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1/ Crusoe climbed to the top of the hill to see if he was really on an island, and

there was a cave where he can build shelter for himself.

2/ Crusoe sets out to find a new place for his camp. He needs a location with
water, shelter from the sun, security from attack, and a view of the sea. He finds
a "little Plain on the Side of a rising Hill" that fits the bill .The first thing Crusoe
does is build a fence around his camp to protect himself. He sets up two tents,
carries his provisions inside, and then digs into the side of the rocky hill to make
a sort of cellar.
3/ He was excited because he could bring it home.
4/ At the beginning, Crusoe was terrified, stressed and all his concerns were to
find a shelter, food to survive as he was alone on the island, and after he find
out the money on the ship he became so excited to find a way to leave the
island and go back to his country as a rich man.
5/ The ship falls into the sea.

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