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NAOMI: Hi guys.
N: Hi Naomi, nice to see you.
K: Hello Naomi.
M: Hello Naomi, good to see you.
J: Hello Naomi, see you in time.
NAOMI: I'm glad to see you guys, finally the holidays are over.
M: yes, to resume classes
N: your vacation was good?
M: yes, they were amazing
K: Why don’t we count our vacations?
J: incredible, I begin.
J: I was at home and normally I got up at 8 to have breakfast and do my
things, sometimes I went out for a walk or bought an ice cream if it was
M: your vacation was very quiet Jehir.
N: now I.
N: I also stayed at home, and I always got up at 7 to have breakfast and do
some things, since at 11 I would go to work until 3. At 3:30 I would go to my
dance rehearsal until 6, leaving I would to my house to take a shower and
have dinner with my family. On Saturday and Sunday afternoons I went out
with my sister to the movies or to eat a fruit salad.
NAOMI: Why did everyone stop at their houses?
M: I think so.
K: my turn.
K: One week we went on vacation to Huancayo, but it's very cold, I usually
got up at 10 and all day we went with my family to visit tourist places. The
last days we were going to buy at the malls. MY LAST DAYS OF HOLIDAYS I
NAOMI: I went on vacation to Lima, and almost every afternoon we went to
the beach and ate ceviche. I bought a lot of nice things, although it's very
hot in Lima. When I got back, I started to do some school work.
M: I follow.
M: I also went on a trip to Loreto and the weather is very beautiful. I always
got up at 10 o clock and sleep at 12 o clock. There with my family we ate a
delicious dorado ceviche. When I return from vacation, I went back to my
basketball training sessions, which are in the afternoons from four o’clok to
six o’clock.
J: ok, let’s eat.
N: yes, before the break ends.
K: I just want a juice.
NAOMI: I a sandwich.
N: I want an orange jelly.
M: for me a chocolate cake
J: ok, I have a bread with avocado.

N: jehir what time is it?

J: 11:30 am
N: I'm already late, I have math, see you later.
K: bye
J: bye.
M: bye
M : Naomi, you don't have English classes at 11:30?
NAOMI: no, I don't have, I have at eleven forty-five. Bye guys.
J: what will you do Maryori?
M: I will wait until lunchtime to have lunch with my sister
J: you only have lunch with your sister?
M: yes, do you have lunch with your family?
J: If every day.
J: It's time for art classes, maryori.
M: bye jehir

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