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Check Your English Vocabulary for IELTS 4th – Page 54 - 57


Task commands:
1. F,
2. D,
3. C,
4. H,
5. A,
6. G,
7. B,
8. E
Score: /7
1. D,
2. G,
3. A,
4. H,
5. E,
6. B,
7. C
8. F
Score: /8

Part 1:
1. Prior to
2. By the time,
3. Formerly
4. precede,
5. Previously.
6. Earlier
Part 2:
1. While
2. During
3. In the meantime,
4. At that very moment
Part 3:
1. Following
2. As soon
3. Afterwards
Score: /13

Useful interview expressions:


Agreeing with SB Disagreeing with SB

I agree, I don’t entirely agree,
I couldn’t agree more. I’m afraid I disagree
That’s just what I think. don’t agree, I see things rather differently
That’s my view exactly. myself., Well, actually…,Well, as a matter of fact,
That’s right. …
Interrupting with SB Asking SB for their opinion
Could I just say that…? Excuse me for Do you agree that…? What are your feelings
interrupting,… ,Let me interrupt you there., Sorry about…? What are your views on…? What do you
to butt in,…, Sorry to interrupt,… think about…? What’s your opinion?


Agreeing with SB Disagreeing with SB

I agree, I don’t entirely agree,

Interrupting with SB Asking SB for their opinion

Could I just say that…? Do you agree that…?

(vẫn còn bài trang kế nhé :) )


Asking for clarification or repetition Saying sth in another way

Could you repeat the question? I’m afraid I In other words, Perhaps I should make that
didn’t catch that. I’m sorry?, What was that?, clearer by saying…, To put it another way,…,
Would you mind repeating that? What I’m trying to say is… , What I mean is…

Giving urself time to think Summing up what you’ve said

Hmm, how can I put/say this So basically,
Let me see. In short / brief,… , So, in conclusion,… , To
Let me think about that for a moment. summarise,…, To sum up,…
May I think about that for a moment?
That’s an interesting question

Asking for clarification or repetition Saying sth in another way

Could you repeat the question? In other words,

Giving urself time to think Summing up what you’ve said

Hmm, how can I put/say this So basically,


1. Could you repeat the question?

2. I agree
3. Excuse me for interrupting
4. Let me see.
5. In other words
6. I don’t entirely agree
Score: /6

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