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SERTIFIKAT KOMPETENSI Certificate Of Competence Nomor : 4050131331120190031 Number of Certificate : 4050131331120190031 Diberikan Kepada : This is to Certify that Nama Lengkap PROBO SUWASTORO Full Name Tempat, Tanggal Lahir Magelang, 24 Juni 1997 Place, Date of Birth Nomor Induk Mahasiswa _: 40501313311p1337431215051 ‘Student ID Number Nama Perguruan Tinggi Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang Name of institution Jenis dan No. Keputusan Pendirian Perguruan Tinggi : Pendidikan Tinggi Vokasi dan 355/E/0/2012 Under the law of Vocational School in Higher Education 355/E/O/2012 Program Studi 2 Giz Major Nutritionist Dinyatakan telah LULUS UJI KOMPETENSI PROGRAM DIPLOMA IV GIZI Has passed the Competency Test of Diploma IV Nutrition Program Berdasarkan Keputusan Panitia Uji Kompetensi Nasional Program Diploma IV Gizi Nomor 685/PUK-Nas/IX/2019 Based on the decision of the National Committee for the Competency Test of Diploma IV in Nutritionist Program, Number 685/PUK-Nas/IX/2019 Diterbitkan di Semarang, 03 September 2019 Issued in Semaramg 3 (Date) 09 (Moh) 2019 ear) Pengoros Psat Penatun Abi Giz Indonesia Pimpinan Pergurin Tinggi Indonesian Nurtion Asacation = Central Board eta Ur ‘Prednt (ead of Higher Edveton Istitation) MINARTO

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