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Transcripción de Sociological Factors, Chapter 7 of H.

Douglass Brown
"In the bias of our own culture-bound worldview, we too often picture other cultures in an
oversimplified manner, lumping cultural differences into exaggerated categories, and then
view every person in a culture as possessing stereotypical traits" - Brown (2007, p. 190)
Obstacle 1:
Subjective Perception Obstacle 2:
Culture Schock Obstacle 3:
Social Distance Questions Start Culture Is A Way Of Life Stage 1: A period of excitement
and euphoria over the newness of the surroundings

Stage 2: Culture Shock emerges as individuals feel the intrusion of more and more cultural
differences into their own images of self and security

Stage 3: Gradual, and at first tentative and vacillating, recovery. General progress is made
while "culture stress" remains prevalent

Stage 4: Near or full recovery, either assimilation or adaption, acceptance of a new culture
Social Distance refers to the cognitive and affective proximity of two cultures that come
into contact within an individual Brown, Chapter 7 Sociocultural Factors WHICH
MEANS... Biased Worldview Successive Stages of Culture Acquisition John Schumann
(1976, p.136) describes social distance as consisting of the following parameters:

1. Dominance- In relation to the target language group, is the L2 group politically,

culturally, technically, or economically dominant, nondominant, or subordinate?

2. Integration- Is the integration pattern of the L2 group assimilation, acculturation, or

preservation? What is the L2 group's degree of enclosure- its identity separate from other
contiguous groups?

3. Cohesiveness- Is the L2 group cohesive? What is the size of the L2 group?

4. Congruence- Are the cultures of the two groups congruent- similar in their value and
belief systems? What is the attitude of the two groups toward each other?

5. Permanence- What is the L2 group's intended length of residence in the target language
area? Refers to phenomena ranging from mild irritability to deep psychological panic and
crisis...Persons undergoing culture shock view their new world out of resentment and
alternate between self-pity and anger at other for not understanding them"
- Brown (2007, p. 194) This Can Be Caused By... "Culture is a dynamic system of rules,
explicit and implicit, established by groups in order to ensure their survival, involving
attitudes, values, beliefs, norms, and behaviors, shared by a group but harbored differently
by each specific unit within the group, communicated across generations, relatively stable
but with the potential to change across time" 

-Matsumoto (200, p.24) "It governs our behavior in groups, makes us sensitive to matters of
status, and helps us to know what others expect of us and what will happen if we do not live
up to those expectations."
- Brown (2007, p. 188) It is "a blueprint of people in a community and is incubated in
family life."
- Larson and Smalley (1972, p. 39) Hey! I'm 
just an Average
Joe! I could be 
you! Generalization- Oversimplification of cultural differences

Stereotype- reality is perceived through one's own cultural pattern, and a differing
perception is seen as either false or "strange"; blanket assumptions
Results from a close-minded view of such differences
May be accurate for "typical" member of a culture, but not so the individual
Can be downright false
Can devalue people from other cultures Anomie- Feelings of social uncertainty or
dissatisfaction associated with the relationship between language learning and the foreign
culture Obstacle 4:
Cultural Norms
Mismatch Individualism- as a characteristic of a culture opposes collectivism Power
distance- as a characteristic of culture defines the extent to which the less powerful persons
in a society accept inequality Uncertainty avoidance- as a characteristic of a culture defines
the extent to which people within a culture are made nervous by situations they perceive as
unstructured, unclear, or unpredictable Masculinity- as a characteristic of a culture opposes
femininity. Language and culture are interrelated! Acquisition of second language =
Acquisition of second culture UNLESS Or... Bad:
When both language groups view themselves as dominant.
The groups have negative attitudes towards each other.
No assimilation for the L2 groups desired. Good: 
Two cultures are congruent. 
Assimilation, or at least acculturation for the L2 group, is desired. 
Positive attitudes towards each other. 
Intended length of stay is long. 1. Introduce socio-cultural strategies:
Initiating contact
Anticipating cultural misunderstandings
Using diplomacy in discussion
2. Role-play to overcome cultural “fatigue”
3. Diffuse cultural stereotypes Teaching Intercultural Competence 
Our Main Goal: Acculturation- The acquisition of a second identity; culture learning

"A reorientation of thinking and feeling, not to mention communication, is necessary"

- Brown (2007, p. 194) 1. Think back on the time you had to adjust to a different culture.
Did your personal experiences correspond to the description and timeline of the different
stages, and if so, what helped you "recover"? What can we do to help our students deal with
culture shock in our ESL classroom? 

2. Learning a second language is inseparable from learning a second culture, yet the process
of acquiring a second language identity is not a “magic carpet ride” that happens
automatically and effortlessly in a foreign language classroom. Neither can culture be
learned as a list of facts. How can we then assist our students in theirquest to acquire their
new language identity? What specific activities can you suggestfor the ESL classroom?
Hey look! 
Our language 
acquisition pot o' gold! Acculturation Treasure Dynamic system of rules (explicit and
implicit) Establishes a context of cognitive and affective behavior "Teachers who are
charged with educating students whole cultural backgrounds differ from their own must of
course attend to such factors as those that Hofstede has brought to our attention"
- Brown, (2007, p. 202) Geert Hofstede (1986) identified 4 conceptual categories to study
cultural norms... Experiential Model (Robinson-Stuart & Nocon, 1996: Turn culture
learning using the above strategies in the classroom to increase cultural- and self-awareness
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