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Trabaja en equipo de 3 a 4 personas y presenta un diálogo en el que tengas que utilizar la

estructura del pasado perfecto para enseñar los eventos más importantes y su orden en el

M: Do you remember the time when we had painted that fabric for Hanal Pixan?

F: Oh yeah it was 2 years ago it was an unforgettable experience.

K: Don’t make me remember that.

M: Oh come on, it’s a funny memory. Vanesa had promised to bring the support for it to

F: I remember that we had just started to become a team everything was a mess.

K: We had never taken the task of leading something like that.

M: Yeah, we learned not to take it ever again.

F: But in the end, I think it was a good time we spent it at Majo’s house

K: In those days, I had just moved in with my mom and I was scared to go home by bus at

M: Oh, I remember that. You had been feeling tense those days. And it was no help for you
being that tense while having to turn in that humongous painting under pressure.

F: The whole situation was a problem in our minds but at least it is a good story for now don’t
you think so?

M: Yeah, I remember that I had just became a part of the squad and the way you scolded
Vanesa freaked me out, I wasn’t used to scolding one of my friends like that. Later on I
understood why you were so hard on her. But we love that silly human being anyways.

K: At the time it was stressful, but I really miss those days.

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