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Some people argue that AI (Artificial Intelligence) may offer significant benefits, others believe

that it may pose a potential risk to humanity. In my opinion, I agree with the idea that AI may
pose a threat to human beings, based on several reasons.

Firstly, an AI system is programmed to make its own decisions without human intervention,
which implies that AI may malfunction or make errors. Because AI algorithms can learn and
evolve on their own, they may sometimes produce unexpected or unintended results. In some
cases, these results could pose a physical danger to humans. For example, if self-driving cars
malfunction and cause accidents, they could jeopardize human safety.

One of my main concerns about AI is that it could pose a risk to employment. As AI technology
gets more advanced, it is likely to automate many jobs that are now done by humans. This could
lead to unemployment for many individuals, potentially contributing to economic deprivation.
Additionally, there is fear that AI may eventually become so advanced that it surpasses human
intelligence and becomes impossible to control, leading to a scenario depicted(vẽ, mô tả) in
science fiction movies where machines take over the world.

In conclusion, while AI holds great promise for the future, there is no denying that it may pose a
potential risk to human beings.

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