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Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management

Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Mgmt 10, 224–232 (2003)

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/csr.043


Leigh Holland*

De Montfort University, UK

Ecological footprinting is an accounting INTRODUCTION

tool that seeks to quantify the biological
capacity that is required to support usiness activity causes environmental
human activity. It has been used at the
city or country level, but as yet it has not
been applied at the lowest level of
B impacts – often negatively – and whilst
some exemplar companies (for instance
those engaged with Project Sigma) are making
attempts to mitigate these impacts, many busi-
economic activity – the business
nesses seem reluctant to respond to calls for
enterprise. In order to assess its better environmental performance. The lack of
usefulness the technique is reviewed real engagement of businesses in understand-
alongside other management tools for ing environmental issues may stem from
assessing the environmental performance inertia through insufficient awareness or moti-
of commercial organizations. This will vation, financial constraints, poor legislative
then enable the business to develop pressure or the absence of a champion in the
environmental management systems and field. It may be more fundamental than this:
strategies to improve environmental business is an important part of the current
performance and eco-efficiency. liberal economic framework, and as such may
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd have no real desire for change (Gray et al.,
and ERP Environment. 1996). This is despite surveys that reveal a
greater amount of activity in environmental
management strategies (see, for instance,
Received 10 July 2001 O’Riordan and Voisey, 1997). It is also relevant
Revised 3 September 2002 that environmental impacts are less readily
Accepted 14 April 2003 identifiable than economic success, particu-
larly to so-called ‘non-specialists’ (Mathews,
1991). This lack of greater awareness appears
* Correspondence to: Leigh Holland, Department of Accounting
to conflict with activities in environmental
and Finance, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE2 management at the firm level, and it is sug-
3AG, UK. E-mail: gested that this may be a second order
response (i.e. dealing with the problem) to a
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. first order problem (i.e. an understanding or

awareness of the extent to which environmen- business context there has yet emerged one
tal degradation is occurring and why). Hence, mechanism that can inform all of the above
how are businesses to be engaged in a dialogue stages. Some of the more recent frameworks
that aims to address environmental impacts? are reported below, with an emphasis on the
What would need to happen for businesses to internal management’s choices for examining
recognize, measure and manage their environ- its organization’s environmental performance.
mental performance? In this way the internal processes, by moving
to an external focus, can begin to inform the
dialogue with stakeholders.
Economic activity and productivity requires ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE
ecological inputs of raw materials, energy and AND EFFECT
social inputs of labour and human-made
capital, and the ecosphere’s ability to absorb Many different management approaches have
wastes and pollution (Ekins and Max-Neef, been suggested and taken up. They often
1992). Environmental sustainability could be reflect a particular management position, moti-
described as the systemic approach that allows vation or philosophy, and may be internally
economic activity to be bounded by environ- generated or externally provided. Environ-
mental limits. mental management systems such as the
Environmental management within an orga- European Eco-Management and Audit
nization is developed in a series of actions Scheme (EMAS) (European Union, 1993) and
taken by management and requires economic the International Standard ISO 14000 series
activities to be analysed for their environmen- (International Standards Organisation, 1996)
tal impacts. What is required is a mechanism encourage businesses to identify their environ-
that will inform all of the elements of the cycle mental impacts in order to manage them
(Figure 1), and be acceptable, understandable, (Welford and Gouldson, 1993). These empha-
transparent and replicable in many circum- size a cycle of continuous improvement, with
stances. There has been much development in regular review and amendment where neces-
the ‘business and the environment’ field in sary. Both have been established and imple-
many respects, but it is unclear whether in a mented by medium and large business and
statutory organizations. EMAS is undergoing a
revision that will allow it to be more respon-
sive to stakeholders and more able to respond
Strategy and policy formulation to the identification of indirect impacts (IEMA,
2000). These schemes and systems are in the
traditional mould of management systems –
Improving management processes
they provide a systematic, ordered, rational
view of management, which may undermine
Improving environmental performance
the nature of managing for environmental
impacts. They are general, universal manage-
ment approaches, which tend to treat the envi-
ronment alongside other management issues
such as quality, human resources etc.
Greater accountability to stakeholders
Another mechanism involves one of the
Figure 1. The cycle of environmental management main information systems in the organization

Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Mgmt 10, 224–232 (2003)


– the accounting information system. Environ- 1993). This has been taken up in Germany,
mental management accounting proposes to Austria and Scandinavia (for instance by the
make the organization more transparent Danish Steel Works) by manufacturing organi-
(Bennett and James, 1998). The US Environ- zations and highlights those parts of the
mental Protection Agency’s (1995) environ- process that create the most environmental
mental accounting project suggests that the impact. Unlike environmental management
accounting system should be redesigned to accounting, which assesses environmental per-
reveal costs that have an environmental formance in monetary units, the measurements
element, but that would not be analysed as are made in physical units, and are somewhat
such. Examples would be costs associated with scientific in nature, and so lose potency
compliance, insurance needed because a because of their limited understandability.
process has an environmental risk, costs or These are all valuable measurement mecha-
benefits associated with recycling and so on. nisms, and they can all be employed without
The framework suggested by the EPA is incre- too much disruption to the business’ current
mental; that is, it suggests that private costs be management information systems. Their main
accounted for in this manner at first, but it is drawback is that they lack a holistic approach
hoping that public (societal) costs will also at – the focus tends to be on the effect of individ-
some stage be incorporated. In this way an ual environmental impacts rather than defin-
organization responds to its measurement of ing the overall problem/solution.
impacts in a stepwise manner, dealing with
those that are easier to identify first (US Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency, 1995). This THE ECOLOGICAL
allows transparency in stages, and, with the FOOTPRINT METHODOLOGY
commitment of senior management, begins to
make managers more accountable for the envi- One measuring technique that has been used
ronmental performance of the organization. to indicate community environmental impacts
However, these mechanisms will only be (whether on a city, region or national resolu-
acceptable to stakeholders if the outcomes tion) is the ecological footprint (EF). This mea-
from such a system generate actual change. sures the biological capacity – measured as the
Life cycle analysis and environmental amount of productive land and/or water sup-
impact analysis are broad tools for examining porting human activities and required to
business activities beyond the physical bound- sustain human life – and was developed as a
aries of the entity walls (Ditz et al., 1995). These theoretical model and empirically tested by
have been taken up, for instance, where busi- Rees and Wackernagel (1996). The concept is
nesses have analysed their supply chains and linked to the ecological carrying capacity com-
traced their products through a ‘cradle to puted for a habitat, which will be given by the
grave’ pathway. This enables them to assess population of a species supported by that
environmental effects outside their immediate ecosystem without the species causing damage
(internal, via processes within their organiza- (O’Riordan, 1996). However, human activity is
tion) influence, where a partnership approach not bounded in such a spatial way, because
with suppliers has provided a means to reduce trade and technology allow us to exploit habi-
environmental impacts along a wider part of tats far from our living space (Rees, 1996).
the life cycle. A similar approach is the mass What can be calculated is the resource base
balance methodology, which aims to trace needed for human activity and the sinks
materials through the system, showing inputs needed to assimilate the waste flows. This can
of raw material and energy and outputs of then be translated into productive land capac-
product, emissions and waste (Gray et al., ity, and measures human demands upon the

Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Mgmt 10, 224–232 (2003)


environment wherever it occurs (Wackernagel, community in order for it to continue its

undated web-site). Land categories are broadly current consumption patterns).
the following. This is an anthropocentric approach
(Hayward, 1996) because it is concerned with
• Land for energy. There are several potential
human activity and human requirements for
categories: land area that could be used for
life. The method requires knowledge of the
growing biomass, the land area required
interactions between humans and ecology
to absorb (sequestrate) CO2 or the land
(Rees, 1996), and it does assess biospherical
required to grow replacement natural
impacts in a very graphical way, as it helps to
capital, for instance.
record the impact humans are having on the
• Built land. This is consumed by human-
natural world. In this way the model does
made infrastructure.
attempt to measure the excesses of human
• Food land. This is ‘agricultural’ in that it is the
activity in a way that allows solutions to some
area required to grow food consumed either
of those excesses to be developed.
directly or indirectly in the human food
Wackernagel’s (1998a) study of the footprint
of Santiago de Chile identified the model as
• Forest land. Here land is needed to provide
useful for cities because
forest products – wood and paper. This is
not forest required to absorb CO2, which will • most of the world’s population live in cities,
be counted in the first category above. • most of the political decisions are made by
• Sea area. This is the area of water required for city-based organizations,
fish productivity. • the majority of economic processes take
place within cities (excluding agribusiness)
Globally, according to Rees and Wackernagel
(1996), the eco-capacity is calculated at 1.5
• these economic processes create ecological
hectares per person. Many Northern cities far
impacts that are felt locally and globally.
exceed this footprint.
Impacts are related to the level of consump- Hence, the footprint technique is important in
tion and not merely to the level of population, the planning context because it allows an
so that the footprint of the ‘average’ Northern assessment of the current condition of the city
city may be expected to be much larger than and provides a framework in which ecological
the equivalent in the South. This means that impacts can begin to be addressed. In policy
‘load’ is a function of population and per terms it is not important to consider the actual
capita consumption (Rees, 1996). The footprint productive land available but that required.
methodology also compares this human ‘load’ This removes the problem of assessing land
with the underlying ecological carrying capac- availability and the complexity of segregating
ity to see how far short capacity falls compared ‘special’ or ‘protected’ areas. It also allows a
with required load. The footprint therefore graphical portrayal of the excess of environ-
deals with ‘appropriated’ carrying capacity, so mental inputs that is needed for an activity to
that it can show what area of productive land be sustained.
is required to support humans at a specified
material living standard (see Table 1).
This graphically describes how a commu- THE METHODOLOGY
nity’s consumption of the environment far out- APPLIED TO BUSINESS
strips the potential availability of such an
environment if all communities were to make Simmons and Chambers (1998) identified the
the same demand (or how other communities use of footprints for a variety of situations such
would have to ‘donate’ their share to London’s as

Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Mgmt 10, 224–232 (2003)


Table 1. The metabolism of Greater London, population 7 000 000. These figures quantify London’s resource use. They
are listed here to emphasize the huge potential for greater resource efficiency. London’s waste output could be used as
a significant resource for new recycling and energy efficiency industries.

Inputs Tonnes per year

Total tonnes of fuel, oil equivalent 20 000 000

Oxygen 40 000 000
Water 1 002 000 000
Food 2 400 000
Timber 1 200 000
Paper 2 200 000
Plastics 2 100 000
Glass 360 000
Cement 1 940 000
Bricks, blocks, sand and tarmac 6 000 000
Metals (total) 1 200 000

Wastes Tonnes per year

Industrial and demolition wastes 11 400 000

Household, civic and commercial wastes 3 900 000
Wet, digested sewage sludge 7 500 000
CO2 60 000 000
SO2 400 000
NOx 280 000

London’s ecological footprinta Acres

London’s surface area 390 000

Farmland used @ 3 acres/person 21 000 000
Forest area required by London for wood products @ 0.27 acres/person 1 900 000
Land area required for carbon absorption (equal to acreage required for fuel production 26 000 000
and biomass) @ 3.7 acres/person
Total London ecological footprint = 125 times London’s surface area 48 900 000
Britain’s productive land 52 000 000
Britain’s total surface area 60 000 000
London’s ecological footprint, following the definition by Canadian economist William Rees, consists of the land area
required to supply London with food, fibre and wood products and the area of growing vegetation needed to reabsorb
London’s CO2 output.
@ Herbert Girardet, 1995 and 1996;

• the impact of international trade sible to assess how much of the biosphere is
• the impact of individual establishments required to maintain the activities of the busi-
• the sustainability of individual planning ness, and, if so, whether the capacity required
applications is likely to cause ecological impacts that are
• the impacts of cities and larger institutions. unsustainable. In this way business environ-
mental impacts are linked to a wider appre-
If the model of ecological footprinting is useful ciation of how the environment is being
for a variety of situations, and given that eco- appropriated. Management of environmental
nomic activity is one of the parameters in this impacts can then be linked to greater aware-
model, can ecological footprints be calculated ness of the role of business in environmental
for businesses? In other words, it may be pos- damage and restoration.

Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Mgmt 10, 224–232 (2003)


Hence, this would indicate that at the level recorded. It may be more difficult to produce
of individual businesses, ecological footprints amounts of non-controlled emissions and
may present a means of capturing information pollution, and the amounts of gases such as
on environmental impacts and aspects. So, CO2 and NOx may need further calculation.
footprinting at the level of the organization However, the organization should have
can act as a management tool, enabling enough information in its existing systems to
individual businesses to address their envi- be able to begin to apply the ecological foot-
ronmental performance by identifying un- printing methodology.
sustainable demands on the biosphere, and
alternative uses of capital.

THE METHODOLOGY Chambers and Lewis (2001) have identified
two organizations where the ecological foot-
It is considered that, before it can be used at the print has been applied: Anglian Water and Best
policy level, organizations must first commit to Foot Forward, a consultancy organization.
the methodology and begin their own calcula- Their analysis of the process and outcomes is
tions. It is unlikely that this would happen if very detailed and very informative, and pro-
the methodology were complex or that there vides a detailed methodology for the two
was a requirement to have a separate data col- companies studied. The authors also provide
lection system. Organizations usually already a critique of both the background and the
have sophisticated information systems in methods of information capture, which estab-
place for management and accounting pur- lishes the EF as both a tool for internal mea-
poses, and these should be able (perhaps with surement and for external communication.
some adaptation) to provide the basic infor- For instance, Chambers and Lewis (2001)
mation for the ecological footprint calculation. identified the service unit, which was the
Organizations would pose the question of how essential first stage. For Anglian Water this was
a business would use its existing information the value per ML of water; for BFF it was the
to assess its own footprint. value per consultancy project. These were then
Businesses require an effective information normalized to a common unit, for instance
system to be able to conduct their activities. profit, turnover etc. To avoid double counting
Management information systems allow the for such items as materials, either the inputs
control and planning of activities, and deci- stage or the waste outputs stage should be
sion-making in both the short and long term. used.
Accounting information feeds into this and Chambers and Lewis use the EF in several
will consist of a mass of financial data. For ways – as an internal management tool, as a
instance, energy consumption in terms of means of communication, as a consensus-
amounts paid will be recorded, and the under- building tool at the strategic and policy level
lying records will also record unit consump- and as a prediction tool. This is a fair assess-
tion. Amounts spent on waste disposal will ment of the potential of the EF, but for many
also help to identify quantities produced. Non- businesses this may confuse the purpose for
financial data will include the source of raw which they wish to use it. It could be argued
materials and the method of transporting that without a clearly developed management
goods from suppliers and to customers. Where information system, the other features of EF
there are emissions controlled by regulations, thus identified will have little power (and pos-
the amounts produced will have to be sibly little information content).

Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Mgmt 10, 224–232 (2003)


DEFICIENCIES IN The methodology does not distinguish

THE METHODOLOGY between the types of environmental capital
that may be consumed or required. Capital can
There are some problems with estimating foot- be non-renewable, and in some cases critical
prints and with the methodology in general. (as in the ozone layer), or it may be renewable
Footprints measure impact in a general way; and substitutable (as in solar or wind energy
that is, they assume that the impact measured sources) (Gray et al., 1993). Whilst the method-
will have the same effect on the productivity ology is not explicitly concerned with actual
of land wherever and whenever it occurs. use of capital, but a measurement of required
In other words, the methodology assumes a capital, nevertheless different business activi-
linear relationship of impact with effect, but in ties may require the consumption of different
reality ecological pathways are complex and categories of capital. The ecological footprint
rarely show total linearity over the whole scale. does not capture this element of environmen-
Pollutants reach threshold limits above which tal use. In using biological capacity to measure
there is little scope for damage (as all the pos- environmental uptake, the footprint technique
sible damage has occurred); trace elements are assumes that all capital is renewable and
beneficial to plants at low levels, but toxic at substitutable. By converting environmental
higher concentrations, and acid rain may cause demands into biological productivity, no addi-
damage or have a fertilizing effect depend- tional weighting is given to capital actually
ing upon local conditions and circumstances consumed, which may itself be critical or
(Levett, 1998). Also, biocapacity is determined non-renewable. The methodology therefore
by the production and assimilation of natural provides a proxy, which may not be equiva-
substances. Human-made materials are long lent to the actual processes occurring in the
lived and often have no counterpart in nature. environment.
Therefore, assimilation is often very difficult or In the same vein, ecological footprints
impossible. Hence, the ecological footprint for cannot capture the eco-justice elements of sus-
such substances will be infinite (Holmberg et tainability – it cannot assess how business
al., 1999). Human-made substances are there- activity contributes towards human fulfilment,
fore specifically excluded form the ecological for instance, or whether human rights are
footprint calculations (Holmberg et al., 1999). being upheld (Holmberg et al., 1999).
Ecological footprints do not deal with risks Other problems relate to the reduction of all
and uncertainties in a consistent way. For impacts to a single ‘currency’, i.e. land biopro-
instance, nuclear power presents a low ductivity. This raises two questions – different
risk/high damage scenario (bff web page, impacts may generate the same footprint, but
undated) and the public’s aversion to the use do they really represent the same amount or
of nuclear power cannot be accounted for in significance of impact? Second, if land has
the same kind of scientific way as amounts of other qualitative characteristics such as aes-
pollution produced. Similarly, the footprint thetics or cultural value, how is this to be
cannot incorporate the views of future gene- ‘reserved’ so that it too has a place in the foot-
rations (an important consideration in the print? Therefore land (i.e. environmental
concept of sustainability (WCED, 1987)). resources) appropriated for business activities
Hence, there are aspects of the footprint calcu- cannot be assigned an alternative use value in
lation that must involve value judgements this model.
(Levett, 1998), qualitative assessments and a Similarly, if the concept is human based, it
certain amount of social constructionism (in does not incorporate the footprint required by
determining which environmental issues are other species. The WCED Report (1987) sug-
important). gests that 12% of bioproductivity should be

Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Mgmt 10, 224–232 (2003)


reserved for other species so that biodiversity environmental performance. Land area is a
is maintained, and this suggests that the foot- readily identifiable quantity and therefore has
print calculation should include a ‘biodiversity the benefit of being understandable by many
reserve’ (Rees and Wackernagel, 1996). people (Simmons and Chambers, 1998) and so
Another consideration is whether the con- is useful as a means of estimating environ-
cept of footprinting will be subsumed into mental impact. It is clear that footprinting does
economic analysis by considering the environ- have its drawbacks, but its strength lies in its
ment as a commodity that can be traded as any ability to focus the argument and provide an
other good. If, for instance, a level of biopro- impetus for debate. It may provide feedback
ductivity is allocated to business activity as a mechanisms so that business activity is
whole, it may be possible to imagine a market provided with a monitoring process where
in tradeable bioproductivity where gains (i.e. improvements in performance can be mea-
smaller land areas needed) by one organization sured and reinforce and strengthen the frame-
are traded with another needing a greater bio- work in which the measurement takes place. It
logical capacity. Hence, the same arguments is likely that footprinting will help business to
would apply as are currently rehearsed in frame policy issues rather than providing
terms of tradable pollution permits. absolute solutions (Levett, 1998, Wackernagel,
In order for the methodology to be applica- 1998a) – for instance policies on energy effi-
ble to businesses, we would need to reconsider ciency can be framed in terms of alternative
what the footprint itself is telling us, and in sources rather than absolute amounts to be
what context that appeared. Before businesses used. Another strength of the model lies in its
took up the methodology they would need to ability as a consensus builder, and that it helps
appreciate the underlying concept of environ- to make the hidden aspects of business more
mental sustainability. This may be the biggest visible (Wackernagel, 1998b). It links natural
disadvantage to the practical application of the science’s ability to assess the human impact
technique – if managers do not have a clear on nature and the social science study of
vision of the need for greater environmental ethics and the allocation of responsibility
sustainability, or an understanding of what this (Wackernagel, 1998b). This is perhaps its great-
means, then the results of any footprinting cal- est strength – to incorporate hard science and
culations will be at best difficult to relate to ethical intuition into the assessment of busi-
outcomes, and at worst unusable in preventing ness activity, so that we may ask the question
further environmental damage. Hence, what of how we want businesses to behave in
is necessary is a broad understanding of the respect of the ecological world.
scientific underpinning of the methodology
coupled with an awareness of its general appli-
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Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Mgmt 10, 224–232 (2003)


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