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Tarea Académica 1° Unidad


Mencionar 6 oraciones con el uso de Question Words.

What :

-What is that animal?

-What are we doing?
-What is that that shines?
-What do you want?
-What will you do when I'm gone?
-What do you need?

Where :

-Where is my stocking?
-Where did we meet?
-Where was my necklace lost?
-Where did your kitty die?
-Where we are?
-Where will that star fall?

-How did you make the bread?

-How did this happen?
-How is it possible?
-How did you have an accident?
-How do dark creatures sing?
-How could they build


-Who is the puppeteer?

-Who took my charger?
-Who is our president?
-Who commanded to assassinate innocent people?
-Who knows what happened?
-Who was the "dark lord"?

-When will the gods fall?

-When do the bells ring?
-When will they stop crying?
-When did that world war happen?
-When will we make "Arroz chaufa"?
-When will we have justice?


-Which do you want for yourself, strawberry

or chocolate?
-Which of them do you think is more
-Which of the dragons is stronger?
-Which of these colors seems happier to you?
-Which of these video games will win the
-Which do you prefer, lilies or roses?

-Why do we destroy ourselves?

-Why are humans so stupid?
-Why don't you listen to what your nature
-Why do you only come and go?
-Why didn't you stay?
-Why are we alone and they are not?


-Whose paper is this?

-Whose fault is it?
-Who did all this misery come from?
-Whose is this "blood red" necklace?
-Whose power is this?
-Whose is this adult magazine?

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