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Taking Input from user

you can take input from the user using the built-in `input()` function. The `input()` function allows the
user to enter text, which will be read as a string by default. Here's a simple example:

# Taking input from the user and storing it in a variable

user_input = input("Please enter something: ")

# Displaying the input provided by the user

print("You entered:", user_input)

When this code is executed, it will prompt the user to enter something, and whatever the user types will
be stored in the `user_input` variable. The entered text will then be displayed back to the user using the
`print()` function.

Keep in mind that the `input()` function always returns a string. If you need to convert the input to a
specific data type (e.g., integer, float), you can use type casting like this:

# Taking input and converting it to an integer

age = int(input("Please enter your age: "))

# Taking input and converting it to a float

height = float(input("Please enter your height in meters: "))

Remember to handle exceptions if you expect the user to provide a specific type of input (e.g.,
numbers), as the user could enter something that cannot be converted to the desired data type.

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