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Naomi Cohen

elementary music educator and freelance musician | | 603-521-0429

Education and Licensure:

Master of Music: Music Education (3-Summer Program) Anticipated August 2025

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Bachelor of Music: Music Education (Vocal Concentration) May 2021

Minor in Theatre
Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA
Magna Cum Laude, GPA 3.7/4.0
Massachusetts Initial Teaching License Expires August 2026
Music: Vocal/Instrumental/General, All Levels
Pennsylvania Instructional I Teaching License Issued June 2021
Instructional I Music PK-12 (7205)

Teaching Experience:
Music Teacher, Center School (Nashoba Regional School District) Aug. 2023-Present
Lenore Zavalick, principal
 Taught 340 students grades K-5 twice weekly for 30 minutes
 Rehearsed 3 grade-level choirs (3rd, 4th, 5th) to present annual concert
 Developed and supported musical foundations in students with limited musical experience
 Cultivated lessons to meet standards-based curriculum
 Utilized music from diverse musicians to teach grade-level standards

Music Specialist, Muraco Elementary School (Winchester Public Schools) Aug. 2021-June 2023
Leslie West, principal; Mary Costello, department head
 Taught 340 students grades K-5 twice weekly for 30 minutes
 Developed and supported musical foundations in students with inconsistent musical experience
 Prepared students for new performance opportunities (3 grade-level-pair concerts)
 Utilized music from diverse musicians to teach grade-level standards

Children’s Music Director, Riverbend Youth Company June 2022-Aug. 2022

Robin Lacroix, Artistic Director
 Instructed 20 students aged 10-16 for one summer musical (The Big Bad Musical)
 Supported younger students in singing harmony
 Collaborated with director and choreographer to coordinate rehearsal efficiency

Children’s Class Assistant, Susquehanna University Music Prep Program Sept. 2018-April 2021
Dr. Adrienne Rodriguez, supervisor and lead teacher
 Taught 2-5 30-minute classes a week for groups of children (and caregivers) ages 0-5
 Taught similar curriculum in-person and remotely
 Utilized varied curriculum sources in developing lesson plans

Ukulele Teacher, Susquehanna University Music Prep Program Feb. 2021-May 2021
Grace Kenny, supervisor
 Taught virtual weekly 30-minute lessons to one third-grade student
 Incorporated strum patterns, chords, and songwriting into weekly lessons

Rehearsal Assistant, Susquehanna Strings Community Orchestra Sept. 2019-Feb. 2020

Dr. Jennifer Sacher Wiley, music director
 Demonstrated proficiency on violin and cello
 Assisted younger ensemble members with music literacy skills
 Arranged seating for more than 20 players ages 8-adult
 Rehearsed and conducted through repertoire

Teaching Assistant (TA) Experience at Susquehanna University:

MUSC 084: Diction I Fall 2018

Dr. David Steinau, instructor; first-year students
Introduces the international phonetic alphabet and the principles of making phonetic transcriptions of
Italian, French and German texts. Basic pronunciation skills are also practiced.
MUSC 263: Ear Training III Fall 2019
Dr. Jaime Namminga, instructor; second- and third-year students
Advanced sight singing and dictation in all diatonic modes, including two-part and four-part dictation.
MUSC 265: Ear Training IV Spring 2020
Dr. Jaime Namminga, instructor; second- and third-year students
Advanced sight singing and dictation including distant modulation, fragmented tonality and non-diatonic
pitch collections.

Related Work Experience:

Office Assistant, Susquehanna University Music Admissions Sept. 2018-May 2021
Sara Adams, supervisor
 Supervised Audition Day volunteers
 Coordinated Department social media accounts
 Controlled confidential information from students and faculty

Performance Experience:
Staff Singer, Trinity Parish of Newton Centre Sept. 2022-Present
Joshua T. Lawton, music director
 Professional 8-10 voice choir for small Episcopalian parish
 Perform two weekly anthems, plus hymns and other service music with no midweek rehearsal
 Repertoire includes composers such as Purcell, Sowerby, and Loosemore

Young Artist, CORO Vocal Artists June 2021-Aug. 2021

Dr. Phil Moody, artistic director
 6-week residency at Simpson College for summer Choral Conducting program
 Rehearsed and performed 7 choral concerts for graduate conductors, including lab choir
 Rehearsed choral/orchestral masterworks such as Vivaldi’s Gloria and J.S. Bach’s BWV 140

Alto Section Leader/Quartet, Milford United Methodist Church Dec. 2018-Aug. 2022
Jennifer Erdody, music director; Heidi Rocha, quartet director
 Perform weekly choral anthem, hymns, and as-needed vocal offertory music
 Performed more than 10 solos and small-group pieces as needed (soprano, alto, tenor)
 Led warm-ups and rehearsals of choral anthems in director’s absence
 Performed as cantor for responsive readings
 Provided weekly soprano, alto, and/or tenor audio recordings for virtual performances
 Arranged, recorded, and edited one virtual chapel choir performance
 Performed in chapel handbell choir

Student Scholarship Singer, Susquehanna Valley Chorale Sept. 2019-Dec. 2020

Dr. William Payn, music director
 Performed two in-person concerts in Fall/Winter 2019
 Performed in three virtual choir presentations in 2020
 Provided practice tracks for the Alto II section

Positions of Leadership:
Sigma Alpha Iota, Professional Music Fraternity (Sigma Omega Chapter) Initiated April 2018
Current Affiliate of the Boston Alumnae Chapter Affiliated Sept. 2022
Vice President, Membership Spring 2020
 Prepared nine members-in-training for exam on fraternity history, purpose, and goals
 Adapted to virtual instruction at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic
 Collaborated with current members in multiple states to ship supplies and gifts to members-in-
Recital Committee Chair Spring 2021
 Coordinated volunteer ushers for all music department events
 Communicated between two organizations to recruit volunteers
 Ordered and picked up roses weekly for weekend performances
Sisterhood Committee Co-Chair Fall 2020
 Planned and executed informal sisterhood gatherings such as group dinners
 Collaborated with co-chair and committee to brainstorm and implement ideas
Events Committee Co-Chair Fall 2018-Spring 2019
 Planned fall philanthropy event, the Rose Bowl (powderpuff football game)
 Communicated with other campus Greek Life organizations to arrange playing teams and
 Organized concessions and ticket sales

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