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Abandon: abandonar.

Agency: agencia.

ABS (Anti social behaviour): comportamiento antisocial.

Arms: armas.

Arrest: arrestar.

Beat: área/ruta policías trabajan.

Beggar: mendigo.

Cattle-rustling: delito de robar animales ganaderos.

CCTV: closed circuit televison.

Cell: celda.

Community: comunidad

Confiscate: confiscar.

Crack down on: tomar medidas con fuerza.

Community policing: póliza comunitaria.

Crime prevention: prevención del crimen.

Deal drugs: vender drogas.

Deal with: tratar con. (= tackle)

Disorder: trastorno/desorden.

Dump: verter.

Emercency: emergencia.

Estate: propiedad.

Grafiti: grafiti.

Harassment: acoso.

Hen party: despedida de soltera.

House to house enquires: consultas casa por casa.

Inmigrant: inmigrante.

Intimidate: intimidar.

Issue a: emitir un.

Pick pocket: ladrón de bolsillos.

PCSO: Police community support officer.

Representative: representante.

Resident: residente.

Rowdy: ruidoso.

Rubbish: basura.

Spray: rociar.

Stag party: despedida de soltero.

Suspect: sospechoso.

Threaten: amenazar.

Unemployed: sin trabajo.

Uniform presence: números visibles la placa del uniforme.

Unstable: inestable.

Vandalize: vandalir.

Visible: visible.

Hit: golpear.

Fight: llucha.

Owner: dueño.

Petty theft: hurtos.

Speeding ticked: multa por exceso de velocidad.

Burder of proof: la carga de la prueba.


To warn Warning
To provide Provision
To prevent Prevention
To offend Offence Offender
To coordinate Co-ordination Co-ordinator
To suspect Suspicion Suspect


 ASB: Anti social behaviour

 PCSO: Police community support officer
 CCTV: Closed-circuit televisión
 P1: A priority one emercency.


 a resident: a person who lives (resides) in a place.

 an immigrant: a person who comes from abroad t olive in a country.
 unemployed: not having job/without work.
 leisure facilities: places to go/ things to do in your free time.


 Stand back: un paso atrás. / Need space.

 Quieten down: silencio. / Want people to be quiet.
 Break it up: sepárense. /Want to stop a fight.
 Don´t move along: no te muevas. /Don´t want people to leave.
 It´s up to you: tú decides (dar una elección) / Give someone a choice.

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