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What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO : What’s the Big Idea?
+PIOUIF"QPTUMF The first 18 verses of John's
Peter, James, and John were Jesus' primary disciples. They saw the transfiguration Gospel (often called the
(Mk. 9;2-13) and he took them places he didn't take anyone else. He also told them prologue) are not just an
things that he didn't tell anyone else. But even among them, most people agree that introduction to John's Gospel.
John was the closest one to Jesus. John even called himself "the apostle whom Jesus They summarize his whole
loved." Here are just a couple examples of John's relationship to Jesus. message.: "The Word became
flesh!" This is the greatest news
(1) Consider how this scene from the last supper unfolds: the world has ever known!



John was leaning on Jesus' chest during this meal. And Peter, knowing that
Jesus would tell John what he meant, prompted John to ask Jesus who would What’s the Problem?
betray him. And Jesus told him.
Many people don't know
(2) Consider this scene from the cross: who Jesus is, or recognize
how much they need a

The Book of John

Jesus loves everybody. But John was his closest friend. And John's gospel is very
distinct. The other gospels all describe Jesus' heritage from an earthly perspective,
John, in contrast, doesn't start with his ministry, his parents, or John the Baptist.
He describes Jesus' eternal pre-existence. John calls him the ϩϭϡϭ϶ (logos) of

Continued on page 2

In this study you want to help
John's opening words, "In the beginning," are a reference back to Genesis 1:1.
your group understand that
Genesis reads, "In the beginning God created the heavens and Earth." John says,
Jesus is fully God and fully man,
"In the beginning the Word was with God and the Word was God." The Greek
and that he brings life and light
term translated "Word" in this passage is ϩϭϡϭ϶ (logos).
to those who trust him.
ϩϭϡϭϯ MPHPT

Scholars have done a ton of research on that word. It's a Greek word with a
number of Greek nuances but John is using it in a Hebrew way. Basically, what it
means is "expression." Jesus is the expression of God to us. To use a quote from
D.A. Carson, Jesus is God's ultimate self-disclosure, the Person Who is His own
Son. In other words, if you want to see what God is like, just look at Jesus.

Instead of talking about Jesus' earthly heritage, John goes straight to His pre-
existance. Jesus worked alongside God the Father and the Spirit to create the world.
People often say that Jesus was the Agent of Creation. Hebrews 1:2 is a great
parallel verse. It says that "in these last days, (God) has spoken to us through His
Son, through Whom He created the world." Another great parallel is verse is 2
Corinthians 4:6, "For God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our
hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."

John 1:6-18
Verses 6-18 discuss John the Baptist, the fore-runner sent to prepare the way for the
Messiah (see Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3). John proclaimed that Jesus was the light of
the world.

A Fallen-Condition Focus - Verses 5 and 10-11

Look closely at verse 5. John the Apostle says that Jesus is the light of the world, but
darkness has not overcome him. Look also at verses 10-11. Though Jesus made the
world and came into the world, the world did not recognize him. That's the drama
of the book of John. You'll see it in every study. Though Jesus is the Son of God,
no-one recognizes it. No-one understands Jesus. As you lead this study you'll want
to be sensitive to this theme. You'll want to share Jesus with those who haven't
trusted Him, and you'll want to encourage those who have placed their trust in Jesus
to continue to trust Him daily.

Back to John 1:6-18

Jesus brings light and life to all who receive him. Be sure to answer the Bible study
questions yourself before leading this study, and consider how Jesus has brought life
and light to you. In verses 12-13, John says that all who receive Jesus, who "believe
in his name," become children of God. Invite your group members to put their
trust in Jesus. A great parallel verse for this section os 2 Corinthians 5:17, "If
anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the
new has come."
John describes Jesus' glory as being full of grace and truth. Jesus is absolutely
gracious, and he fulfills the Law of truth. Sometimes people who abandon truth and
fall into licentioiusness (sin) call it " grace." Others abandon grace and fall into
legalism and they call it "truth." Sin and legalism are perversions of grace and truth.
Jesus is the real deal. He's 100% grace and 100% truth at the same time. He's just
that good.

Theologians have also noted that Jesus is 100% God and 100% man at the same
time. He's not part-God and part-man. He's not God sometimes and man other
times. He's 100% of both, all the time. That's the incarnation. In the words of
Gregory of Nanzianus (4th century) "What is not assumed is not healed." Jesus,
who is God's Son, became a man to redeem mankind.

John 1:1-18

What are some things you hope to get out of this bible study?


Read 1:1-5.
1. What do you think John meant when he called Jesus 7. What does it mean to receive Jesus? What are the
"the Word?" results of receiving Jesus (vs. 12-13)?

2. In John 1:1-3, what things does John declare to 8. According to John 1:14-18, what aspects of God's
be true of the Word? Why is each of these facts character has Jesus revealed to us?

9. Why do we need both grace and truth? When

3. This passage includes several allusions to creation.
truth is missing, what's the result? When grace is
Look up Hebrews 1:2 and 2 Corinthians 4:6. What missing, what's the result?
do you see?

4. What do the symbols of life and light tell us about 10. Is there such a thing as too much grace or too much
Jesus? How has he brought these qualities into your truth?

11. Verse 14 says, "The Word became flesh." Which of

Read 1:6-18. these statements accurately describes Jesus?
5. Who is the "man sent from God" in verse 6? What A. He is 100% God and 100% man
did he come to do? B. He is 50% God and 50% man
C. Sometimes he is God and sometimes he is man

6. John contrasts Jesus' rejection by the majority with 12. Why is it important that Jesus is both man and
his reception by a few (verses 9-13). Have things God?
changed today? Why or why not? What does that
tell us about the condition of the human heart?


13. What has been your experience of Jesus up until 15. Do you lean more toward license or legalism when
now? you struggle with sin?

14. Did you learn anything new about Jesus from this 16. Was there a time in your life where you began to
study? What are some things that you love about follow Jesus?

1. When John called Jesus "the 8. Synonyms for grace include love, But to all who did receive
Word," he used the Greek mercy, kindness and unmerited him, who believed in his
word ϩϭϡϭϯ(logos). He was favor. Truth is similar to name, he gave the right to
saying that Jesus is the full righteousness and purity. become the children of God.
expression of God to us. He is
God's Son. John 1:12
9. The definition of licentiousness is:
"lacking legal or moral restraints."
2. "He was in the beginning." Jesus Sin results when truth is ignored.
has existed forever. "He was But that's not our only potential
with God." Jesus is God's Son. problem. Another type of sin,
"The Word was God." Jesus legalism, results when grace is
and God the Father are one in ignored. Legalism is an over-
essence, but distinct in person. confidence in one's personal
"All things were made through righteousness and a tendency to
him." Jesus was the Agent of condemn others.
10. Not really. It's the absence of
3. Consider how these verses either one that's the problem.
inform John 1:1-3. Jesus is 100% both.

11. Option A is the correct one.

4. Encourage the group to share.
Options B and C are ancient
heresies. John 1:1 speaks of Jesus'
5. John the Baptist. Look up Malichi divinity. Verse 14 speaks of his
3:1 and Isaiah 40:3. humanity.

12. Jesus had to become man to

6. In Jesus' day, some people
redeem mankind. To quote a 4th
received him and followed him, Century theologian, "What is not
but most rejected him. Few assumed is not healed." See the
people really understood who he "What do I need to know about
is. Similarly, many people do not this passage" section. Jesus is also
follow Jesus today. God. And he demonstrated his
divinity with his character, his
7. Notice how the phrase "believed teaching, his miracles, his defeat of
in his name" parallels "those who Satan, and his resurrection from
did receive him" in verse 12. To the dead.
receive Jesus is to believe in his
name. This is not simple 13. Encourage the group to share
intellectual understanding. It
involves the heart. To believe in
14. Encourage the group to share
Jesus is to trust in Jesus.
15. Encourage the group to share

16. Encourage the group to share

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO  What’s the Big Idea?
On the seventh day after
The Book of Signs
beginning his ministry, Jesus
The book of John naturally falls into two parts. The first part is called The Book
revealed himself as the
of Signs and it covers three years of Jesus' life. The second part is called The
Book of the Hour and it covers one week. We have no way of knowing how
many miracles John saw Jesus do, but we know which ones he recorded for us:

The Book of Signs

Turning water into wine (John 2)
Healing an official's son (John 4)
Healing a lame man (John 5)
Feeding 5000 people (John 6) 5ISFFZFBST
Walking on water (John 6)
Healing a blind man (John 9)
Raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11)

The Book of the Hour

The last week of Jesus' life on Earth 0OF8FFL
culminates in his resurrection (John 12-21)

During the first few days of Jesus' ministry, he began to choose key disciples from What’s the Problem?
among John the Baptist's followers. Jesus' first disciples included Andrew, Simon
Peter, Philip, Nathaniel, and John. Today we find them at a wedding. We need God to deliver us from
our inadequacy, scandals, and
Weddings in the Ancient Near East shame.
In Jesus' day, weddings were an even bigger deal than they are today. Nowadays
couples often fall in love on their own, but back then it was a family decision.
Everyone was involved, and everyone needed to be satisfied. Parents had to agree
with the courtship, and the ceremony was quite elaborate. When the special day
came, the bride would get ready in her house and her attendants would position
themselves outside the home to await the coming of the groom. The groom
would come from an unknown place at an unknown time. At some point someone
would see him and yell, "Behold, the bridegroom comes!" And everyone would
rush out to join him as he came to pick up his bride. As the procession neared
door of the house, someone yelled "Behold, the bridegroom is here!" The
wedding party entered the house and literally picked up the bride and carrried her
to the groom's house, celebrating all the way. Once they got to the groom's
house, the doors were shut and the couple went into a back room to consumate
the marriage. When they came out, the party began, and it often lasted seven
Continued on page 2

If you want to understand this passage, it's important to note that marriages at this In this study you will want to
time were very public ceremonies that had that had two key components. What help your group understand
happened in the back room affirmed the bride's purity, and the grandeur of the party that Jesus' abundant grace
affirmed the grooms fidelity and ability to provide for her. Everything had to go well. frees us from our scandals
The groom and his family were responsible to demonstrate their ability to provide and shame.
and care for the girl who had just consumated her marriage to this man. To fail to
host a good party wasn't just embarassing, it was illegal.

John 2:1-5
This passage tells us that not only was Jesus' mother invited to this wedding, Jesus
and his disciples were invited as well. Scholars have pointed out that Jesus' mother
was probably a member of the wedding party. In this passage she (1) told the
servants what to do, (2) knew about the crisis of the wine before the master of the
feast, and (3) had concern for how the event was going.

Because of the nature of the culture in the Ancient Near East, running out of wine
was a big deal at a wedding. The bride's family could sue for damages in such a
situation, and the new marriage would start off on rocky ground.

Mary and Jesus

What would it like to be the mother of Jesus? Scholars generally agree that Jesus
hadn't grown up doing miracles. But he wasn't an average kid either. An angel
announced his birth. Mary was a virgin when he was born. God promised Mary
that her son would sit on the throne of David. King Herod tried to kill him, etc.
She's seen some stuff. And when there's potential for this party to get disrupted,
she turned to her son.

Jesus' response was not rude. If you read verse 4 in several translations, you'll see
that it's difficult to translate. Jesus was polite, but he distanced himself from his
mom's request. Notice how she responded to the servants, "Do exactly what Jesus
tells you to do." And don't miss that little phrase, "my hour has not yet come."
For the next 8 chapters, John will repeat that phrase over and over again. Then,
after a confrontation with Jewish leaders in chapter 12 Jesus will say "the hour has
come," and he'll march straight into Jerusalem to be crucified. Jesus knows that
what he's about to do will start the clock ticking on his crucifixion. And he is so
smooth. This, his first miracle, is a private miracle, initially just for his disciples.

John 2:6-12
The six water jars that John mentions in verse 6 held 20-30 gallons each. This
water was for washing the feet and hands of the guests as they arrived. If you were
to re-tell this story in today's terms, you'd see how bizarre it is. Imagine Jesus
removing himself from the party and going through the house poking around until
he found the hot water heater. It's covered with dust but he knows it's sanitary
inside. He rips it off the pipes, "they won't need it later anyway," and tells the
servants to fill it with water then take some to the master of the banquet.

The master's response is clearer in the original language than it is in English. He

grabbed the groom and basically said, "This is the best wine ever! You're the best
groom in history!" The only people who initially knew what had happened were
Jesus, his disciples, and some servants. The value of that wine in today's standards
is easily $20,000 to $60,000. That's a pretty nice wedding gift.

Scholars have noted that this wedding occurred 7 days after Jesus began his
ministry. Remember what happened on the seventh day of Creation? God gave
Eve to Adam, before the curse. And here we have God again, at a wedding, and
he's bringing redemption to our inadequacy and shame.

John 2:1-12; 1st John 1:1-4

Can you name any of Jesus' miracles from the Bible? If you could be there to see one, which would you choose?


Read 2:1-5.
1. Why do you think Jesus and his disciples were . Look at verses 5, 7, and 8. How did Mary and the
invited to this wedding in Cana? From these servants respond to Jesus? What do you think
verses, do you think Mary was playing a role in those servants were thinking as they approached
organizing the wedding feast? the master of the banquet?

2. Why would running out of wine be such a big . Who knew what Jesus had done? At what point
deal? do we find out the water had become wine?

. What did the banquet master immediately do after

3. When Mary asked Jesus to help, what do you think
he tasted the wine? Why? Who did he give credit
she was expecting him to do?
to? How do you think the groom reacted?

4. Was Jesus being rude by calling his mother, 1. If you were one of the disciples and you saw this
"Woman" in verse 4? Why do you think he happen, how do you think you would have reacted?
addressed her that way?

1. John described this as "the first of Jesus' signs."

5. What did Jesus mean by "My hour has not yet What was it a sign of?
come" in verse 4?
Turn to 1st John 1:1-4
Read 2:6-12. 1. Years after this event, the Apostle John wrote
the letter we call 1st John. According to
6. What were the water jars normally used for?
these verses, why did he write this letter?

. Obviously, Jesus could have created wine any

way he chose. In your opinion, why did Jesus 1. At some point later, the groom and everyone
command those servants to fill those pots with else realized what had happened at that party.
water? How do you think the groom felt then?


15. This wine in Canaan wasn't Jesus' most recent 17. Jesus saved this groom from embarassment and
gave him a great blessing. Has Jesus done
act of creation. According to 2 Corinthians something similar for you? Do you believe he
5:17, what is he still creating today? can?

18. The groom was utterly clueless at first. Has God

16. The groom in this story had a "near miss." If been at work in your life "behind the scenes?"
Jesus hadn't showed up in time, he was in a bad Name some ways that God has blessed you.
situation. Has God ever showed up just in time
for you? 19. Have you ever struggled to trust Jesus? How
does this story challenge you to trust him more?

1. Mary appears to be one of the 9. It appears that only Jesus knew Therefore if anyone is in
members of the wedding party what he had done at first. We Christ, he is a new creation.
because she tells servants what don't even find out until halfway The old has passed away;
to do and knows about the through verse 9. behold, the new has come.
wine before the master of the
feast. 2 Corinthians 5:17
10. He interrupted the feast to
congratulate the groom. This was
2. See the "What do I need to likely the best wine he'd ever
know about this passage" tasted. And the groom probably
section. had no idea what was going on. It
was his wedding day. He was just
3. It's doubtful that Mary was glad things were going well.
asking Jesus for a miracle. He
hadn't performed miracles 11. Discuss
before this point. But she knew
the prophecies about him. 12. Jesus revealed himself as the
Creator through this miracle.
4. Jesus was not being rude. But he
did distance himsef from her 13. Years after he walked with Jesus,
request. Another translation the Apostle John penned this
says, "Dear woman, why do you letter. It's fun to read the Gospel
involve me?" of John and the Letter of John at
the same time. John wrote both
5. See also John 7:30, 8:20, and to lead us to Christ.
12:23. Jesus' hour is the last
week of his life- his journey to the 14. The groom must have experienced
cross. a lot of emotions! At first he
probably felt like he dodged a
6. It's significant that the water was bullet. Then he realized he had
used for purification. This $40,000 in wine on hand. Then he
cleansing was required by the OT realized a miracle had happened at
Law. Jesus was about to fulfill the his wedding...
Law for us.
15. Every time someone trusts Christ,
7. By using these water jars, Jesus He makes them into a new
was able to perform a secret creation (see the memory verse).
16. Encourage the group to share
8. Maybe the servants were
thinking, “What’s he going to say 17. Encourage the group to share
when he tastes washing water
18. Some people have defined
instead of wine?” Notice how
Christian maturity as "conscious
this miracle slowly unfolds. It
awareness of God's presence
took no effort whatsoever for
everywhere and all the time."
Jesus to bless a party privately –
and privately demonstrate his
power as Creator. 19. Encourage the group to share

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO  What’s the Big Idea?
The Son of God is the Light of
The Gospel of John Continues
the world, and all who look to
After his miracle at the wedding in Cana, Jesus disrupted business at the
Him are saved.
Temple. He made a whip out of cords and drove out the animals. He turned
over the table of the money changers, dumping out their money. He told them,
Do not make my Father's house a house of trade!" His actions prompted a
confrontation with Jewish leaders. Today we're picking up in John 3.

Background- The History of Israel

In many ways, the Old Testament era came to a close 400 years before Jesus
was born. By 400 B.C., obedient Jews were returning from exile to rebuild
Jerusalem. Malachi was prophesying. It was a time of renewal recorded in the
biblical books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Malachi. But it also marks the end of the
Old Testament. After Malachi's ministry, prophesy ceased in Israel. God did
not speak for the next 400 years. Theologians call this time period the
Intertestimental era.

Four Hundred Years of Silence

The Intertestemenal era (400 B.C - A.D. 1) was a chaotic time for Israel.
Various empires competed for domination of the world, and each one ruled
Israel for a period. Persia controlled Israel initally. Then Alexander the Great What’s the Problem?
created a vast empire and Greece ruled Israel. Then Egypt ruled Israel briefly.
Then Rome arose, and became the greatest empire in history. Each of these Mankind is in the darkness and
empires introduced changes to Israel. The Egyptians, for instance, turned the often prefers the darkness to
office of the High Priest into a political position, and installed a cabinet of ruling the light.
officials called the Sanhedrin. The Greeks aggressively promoted Greek culture
and Greek gods, prompting many Jews to revolt. Rome taxed Israel heavily.

Pharisees and the Sanhedrin

New types of political and religious leaders arose because of all these changes.
By Jesus' day, Pharisees were one of the leading groups. Pharisees were
scholars who tried hard to obey the laws in the Old Testament and a dizzying
array of man-made laws which they added to the Old Testament. The Jews
respected them and gave them great social, religious and political influence.
Pharisees usually took great pride in their positions. Nicodemus, (in this
passage), is also called a "Ruler of the Jews." That means he was also one of
the elite 70 members of the Sanhedrin, the political / religious body that ruled
Israel. The Sanhedrin ruled under the supervision of Herod, who reported
directly to the Roman emperor. A Roman governor and legion were also
stationed in the area.
Continued on page 2

No-one Understands Jesus

One of the key themes of the Gospel of John is how "No-one understands In this study you want your
Jesus." As you read, take note of how people misunderstand him. Jesus was group to understand that
speaking of his body in John 2 when some Jews thought he was talking about everyone who looks to Jesus
the temple. In this passage, Nicodemas is going to make a similar mistake. will be saved.

Words have various meanings, as you know. For instance, the meaning of the
word "late" changes drastically according to how it's used in a sentence.
Consider these examples: "Sorry I'm late." "The late Mr. Jefferson left his
estate to his daughter."

Vs. 1-4 In order to understand Nicodemas' dilemma, you have to know

something about a particular Greek word. The word is ЋϫϵϦϣϫ (anothen). It
means either "above" or "again." Nicodemas came to Jesus at night for a
discreet conversation, and Jesus got right to the point. Jesus said, "Truly, truly
I say to you, no-one can see God unless he is born ϟɆɐɁȾɆ(anothen)." What
he probably meant was "born from above." But what Nicodemas heard was
"born again." And Nicodemas ran with that interpretation. "How can this be?"
he said, "No-one can enter his mother's womb a second time..."

Vs. 5-8 Jesus told Nicodemas that he was confusing spiritual birth with physical
birth. And he rebuked Nicodemas, saying, "Are you the teacher of Israel and yet
you do not understand these things?" As a scholar of the Old Testament,
Nicodemas should have recognized that Jesus was talking about the work of the
Spirit (Isaiah 32:15; Ezekiel 3:25-27; Joel 2:28-29).

Nicodemas thought Jesus was just a special teacher. That's a common mistake.
In his book Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis said: “A man who was merely a man
and said the sort of things Jesus said, wouldn’t be a great moral teacher. He
would either be a lunatic on the level with a man who says he’s a poached egg –
or else he would be the devil of hell: you must take your choice. Either this
was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can
shut Him up for a demon: or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God.
But don’t come up with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great moral
teacher. He hasn’t left that alternative open to us.”




)FXBTB-*"3 )FXBTB-6/"5*$

Vs. 9-21 Jesus referred to his incarnation in 3:13. And he shared a great image
in verse 14. Be sure to unpack it. Read the story in Numbers 21:4-9 One time
when the Israelites were being attacked by snakes, God had Moses put a bronze
snake on a pole, and whoever suffered a snakebite could look at that snake and
be healed. Just as Moses lifted that snake up in the wilderness to heal the
people, Jesus would be lifted up on a cross to bring healing to the world.

And don't gloss over John 3:16. It's arguably the best one verse presentation of
the gospel in the whole Bible and it's your memory verse. You will also visit
1st John 5:11-13 briefly. John's epistle corresponds very nicely with his gospel.

John 3:1-21

Can you think of a time when you received some important news?


Read 3:1-2. . Have you ever had a friend who began a new
1. What do we know about Nicodemas, relationship with God? How would you describe
according to these verses? the difference God made in their life?

2. What did it mean that he was a Pharisee? . Why was Jesus amazed at Nicodemas' ignorance
(vs. 10-12)?
3. Why did he come to see Jesus? Why did he
come at night? . What did jesus mean in verses 12-13?

4. How did Nicodemas address Jesus? Was he Look up Numbers 21:4-9

correct? Why or why not? 1. What did Jesus claim about himself in verses 14-15?

5. If you were to walk up to Jesus today, how
would you greet him? 1. Why does our response to God's Son determine
our destiny?
Read 3:3-15.
6. How might you summarize Jesus' response in 1. According to this passage, did Jesus come to
verse 3? Does it seem weird at first? What condemn the world? But how do those who
does the image of birth convey? reject Jesus end up?

1. What does the light in verse 19 represent? How

. How did Nicodemas respond in verses 4 and 9?
many times is Jesus called "the light" in this passage?
Did he understand what Jesus said? What do verses 20-21 mean?

. What did Jesus mean by, "Truly, truly ,I say to -PPLVQTU+PIO

you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, 1. The same John who wrote this gospel wrote the
he cannot enter the kingdom of God"? letter we call 1st John. According to these
verses, why did he write that letter?


17. Do you believe in Christ? Why or why not? 20. Jesus has already been called "the Light of the
does 1st John 5:11-13 bring you comfort? world" a dozen times in John so far. What would
Why or why not? it look like for you to take some steps away from
darkness into the light?
18. Who around you needs to look to Christ?
21. What would it look like for you to lead others
19. What are some reasons people have trouble into the light?
believing in Jesus?

1. Nicodemas was a Pharisee and 9. Discuss For God so loved the world,
a member of the Sanhedrin. that he gave his only Son, that
10. Nicodemas was a scholar who whoever believes in him
2. See the "What do I need to should not perish but have
should have recognized Jesus'
know about this passage" eternal life.
reference to water and spirit as
the work of God. Consult Isaiah John 3:16
3. This was obviously a private 44:3-5 and Ezekiel 37:9-10.
meeting. Nicodemas came to
see Jesus because of his 11. Jesus stated that he had come
miracles and because he drove from heaven and was speaking of
merchants out of the temple. spiritual realities he had
personally witnessed.
4. Yes and no. He's a Teacher who
came from God, and God is with 12. Look up Numbers 21:4-9. This is a
him, but he's much more than great image. Jesus stated: "Just as
that as well. He's also the Son of Israelites were saved by looking to
God in the flesh! To help your the snake Moses lifted up, mankind
group see what Nicodemas is is saved by looking at me, when
God lifts me up on a cross."
missing, you might share the C.S.
Lewis quote or the diagram from
13. It's a big deal to miss Jesus
the "What you need to know
because he's the Son of God. See
about this passage" section or
Hebrews 10:28-29.
revisit John 1:1.
14. Jesus did not come to condemn
5. Discuss the world (vs. 17) but those who
reject him certainly wind up
6. Birth is one of many New condemned (vs. 18).
Testament pictures of what
happens when someone believes
15. "The light" represents Jesus.
in Jesus Christ.
There are 5 references to light in
this passage. Seven more Special note on Baptism:
7. Nicodemas misunderstood
occurred in Jn. 1:1-9. Some groups believe that a
Jesus' statement about a new
birth. Maybe he had too much person must be baptized to be
16. John wrote the epistle we call 1st saved. They use this passage,
confidence in his heritage,
John to assure believers in Christ Acts 2:38, and a handful of
being born as a Jew.
that they have eternal life. other verses to make their
8. Jesus showed Nicodemas that point. They’re confusing images
the means of the new birth are 17. Discuss and illustrations of the grace of
not physical but spiritual. See God for the grace of God itself.
Isaiah 44:3-5 for an example of 18. Encourage your group to think Water baptism is not essential
water and wind as the life-giving through the people they encounter for salvation. Consult Romans
symbols of the Spirit. See the who would benefit from knowing 10:9-10, Acts 16:31, Ephesians
sidebar for a special note. Christ. 1:13-14, 1st John 5:11-13, and
19-21. Encourage the group to share

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
O A T AT OMIN • a Tell
What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO What’s the Big Idea?
God delights in saving sinners!
Judea and Samaria
No-one can outdistance His
Centuries before Jesus walked on the Earth, certain events had transpired to
create the culture of the 1st Century A.D. Here's a little background

Jerusalem was the capital city of Israel and the site of the Temple of God in
ancient Israel. But in 931 B.C., the nation split into two parts. The southern
part maintained Jerusalem as its capital and became known as Judah. The
northern part kept the name Israel, and created a new capital in a city called
Samaria. And in an effort to keep his people from going to Jerusalem to
worship God at the Temple, the new king of new Israel created two idols and
made idolatry the national religion of his nation. You can read this story in 1
Kings 12. This act, by King Jeroboam, is called "Israel's sin" throughout the
Old Testament. Judah and Israel endured a full-blown civil war during this era.

God eventually judged Israel for their idolatry. In 722 B.C. the empire of
Assyria besieged Samaria, captured the city, and exiled the leading people.
And Assyria had a patricularly effective method of conquest. They spread the
exiled Israelites throughout their entire empire and required those who
remained in the land to marry Assyrians, who brought a variety of pagan What’s the Problem?
religions with them. Through this technique, the Assyrians succeeded in
"breeding out" the native Israelites. The descendents of Northern Israel
We've sinful by heritage, and we
became forever known as Samaritans (not Jews) since those events.
naturally gravitate toward idols.
God judged Judah too, but to a lesser extent. Judah was captured by Babylon in
586 B.C. but Babylon had a completely different method of exiling captives.
Many Jews even became leaders in the Babylonian government (see Daniel, for
example). And then a kingdom called the Medo-Persian empire conquered
Babylon and reversed the exiling process altogether. They allowed the Jews to
return to Jerusalem.

Many Jews did return. Some leaders from that time include Ezra and
Nehemiah. They rebuilt Jerusalem and rebuilt the Temple of God. At the
same time, however, Samaritans built a copy of the temple at a place called Mt.
Gerizim for their false religion. The Jews destroyed that temple, but Mt.
Gerazim continued to be a stronghold of idolatry for the Samaritans.

Continued on page 2

T Histor Ti eline This passage is packed with joy.

Creation and Fall of Mankind (Gen 1-11) You'lll want your group to notice
Selection of Abram and the Rise of the People of Israel (Gen 12-50) how much Jesus enjoys saving
The Rise of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt (Exodus, Numbers) people, and to identify people
The Law given on Mt. Sinai (Leviticus, Deuteronomy) around them who need to know
Conquest of the Promised Land (Joshua, Judges) his love.
The Rise of the Kingdom of Israel (1-2 Samuel, 1 Kings 1-10)
Solomon Turns from Following the Lord (1 Kings 11)
B Israel Splits in Two: Judah [South] and Israel [North] (1 Kings 12)
Jeroboam Makes Idolatry the Official Religion of Israel [North] (1 Kings 12)
War Between Israel and Judah (1 Kings 13 - 2 Kings 16)
B Assyria Destroys Israel [North] (2 Kings 17)
B Babylon Invades Jerusalem in Judah [South] (2 Kings 25)
Jews Return to the Land beginning in 538 B.C.
B Jews Begin to Rebuild the Land and the People (Ezra, Nehemiah, Malachi)

B Prophecy Ceases for the next 400 Years During the Intertestimental Era

By Jesus' day, Jews from Judea (formerly Judah) hated Samaritans for political,
historical, and religious reasons. They had experienced a two-hundred year war
with Samaria (Northern Israel) years earlier. Moreover, these Samaritans had
intermarried with enemies of God's people, and they were famous for their false
religion. To quote one author, Samaritans were filthy, inbred idolaters.

s When Jesus stopped by that well in Samaria, he was near one of the
most famous centers of idolatry in the history of Israel. And then he spoke to a
Samaritan woman. By doing so, Jesus deliberately bypassed at least three cultural
barriers: (1) Rabbi’s and religious leaders did not associate with immoral people.
(2) No Jew had any dealings with Samaritans. (3) It also wasn’t acceptable for
Jewish men to talk casually to women in public.

"I know that Messiah is coming"

During the Intertestimental period, the Jews had a lot of time to reflect on the
history of Israel. And one thing was becoming clear. The nation was beginning to
realize they needed a perfect Savior. All the promises to Abraham (Gen.12:1-3;
15:1-6; 17:1-5), Isaac (Gen. 22; 26), Jacob (Gen. 28:10-16; 32:22-32) and Joseph
(Gen 48:15-16) anticipated a son who would bless the nations. Moses promised
the people a better prophet than himself (Deut. 18:15). God promised David a Son
who would have an eternal throne (2 Sam. 7:16). Isaiah spoke of a righteous
Branch, a suffering Servant who would deliver Israel (Isaiah 11; 42:1-17) and a
righteous Lamb who would be pierced for their transgressions (Isaiah 53). The
prophet Zecharaia also spoke of a savior who would be pierced for the people
(Zech. 12:10). The Psalms spoke of a coming Messiah (Psalms 22; 24; 34; 45; 72;
89; 110). The sacrificial system and the rest of the Law anticipated a greater
deliverance (Heb. 9-10). The prophet Malachi told the Jews to look for a
Forefunner before the coming of the Messiah (Mal. 3:1; 4:5). It goes on and on.

No-One Understands Jesus

What's remarkable about this passage is how this Samaritan woman actually
understands Jesus. Not even Nicodemas, a Pharisee and Ruler of the Jews,
understood Jesus. But this Samaritan woman is right on point! It's a surprising,
delightful, unexpected twist in the story. Moreover, this passage is full of joy! Be
sure to notice the woman's joy (she runs off without her water jar) and Jesus' joy
(he can't even eat).

John 4:1-41

What types of things bring joy to your heart?


Read John 4:1-4. . Jesus had a meaningful discussion with the

1. Why did Jesus leave Judea and what does the Samaritan women about true, authentic worship.
text mean by “and he had to pass through He even said “the Father seeks” worshippers who
Samaria?” What’s the big deal about Samaria? worship Him in spirit and truth. What do you
think that type of worship looks like?
Read John 4:5-14
2. People generally came to draw water early in . What did Jesus mean when he said salvation was
the morning. Why do you think this woman “of the Jews” in verse 22? Did she understand?
came when no-one else was around?

. How do you think the woman felt when Jesus said,
3. Why was this woman surprised by Jesus' question?
“I, the One speaking to you, am He”?

4. How did Jesus turn the tables on the woman Read John 4:27-42.
in verse 10? What is he offering her? 1. According to this passage, do you think the
Samaritan woman genuinely believed? Why?
Why did she run back into town?
5. Did the woman understand what Jesus was
offering her? 1. How is the disciples' confusion about food
similar to the woman's confusion about water?
Read John 4:15-26.
6. As soon as she requested the gift Jesus was Turn to 2nd Timothy 2:2
offering, he brought up her long list of sins. 1. How has the message of Christ spread around
Why? Was he trying to embarrass her? the world?

. After Jesus put his finger on the huge issue in Back to John 4:27-42.
that woman’s life, she brought up a question 1. After his encounter with the Samaritan
about a mountain. What’s the big deal about woman, what specific lessons did Jesus apply
that mountain in verses 19-24? to his disciples?


15. Who first brought you to Jesus?

18. Have you discovered Jesus? And if so, are
there people you need to “run back and tell?”
16. This woman did not deserve Jesus' kindness. Who? Make a list.
Why was he so nice to her?
19. What are some things that keep us from telling
17. According to this passage, how does God feel others about Jesus?
when someone comes to know Him?

1. By Jesus’ day the northern part 8. Discuss What you have heard from
of Israel, also known as me in the presence of many
Samaria, was comprised of an 9. The word translated "of" more witnesses entrust to faithful
ethnically mixed people group precisely means, "from" or "out of." men who will be able to teach
famous for their false religion. So Jesus was telling her not only that others also.
These Samaritans hosted pagan Gerizim was an inauthentic place of 2 Timothy 2:2
religious services at a temple worship, but also that the Savior
on Mount Gerizim. would arise from the Jewish people.
She understood what he meant. In
2. She was likely there at that verse 25 she said “I know that the
time because she was an Messiah is coming.
outcast. She wasn’t part of the
social crowd. 10. Her jaw probably dropped. She may
have dropped the water jar too. In
3. Jesus deliberately bypassed at a second she's going to run off
least three cultural barriers: (1) without it.
Rabbi’s and religious leaders did
not associate with immoral 11. It's obvious that she believed.
people. (2) No Jew had any Excitement and desire to tell others
dealings with Samaritans. (3) It are signs of authentic faith.
also wasn’t acceptable for
Jewish men to talk casually to 12. This is a theme in John's gospel.
women in public. "No-one understands Jesus." (But
this Samaritan woman did!)
4. “Living water,” is like spring
water. It was the best water of 13. Our excitement about Jesus leads
the day. It was clear running us to share about Jesus. It's been
water, as opposed to stagnant that way for two millenia.
sitting water. Jesus used it as an
illustration of salvation 14. "Open your eyes and look at the
fields! They are ripe for harvest!"
5. Discuss Jesus was describing the
conversations they were about to
6. Jesus was about to do something have with all the Samaritans that
magnificent in her life. He had to were on their way to meet him.
point out her sin so that she
could understand His forgiveness. 15. Discuss
“The gospel teaches us that we
are far more wicked than we ever 16. No-one deserves Jesus' kindness,
imagined, but more loved and but he delights to give it. That's
accepted through Christ than we the gospel.
ever dared dream –at the same
time.” - John Piper 17. Discuss

7. See "What you need to know 18. Discuss

about this passage."
19. Discuss

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
OI E • es s O r e
What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO What’s the Big Idea?

The House of Mercy We will all face a judgment

John 5 records Jesus' first confrontation with the Jewish leaders. And it's concerned with how we
packed with fantastic information about Jesus' relationship with His Father. respond to Jesus, God's Son.
The story starts in a place called The House of Bethesda, which was also
called the House of Mercy.

The pool in the House of Bethesda in Jerusalem was a gathering place for
invalids and crippled people. There were no hospitals in Jesus' day. This
pool was a place people came seeking healing after they exhaused all
their other options. Jesus went there on purpose, on a Saturday.

He selected an invalid who hadn't walked for 38 years, and healed him
on the spot. And the words he used to heal him are quite important. He
said, "Take up your bed and walk."

Let me ask you, what would you do if you couldn't walk for four decades
then someone healed you with the words, "Take up your bed and walk?"
You'd do it! You might dance, scream, call your friends, and schedule an
interview eventually, but one thing is for sure from the beginning: You
would take up your bed and walk.
What’s the Problem?
Jesus knew how this guy would respond. He knew he would be walking
Apart from Jesus, we live lives of
with his bed for miles. And that's just what he wanted him to do.
only temporal significance,
unaware that we will one day
Pharisaical Laws
stand before him, facing
In first-centuray Judea, Pharisees promoted a dizzying array of man-made
laws which they added to the Old Testament. They also enforced these
laws for the general population. Here are a few of them:

No-one may do any type of work on the Sabbath

No-one may walk long distances on the Sabbath
No-one may carry a mat on the Sabbath

Jesus knew that a number of Pharisees would see the man he just healed
walking with his mat and try to stop him. And then they would hear
about the healing.

Continued on page 2

How Dare You!

Because Jesus is both a judge and
Believe it or not, by the time the Pharisees tracked this healing back to Jesus,
a savior, we can trust him and
their basic attitude was, "How dare you heal a man on the Sabbath!" No kidding.
live in light of eternity.
They were very steeped in their traditions. And Jesus said something even more
inflamatory next.

Have You Talked to My Dad Lately?

Verses 15-18 record the topic of the conversation. Jesus told these Pharisees that
God was his Father. And he went on to discuss his relationship with God the
Father for the rest of this chapter.

Truly, Truly
Whenever you see Jesus beginning a sentence with the words, "Truly, truly...," lean
in. He's about to say something really important. In verses 19-29, he does it three
times. He's talking in this section about his relationship with his Father. He says:

(A) The Son only does things the Father does. (B) The Father loves the Son.
(C) The Father shows the Son everything He’s doing. (D) The Father and the
Son both give life. (E) The Father has delegated judgment to the Son, (F) so
that the Son’s honor will increase. (G) The Father is dishonored whenever the
Son is dishonored.

Can I Get a Witness?

In verses 30-47, Jesus listed several witnesses to his identity. He talked about John
the Baptist, His own miracles, God the Father, and the Scriptures.

In this section, be sure to pay special attention to verses 39-40. These verses
describe the Pharisees' key problem. They loved the Old Testament Scriptures,
and their own traditions, but not Jesus. Jesus continued to needle them about this
point by bringing up Moses in verses 46-47.

Missing Jesus is a big deal. Hebrews 10:28-29 says, "Anyone who rejected the Law
of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How
much more severly do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled
the Son of God underfoot....?"

This study ends with a brief discussion of judgment. Scripture teaches that there
are two primary judgments people will face in the afterlife:

One is for those who have not accepted Christ. It's called the judgment of
unbelievers, and it's described in Revelation 20:11-15. A place called Hell is the
destiny of those who fail to trust Christ in this life.

The other is for those who have accepted Christ. It's called the judgment of
believers. You can read about it in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. This judgment
functions more like an awards ceremony than a condemnation. Take a minute to
look these passages up before your study.


John 5

What do you think Heaven will be like?


Read John 5:31-47

Read John 
 Some commentators call this passage a
1. Where did this event take place? What do
"courtroom" because Jesus cites several
you think that scene was like?
"witnesses" who testify on his behalf. Who are
some of those witnesses?
Read John 5:9-17
2. Some other Jews saw the man walking with
 Which of these "witnesses" are most compelling
his mat. How did they respond? Why?
to you? Why do you believe in Jesus?
Read John 5:18-2
3. Jesus said, "Truly, truly I tell you..." and then he . Jesus pointed out the Jews' main problem in verses
started speaking about his relationship with 39-40. What was it?
God his Father. Do you see any examples of
the close relationship between Jesus and God
his Father in this passage? Where?
Scripture teaches that there are two primary
judgments people will face in the afterlife. One is
4. Verse 23 says, “all should honor the Son just for those who have not accepted Christ. It's called
as they honor the Father.” Is it really a big the judgment of unbelievers. We can read about it
deal to dishonor Jesus? Why? in Revelation 20 :11-15. The other is the judgment
of believers as recorded in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15.
5. What are some ways that people dishoner Jesus? Let's take a minute to look those passages up.

Read John 5:24-30 Read Revelation 20:11-15

6. What’s the message Jesus has for us in his 1 Who is being judged? What role does Christ
second “Truly, truly” (verse 24)? Who’s the play? What is the end result of that judgment?
“him who sent me of vs. 30?”
Read 1 Corinthians 3:10-15
. What else in this passage stands out to you? 1. Who is being judged? What role does Christ
play? What is the end result of that judgment?

15. We know that there will be no evil in Heaven, and
there will be no-one there who doesn't love Jesus.
13. Do you fear or look forward to the judgment of What else do you suppose will be true about Heaven?
God? Why? If you were to come face to face with
God and he said, "why should I let you into 16. How might your life change if you live with
heaven?" what would you say?" more more awareness of the coming
judgments of God,?
14. Can you think of any reasons why you're glad
that God judges evil? 17. Check out Romans 8:17-18 What kind of people
do you think will receive the biggest rewards in

1. There were no high-rise 10. In all their study of the Scriptures, I tell you the truth, whoever
hospitals or nursing homes in they missed the point of the hears my words and believes
Jesus' day. This pool served as Scriptures. They didn't know that him who sent me has eternal
a gathering place for invalids they needed to be forgiven. They life and will not be condemned;
and crippled people who had he has crossed over from death
didn't know that they needed Jesus.
exhausted all their other to life.
And they respected their own
options. John 5:24
teachings more than the Scriptures
themselves. That’s why Jesus
2. When the Jews saw the man
condemned them for honoring “one
walking with his mat, they tried
another” instead of seeking the
to stop him, because it was the
honor that comes from God (vs. 44).
Sabbath, and Jewish laws
forbade carrying one's mat on
11. Revelation 20:11-15 is commonly
the Sabbath.
called the Great White Throne
judgment. Many people believe that
3. See the "What Do I Need to Christ is the One seated on the
Know About This Passage" throne. Though many books are
section. These verses are opnened at this judgment, one
packed with insights into Jesus' particular book determies the
loving relationship with God the destinies of those being judged.
Father. The Book of Life contains the names
of all who have truly trusted Jesus.
4. Hebrews 10:28-29 says,
"Anyone who rejected the Law
12. In 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, the
of Moses died without mercy on apostle Paul describeds a judgment
the testimony of two or three of believers at the upcoming Day of
witnesses. How much more the Lord. Only people who have
severly do you think a man trusted Jesus attend this judgment,
deserves to be punished who and everyone survives. Some also
has trampled the Son of God receive rewards.
13. We could never say enough. We
5. Discuss are all sinful, and God necessarily
punishes evil. But Jesus died for
6. God the Father sent Jesus. God our sin, and we can escape
is one in Essence, but three in judgment by placing out trust in
Person. him. "God made Him who knew no
sin to be sin on our behalf, so that
7. Discuss we might become the righteousness
of God in Him (2 Cor. 5:21)."
8. See the "What Do I Need to 14. The fact that God judges evil is very
Know About This Passage" good news. Evil is not eternal.
section. Atrocities like rape, murder,
genocide, and all lesser sins will one
9. Discuss day be things of the past.
15-17. Discuss

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
OI E • T e rea Li e
What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO What’s the Big Idea?

Do You Want Fries With That? Jesus is the Bread of Life, who
Believe it or not, in your lifetime you will probably spend about thirty-five truly nourishes our souls.
thousand hours eating food. That’s the equivalent of eight years of eating
nonstop, twelve hours each day. And you know what’s amazing? A few
hours after that 34,999th meal, you’ll be hungry again!

In chapter five, Jesus made a big splash in Jerusalem. He healed a lame
man and sent him into Jerusalem, prompting a discussion with the Jewish
leaders. In chapter six, Jesus is going to make an even bigger splash, and
this time he's not targetting the leaders. He's turning to the people. It all
starts with him climbing up a hill.

John was careful to record the pMace and time of the scene for us. The
hill he ascended was in Galilee. Today this area is caMMed the Golan
Heights. A spacious pasture spread before him. The Jewish feast of
Passover was near.

The Passover and Messianic Expectation

The Feast of Passover was instituted by God Himself. You can read What’s the Problem?
about it in Exodus chapters 11 and 12. The Passover celebrates the
climactic plague on Egypt, the death of the firstborn sons. The night Instead of drawing close to God,
before God enacted that plague, He instructed the Israelites to sacrifice we devote our hearts to shallow
lambs as substitutions for their sons, and to spread blood from those things like money and popularity.
sacrifices on the doorposts of their homes. When God struck down the
firstborn sons across the land, he passed over the sons of Israel, because
of those substitutionary lambs. This final plague decimated Egypt, and
initiated the Exodus.

And by this spring day, as Jesus stood before a massive crowd of people,
the Jews had been celebrated the Passove Feast annually for more than
1000 years. The political climate bore some resemblance to the era of
the Exodus as well. The Jews longed for deliverance from Roman

Continued on page 2

The Crowd
Because Jesus truly nourishes
In verse 2, John told us why the crowd was there. They had seen or heard
our souls, we can follow Him
about Jesus' healings. Many wanted healing for themselves. Others just wanted
to see Jesus do a miracle with their own eyes. When John says, "so the men sat
down, about 5000 in number," he's only listing the number of men (households).
The actual number of people was 15,000-20,000.

The Perplexing Question

Keep in mind, Jesus and his disciples were in the middle of a field, standing in front
of a massive crowd when he asked them, "Where can we buy food for these
people to eat?" They had no cell phones, and no Burger Kings or Jimmy Johns....
Even today, with those resources, it would cost at least $150,000 and weeks of
advanced planning to feed that many people. So Andrew and Philip both spoke up.

Philip said, in effect, "we don't have enough money." Andrew said, in effect, "we
don't have the resources." But of course, Jesus knew what he was going to do the
whole time. He was simply drawing their attention to it.

Jesus Dodges the Crowd

You have to understand the nature of this crowd to understand this story. Pay
special attention to verses 15 and 22. Once they saw this micacle, the crowd
immediately tried to take Jesus by force and make him king. They wanted a
political leader who could provide for them, bless the economy, and deliver them
from Roman oppression. They didn't really care about his teaching. They just
wanted him for what he could do for them. So Jesus dodged them. He sent the
disciples away by themselves later that night while the crowd was watching then
slipped away, and eventually joined them on the water.

The Nature of True Faith

Later, some members from that crowd found Jesus in Capernaum and tried to
talk him into feeding them on an ongoing basis. This conversation (6:25-59)
reads like an old western standoff. Jesus repeatedly invited them to believe in
him. He even stated, This is the work of God, that you believe in him who he
has sent (v. 26)." But the crowd repeatedly tried to manipulate him. And they
eventually said, "Sir, give us this bread always," implying that they would only
believe if he agreed to provide for them first. Jesus refused to be their puppet
and provide miracles-on-demand. So most of the crowd eventually left.

Things haven't changed much today. Lots of people follow Jesus when it's easy
to do so, but they're quick to abandon Jesus as soon as trials or temptation hits.
True believers, in contrast, cling fiercly to Jesus. Take one of the apostle John's
disciples for example. His name was Polycarp. In his days, around 160 A.D.,
Christians were called "atheists" because they refused to worship the Roman
gods. He was eighty-six years old when he was arrested by Roman soldiers and
brought before a tribunal.

The Roman Proconsul tried to persuade him to deny Christ, saying, “Have
respect for your old age, swear by the fortune of Caesar. Repent, and say,
‘Down with the Atheists!’” But instead of criticizing his fellow believers,
Polycarp looked grimly at the wicked heathen multitude in the stadium, and
gesturing towards them, he said, “Down with the Atheists!” “Swear,” urged the
Proconsul, “reproach Christ, and I will set you free.” Polycarp replied, “86
years have I have served him, and he has done me no wrong. How can I
blaspheme my King and my Savior?” A few minutes later, Polycarp willingly
stepped onto a pile of wood, and he was burned to death.


John 6

Have you ever been in a relationship where you felt more used than loved? Explain.


Read John   According to verses 27, how did Jesus try to
1. How would you characterize Philip's and redirect their thinking?
Andrew's response to Jesus' request?
 What promises did Jesus make in this conversation?
2. Jesus obviously knew what he was about to
do. Why do you think he asked his disciples Read John 6:41-42
for their advice? . How did the crowd respond?

3. How do you think the disciples felt as they +FTVT UIF#SFBEPG-JGF

gathered up all that leftover food?
Verses 43-58 read like a standoff. The crowd
continued to ask Jesus for ongoing provision, and
4. How did the crowd respond? Jesus repeatedly told them to trust him for eternal
life. At one point Jesus said, "I am the living bread
Read John 6:1 that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of
5. Imagine that you are one of the disciples facing this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that
that storm. You’ve saw Jesus turn water into I will give for the life of the world is my flesh (John
wine and you’ve seen him heal sick and lame 6:51)." And many people left him.
people. Then all of the sudden you see Him
walking toward you on the lake. Is your . What's the difference between desiring Jesus for
perspective of Jesus changing? How so? who he is and seeking him for what he can give us?

6. Why do you suppose Jesus joined the disciples Read John 6:66-71
on the water instead of leaving with them 1 How did the apostles respond when Jesus asked
earlier? them if they wanted to leave too?

Read John 6:22-40 1. Have you ever known anyone who stopped
. Why did members from the crowd sought following Jesus? Why did they stop?
Jesus and found him so quickly the next day?
What were they after?


The martyrdom of Polycarp, one of John's disciples, is well 1 Has Jesus satisfied your spiritual hunger? How?
known. During his interrogation, the Roman Proconsul
threatened to burn him alive. He replied, "You threaten me 16. When are you most tempted to deny your
with fire that burns for an hour and then is extinguished, but faith?
you know nothing of the fire of the coming judgment and
eternal punishment reserved for the ungodly. Why are you 17. Can you think of a time when it was scary
waiting? Bring on whatever you want." for you to follow Jesus?

14. Why is it that some Christians are willing to die for 18. Following Jesus doesn't always bring quick
their faith and others give in at the slightest trial or rewards. What are some of the costs of
temptation? following Jesus? Why do it?

1. Philip and Andrew did the best 8. Look at verses 27, 29, and 33. Jesus Jesus said to them, "I am the
they could. They were polite repeatedly said, "It's me you want, bread of life. Whoever comes
but confused. Jesus asked an not another meal!" to me shall not hunger, and
“impossible” question. This is whoever believes in me shall
the miracle commonly known 9. He promised eternal life! And he never thirst."
as the Feeding of the 5000. promised eternal satisfaction, saying, John 6:35
And 5000 is just the estimate "Whoever comes to me shall not
of the number of men. hunger and shall never thirst!" He
Women and children were specifically mentioned resurrection
also there. Most scholars in verse 40. These are amazing
estimate there were about promises!
15,000 people altogether.
10. The crowd didn't want Jesus'
. Jesus was drawing attention to promises. They just wanted him to
what he was about to do. He agree to provide food for them.
wanted to involve his disciples.
11. Loving what Jesus can give us is not
. Discuss the same as loving Jesus himself. If
we only love what he gives us, we'll
. Pay special attention to verse 15. stop following him as soon as our
This was a very visible miracle. circumstances begin to challenge
And the crowd suddenly knew our devotion.
Jesus could not only heal people,
but he could also provide food 12. The disciples continued to grow in
for them. The average their understanding of Jesus, day by
American spends over $150 per day.
week on food. Add that to all
your healthcare costs, and you 13. Share
can see why this crowd suddenly
decided Jesus was going to be ol rp also walked willingly onto
their king, regardless of whether the pile of wood and prayed, "Lord
he wanted the job or not. sovereign God, I thank you that you
have deemed me worthy of this
5. Throughout the whole book of
moment..." Then he was burned alive.
John, the disciples are growing in
their understanding of Who Jesus 14. One reason is because not
Is. everyone who claims to be a
Christian has a genuine relationship
6. Notice the end of verse 5 as with Jesus. Being in a garage doesn't
well. One reason Jesus didn't make you a car. And being in
leave with the disciples is church or from a Christian family
because he was avoiding the doesn't make you a Christian. Each
crowd. of us must make a decision to
follow Christ on our own. See
. They wanted economic Romans 10:13
provision and they wanted to
champion a popular king. 15-18. Discuss

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
T E ME IA A OME • Ri ers Li i a er
What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO  What’s the Big Idea?

The Feasts of Israel Everyone is challenged by the

The Jews hosted seven primary holidays in Jerusalem. Four occurred in the claims of Jesus.
Spring and three in the Fall. Passover was the first feast of the year, and it
celebrated God's micaculous deliverance of Israel from Egypt. On the second
night of the Passover feast, they began to serve the Unleavened Bread which
symbolized purity. The Feast of Firstfruits came right on the heels of the
Passover. The Jews dedicated best of their new crops to the Lord. Several
weeks later they celebrated the summer harvest with a feast called Pentecost,

Later in the Fall the Jews celebrated the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of
Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles.

The e sts of sr el
The Feast of Passover - Salvation
The Unleavened Bread - Purity
4QSJOH The Feast of Firstfruits - God's Provision
The Feast of Pentecost - God's Provision
What’s the Problem?
The Feast of Trumpets - Worship
'BMM The Day of Atonement - Confession We often view Jesus as a
The Feast of Tabernacles - Presence of the Lord great leader or teacher, but
miss the fact that he is the
Messiah of God.
The Feast of Tabernacles
The Feast of Tabernacles (also known as the Feast of Booths) was the last
celebration of the year. It took place in Jerusalem each fall. As part of the
festival, which lasted 8 days, the Jews erected temporary shelters all over the
city and the hill called the Mount of Olives. The shelters served as reminders
of the days of Moses when Israel wandered in the wilderness for forty years.
The festival included a lot of singing and dancing and a tremendous feast. For
the first seven days, 70 bulls were offered for the nations of the world but
everything built toward the last day, when 1 bull was offered for Israel.

Continued on page 2

The Ceremony at the Feast of Tabernacles You will want your group to
The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles was the greatest day of the celebration. understand that many
Early in the morning on that day the chief priest led a procession from the altar in people are confused about
Jerusalem down to the pool of Siloam. Once he got there he filled a golden Jesus, and it's important to
pitcher with water then headed back toward the temple. The masses waved palm know who he really is.
branches and cheered him on. Three series of trumpet blasts announced his
arrival into the city. When he entered the Temple area, he circled the altar seven
times before ascending it. Once atop the altar, he poured out the water at the
base of the altar signifying that the nation was still in bondage and waiting for the
messiah. Then he raised his hand and the priests began singing choruses which the
people repeated. “Oh Lord, send salvation” “Oh Lord, bring prosperity” “Oh give
thanks to the Lord.”

It was at this point in the Feast that Jesus cried out “If anyone is still thirsty let him
come to me and drink! Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, 'Out of
his heart will flow rivers of living water!'"

With this announcement, Jesus formally presented Himself as the Messiah to Israel,
and he stunned the crowd. Some people believed in him. Others called him a
prophet. The Pharisees and their guards stumbled all over themselves, and a
controvery arose.

Many people knew that Jesus was from Galillee and the Messiah was supposed to
be born in Bethlehem. These people didn't know, of course, that Jesus was born in
Bethlehem, and only moved to Galilee later in his life.

This is another passage where we see Nicodemas, an elite Pharisee and member of
the ruling Sanhedrin, continue to wrestle with the identity of Jesus. But many of
the other Jewish leaders were too prideful to believe in Jesus and they were
jealous of his popularity. They copied the crowd, saying “a prophet does not come
from Galilee.” Sometimes people grasp at anything they can to deny the truth
regarding Jesus.

A Great Opportunity
The Apply Section of this study starts off with the questions, "What are some of
the different opinions of Jesus today? What are some reasons people give for not
believing in him?" Try to use these questions to surface any doubts people in your
group have about Jesus, the Bible, or faith in general. You don't need to know the
answers. Just take some notes.

Then do a little research between this week and next. Consider using the websites
suggested on the next page. You might choose to discuss the topics futher with
individuals or your whole group.

This is a great opportunity because there are great answers to every question
about the Christian faith. Consider the journey of Lee Strobel. Lee Strobel
graduated from Yale Law school and worked for 14 years as a research journalist
for the Chicago Tribune. He was also a strong atheist. So it initially bugged him
when his wife Leslie came to Christ. But over time, he saw an attractive change in
her character. He began to research the Christian faith. As a world-renowned
jounalist, he had access to all the leading people in the fields of science, philosophy,
history, and more. And the more research he did, the more he became convinced
of the truth of Christianity. Over time, he gave his heart to Christ. You can read
his research yourself in his best selling books entitled The Case for Christ, The
Case for a Creator, and The Case for Faith.

John 7

Do you remember when you first heard about Jesus? When did He become meaningful to you?

The e st of T ern les
Read 7:1-13. The Feast of Tabernacles lasted 8 days. Seventy
1. Why were Jesus’ brothers urging him to go to bulls were sacrificed for the nations on the first 7
the feast? What do they assume about Jesus’ days, and one special bull was sacrificed for Israel
motivation? Why? on the 8th. An elaborate ceremony accompanied
this special day. The High Priest marched into the
2. Sometimes believers face opposition or ridicule for city amidst trumpet blasts and cheering crowds.
their faith from family members. Do you know He was carrying a golden pitcher. But when he
anyone who has been in that situation? How does ascended the altar, he poured the offering out
this passage encourage you? beside the altar, instead of on it. This act
symbolized the nation's prayers, and the fact that
3. According to verses 12-13, what rumors they were still awaiting the coming Messiah.
were circulating in Jerusalem about Jesus?

Read 7:37-52
4. Why do you think Jesus waited to go to
Jerusalem until later? . What did Jesus cry out at this point in the
ceremony? How did the crowd react?
Read 7:14-36. . Look back at the whole chapter. What are the
various ways that people reacted to Jesus?
5. The Feast of Tabernacles was the climax of all
the feasts of Israel, and Jesus went right into . What are some of the different opinions of Jesus
the Temple and started teaching. How did today?
people receive at first?
1. Why did the temple guards report back without
6. How did people receive him later? Why did apprehending Jesus?
many believe in him?
1. Nicodemas, a top Jewish leader, argued for a fair
. Did the people understand Jesus’ statement in
trial for Jesus. How did the rest of the leaders
vs. 33-34? What was Jesus talking about? respond? Why did it matter where Jesus was
Where was he going? from?


13. What are some of the different opinions of 15. Are there people in your life who discourage
Jesus today? What are some reasons people your belief in Jesus? How so?
give for not believing in him?
16. Why do you believe in Jesus?
14. Have you ever seen someone grasp at anything
they can grab in an effort to avoid Jesus?

1. Jesus' "brothers" were actually 6. See vs. 26-31. Some people were On the last day of the feast, the
his half-brothers. Jesus was beginning to believe in him. great day, Jesus stood up and
born only of Mary, and these cried out, "If anyone thirsts, let
brothers were born later as 7. Nope, they didn't understand. him come to me and drink.
children of Mary and Joseph. Jesus was speaking about his Whoever believes in me, as the
Jesus had four brothers overall. death, when he would go back to Scripture has said, 'Out of his
- James, Joseph (Joses), Simon Heaven to be with his Father. heart will flow rivers of living
and Judas (not the same Judas water.'"
who betrayed Jesus). Jesus' John 7:37-38
8. This ceremony was Israel's way of
brothers did not initially believe
asking God to send the Messiah.
in him. In this passage they told
Jesus basically said, "Here I am."
Jesus he needed to be visible if
he wanted to be a political
leader. But at least two of his 9. Jesus' brothers seemed to think n polo etics
brothers came to faith later. he was an ambitious political The word "Apologetics" does not
James became the leader of the leader. Some people said he had mean "an apology." It's related to
first Christian church in a demon. Some believed he was the Greek word απολογια. It
Jerusalem- see Acts 15:6,13. the Christ, or The Prophet like means, "a rational defense of the
He wrote the N.T. book of Moses - another name for the Christian faith."
James. Judas (again- not Jesus’ Christ. Still others considered
him a criminal or a charlatan.
betrayer) wrote the N.T. book reat polo etic
of Jude. e sites
10. Discuss
. Discuss .ever st
11. They found him too credible. this sight has great articles and
. . By this time, there were a wide connects you with staff members
12. Most of the leaders didn't want to who can answer questions.
variety of opinions about Jesus.
give Jesus a fair hearing. People
Some people thought he was a .carm.or
understood that the Messiah was
good man, others thought he click on "Questions" then
supposed to come from Bethlehem.
was a prophet, and some knew "Skeptics Ask"
And of course, Jesus was born in
him to be the Messiah. Others
Bethlehem. More importantly,
thought he was a false teacher .reasona le ait .or
however, he has always existed. He
or an evil man. This passage click on "Writings" then
is the λογοσ (logos) of God (John 1).
just summarizes the various "Popular Articles"
Questions 13-16. .pro e.or
4. Jesus said, "It is not my time" to Use these questions to surface check out the first article,
his brothers. But his time came reasons people don't believe in entitled "Reasons to Believe"
soon after his brothers left. He Jesus. You may encounter some
obviously didn't want to go to common arguments like "the
check out the list of topics on
Jerusalem with them. problem of evil" or "how can there
the left
be just one way." If so, take notes.
5. At first they said, "You have a You don't have to have all the leestro el o
demon" and "Who is trying to answers. But in just a few minutes use the search bar
kill you?" They didn't know that you can find great articles on all
Jewish leaders were plotting to these topics at websites like the ethinking org
kill him. ones listed to the right. easy-to-find topics and articles

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO  What’s the Big Idea?
When we come to Jesus we
Dancing to the Music of the Gospel experience a powerful
Keith Johnson, a national leader with Cru, often compares the gospel transformation.
to music, and the Christian life to dancing. Not everyone hears the
music, but those who do hear it can't stand still. They all start
dancing. And, of course, some people dance better than others. If
you haven't already read John 9, stop right now and read it. It's a
fantastic story.

Jesus Sends a Man In

By this point in the Book of John, Jesus has already presented himself
to the nation formally. He knew that the religious leaders of the day
would not accept him. That was part of his plan. Now he's beginning
to challenge them directly. And he does it as only He can!

In the ancient world, people often believed that sickness and
tragedies were the result of sin. And of course, that's often the case.
There are plenty of diseases and tragedies we can avoid by making What’s the Problem?
wise choices. But that's not always the case! Everyone suffers, and
some suffer more than others. Imagine being born blind. Apart from Jesus, we're enslaved
by our blindness and guilt.
John points out that the word “Siloam” means “sent.” The Pool of
Siloam symbolically meant deliverance to the Jews. Jesus is sending
this guy ahead of him in order to create a stir. By going and washing
the man encountered other people who witnessed the miracle.
Eventually those people drew the attention of the Pharisees.

Always pay close attention to dialogue when you read narrative
portions of the Bible. The guy Jesus healed in this passage
experienced a life-changing miracle. He's just a common guy. But
notice how he completely overwhelms the learned Pharisees.

Continued on page 2

Jesus shines in the hearts of

Jesus' Illustration
those who come to him, and
In his grace, Jesus used this blind man as an illustration, and this whole passage
they serve as instruments of
turns on that illustration. Jesus sent a blind man in because the Pharisees his grace.
were blind themselves.

When Jesus frees us from our sin and gives us new life, we're just like this
blind man. For the first time, we begin to see! Before closing this study, you
might want to discuss John Newton and the hymn entitled Amazing Grace,
or Lecrae's testimony at

Was Blind But Now I See

John Newton was eleven years old when he began sailing with his dad, a
shipmaster for England. And he eventually became a slave trader. For years
he engaged in the despicable practice of capturing men and women in West
Africa to be sold as slaves in markets around the world.

But God intervened in his life. Newton encountered a tremendous storm on

one of his journeys, and he began to read a Christian book. God used that
book to lead him to repentence. Newton eventually left the slave trade and
became a minister. Years later he wrote a pamphlet entitled "Thoughts
About the Slave Trade" that rocked Europe. His work, alongside that of
William Wilberforce and many others, led to the the eradication of slavery in
the western world.

Newton also had an effective ministry as a preacher and a hymnologist. He

never ceased to marvel at the grace of God. You may already be familiar
with his most famous hymn, Amazing Grace.

Amazing grace—how sweet the sound—that saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost but now am found, s lin ut no see

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed!

Thru many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; ’tis grace
hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me; His word my hope secures; He
will my shield and portion be as long as life endures.

When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the
sun, we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we’d first


John 9

What difference has Jesus made in your life?


Read 9:1-12.
1. How did Jesus' disciples view the relationship . Once the miracle became undeniable, how did the
between sickness and sin? Pharisees respond? What did they say about Jesus?

2. Can you think of any diseases that are the . Have you seen people be skeptical about the
result of sin? power of God’s grace? When?

3. What was Jesus' view of the blind man's . How would you chart the blind man’s emotions?
condition? How did his emotions change as he went from
being healed and seeing for the first time in his life
to testifying before the Pharisees and then finally to
4. Jesus called himself the "Light of the World." facing rejection by the Pharisees?
What did he mean by that?

1. Was the healed man afraid of the Pharisees? Why

5. Why do you think Jesus went through the
or why not?
process of making mud and telling the man to
go wash, instead of simply healing him
instantly? Read 9:35-41
1. Why did Jesus seek out the healed man later?
Read 9: How did he respond?
6. How did the Pharisees respond to this miracle?
What reasons did they give?
1. What type of blindness was Jesus speaking of
in verses 39-41?
. Why do you suppose they sent for the man’s
parents? How did the man’s parents respond?
Look up 2 Corinthians 4:4-6
Why? Why did they ultimately defer to their
son? 1. What is this passage describing? Who,
according to these passages, is truly blind?


15. Have you been encouraged by this passage? 17. Salvation has been described as "coming into
How so? the light." What are some ways that
unbelievers are blind? What are some things
true Christians see?
16. This blind man's story is not unique. Jesus can
transform anyone, even slave traders like John
18. Are you as passionate about what God has done
Newton, into instruments of His grace. Has
in your life as this blind man? Why or why not?
God transformed you? How?

1. Jesus' disciples obviously 9. Discuss For God, who said, "Let light
thought that this man's shine out of darkness," made
blindness was the result of 10. What a journey! He was blind his his light shine in our hearts.
someone's sin. We don't think whole life. Imagine the joy and
that way much today. wonder of seeing for the first 2 Corinthians 4:6a
time! And then he was astounded
2. There are tons of examples by the Pharisees, who seemed not
of diseases that relate to to see Jesus for who he was.
poor choices: Alcoholism Then he rebuked them and got
often leads to cirrhosis of thrown out of the community.
the liver, Sexual sins spread But then he met and worshipped
STDs, etc. Jesus face to face!

3. Jesus’ statement that “neither 11. Discuss

this man nor his parents
sinned” doesn’t mean that they 12. Jesus revealed himself to him
were sinless but that the man’s again, and he came to a better
blindness was not the direct understanding of who Jesus is. He
result of some specific sin they originally called Jesus a prophet.
did. But now he's worshipping him.

4. This is the first clue to the 13. This is the theme of the whole
meaning of this passage. Jesus is passage. Jesus is the Light of the
the Light of the World. We are World. We are all blind. But he
all blind. But he can enable us to can enable us to see.
see. This theme develops
throughout the passage. 14. Notice that this blindness is not
blindness of the eyes. It's blindness
of the heart. The apostle Paul
5. We don't know all the reasons referenced Genesis 1 in this
Jesus healed him this way. But passage. When we come to God
Jesus is obviouly sending this guy through Jesus, we experience new
ahead of him in order to create a life. It's like God shines a light in
stir, and to get the attention of the our hearts and we begin to
Pharisees. understand Jesus for how awesome
he is.
6. Again, the Pharisees value their
traditions more than Jesus' 15. Discuss
obvious miracles. They were
opposed to Jesus. 16. This is a great place to share about
John Newton, or to watch Lecrae's
7. The parents obviously thought testimony at
their son was competent to
speak for himself. 17. Christ, most importantly, and
God's love, His providence, etc.
8. Discuss
18. Discuss

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO -12:3 What’s the Big Idea?
Jesus is the resurrection
Death and the life.
Death has plagued humanity ever since the Garden of Eden. It separates us
from people we love and looms over our own lives like an intimidating spirit.
In this chapter we’ll see how Jesus reached out to a family struggling with the
pain of death. He will show us why we need never fear death again.

The Story Begins

The movie Mission Impossible III starts with an intense scene. Tom Cruise is
begging a man not to kill a girl. After that scene, the movie begins. Then, an
hour and a half into the movie, we see that scene again. But now we understand
it, because we know who is bound, who the bad guy is, and what's at stake.

John 11 starts with an intense scene as well. A woman named Mary is aointing
Jesus' feet with fantastically expensive oitment and using her hair to dry them.
We won't know who she is, or why she was there until John 12:3.

Verses 1-16 No-one Understands Jesus

The town of Bethany was only 1.7 miles from Jerusalem, and Jesus' disciples didn't
want to go back there because of prior attempts on his life. They had no idea What’s the Problem?
what Jesus was going to do.
We are often overwhelmed by
When Jesus got news that Lazarus was sick, he immediately said, "This illness tragedies.
does not result in death" but then he waited two days. After those two days,
he said "Let us go to Judea... Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep." Jesus waited
until Lazarus was dead before beginning his trip. His disciples misunderstood
him, even though he had already told them that Lazarus' illness would not end
in death. That's reasonable, considering the fact that Lazarus was, in fact, dead.

Verses 17-32
Before Jesus got to the village, Martha came out to meet him. Notice how she
greeted him, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died." Then
she called for her sister Mary. She greeted Jesus with the exact same words.
They'd sent for Jesus. And he didn't come in time.

Notice how Jesus interacted with Martha and Mary. He was deeply moved in his
spirit, and he wept. Even though he knew what he was going to do, he shared in
their suffering.
Continued on page 2

Resurrection You want to inspire your

When Jesus greeted Martha, he said, "Your brother will rise again." And this group with this story about
isn't the first time Jesus had talked about resurrection. In John 5:26-29 he taught: Jesus' power over the grave,
and encourage them to trust
For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son him in the midst of trials and
also to have life in himself. And he has given him authority to temptations.
execute judgment, because he is the Son of Man. Do not
marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the
tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who have done
good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil
to the resurrection of judgment.

Moreover, Martha was Jewish, and Jews in the first century commonly believed in a
future resurrection. But Jesus wasn't satisfied with Martha's response. He had
more in store for her. He told her to focus on him, saying, "“I am the resurrection
and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone
who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

"Lazarus, Come Out!"

Jesus went directly to the tomb. If you read the story carefully, you'll see that
Jesus never even went to Mary and Martha's home. He went straight to the
grave. Rabbis at this time taught that the spirit of a person hovered around his
dead body for up to three days, trying to get back in, but departed permanently
when the first sign of decomposition began. As Jesus approached the tomb that
day, Lazarus' diseased, dead body had been entombed for four days. He paused
for a short, public prayer. He wanted everyone there to understand that he is
the Son of God. Then, with three words, he rose Lazarus from the dead.

The Aftermath
Verses 45-54 record the response of the Pharisees and Chief Priests. In a
backroom they discussed the momentum for Jesus all over Judea. They felt
threatened by Jesus, and they wanted him out of the way.

In contrast, (12:1-3), Jesus was enjoying a memorable meal with loved ones. Mary,
Martha, and Lazarus finally got Jesus in their home. Martha served as Jesus talked
with his friend Lazarus at the table. And Mary, moved to worship him, anointed
his feet with perfume, and even wiped them with her hair.


John 11-12:3

Have you ever had a family member or friend die? Did that death cause you to question God's love? Share if
you can.


Read 11:1-16.
1. How did Jesus respond when he learned that . Jesus obviously knew what he was going to do, so
one of his friends was ill? why was he so deeply moved by Mary's grief?

2. What prompted him to finally go to Bethany? . What was the response of the crowd?

. Where did all these events take place?

3. If Jesus loved Lazarus, why did he wait two days
to help him?
Read 11:38-44.
4. What does verse 15 tell us about Jesus' . Imagine being at this scene. What would you think
purposes? and feel?

Read 11:17- 1. If you were one of the disciples and you saw this
5. Did Martha have faith, doubt, or a mixture of happen, how do you think you would have reacted?
both in this passage? How so?
Read 11:45-55.
. Jesus said, "He who believes in me will live, even 1. What are the various ways that people
though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in responded to this event?
me will never die." What kind of life and death
was Jesus referring to? How should Christ's Read John 12:1-3
statement alter our views of life and death? 1. In addition to the joy of having their brother
back, what hope did this miracle give Mary and
. How did Mary greet Jesus? Martha? What hope does it give you and me?

. Do you seen any evidence of Jesus' love for

1. Now consider question 3 again. Why do you
this family in this passage?
think Jesus waited those two days?


17. Tombs were unclean places but Jesus went

15. Have you ever felt abandoned by God in a straight there and brought redemption. Where
great time of need? can he bring redemption to you?

16. Someone once said, "We don't always know all 18. How does knowing the power of Jesus to raise
of God's purposes, but we can always take rest
the dead impact the way you live your life?
in His character." Do you agree? Why or why

Jesus said to her, "I am the

1. Jesus said, "This sickness will 8. See vs. 5, 33-38, etc. Jesus loved resurrection and the life.
not lead to death." But then he them. Whoever believes in me,
waited until Lazarus died! though he die, yet shall he
9. Jesus loved them, and he shared live, and everyone who lives
2. It appears that Jesus and believes in me shall
in their grief, even though he
supernaturally knew when never die." Do you believe
was about to bring great joy.
Lazarus died. As soon as this?
that happened, he began to
move toward the town of 10. Discuss John 11:25-26
11. Discuss
3. Discuss
12. Martha and Mary rejoiced
4. Jesus wants those who follow because of Jesus! Many Jews
him to believe in him and to believed in Jesus. The Jewish
trust in his power. leaders felt threatened by Jesus
and determined to kill him.
5. Martha had a mixture of faith and
doubt. She believed in a future 13. This is an important question.
resurrection. She may have heard Martha and Mary got Lazarus
Jesus talk about that before. But back, but they got much more
she didn't expect Jesus to raise too! They understood Jesus for
Lazarus on that day. She blamed Who He is. That's what Jesus
him for being too late. And she was after all along.
warned him about the smell of the
tomb. 14. Jesus didn't want to just heal
Lazarus. He wanted to resurrect
him from the dead. He wanted
6. There are two different Greek everone to know his resurrection
words for life. One isϠϧϭϯIt power.
implies existence and growth.
We get the word biology from
ϠϧϭϯBut the Greek word Ϥϵϥ 15. Discuss
means more than that. It implies
transcendent life. That's the word 16. Discuss
Jesus used here. It's the same
word he uses in John 10:10. In
17. Discuss
this passage, Jesus is talking about
eternal, meaningful life.
18. Discuss

7. Mary and Marth both greeted

Jesus in the same way. See vs.
21 and 32.

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
I AVE OVER OME T E ORL • T e l iri
What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO  What’s the Big Idea?
We can draw close to God
On the Way to the Cross
and experience all that He
You may remember that the book of John divides into two parts: The Book of
has through us through the
Signs, chapters 1-11, covers covers three years of Jesus' ministry. The Book of
power of His Spirit.
the Hour, chapters 12-21, covers the last week of Jesus' life.

At this point in our study, Jesus is already in Jerusalem. He has celebrated the
passover feast with his disciples in the city, and one of his followers, named
Judas Iscariot, has left to betray him. Jesus, knowing what lay before him, took
time to share some final words with his followers.

He taught them about service and the nature of true leadership (chapter 13).
He talked about Heaven and told them to always abide in him (chapter 14). He
also talked a lot about the Holy Spirit (chapters 14-16).

The Trinity
God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit compose the Godhead, or
the three Persons of God. God is one in essence (see, e.g. John 10:38,
Deuteronomy 6:4 and Mark 12:29). And He is also composed of three
distinct persons: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Way back
in the second century, a Christian leader coined the term Trinity to describe What’s the Problem?
the Godhead. Of course, our language and understanding cannot fully capture
who God is. The study of God's identity is called Theology Proper. We're naturally sinful and we
live lives of independence from
The Holy Spirit God.
The Holy Spirit is the third Member of the Trinity. He is not an impersonal
force. He has all the attributes of personhood (itellect, emotion, and will). But
He is also divine. Like God the Father and Jesus, He is eternal (Hebrews 9:14),
omnipresent (Psalm 135:7), omniscient (1 Corinthians 2:10), and omnipotent (Job
33:4). He inspired the Scriptures (2 Peter 1:21) and played a role in creation
(Genesis 1:2).

And He plays a number of special roles in the lives of believers. He guides,

directs, and empowers us as we follow God. In the Old Testament era, the
Spirit empowered Samson with great strength, David with strength and skill,
prophets with knowledge of the future, and many others.

The Spirit began a new era in the Biblical story when He came to empower
believers in Acts 3. That event, called Pentecost, initiated the era known as
the Church age. That's the era we live in now.
Continued on page 2

The Presence
The Spirit in ells all true believers. Ephesians 1:13–14 (ESV) states: Lead your group in a
discussion about the Holy
n hi ou lso hen ou he r the or of truth Spirit and encourage them
the gospel of our s l tion n elie e in hi to confess their sins and
ere se le ith the pro ise Hol Spirit ho is surrender their lives to
the gu r ntee of our inherit n e until e uire Him.
possession of it to the pr ise of his glor

The word "sealed" was a familiar one to Paul's original audience. Roman officials
would drip wax onto letters or important documents and imprint that wax with
a ring. This procedure anounced the authority and importance of the letter and
protected it from any tampering. Every believer is likewise protected by God's

The Power
And the Spirit also fills believers. In Ephesians 5:18, Paul commanded his
audience to be filled with the Spirit. Being indwelled is not the same as being
filled. There is one indwelling, but there are many fillings. To be filled with the
Spirit is to be directed and empowered by the Spirit.

To make room for the King of Kings in our life, we must, in Dr. Bright's words,
"prepare the throne." We cannot be directed and empowered by the Spirit if
we are directing our own lives ourselves. We must confess our sins and offer
control of our lives to Christ. Independance is a great American concept, but
it's not a Christian ideal. We draw close to God by surrendering to God. He
knows how to run our lives much better than we do.

The difference between God's presence and God's power in our lives is often
illustrated with a simple diagram.
identity / relationship
The moment a person comes
to Christ, their identity and
relationship with God changes
instantly. That person
becomes a child of God.

But relationship doesn't always identity / relationship

imply intimacy. Sin and
independence from God bring
a lack of intimacy. A person fellowship
grows closer to God over
time as they confess sins and
trust Him with more and
more of their life. time

We don't have to earn God's favor. We couldn't if we tried. But as His

children we can draw close to Him through confession, obedience, and
surrender. Encourage your group to confess their sins and surrender their
lives to Him.


John 15:26-16:33

What are some of the characteristics of close relationships?


Today we're entering a new era in the ministry of Jesus. Special Focus: The Holy Spirit
He has entered Jerusalem and he's planning to give his . Turn to orinthi ns What do
life on behalf of mankind. He is also preparing his you learn about the Holy Spirit? Is this
disciples for his departure. He made them a significant comforting? Why?
promise. He told them that the Holy Spirit would soon
come in power.
. Now read phesi ns n G l ti ns
Read  What do you learn about the Holy
Spirit from these passages Does this make
1. According to verse 26, how will the Holy Spirit
sense? Why?
and Jesus’ disciples continue the ministry begun by
. Check out phesi ns What does it
mean to be filled with the Spirit?
2. What kind of treatment will those disciples
endure from those who do not know Christ?
Read 15:16-33
. Did the disciples understand what Jesus was
3. Do we ever face persecution in our society for saying?
following Jesus? If so, how?
. What does it mean to ask God for something
Read 16:5-15. “in Jesus’ name?”
. What can we learn about how the disciples
were feeling from verses 6 and 12? Why 1. What did Jesus mean when he said, “A time
were they so sad? will come when you will be scattered”?

. How did Jesus comfort them?

1. Jesus knew that when the Holy Spirit comes
to empower the disciples (Acts 3), they will
. According to this passage, Who is the Holy no longer hide but will proclaim Jesus boldly.
Spirit? Have you ever had a chance to share your
faith in Jesus?


In a booklet entitled How to Be Filled With the Holy 14. God has given us all we need to live fruitful lives
Spirit, Bill Bright tells a story about a sheep herder in a for Him. Yet we fall short. How have you
west Texas town named Ira Yates. During the grieved the Spirit lately? Is there anything you
need to confess and correct?
Depression era Yates progressively lost business and
became impoverished. But then a seismographic
company asked if they could drill an oil well on his land. 15. How can you "keep in step" with the Spirit?
The first well struck a huge oil reservethat produced
80,000 barrels per day. That's $2.5 million per day. Many 16. Would you like for God to direct you and
more wells followed. Yates owned it all. He was a empower you?
billionaire. He just didn't know it.

1. Jesus promised that the Holy 9. A person who is filled with the And do not get drunk on
Spirit would come in power Holy Spirit is directed and wine, for that is debauchery,
after his departure. He called empowered by the Holy Spirit. but be filled with the Holy
Him the Helper and the Spirit Spirit.
of Truth. Ephesians 5:18
10. Yes and no. They understood
that Jesus was leaving the world
2. The disciples were about to
and going back to God the Father.
go through some serious
But they didn't know how tough
that would be or what was coming
3. Discuss
11. To ask in Jesus' name means to
4. They were sad. Jesus told them desire the same things Jesus desires
he was going to leave them. and to ask God the Father for
them. Because of Jesus' death for
5. Jesus actually said it was better our sin and resurrection, we can
for them that he go away, draw close to God in Jesus' name.
because then he would send the And God will answer every prayer
Holy Spirit. Instead of Jesus' that aligns with His perfect will.
physical presence on Earth, the
Spirit would come and be 12. Soon Jesus will be arrested, and the
present on Earth in a special way. disciples will flee in all directions.

6. Jesus called Him the Helper, and 13. Discuss

the Spirit of Truth. Jesus
promised that He would convict 14. Living a fruitful life for God isn't
the world of sin, righteousness about us getting more of Him. It's
and judgment. That includes about Him getting more of us. We
everything bad, good, and all that's can offer God more of us by
coming. confessing known sins, surrendering
ungodly ambitions, and offering our
7. The Sprit lives in all believers lives to Him. You might give your
individually. This has group a few minutes of personal
implications for how we treat time to pray, and then regather.
our bodies and how we treat
others. See 1 Cor. 6:17-20 and
1 Cor. 12.
15. Discuss e it
You can access Bill Bright's
8. Paul counsels us not to grieve 16. End in prayer. fantastic little booklet entitled
the Spirit by continuing in sin, How You Can Be Filled With the
and to keep in step with the Holy Spirit, and other resources
Spirit by following God. This at:
makes sense because this is what ru org tr ining n
we observe. Christians can gro th l ssi s tr nsfer le
either walk with God or disobey. on epts

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
ILLIN T E ON O O • si i
What Do I Need to Know About the Passage?
+PIO What’s the Big Idea?
Jesus courageously gave His
Introduction life in order to save mankind
Today we will look at the night of Jesus’ arrest and trial. The book of John and from sin and death.
the other gospels record enough details that we can piece together how that
night went. Due to the chaotic political environment of the day Jesus faced
three different judges and endured both torture and humiliation before
eventually being convicted and sentenced to death by crucifixion.

The Arrest
After telling Judas, "What you are about to do, do quickly," Jesus went
somewhere Judas could easily find him. The word Gethsemane means an olive
grove. This olive grove had a walled enclosure Jesus used regularly. And when
Judas came with various Roman and Jewish officials, Jesus stepped out in the
open toward them. Some officials staggered back and fell down when Jesus
disclosed himself with the words, "I am." These are the words the Lord spoke
to Moses at the burning bush in Exodus 3:15.

The Trials
Understanding a little bit of background will help you make sense of this night. In
A.D. 6, the Romans installed a man named Annas as the High Priest of Israel.
They removed him in A.D. 15 but five of his sons and his son-in-law Caiaphus What’s the Problem?
served in the position after him. On the night Jesus was betrayed, Caiaphus was
the proper High Priest, but Annas still controlled the priesthood. That's why, We are sinful, and we can deny
after arresting Jesus, the Jewish leaders took him to Annas first. That's also why Jesus with our words and
both Annas and Caiaphus are called "High Priest" in verses 19-24. actions.

Jewish law forbade the priests from questioning the accused. But that didn't stop
Annas. He tried to get Jesus to say something he could use against him and his
followers. Jesus didn't answer his questions. Then Annas sent him to Caiaphus.

Mark 14:53-65 tells us what happened between Jesus and Caiaphus. At one point
the High Priest asked Jesus directly, "Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of the
Blessed." And Jesus said, "I am." But he didn't stop there. He added, "And you
will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming on the
clouds of heaven!"

It's not really appropriate to call Jesus' tribunals before Annas and Caiaphus trials,
there was no presumption of innocence and Jesus did not employ a lawyer.
These first two trials were convened simply to find adequate charges so they
could sentence Jesus to death.
Continued on page 2

Having convicted him of blasphemy, the Jews took Jesus to Pilate, the Roman It's helpful to dwell on why
Prefect. Ironically, the Jews asked Pilate to come out of his residence because they Jesus courageously gave his
didn't want to defile themselves. Their law prohibited them from entering a life for us. It's also important
Gentile's home. to know how to deal with sin
as believers who are seeking
Pilate wasn't interested in Jewish theological controversies. So the Jews spoke in to follow Jesus.
terms he could understand. They told him that Jesus was trying to lead a rebellion.
Pilate's discussion with Jesus convinced him that the Jews' charge of rebellion was
hogwash, but he didn't care. He allowed them to prevail and sentenced Jesus to
death by crucifixion.

Peter tried to defend Jesus during his arrest. He swung a sword at the head of a
guard and cut off his ear. Jesus healed the ear (Luke 22:51), rebuked him, and
went with the guards. Peter and John followed at a distance.

Then, notice how the author portrays what happened next. He contrasts Jesus'
faithfulness with Peter's failings. Jesus boldly refused to answer Annas and
implicate his followers. Jesus boldly told Caiaphus exactly who he was. And Jesus
didn't try to convince Pilate to let him go. In contrast, Peter lied three times,
denying that he even knew Jesus. John doesn't mention the specifics. Peter denied
Jesus vehemently. This night's events caught him completely off guard and
overwhelmed him.

The Crucifixion
John 19:17-30 records Jesus' crucifixion and death. Some have described
crucifixion as a form of state terror. The Romans knew how to squash
rebellions. In 71 B.C., they crucified 6000 rebels led by Spartacus along the
road from Rome to Capua.

The Reason Christ Died

Theologians use the phrase Substituionary Atonement to describe Christ's death
on our behalf. Death is the penalty for sin. So Christ died for us to free us from
that penalty. Romans 5:8 says that God demonstrates His love for us in this, that
while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Perhaps Isaiah said it best:

But he s pier e for our tr nsgressions he s rushe

for our ini uities upon hi s the h stise ent th t
rought us pe e n ith his oun s e re he le ll
e like sheep h e gone str e h e turne e er
one to his o n n the h s l i on hi the
ini uit of us ll s i h

Call it Sin, Call it Forgiven, Call on God to Change Me

Christ's death on our behalf is the ground and essence of the Christian faith. We
don't have to clean ourselves up to earn God's favor. We could never do that.
But we can come to God as we are, because Christ died for us.

Walking with God reflects that reality. When a believer sins, he or she can confess
the sin (call it sin), remember that Christ died for our sins, (call it forgiven) and
submit afresh to the Lord (call on God to change me). That's a great little saying
to remember. all it sin all it fo iven nd all on od to han e Me


John 18-19

Can you name any of Jesus' miracles from the Bible? If you could be there to see one, which would you choose?


Read John 18:1-14. Read John 18:28-19:16.

1. Why do you think Jesus went to a familiar . Why did the Jewish leaders restrian from entering
place where Judas could easily find him? Pilate's palace? Do you see any irony in their
2. When the soldiers said they were seeking
Jesus, he replied, "I am." Why? What . Roman trials followed four steps: An accusation,
happened next? an interrogation, a defense and a verdict. Can
you trace each step through verses 28-40?
3. What words would you use to describe Peter's
response? . How did Pilate react when he realized the Jews
wanted Jesus dead for claiming to be God? Why?
Read John 18:15-27.
4. In your opinion, was Peter courageous, Read John 19:17-30.
cowardly, or both? Where were the rest of 1. Why do you admire Jesus for how he acted
the disciples? throughout this whole ordeal?

Check out Matthew 26:2-4. 1. Why did Jesus have to die?
5. This passage describes what's been going on
at Caiaphas' place in the last 24 hours. What 1. Describe everything Peter did on this fateful
are the chances that Jesus is going to get a fair night. Describe his emotional journey.
trial there?

Check out Mark  1. Peter once boasted that he would never
6. What stands out to you from this trial before abandon Jesus. How do you think he felt after
Caiaphas? How did they try to convict him? this night?

. When Caiaphus finally spoke to Jesus, how did

he respond?


15. How does Jesus' death touch you? 17. Can you think of a time when it's been easiest
to deny Jesus?

16. Why is it important to remember why Jesus

died? 18. What is a believer supposed to do when he sins?

1. Jesus wasn't trying to evade his 8. They didn't want to become But God demonstrates His
arrest. unclean by entering a Gentile's own love toward us, in that
home - on the night that they while we were yet sinners,
2. When Jesus said, “I am,” He were murdering the Son of God. Christ died for us.
was using the name that the
Lord spoke to Moses from the Romans 5:8 (NASB)
9. Discuss
burning bush in Exodus 3:14.
His words and his presence
evidently startled the guards. 10. The Jews pressured Pilate for a
conviction but they weren't able to
3. Peter swung at a soldier's head give him any evidence. Initially he
but only got an ear. Jesus refused, but he eventually agreed and
stopped the fighting and healed assigned Jesus to crucifixion.
the ear (Luke 22:51). He didn’t
want or need Peter’s help. 11. Jesus was not intimidated by Annas,
Around 600 guards were Caiaphas, or Pilate. He boldly
present to arrest Jesus that proclaimed the truth about his
night. Twelve legions of angels identity. He refused to implicate his
would be 72,000 angels. followers. He took care of his ee hort ccounts
mother. He suffered willingly. Everybody sins. Even believers.
4. Peter wascompletely misguided.
But mature believers know what
He was both courageous and
12. Jesus did all this on purpose. He to do to restore fellowship with
cowardly. Peter and John tried
endured the suffering and shame God after they sin.
to follow Jesus. The others fled.
and execution for us. Mankind is
sinful (Romans 3:23) and the ll it Sin
5. Discuss wages of sin is death (Romans Step one in restoring fellowship
6:23). And Jesus willingly paid with God is specific confession.
that penalty for us (Romans 5:8, 2 We must agree with God
6. The purpose of the trials was to
Corinthians 5:21). concerning our sinful choices,
find some legal basis to condemn
Jesus to death. Judas' testimony whether they be attitudes,
13. Discuss beliefs, or actions. It's best to
would have been crucial to their
case but he was nowhere to be state the sin specifically.
found. Several false witnesses 14. Peter wept bitterly (Matthew 26:75).
volunteered but their testimonies ll it orgi en
didn't agree. Finally two said that 15. Discuss But then we get to acknowledge
Jesus had once threatened the that Jesus died for our sins (even
temple, based on a statement 16. When we forget why Jesus died, the most recent one) and he has
Jesus had made 3 years earlier we forget his love and we fail to al ead forgiven us.
(John 2:19). take sin seriously.
ll on Go to h nge e
Lastly, ask God for strength.
7. Notice how bold Jesus was 17. Discuss
Submit to Him again and ask
when they asked him if he was
Him to fill you with His Spirit, so
the Christ. You might check 18. Keep "Short Accounts" See the that you don’t repeat the same
out Daniel 7:13-14, and Psalm sidebar. mistakes.

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this study. Please write us at

©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.
What Do INeed to Know About the Passage?
+PIO What’s the Big Idea?
Jesus offers forgiveness that
Introduction motivates us to love him
Several of Jesus' followers watched his crucifixion from a distance. And several and pursue meaningful lives.
things started happening as soon as he died. The darkness covering the land
began to lift. An earthquake shook Jerusalem and the curtain in the Temple was
torn in two. Some graves cracked open due to the earthquake. Matthew even
records that a number of dead people emerged from those graves alive again, like
Lazarus (Matthew 27:55).

Two secret followers emerged as well. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus,

both members of the Sanhedrin (the ruling party of the Jews) took posession
of Jesus' body. They wrapped it in spices and linen cloths, and laid it in a
tomb. They rolled a cut rock in place to close the tomb, and the Romans put
a seal on that rock to make sure no-one disturbed it.

Jesus Rose from the Dead

Each gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) tells what happened next in its
own way. All of them have three things in common. (1) The tomb was
discovered empty, (2) angels told Mary Magdeline and other women that Jesus
had risen from the dead, and (3) Jesus began meeting again with his disciples.
What’s the Problem?
Due to their love for him, Mary Magdalene and some other women were "last at
the cross and first at the tomb," and Jesus appeared to them first. Then He We often feel useless and
visited the disciples and ate with them. During this time, Jesus explained why he devalued because of our
had to die and resurrect. He let the disciples feel his hands, feet, and side - the failures.
body parts that were formerly pierced by nails and a spear. He stayed around
for 40 days, continuing to speak about the Kingdom of God (Acts 1). On one
occasion spoke to a group of more than 500 people (1 Cor. 15:6). Then, before
leaving them and ascending to Heaven, he commanded his followers to carry his
message to the world. This famous message is called The Great Commision
(see Matthew 28:16-20).

The Meeting with Peter and John - John 21

In order to understand John 21, be sure to read Luke 5:1-11, Peter was not just
talking about a fun way to spend the afternoon when he said, "I am going fishing."
He had a thriving fishing business before Jesus interrupted his life (See Luke 5),
and, having denied Jesus, he went back to it. He probably assumed Jesus had no
more use for him. And he had to eat.

Continued on page 2

But as soon as he got back on the water, Jesus interrupted his life again. Jesus
Jesus' forgiveness frees us up
actually repeated the exact miracle he did years earlier, on the day he initially
to live courageous, meaningful
called Peter to follow him. Then they enjoyed eating breakfast together.
Eventually, Jesus gave Peter the opportunity to restate his love. Peter had
boasted that he would die for Jesus, but then he denied him three times (See
John 18: 15-27). By asking him "Do you love me" three times, he pierced Peter's
heart. No longer did Peter boldly affirm his intentions. Instead, Peter simply
said, "You know all things. You know that I love you."

Jesus repeatedly told Peter to "Feed and tend" his sheep. With these verbs, he
called him to a pastoral ministry. He also told Peter how he was going to die.
Keep in mind, just a few weeks earlier, Jesus had been dressed in a purple robe
and some people led him to a hill where he was crucified. Jesus told Peter he
would also glorify God by dying as a martyr. That news hit Peter hard at first, as
you might expect, but it served him greatly later. Through the power of the
Spirit, Peter eventually came to peace with his destiny. It even made him bold.
He ministered thirty more years before his own arrest and crucifixion. The
apostle John was careful to record exactly what the Lord said about him too.
Jesus didn't say that he would live until He returned, he just told Peter to mind
his own business. But, interestingly, John was one of the few disciples who didn't
die a martyr's death. And his witness, through his writings, has served the
church for 2000 years.

Peter and John were both propelled by the love of Jesus: one toward a strategic
pastoral ministry and martyr's crown, and the other toward a strategic witness
(The Book of John) in written form.

Propelled by the Love of God: Martin Luther

Martin Luther (1483-1546) served in a monastery in Wittenberg, Germany. He
was a very entusiastic monk. If the rules called him to fast two days he would
often fast six. If they called him to sleep with only one blanket, he would sleep
without any. At one point he said, “If it were possible to gain salvation by being
a monk, I would have done it. I outdid them all.” But he never felt acceptable
to God. He felt he could never do enough to earn God’s favor or purge himself
of all his sin. He stated, “As a monk I lived an irreproachable life. Nevertheless
I felt that I was a sinner before God.”

But then he began to study the scriptures for himself. He was amazed to see
that God the Father rejected Christ the Righteous One. Why, he asked,
would God reject the Son He loved, who was the only truly righteous Person
on Earth? If God’s standard is perfection, and Jesus Christ is perfect, why did
God reject Him? It just didn't make sense to Luther.

But then one day he came across Romans 1:17 which says, “For in the gospel a
righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to
last, just as it is written, ‘the righteous will live by faith.’” And for the first time
he understood. God rejected Jesus in order to accept those who trust in Him
by faith. God imputed Christ’s righteousness to sinners and punished Christ for
their sin, all because of His love! God rejected His perfect Son in order to
extend His love for us. Luther said, “Now I felt as if I had been reborn
altogether, and had entered paradise…”

Propelled by the love of God, Luther had the courage to challenge a corrupt
Roman Catholic Empire. His writings began what is known today as the
Protestant Reformation.

John 21, 1Pet 5:1-4, Acts 4:1-13; 18-20

If you knew how and when you were going to die, how might your life change?

Read John 21: 1-8.
1. Who was at this event? And why did they . Spend a couple minutes reading these
Psalms. What do you learn about guilt?
decide to go fishing?
What do you learn about forgiveness?
2. How did John and Peter respond to the
large catch of fish? Why? . What makes God's forgiveness so special?

3. What does Peter's response tell you about his (PCBDLUP+PIO

relationship with Jesus?  What did Jesus command Peter to do three
times? What does that mean?
Read John 
4. What did the disciples find when they got to 3FBE1FUFS
shore? 1. Based on his counsel for younger pastors,
do you think Peter got this message? Why?

5. What was Jesus there for? (PCBDLUP+PIO

. What other news did Jesus have for Peter?
6. What did Jesus mean by "Do you love me more 1. Why did Jesus tell him this?
than these?
Checkout Acts 4:1-13
. How did Peter respond? 1. Peter denied Jesus three times on the night he
was betrayed. But how did his character
change later? Why?
. Why did Jesus ask him three times? And why
was Peter grieved?
1. Did Jesus tell Peter what was going to happen
to John? What was his destiny?

19. Knowing that God forgives all who come to Him
1 Have you experienced God's forgiveness? through Christ, do you feel encouraged to sin
When? How? How has it affected your life? more, or free to serve God more? What keeps
us from taking advantage of God’s grace?
18. Why is experiencing God's forgiveness
better than earning His favor? 20. Is there anythng worth dying for?

1. Peter, Thomas, Nathaniel, 11. The images of a shepherd, "Feed my Therefore if anyone is in
James, John, and two unnamed sheep" and "Tend to my sheep" Christ, he is a new creation.
disciples were on the scene. convey a pastoral responsibility. The old has passed away;
Peter had failed Jesus, Perhaps Jesus was calling Peter to be a leader. behold, the new has come.
he thought God would never
12. Notice how Peter counsels leaders 2 Corinthians 5:17
use him again. Regardless, he
had to eat. He did what he to care for people like a gentle
knew best. He was a fisherman. shepherd.

2. Read Luke 5:4-11. This was 13. Jesus told Peter he was going to die
Jesus re-enacting the most as a martyr. A few weeks earlier,
important moment of Peter's Peter watched Jesus get dressed in
life. a purple robe before he had to
stretch his arms out and carry a
3. Peter loved Jesus. crossbeam to his crucifixion.
4. Jesus, after his resurrection,
14. Jesus didn't tell him this to depress
with a meal ready just for them.
him. He told him this to set him
free. Instead of denying Christ,
5. Jesus came to have a final
Peter would go on to give his life
conversation with his closest
for him.

6. Jesus was probably referring to 15. The Holy Spirit empowered Peter
the other disciples. Peter had to be incredibly bold for Christ.
claimed that he would never
leave Jesus, even if everyone else 16. Jesus didn't say that John would
did (Matt. 26:33) But he failed to live until he returned. He basically
stick by Jesus when it counted. just said, "mind your own
business." But it's interesting to
7. Peter stopped comparing note that Peter went on to be a
himself to others. He just great church leader and he died as
said, "You know I love you." a martyr 30 years after this
conversation. But John was exiled,
8. Peter had denied Jesus three lived much longer, and wrote the
times. Jesus was restoring Peter book of John. This book has been
by allowing him to affirm his a key witness of Christ for 2000
love again three times. Jesus’ years, and it will continue to serve
point hit home when he asked that purpose until He returns.
Peter the third time.
17-18. Discuss. Consider telling the
story of Martin Luther.
9. Consider having a couple people
look at Psalm 32 and others look 19. Love for Jesus is one thing that
at Psalm 51. keeps us from sin.
10. Discuss
20. Discuss

Cru.Comm is the small group material for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions,
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No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.

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