically. With the
advent of Competence Based Curriculum, teachers must teach students how to use technology
to achieve specific goals. Additionally, parents can help their children goals.

The changing role of teachers and parents in the digital age has been a topic of much debate in
recent years. While there are many benefits to the use of technology in the classroom, there
are also concerns that the digital age is changing the way teachers and parents interact. In this
paper, I will explore the reasons why teachers and parents are changing their role in the digital
age, and discuss the implications of this change.
One of the most obvious changes in the role of teachers and parents in the digital age is the
way that they communicate. In the past, teachers and parents would communicate primarily
through face-to-face interactions. However, with the advent of technology, teachers and
parents are now able to communicate with each other through digital mediums such as email,
text messages, and social media

Second benefits of using digital mediums to communicate is that they are more efficient. For
example, email is a very efficient way to communicate with multiple people at once.
Additionally, digital mediums allow for more creative and interactive communication. For
example, text messages allow for more detailed communication, and social media allows for
more interactive communication. As the digital age continues to evolve, so too does the role of
teachers and parents in relation to digital literacy. In Kenya, as in many other countries, the
advent of Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) has led to a shift in the way that students are
taught. In the past, most Kenyan students were taught through a rote memorization approach,
which is no longer effective in the digital age

Third, students need to be able to use digital tools and resources to be successful in today's
world. In order to help students become proficient in digital literacy, teachers need to provide
them with the appropriate training. This training should cover topics such as how to use digital
tools and resources, how to create and share content, and how to use digital technology to

Fourth, Parents also play an important role in helping their children become proficient in digital
literacy. They can help their children learn how to use digital tools and resources, how to create
and share content, and how to use digital technology to learn. Parents can also help their
children learn how to be safe online.

Fifth, it is important to understand that technology is not a replacement for teachers. Rather, it
can be used in conjunction with teachers to help students learn. For example, teachers can use
technology to the students learn how to use technology. For example, teachers can use
technology to help students learn how to use Google search.

Six, it is important to understand that technology is not a replacement for parents. Rather, it
can be used in conjunction with parents to help students learn. For example, parents can use
technology to help students learn how to use technology. For example, parents can use
technology to help students learn how to use Google search.

Seven, it is important to understand that technology is not a replacement for traditional

education. Rather, it can be used in conjunction with traditional education to help students
learn. For example, the students can use technology to help them learn and understand more
about their culture both at school and at home.

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