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Good morning to everyone.

I am
here to present a speech on climate
change. The climate is the
environment we live in, directly
connected with the sun, earth,
ocean, wind, rain, snow, forest,
desert & everything we do. Say
today’s climate here can be
described by temperature, humidity
& rainfall, etc. The biggest threat is
this fast-changing climate which is
getting even worse day by day.

One of the scariest realities is that

we humans have contributed the
greatest to climate change. Over
the last several decades, the
change is very significant & leading
us towards a darker future. Global
warming is a phenomenon that
results in a gradual increase in
temperature over some time.
Earth’s atmosphere always worked
as a greenhouse which captures the
heat & energy required from the sun
supporting life on earth.

However, the increase in

greenhouse gases due to several
human activities has led to a
situation that resulted in the
warmest years in history since
recorded. After 2010 there has been
five warmest year. Another
concerning problem is the increase
in sea level on a global scale due to
ocean temperature. Due to which
the ice glaciers, ice caps are
melting much faster than the natural

According to scientists, the

frequency of drought has increased
tremendously due to the uneven
rainfall in several areas, which is
relatively less than the expected
rainfall & the situation will worsen in
the coming decade. Rainfall will no
more be a seasonal activity; it will
be very severe whenever it rains,
leading to floods in
several modern cities worldwide.
The consequences of climate have
been neglected for a long, but if we
continue to do so, we will end up in
a situation where survival on earth
will be difficult.

Human activities like

industrialization, population
explosion, exploitation of natural
resources, urbanization & many
more activities have landed us in a
situation like this. It has forced
several animals & birds to change
their habitat or incomplete loss of
habitat, which has further
aggravated the condition for species
Tackling climate change must be
our primary goal & responsibility
before we damage it more. Already
many steps have been taken on a
global scale, but we are still far
away from achieving our goals. The
best enemy is our ignorance &
negligence of climate change. We
all must be aware of all the activities
which are adding to the cause &
must try to avoid all such things.
Because if we live as we are doing,
we will land up in a disastrous
condition. So be responsible & be

Thank You

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