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Practical Asset Pricing ECM 152

Class 3
Fabio Calonaci
Semester C, 2023

1. Define the compromise effect. Provide an example and discuss it. Solution:

• The compromise effect is a crucial behavioural impulse when designing prices

• Customers often choose the mid-priced option to protect themselves from mak-
ing a bad choice

• The implication here is that one can increase profits by adding a low-price or
high-price option in addition to an existing product

• Needs to be same brand

- Studies shows that if you add a premium brand as a decoy product it does
not have the shift consumers from low-price option to mid-price option

• Example: Nike has 3 level of shoes to incentive the middle level. Shell has 3
types of gasoline.

2. A company is considering launching a new smartphone model in the market. They

believe that the unique features of the phone will provide a perceived differentiation
value to customers. The company estimates that the annual revenue from the phone,
without the perceived differentiation value, will be $5 million. However, they antic-
ipate that if the phone has the perceived differentiation value, the annual revenue
will increase to $8 million. The additional cost associated with providing the per-
ceived differentiation value is estimated to be $1.5 million per year. Calculate the
economic value to the customer (EVC) based on the perceived differentiation value.

To calculate the economic value to the customer (EVC) based on the perceived dif-
ferentiation value, we need to consider the additional revenue and the additional cost
associated with the perceived differentiation value.
The additional revenue from the perceived differentiation value is given by:

• Additional Revenue = Revenue with Perceived Differentiation - Revenue without

Perceived Differentiation

Substituting the given values:
Additional Revenue = $8, 000, 000 − $5, 000, 000 = $3, 000, 000
The economic value to the customer (EVC) is the additional revenue minus the
additional cost:
EVC = Additional Revenue − Additional Cost
Substituting the given values:
EVC = $3, 000, 000 − $1, 500, 000 = $1, 500, 000
Therefore, the economic value to the customer (EVC) based on the perceived differ-
entiation value is $1,500,000.
3. Nespresso, has developed a new green coffee machine able to let the people save energy
and produce better coffee. Relative to buy a normal machine, an customer would
save $150 in electricity costs, $75 in government discount for buying green coffee
machine and $50 in water costs. What is the differentiation value of the company
ABC? Define.
Differentiation value = $150+$75+$50

Differentiation value = value of a products attribute difference between your offering

and the closest substitute (+ or -)
4. Using the setting of question 2. Find the ECV of the new coffee machine, knowing
the competitor price is $150 and the government taxes old coffee machines since not
green of $25.
ECV = ($275 + $25) + $150

The government taxes has to be seen as additional differentiation value since offered
to all the new green coffee machine.
5. Google has developed a very storage system. Google guarantees a crash occurance
of low than 5% a year for the first 5 years while its competitor Aruba of 11% over
the same period. Google has operating cost/hour of $55; the competitor is cheaper
and requires only $30 If the system crash this issue will cost your company $450,000.
You are planning to use this server for 2,500 hours a year. The competitor price is
$295,000. What is the EVC for StableServer?
A. $ 9750
B. $ 10300
C. $ 9500
D. $ 8000
Solution: C

Reference value = $295,000

Positive differentiation value = (0.11-0.05)*$450,000 = $27,000 (costs saved from

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using Google servers)
Negative differentiation value = (55-30)*2,500*5 = $312,500 (added costs from using
Google servers)
EVC = $295,000 + $27,000 - $312,500 = $9,500

6. Ariston produces microwaves and has two lines of product on the market, Top Product
and Low Product . Top Product has a mark-up of 26% while Low Product of 14%.
The fix cost of the company faces every month to run its activity is $123000: 55%
for Top product and 45% for Low one. The variable costs for the 2 products are 45%
and 55% of the fix. What are the prices of the 2 products?
A. $ 84628.2 & $ 52200.0
B. $ 79012.8 & $ 49276.8
C. $ 79012.8 & $ 52200.0
D. $ 43878.3 & $ 28468.3
E. $ 73915.2 & $ 55800.0
Solution: E

P rice = (1 + % markup)(Unit Variable Cost + Average Fixed Cost)

P riceHigh = (1 + 0.26)((123000 ∗ 0.55) + (123000 ∗ 0.55 ∗ 0.45))

P riceLow = (1 + 0.14)((123000 ∗ 0.45) + (123000 ∗ 0.45 ∗ 0.55))

7. Explain how timing strategies can affect the customer evaluation. Discuss how reduce
the perceived pain of the payment

• Getting the timing of pricing right can actually aid how much consumers enjoy
your good

• Basically, consumers prefer to avoid a payment that is timed when either they
are enjoying the good, or when they expect in particular to not enjoy the good

• Decouple the pain of paying from consumption for experience goods

- E.g. people are willing to pre-pay and pay a premium for things they enjoy
(such as vacations, phones etc.)

• Decouple the pain of paying from the pain of learning how to use a technology

- Customers are more likely to switch if they do not have to pay full price for
a technology service in the same month they learn how to use it
– Decouple pain of paying from possibility of bad experience of products

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