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I. The following dialogue is for question no. 1 to 4.

Verdy : Hi Dika, I’ve got good news.

Dika : What is it?
Verdy : I won the English speech contest in Semarang last week.
Dika : Are you serious? Oh my God, I can’t believe it.
Verdy : Of course, I am.
Dika : I heard it was a competitive contest.
Verdy : Yes, it was. My rivals were very good and confident. Their English was awesome.
Dika : Great, congratulation. You have no idea how happy I am for you.
Verdy : Thanks, I appreciate that.
Dika : I believe that you are the best as always.
Verdy : How nice of you to say that. Now, let’s have lunch on my treat.
Dika : With great pleasure, dear.
1. What is discussed in the convsersation?
a. Good news. c. Someone’s treat
b. English speech d. Winning a contest
2. How does Dika feel knowing the good news?
a. Frustrated c. Delighted
b. Surprised d. Bored
3. I heard it was a competitive contest.
The underlined word means that the participant has a ..... desire to win the contest.
a. strong c. lack
b. weak d. poor
4. Yes, it was.
What does the underlined word refers to?
a. news c. speech
b. contest d. english
5. Look at the following picture!

The best expression for the boy in the picture is ....

a. Congratulation on your graduation! c. Have a wonderful birthday!
b. Congratulation on your achievement! d. Have a great journey!
The following dialogue is for question no. 6 to 9.

Salsa : We’re going to celebrate our school aniversary next month.

Bella : You’re right. What do you think if we have a special celebration?
Salsa : What’s on your mind?
Bella : We usually have an art performance. How about if this year we invite boyband
to perform at the celebration?
Salsa : I don’t think it’s a nice idea. Inviting boyband may cost much money. I prefer
to make different art performance.
Bella : What do you mean?
Salsa : The art performance can be conducted in an orphanage.
Bella : Sounds great. We can entertain the children with music, dances, magic tricks,
and much more.
Salsa : Let’s talk about it at the students meeting this week.
6. What are the girls talking about?
a. Special celebration c. School aniversary
b. Art performance d. Boyband performance
7. According to Salsa’s suggestion, where should this year art performance be conducted?
a. At school c. In classroom
b. At hall d. In an orphanage
8. Which one is the expression of disagreement in the dialogue above?
a. I don’t think it’s a nice idea. c. Sounds great.
b. What’s on your mind? d. What do you mean?
9. Which one is the expression of agreement in the dialogue above?
a. I don’t think it’s a nice idea. c. Sounds great.
b. What’s on your mind? d. What do you mean?
The following text is for question no. 10 to 13.

10. From the label, we know that the product .....

a. can help to relieve headache c. can be used by todler
b. contains herbal ingredients d. contains no sugar
11. What symptom can’t be relieved by this medicine?
a. Headache c. Sore throat
b. Blocked nose d. Cough
12. If symptoms persist, consulst your healthcare professional.
The underlined word means that the symptoms ..... in our body over in a periode of
a. leave c. stay
b. stop d. quit
13. What is the purpose of reading the label?
a. To see the use of the medicine c. To understand the dosage of the medicine
b. To recognize the symptoms of the disease d. To know the detailed information of the

The following text is for question no. 14 to 16.

14. By reading the label, we know that the product ....

a. is blended arabica beans. c. is roasted coffee and milk.
b. contains high calcium. d. better serves hot.
15. What is the intention of writting the text?
a. To tell how to enjoy the product. c. To show the advantages of the product.
b. To inform the nutritions of the products. d. To share the necessary information of the product.
16. Wherever you go....
What does the underlined word refer to?
a. consumer c. coffe drink
b. producer d. coffe blend

The following text is for question no. 17 to 20.

1 kg of medium-sized shrimps
5 onion
2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
1 lime
A dash of salt and pepper
1. Boil the shrimps. When they are done, take them out of the pan and let them cool.
2. Peel the skin and remove the head, legs, and tail.
3. Peel and slice the onion.
4. Mix the onion, soy sauce, and lime juice with shrimps.
5. Add salt and pepper.
6. Put shrimps on skewers and barbecue for a little while.
7. Serve hot.
17. The text is useful for someone who wants to ....
a. learn cooking c. research about satay
b. retell a story d. describe shrimp satay
18. The text mostly tells the readers about ....
a. the ingredients to make shrimp satay. c. how to make shrimp satay.
b. how to make delicious food. d. the steps of boiling shrimps.
19. Why is it suggested that we use lime juice in the recipe?
a. To reduce the smell of the onions. c. To make the shrimps more tasty.
b. To give red color of the shrimps. d. To add the sauce of the dish.
20. When they are done,... (Step 1)
The underlined word refers to ...
a. the pan c. the pepper
b. the salt d. the shrimps
21. Also, there Will be an English speech competition. The synonym of the underlined word is....
a. Contest c. Match
b. Game d. Show
22. Teacher: "Siti please prepare your best for the competition, Will you?.....Good luck!"
Siti: "I hope so too, Ma'am. Yes, I'll do my best"
a. Of course c Thanks
b I hope you don't join the competition d. I hope you win the first prize too
How to make a paper boat or hat
Things you need:
A Half page of newspaper
What to do:
First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfold.
Second, fold the sides up to the middle crease, keep folded.
Next, fold the corners down to the middle.
After that, fold the corners down to the middle again.
Then, fold the points Downs to the middle.
Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat, or flip it over and wear it as a hat.
23. How many times do we have to fold the paper?
a. 6 c. 5
b. 4 d. 3
24. What is the third step on making a paper boat?
a. Fold the paper in half the long way c. Fold the sides up to the middle crease
b. Fold the points downs to the middle d. Fold the corners down to the middle
25. The underlined word could be best replaced with the word.....
a. Have c. Create
b. Design d. Perform
26. How many steps should we follow to make good paper boat or hat as mentioned in the
a. 4 c. 6
b5 d. 7
27. Anang: Did you do the test very well, Andi?
Andi: ........ I don't have a hope of getting even 50.
Anang: But are you sure?
Andi: Absolutely. Not a hope!
Anang: Don't worry too much. Next time will be better.
a. Sorry c. Certainly
b. I'm sure d. I'm not sure
28. Neni: Would you like to accompany me to the shop?
Rina: .............. I want to buy some snack too.
Nnei: Ok, then. Let's go!
a. I'm not sure c. Certainly
b. Sorry d. I have doubt
29. Marko: I have good news for you. Your article on the tourism in Indramayu won the
national competition.
Jaka: .......? It's what I want to hear. Where can I find the information about it?
Marko: I read the announcement in front of the teacher's office.
Jaka: I want to se it. Thanks for the information.
a. Well c. No
b. Really d. Sure
30. Kesya:Hell, Resty. Look at my new purse. i made it myself.
Resty: Hello, Kesya. Hey, that's nice. Isn't that your old purse? The one that we
bought a year ago?
Kesya: Yup, that's right.
Resty: How did you do that?
Kesya: Sorry........................
Resty: How did you do that, Kesya?
Kesya:Oh, well, first, I just added some colorfull buttons. The, four-five glittery
beads. finally I gave my magic finishing touch, hahahaha.
a. what did you say? c. what do you want?
b. what did you do? d. what are you doing?
31. Dona: hey, Gun. What are you doing?
Gun: I'm making a windmill from paper. Ah, now it is finished.
Dona: Wow, ..............! how did you do that?
Gun: I made it from a square piece of paper by cutting inwards from each corner
halfway to the centre point. Then, I folded over each point with a dot on it and tape it
to the centre.
a. It's easy c. It's difficult
b. It's terrific d. It's dangerous
This is for number 6-8
Wanted for Big restaurant
Applicants must be:
- Friendly
- Able to speak English
- Age 16-20
- Experience unnecessary
All applications must reach t our office no later than two weeks.
Apply in writing to: SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Jl. Gajah Mada 108, Yogyakarta
Yogya Post/ 3rd December 2022.
32. Which qualification must the applicants have?
a. unfriendly c. experienced
b. fluent English d. more than 20 years old
33.How can we apply the job?
a. by mail c. by phone
b. by email d. online
34. The word 'unnecessary' is similiar in meaning to.....
a. very urgent c. not important
b. not perfect d. uneasy
Text for number 35-37
Friday, October 28, is The Youth Pledge Day. To celebrate it, each class must present a
coupe of boy and girl. They have to wear and perform the traditional costumes. Also, there
will be an English Speech Competition. Each class can present a boy or a girl. The categories
for judging will be: Best of performance, Message and Creativity. Winner will receive prizes
at 0200 pm at the school hall.
For more information, please confirm your class counselor
Committe Chairman,
35. how many contests are there in the text?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
36. "Also, there will be an English Speech Competition."
The synoym of 'competition' word is......
a. contest c. game
b. match d. show
37. "They have to wear and perform the traditional costumes".
'They' refers to.........
a. traditional costumes c. prizes
b. winners of the contest d. a couple of boy and girl
he text for numer 38-39
Elephants: The Amazing Animals
Elephants are the largest land animals on earth. They have the largest brains of any mammals.
Elephants talk to each other. Reasearchers have discovered more than 50 different types of calls that
they use to communicate with each other. Their tunks are strong enough to pick up trees but sensitive
enough to pick up flowers. They use them as tools to sweep paths, to scratch themselves, and to swat
flies. They are good swimmers and use their trunks like snorkels. They live together in family groups.
They help each other when in trouble. They join together to care for and rescue their young.
38. What is the main idea of the paragraph 1?
a. Elephants have largest brain c. Elephants have 50 different types
b. Elephants are the largest animals d. Elephants are goo swimmers
39. Which of the following description is not correct?
a. Elephants can't take flowers
b. They can communicate well with their babies
c. They are cooperative among others
d. They help each other in trouble
40. Arrange the following sentences to make a good procedure of charging your
1. Remove the charger by pulling out from your handphone.
2. Wait untuil the battery icon appears on the screen.
3. Connect the charger to your handphone, the flash symbol on the charger plug
must face upward.
4. Charge the battery approximately 5 hours or untuil the battery icon indicates that
the battery is fully charged.
a. 1-2-3-4 c. 3-2-4-1
b. 4-3-2-1 d. 3-4-1-2

Ben : Hi, Tom. Have you heard the news?
Tom : Hi, Bt news?
Ben : Our school is calling for volunteers to help the school host the community service next
Tom : Yeah? What will the volunteers do?
Ben : Things like taking care of registration, distributing goodies, food and drinks, or assisting
participants, I guess.
Tom : That’s interesting. Have you ever been a volunteer before, Ben?
Ben : Yes, I have voluntereed myself for the school festival last year so this would be my second
time volunteering.
Tom : I see, have you registered yourself to the committee?
Ben : Not yet, I plan to go after this. Will you come along?
Tom : Sure, I have never been a volunteer before, so i’d love to try it now
Ben : That’s great.
41. Who are talking to each other in the dialogue?
42. What are they talking about?
43. Has the school made an announcement about the event?
44. Has Tom ever volunteered herself for an event before?
45. How many times has Ben ever been a volunteer before this one?
1. D 11.A 21.C 31.B
2.C 12.C 22.D 32.B
3.A 13.D 23.C 33.A
4.B 14.B 24.D 34.C
5.B 15.D 25.D 35.B
6.B 16.A 26.B 36.B
7.D 17.A 27.D 37.D
8.A 18.D 28.C 38.B
9.C 19.C 29.B 39.B
10.B 20.D 30.A 40.C

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