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Amazon chief´s don moves to New York.

His name is Nilson Tuwe Huni Kui and his father is the village chief. The Village is in
the Amazon jungle and only 600 people live there. You  travel in a boat for five days to
visit the next town. In March 2013, Nilson moved to New York.  He wanted to become a
film director and make a film about his village. In New York, everything is different from
his village: the food, the language, the people and the life. Life isn't easy for this young
man, but he believes hard work will help him to succeed.

Nilson Left New York  to go and live in the Amazon jungle.*
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Nilson´s village is very easy to travel to.*
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Nilson wants to make films.*
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Nilson´s village is five days by boat from New York.
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Nilson´s life in New York is difficult.
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Read the text. Are these sentences true or false?
Inserta tu texto aquí.
Welcome to Walking world
Information for walkers.

We are happy  that you chose your holiday with ¨ Walking World ¨. Read the
information below to help you prepare for your holiday.

Things to wear.
The weather here is usually fine in summer. However, it is often cold in the mountains
and sometimes it can be very wet. You need walking boots. Please don't wear normal
shoes because they are not strong. One or two jumpers and a good jacket are also
important. It is sometimes very cold at night, so gloves are good (yes, even in
summer!). Don't wear jewelry. It is very easy to lose in the mountains.

Things to bring.
It is a good idea to have a small backpack. You can carry your camera and a drink.
Some people bring an umbrella. Don't! They are  a bad idea on a windy mountain.
Wear the correct clothes and you will be fine.

Things to do.
Please complete the online form with your emergency information. We also need some
passport photos. Please give two to Maria in the office on the first day of your holiday.
Don't forget to complete the food form before you come. Tell us about any special food
you eat or don't eat.

The weather is cold in the mountains every day.*

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Jewelry is a problem because it is heavy.
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You need a backpack for food and clothes.
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Umbrellas are a problem because of the weather.
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People need to go to the office at the start of the holiday.
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Alex and Olivia's Travel blog.

We had a great trip last weekend, here in Syria. We decided to go into the Syrian
Desert to sleep under the stars for a night. It was really incredible! We travelled from
the city of Palmyra, first by car and them by camel. We travelled with our tour guide
and with two people from Germany. Before we arrived, we visited some interesting
historical sites. We saw a desert castle! We arrived at the camping in the early evening.
First, we had a cup of Bedouin tea. An hour later, we watched the sunset. The sky
turned red and then the stars appeared. It was really beautiful. The colors very
magical. The silence of the desert was very relaxing. When it was dark, our tour guide
cooked dinner on a fire. We looked at the stars all night. We talked and sang. We slept
for about 2 hours!

The next morning was fantastic, too. We woke up early and we watched the sunrise but
what we really wanted was to eat a traditional  Bedouin breakfast. It was a great
experience! You can have a look at our photos.
Later this week, we will arrive in Damascus, the capital of Syria. They say that this city
is just breathtaking, with wonderful old  buildings and streets full of life. We are Going
There BY camel but we will make use of a car while in there.

Alex and Olivia spent….

1 punto
One week in the desert
Two nights in the desert
One night under the stars

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On the journey, Alex and Olivia visited….
1 punto
Bedouin village for some tea.
Some historical sites and castle.
Bedouin village and a desert castle.

Borrar la selección
Alex and Olivia….
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Had dinner outside, under the stars.
Had dinner before the sunset.
Had dinner inside a desert castle.

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Alex and Olivia
1 punto
Woke up early to have breakfast.
Woke up early to see the sunrise.
Woke up early to see the sunset.

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1 punto
Is the biggest city in Syria.
is an amazing place.
is a place only visited by camel.
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Read the text about the carrot and decide if the sentences below are True or
The carrot is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. It originated in
Afghanistan many thousands of years ago. We can see from ancient Egyptian temple
drawings from 2000 BC that people ate the purple variety of carrots in de Middle East.
It was the Romans who introduced purple varieties into Europe.

Did you know that the carrot comes in many different colors – white, purple, yellow and
even black?

We often associate carrots with the color orange, but carrots were probably purple
originally. It was the Dutch who produced the orange carrot in the 16th century. Orange
was the color of the Dutch royal house of Orange and it was the color associated with
Dutch independence. It is the orange variety of carrots that is mostly eaten in Europe
today. The orange carrot is one of the most important vegetables in Western cuisine,
appearing in salads, soups, roast dinners and even cake.

My favorite carrot dish is orange and carrot soup. It is very simple – a little olive oil,
vegetable stock, a glass of orange juice and, of course, orange carrots. It doesn't take
much time to cook – around 20 minutes. First cook the carrots in the stock and then
pure. Taste before you serve, adding salt, pepper and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese
though it can also be served alone and the taste is great too.

Ancient Egyptian art shows that people ate purple carrots.

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Only orange carrots are used in Western cuisine.
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Orange carrots were cultivated by Dutch in the 1500s.
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To make orange and carrot soup you need half an hour cooking time.
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Orange and carrot soup tastes better if you do not add anything to it.
1 punto

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Read the answer from different people to a question posted on a blog. Then
choose the best answer.
How and why do you use the internet?
I use the internet to look up information about places or people. I also use online maps.
I love Google Maps. Sometimes I use the internet to find out answers to questions.
Internet forums are great. I can often find the answer to my questions on a forum. I like
reading what other people's opinions are. I don't shop online or read newspapers on
the internet. I don't have an iPhone or an iPad, either. One machine is enough for me.
Although I do have a mobile phone, of course!

I only really use the internet to book flights or theatre tickets. It's much easier to book
things online, from my own home. I never use the Internet to shop online. I love going
to the shops. Some people read newspapers and magazines online, but I find this too
difficult and heavy on the eyes. i'm happier reading real magazines on the sofa and I
prefer to walk to my local newsagent  every day to buy a newspaper. I can take the dog
for a walk at the same time. it's much more relaxing!

I am the king of gadgets. I have the latest iPhone, iPad, laptop, e-reader… You name
it, I've go it! I mostly access the internet on my phone to read the news and check the
weather. I also sometimes buy e-books online. It's much easier than going to the
shops. When I have time I read more detailed newspaper articles on my iPad. I don't
think you can read very easily on a traditional computer screen. I only occasionally
access the internet on my laptop when I need to print something, such as a flight
ticked. I have booked online.

Who uses the internet to shop?

1 punto
Carl and Kylie.

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Who likes reading other people's questions and answers online?
1 punto
Who reads the news online?
1 punto
Who books tickets using the internet?
1 punto
Carl and Ian
Kylie and Ian
Kylie and Carl
Who uses a gadget to read newspapers and books?
1 punto

Augmented Reality, or AR for short, is looking at a real-world environment which has

been augmented (increased or improved in some way) by computer-generated input.
This is usually in the form of graphics where information about the environment is
overlaid on the ¨ real world ¨. In short, augmented reality gives the physical world a
virtual dimension.

We have all seen AR in action, perhaps without  realizing it. One common use is when
televising an Olympic swimming race. An imaginary line across the lanes shows the
position of the current world record holder, so viewers can compare how near the
swimmers are to breaking the record. Extra visuals are also often during football
matches shown on television, usually advertisements.

Augmented Reality is changing the way we  view the  world. Tourists can often be seen
looking at a famous building through their smartphones. They have an app which  is
adding a text box over the scene they are viewing through the phone's camera. They
are reading information about when the building was constructed, the name of the
architect and the building's dimensions.

Students are also benefiting from this new technology. Pages in many textbooks
contain ´markers ¨ and when these markers are scanned using an AR app on a
smartphone, the student is given supplementary material such as a video clip. This
makes the book come alive ¨.

It isn't difficult to appreciate how AR can help in all walks of life. One example is that
architects can visualize completed building projects. Computer-generated images of a
future building can be superimposed onto a real-life view before the actual physical
building is constructed.

AR is already changing the world of marketing. When viewed through an AR app,

product brochures can show three-dimensional objects. Or display an animation of a
talking guide who explains how something works. IKEA's latest brochure has markers.
Users of the IKEA app can see what a piece of furniture will look like in their own home
before deciding whether or not to buy it.

At the moment, AR is still in its infancy and it's been described as a bit of a ¨ gimmick ¨
and not always easy to use. However, there’s  no doubt that we can expect to see
more uses of AR over the coming months and years.

According to the article, people are more familiar with AR than they know.
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Not given
AR is used in sporting events exclusively to provide information about the
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Not given
Tourists using apps can read information from Wikipedia.
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Not given
AR has limited uses.
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Not given
Some people believe AR is interesting, but not particularly useful.
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Not given
Read  the article about a lake in Antarctica and answer the questions.
Hidden life.
Is there undiscovered life hidden on our very own planet? It could be.

For the past 15 years, scientists have been planning to explore a lake in Antarctica,
called Lake Ellsworth. This doesn't sound very radical, but the lake lies deep under a
cup of frozen ice and has never been reached by human beings. It is only recently that
technology has been developed to be able to explore this part of our world.
British scientists will travel to Antarctica this month in the hope of finding life forms
trapped beneath three kilometers of solid ice. They believe a lake such as Lake
Ellsworth, which they think has been buried under ice for up to a million years, may
contain unique microbes that could provide clues as to how life evolved on earth.

The team from the British AntarcticSurvey will prepare a site in the hostile environment
above  Lake Ellsworth that they will return to next year, when they will begin drilling a
hole through the ice. They will then take small quantities of water and sediment, which
they hope will unlock the secrets of the lake.

The scientists will live in tents, spending around three months working in temperatures
of minus 25 degrees Celsius. They will use a special hot-water drill to reach the lake. A
titanium probe, five meters long, will collect 24 separate quantities of water, taken from
different points in the lake, and three meters of sediment. The titanium probe has been
created with ¨ clean technology ¨ developed by the space industry, to avoid
contamination of the lake during the investigation.

Lake Ellsworth, which is on the West Antarctic ice sheet, will be the first of the
continent's 387 known sub-glacial lakes to be investigated. What will be discovered in
this place where the human hand has never entered.

Lake Ellsworth
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Contains microbes that don't exist in other environments.
Has a unique ecosystem of marine life unknown to human beings?
May contain life forms unknown to human beings that could help us understand our
The project is important because
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It contains microbes that will prove the evolution of life.
The scientists may find life in the lake that is a million years old.
It might tell us about the evolution of life on our planet.

The project is organized by:

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British scientists living in Antarctica.
The British Antarctica Survey.
A team of scientists who have studied life in the lake for 15 years.

Scientists plan to:

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Prepare the site this year, before returning next year to carry out the main work.
Visit the site this year and then return when the environment is less hostile.
Visit the sites this month to see if drilling is possible.
Technology developed by the space industry means that scientists can:
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Take quantities of water and sediment at the same time.
In Britain, all 16-year-olds must take exams called GCSEs, in various subjects. For the
last 10 years, British schools have had to publish their students’ GCSE results. The
results are included in national ‘league tables’, which show the position of every school
in the country. Since the publication of these school league tables, schools have tried
to find ways to improve exam results so that their school can get a higher position in
the league table.

The head teacher of Monkseaton School in Great Britain, Paul Kelley, has discovered
and promoted a technique called ‘spaced learning’. He is sure that this technique can
guarantee better exam results. The technique is based on the findings of US
neuroscientist, Douglas Fields, from the National Institute for Child Health and
Development in the USA. Fields has shown that the best way to help students to
develop a good memory is to divide information into parts, and to include a 10-minute
break after each part of information has been presented. During these breaks, the part
of the brain that learned the information can rest and a different part of the brain
becomes active.

In Kelly's method, the teacher presents the same information to students three times.
After each presentation, the student receives a 10-minute break. During the break, the
students must do a physical activity or something that is completely different from the
information. Kelly has claimed that he can teach one GCSE in only 90 minutes, using
the spaced learning technique. In 2008, 48 14-year-old students at Monkseaton were
given a 90-minute spaced learning Biology class. They had not studied Biology before,
and 80% of students achieved a d (a low pass) or higher in the exam.
The class included  three 20-minute presentations and a 10-minute break after each
This   technique seems to work well with students who usually find it hard to learn in a
normal class.
At the moment, Monkseaton is the only school in Britain that uses this system, but this
may change in the future. Supporters of this technique claim it will revolutionize the
way students learn and will improve exam results. Critics argue that the technique does
not encourage creative or critical think-ing. For example, Ken Robinson, a famous
British expert on education, supports techniques that develop critical thinking and real
understanding. He has argued that exams should not be seen as more important  than
true understanding.

What has happened since the publication of these school league tables?
1 punto
New testing techniques have been created.
Head teachers have cheated to get a higher position.
Schools have become more competitive.
Who has discovered and promoted ‘spaced learning’ at a school?
1 punto
Paul Kelley
A student at the school.
Douglas Fields
What is supposed to happen during the 10-minute break?
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The brain divides and stores information in different parts.
The brain reacts positively to physical activity.
The right side of the brain becomes active while the left one rests.
Who could benefit most from this technique?
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Any school with hyperactive students.
Biology teachers with large classes of teenagers.
Students who struggle to learn in a standard class.
What do critics argue about this technique?
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That it makes students see exams as the most important thing.
That it doesn't help students understand information.
That it makes students too critical about education.

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