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Saudara menemui kasus bahwa di SD Al Azhar Banda

Aceh,anak diajarkan Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan IPad
dengan aplikasi yang menarik dan diyakini mempercepat
mereka menguasai Bahasa Inggris. Saudara tertarik untuk
meneliti secara mendalam pada 2 orang guru Bahasa Inggris
yang mengajar disekolah tersebut yang menggunakan media
Ipad. Saudara akan mewancara guru dan melihat langsung
proses belajar mengajar dengan menggunakan instrument yang
akan saudara siapkan.

Silakan saudara rancang Proposal penelitian dengan mengikuti

format Proposal di atas.

Proposal ini silakan saudara Print and serahkan melalui

admin S2 paling lama Rabu tgl 24 Mei 2023. Terlambat
menyerahkan dipotong nilai 15%.

 Judul Penelitian
 Latar belakang
 Pertanyaan Penelitian
 Tujuan Penelitian
 Sample Penelitian
 Langkah-langkah penelitian (desain)
 Intrument dan cara mendapat data

Submitted as the assignment for Research Methodology Course


Hayatun Nufus
NPM. 2206202020008


This research aims to identify and analyze the language variation in Acehnese short movie
“Uroe Mak Meugang” which was produced by Aceh Wet Wet Channel in youtube. The
researcher focuses on the language variation occurring in the movie. The five actors in the movie
were from Aceh Barat Daya. Although there are many factors causing the language variation, the
findings showed that there were only three factors influencing the language variation in that
movie – gender, social status, and age. The different genders made the speakers varied the topics
discussed which included different vocabulary, speech patterns, and conversation styles used.
While different social status caused the speakers to use different vocabulary and register,
language ideologies, and pronunciation and accent. The other factor, age, causes some
differences among these four age categories (child, teenager, adult, and the old), such as word
dictions and expressions, communication styles and cultural references.

Keywords: Language Variation, Sociolinguistics Analysis, Acehnese Movie




In this globalization world, studying English has become increasingly crucial.

Integrating technology into language instruction has shown potential to improve student

engagement, motivation, and language learning. It may be highly beneficial to have a

good understanding of technological, mobile devices since they can be used as tools to

enhance teaching, as well as assist and improve student learning (Barone & Wright,

2008; Kharbach, 2011).

There are many devices to support English language learning, such as laptops,

iPads, tablets, etc. As one of the devices used to support English language learning,

iPad’s is quite popular among teachers as said by Henderson Yeow (2012) that the

iPad’s large multi-touch screen, sleek profile and the ability to easily download and

purchase a huge variety of educational applications make it attractive to educators.

Auquilla &Urgil (2017) said that the usage of the iPad in classrooms has progressively

expanded since its debut in 2010 over the years. The iPads offer various language

learning applications, multimedia resources, and interactive tools that can facilitate

language acquisition and practice.

SD Islam Al Azhar Cairo as one of the elementary schools in Banda Aceh had

used iPads to improve the teaching learning process in the classroom since 2018.

Specifically the English teachers there had used this device too in the classroom and it
was confessed that the students’ performance had increased because of using some

interesting applications in this device. However, the specific effects of iPad integration

on English language learning outcomes and the experiences of both teachers and

students need to be examined.

The integration of iPads in English language learning has the potential to offer

various benefits. First, iPads can provide multimedia resources, such as interactive apps,

e-books, and language learning platforms, which can engage students and cater to

diverse learning styles. Second, the portability and accessibility of iPads allow for

flexible and independent learning, enabling students to practice English language skills

both inside and outside the classroom. Third, iPads can facilitate collaborative activities,

such as group projects and online discussions, fostering peer interaction and language


However, challenges and considerations need to be addressed when implementing

iPad integration. These may include the availability of devices, digital literacy of

teachers and students, appropriate selection and evaluation of language learning apps,

and potential distractions caused by other non-educational applications.

English language learning plays a crucial role in today's globalized world, and
the integration of technology in the classroom has become increasingly
prevalent. The use of iPads as educational tools has gained attention due to their
versatility, portability, and interactive features, which can potentially enhance
language learning experiences. However, there is a need for empirical research
to explore the impact of iPad integration specifically on English language
learning in secondary school settings.

While previous studies have investigated the use of iPads in education and their
general effects on student engagement and learning outcomes, there is a gap in
research specifically focusing on the integration of iPads for English language
instruction. This case study aims to bridge that gap by examining the impact of
iPad integration on English language learning in a secondary school.

The case study will explore how the use of iPads in English language classrooms
can influence various aspects of language learning, such as vocabulary
acquisition, grammar comprehension, speaking skills, listening comprehension,
and writing proficiency. It will investigate the effectiveness of specific iPad
applications, resources, and instructional strategies employed by teachers in the
secondary school setting.

Understanding the impact of iPad integration on English language learning in a

secondary school is essential for educators, administrators, and policymakers in
making informed decisions regarding the integration of technology in language
instruction. The findings of this case study can provide insights into the benefits,
challenges, and best practices associated with iPad-assisted English language
learning, and guide educators in designing effective instructional approaches
that leverage the potential of iPads to enhance language learning outcomes in
secondary schools.

The integration of technology, specifically iPads, in educational settings has

gained significant attention in recent years. In the field of language learning,
iPads offer a range of interactive and multimedia features that have the potential
to enhance language acquisition and engagement among students. This case
study aims to explore the impact of iPad integration on English language
learning in a secondary school context.
English language learning is a critical area of education, as proficiency in English
has become increasingly important for global communication, academic success,
and future employment opportunities. Traditional language learning approaches
often rely on textbooks, lectures, and rote memorization, which may limit
students' engagement and motivation. Integrating iPads into English language
instruction has the potential to create a more interactive and dynamic learning
environment, providing students with opportunities for personalized and
immersive language practice.

The use of iPads in language learning offers several potential benefits. First,
iPads provide access to a wide range of language learning apps, interactive e-
books, online resources, and multimedia materials that can cater to different
learning styles and levels. Second, iPads facilitate individualized learning
experiences, allowing students to progress at their own pace and receive
immediate feedback on their language skills. Third, iPads can foster collaborative
learning through features such as shared documents, interactive games, and
video conferencing tools, enabling students to engage in meaningful
communication and peer interaction.

However, while iPads hold promise for enhancing English language learning, it is
essential to examine their actual impact and effectiveness in real classroom
settings. This case study will investigate the specific outcomes and experiences
associated with iPad integration in a secondary school. It will explore factors
such as student engagement, language proficiency development, teacher
practices, and overall perceptions of iPad-assisted English language learning.

By conducting this case study, valuable insights can be gained regarding the
potential benefits, challenges, and best practices related to iPad integration in
English language instruction. The findings will contribute to the existing
knowledge base in language education and provide practical recommendations
for educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers seeking to leverage
technology effectively to support English language learning in secondary

Research Background:
English language learning is a critical aspect of education in many countries, as it equips

students with the skills necessary for academic, professional, and social success in a

globalized world. With the rapid advancement of technology, integrating digital tools

into the language learning process has become increasingly prevalent. iPads, with their

versatile features, interactive applications, and multimedia capabilities, have emerged as

popular devices for educational purposes, including English language instruction.

However, despite the growing interest in using iPads in the classroom, there is still a

need for empirical research to explore their specific impact on English language learning

outcomes. This case study aims to fill this research gap by examining the effects of iPad

integration in a secondary school context.

The study will investigate how incorporating iPads as instructional tools in English

language classes influences various aspects of language learning, such as vocabulary

acquisition, speaking and listening skills, reading comprehension, and writing

proficiency. It will delve into the potential benefits, challenges, and best practices

associated with the use of iPads in English language instruction.

The secondary school setting provides an ideal context for this case study, as it allows

for the examination of iPad integration across multiple English language classrooms and

a diverse group of students. The case study will explore the experiences and perspectives
of both teachers and students, considering their engagement, attitudes, motivation, and

academic performance in relation to iPad-assisted English language learning.

By conducting this case study, valuable insights can be gained into the practical

implementation and effectiveness of iPad integration in English language classrooms.

The findings will inform educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers about the

potential benefits and considerations associated with incorporating iPads into English

language instruction, aiding in the improvement of pedagogical practices and enhancing

language learning outcomes for students.

Research Background:

English language learning has become increasingly important in today's globalized

world, and educators continually seek innovative approaches to enhance language

instruction. The integration of technology, such as iPads, in the classroom has gained

attention as a potential tool to support language learning. This case study aims to explore

the impact of iPad integration on English language learning in a secondary school


Technology integration in language classrooms has the potential to provide diverse

learning opportunities, enhance student engagement, and promote autonomous learning.


1. How does the integration of iPads influence student engagement and motivation in

English language learning?

2. What are the effects of iPad integration on English language learning outcomes, such

as vocabulary acquisition, speaking proficiency, reading comprehension, and writing


3. What are the perceptions and experiences of teachers and students regarding the use

of iPads for English language instruction?

4. What challenges and best practices emerge in the implementation of iPad integration

in the secondary school English language classroom?

2 By conducting a case study in , this research aims to examine the specific

impact of iPad integration on English language learning outcomes, student

engagement, and instructional practices. The findings can contribute to the

existing literature on technology-enhanced language learning and provide

practical recommendations for educators and policymakers to effectively

integrate iPads into English language classrooms.

When exploring the impact of iPad integration on English language learning,
several research problems can be addressed. Here are some potential research
problems that could be investigated in this case study:

1. Language Learning Outcomes: How does iPad integration affect English

language learning outcomes, such as vocabulary acquisition, speaking
proficiency, reading comprehension, and writing skills? Are there any
significant improvements or differences compared to traditional
instructional methods?
2. Student Engagement and Motivation: To what extent does iPad
integration enhance student engagement and motivation in English
language learning? Do students demonstrate increased interest, active
participation, and sustained attention during iPad-based language
3. Pedagogical Approaches: What pedagogical approaches and strategies
are most effective in utilizing iPads for English language instruction? How
do teachers incorporate iPad applications, multimedia resources, and
interactive tools to support language learning and create engaging
learning experiences?
4. Differentiated Instruction: How can iPads be effectively used to facilitate
differentiated instruction in the English language classroom? Can iPads
cater to diverse learning needs and preferences, providing personalized
learning opportunities for students with varying proficiency levels and
learning styles?
5. Teacher Roles and Competence: What are the challenges and
opportunities for teachers in implementing iPad integration for English
language learning? How do teachers adapt their instructional practices,
digital literacy skills, and classroom management techniques to effectively
integrate iPads into language instruction?
6. Student Perspectives and Experiences: What are the perceptions,
experiences, and attitudes of students towards iPad integration in English
language learning? How do they perceive the benefits, challenges, and
overall effectiveness of using iPads as language learning tools?
7. Digital Equity and Access: How does the integration of iPads in English
language learning address issues of digital equity and access? Do all
students have equal opportunities to use iPads, and how does access to
technology impact their language learning experiences and outcomes?
8. Professional Development Needs: What are the professional development
needs of teachers in effectively integrating iPads into English language
instruction? How can educators be supported in developing the necessary
skills, knowledge, and pedagogical strategies for successful iPad

Mengacu pada paparan latar belakang penelitian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa

capaian terakhir siswa SMA Negeri Modal Bangsa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris

masih di bawah target nilai KKM (75). Aspek ‘pilihan kata dan variasi kalimat’ (55)

dan ‘organisasi gagasan’ (50) merupakan 2 (dua) aspek menulis yang akan diteliti dan

dicarikan solusinya dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan masalah yang dikemukakan itu

maka peneliti meruuskan beberapa pertanyaan penelitian sebagai berikut.

a. Pertanyaan Penelitian Utama

Sejauh mana teknik scaffolding dapat meningkatkan capaian keterampilan menulis

secara signifikan?

b. Sub Pertanyaan Penelitian

1. Apakah teknik scaffolding meningkatkan nilai aspek keterampilan organisasi


2. Apakah teknik scaffolding meningkatkan nilai aspek pilihan kata dan variasi



Berdasarkan pertanyaan penelitian di atas maka tujuan penelitian ini dapat dirumuskan

sebagai berikut

a. Tujuan Penelitian Utama

Hendak mengetahui sejauh mana teknik scaffolding dapat meningkatkan capaian

keterampilan menulis siswa.

b. Sub Tujuan Penelitian

1. Hendak mengetahui teknik scaffolding dapat meningkatkan nilai aspek organisasi


2. Hendak mengetahui teknik scaffolding dapat meningkatkan nilai aspek pilihan

kata dan variasi kalimat.


Penelitian ini dapat dianggap penting sebagai salah satu usaha untuk

meningkatkan motivasi, minat, dan hasil belajar siswa; optimalisasi pengalaman

belajar siswa; serta membangun keterampilan metakognitif, keterampilan sosial, dan

kolaboratif siswa. Berdasarkan tes diagnostik awal, dapat diketahui bahwa mayoritas

siswa kelas X SMA Negeri Modal Bangsa memiliki capaian keterampilan menulis

pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang rendah, dibawak KKM. Maka peneliti

setelah menelusuri berbagai sumber teori dan hasil penelitian bahwa salah satu teknik

pembelajaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman menulis adalah

teknik scaffolding. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat sebagai suplemen

teori yang telah ada agar dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran dan membantu
siswa mencapai potensi belajar mereka secara optimal. Selain bermanfaat bagi guru di

jenjang SMA, hasil penelitian ini juga dapat bermanfaat untuk pengembangan lanjutan

berbagai model, strategi, teknik, serta rancangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

2.3 Ruang Lingkup Penelitian

Sebagaiman kita ketahui bahwa ada empat aspek sub keterampilan menulis,

yakni: ide dan isi, mekanik, pilihan kata dan variasi kalimat, dan organisasi gagasan.

Diantara keempat sub keterampilan menulis itu, ada dua sub keterampilan yang

mendapat nilai di atas KKM, 80 dan 75, yaitu pada sub keterampilan ide dan isi dan

mekanik. Sementara, nilai dua sub keterampilan lainnya, yaitu pilihan kata dan

variasi kalimat dan organisasi gagasan masih di bawah nilai tolok ukur, yakni 55 dan

50. Oleh karena itu, penulis membatasi kajian dalam penelitian ini hanya pada aspek-

aspek sub keterampilan menulis yang nilai capaiannya rata-rata di bawah 75.

Diharapkan dengan membatasi pada dua persoalan itu maka penulis dapat lebih fokus

dan efektif dalam melakukan penelitian dengan teknik scaffolding.

2.4 Research Hypothesis

Berdasarkan kerangka teoritis dan problematika penelitian, penulis merumuskan

hipotesisnya sebagai berikut:

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha):

Jika teknik scaffolding digunakan dalam pembelajaran menulis maka keterampilan

menulis siswa akan terpengaruh secara positif.

Null Hypothesis (Ho):

Jika teknik scaffolding digunakan dalam pembelajaran menulis maka keterampilan

menulis siswa tidak akan terpengaruh secara positif.

2.5 Operational Definition

Scaffolding adalah kerangka sementara yang secara umum menerapkan aspek-

aspek penting dari instruksi sebagai berikut: (1) pemodelan perilaku yang diinginkan; (2)

menawarkan penjelasan; (3) mengundang partisipasi siswa; (4) verifikasi dan klarifikasi

pemahaman siswa; dan (5) mengajak siswa untuk menyumbangkan petunjuk (Hogan

dan Pressley, 1997: 17-36)



Berdasarkan problematik dan rencana solusi persoalan penelitian yang telah

diuraikan sebelumnya, penulis mereview beberapa teori, pendapat, argumentasi, dan

hasil penelitian orang lain.

The integration of iPads in language learning has gained attention in recent

years as a potential tool to enhance English language instruction. Several studies have

examined the impact of iPad integration on various aspects of English language

learning, providing insights into its effectiveness, benefits, and challenges. This

literature review summarizes key findings from relevant research studies related to the

case study on exploring the impact of iPad integration on English language learning.

Technology Integration in Language Learning:

Numerous studies have highlighted the potential of technology integration,

including iPads, in language learning. The use of multimedia resources, interactive

applications, and digital tools has been found to engage learners, facilitate authentic

language use, and promote autonomous learning (e.g., Warschauer & Matuchniak,

2010; Chen & Denoyelles, 2013).

Engagement and Motivation:

Research suggests that iPad integration can enhance student engagement and
motivation in English language learning. Students often demonstrate increased

interest, active participation, and enjoyment when using iPads for language activities

(e.g., Burston, 2015; Huang & Liaw, 2018). The interactive nature of iPad

applications and multimedia resources can create immersive learning experiences that

foster motivation and intrinsic interest in language learning (Lai & Li, 2019).

Language Learning Outcomes:

Several studies have examined the impact of iPad integration on language

learning outcomes. Findings indicate that iPad-assisted instruction can lead to

improvements in vocabulary acquisition, speaking proficiency, reading

comprehension, and writing skills (e.g., Erdogan & Sahin, 2019; Kukulska-Hulme et

al., 2016). Interactive language apps and multimedia resources on iPads provide

opportunities for practice, feedback, and personalized learning experiences, which

contribute to enhanced language proficiency (Stockwell, 2013).

Pedagogical Approaches:

Effective pedagogical approaches are crucial for successful iPad integration in

English language learning. Studies have highlighted the importance of employing

pedagogically sound strategies, such as task-based learning, collaborative activities,

and flipped classroom models, to optimize the benefits of iPad integration (e.g.,

Reinhardt & Chawdhry, 2016; Wang & Shen, 2019). The integration of iPads should

align with language learning objectives and instructional practices to maximize their

Teacher Roles and Competence:

Teachers play a vital role in implementing iPad integration for English language

learning. Research emphasizes the importance of supporting teachers in developing

the necessary digital literacy skills, pedagogical knowledge, and classroom

management techniques to effectively integrate iPads (e.g., Işık, 2018; Hubbard &

Caine, 2019). Professional development programs and ongoing support are crucial for

empowering teachers to leverage iPads as effective language learning tools.

Student Perspectives and Experiences:

Studies have explored student perspectives and experiences regarding iPad

integration in language learning. Overall, students tend to have positive attitudes

towards iPad-assisted instruction, highlighting the benefits of interactivity,

multimedia content, and personalized learning experiences (e.g., Zeng & Zhang,

2018; Lyu & Li, 2020). However, challenges related to technical issues, distraction,

and the need for clear instructions and guidance have also been identified (Lam,


This literature review provides a foundation for understanding the existing

research on iPad integration in English language learning. By conducting a case

study, it aims to contribute to the current knowledge by examining the specific

context of iPad integration in a secondary school and exploring its impact on English
language learning outcomes, student engagement, and teacher practices. The findings

will provide insights and recommendations for educators, administrators, and

policymakers seeking to effectively integrate iPads into English language instruction.

2.1Teori-teori yang terkait dengan Teknik Scaffolding

2.1.1 Pengertian Teknik Scaffolding

2.1.2 Karakteristik Teknik Scaffolding

2.1.3 Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Teknik Scaffolding

2.1.4 Prosedur Penggunaan Teknik Scaffolding dalam Proses


2.2Teori-teori atau hasil penelitian terkait dengan keterampilan menulis



 Sample Penelitian
 Langkah-langkah penelitian (desain)
 Intrument dan cara mendapat data

3.1 Research Design

A case study is an in-depth analysis of a particular individual, group,

organization, or situation. It involves examining a real-life scenario or problem and

exploring its complexities, dynamics, and outcomes. Case studies can used in academic

settings to gain a comprehensive understanding of a specific subject and draw insights

from it.

Typically, a case study involves collecting and analyzing various types of data,

such as interviews, observations, and documents. Researchers or analysts aim to

investigate the context, factors, and variables that contribute to the case under study. By

examining multiple perspectives and factors, a case study allows for a holistic

examination of the subject matter.

The structure of a case study usually includes an introduction that provides

background information and context, a description of the case itself, the methods used to

gather data, the analysis and findings, and a conclusion that summarizes the key insights

and lessons learned from the study.

3.2 Participants

The case study will involve employees from different departments within XYZ

Corporation. A purposive sampling approach will be used to select participants who

have actively participated in the wellness program.

Students in the 4th-grade classroom who are part of the English language


The classroom teacher responsible for planning and implementing the English

language lessons using the iPads.

The school administrators who support and oversee the iPad integration.

 English language teachers at School XYZ who have incorporated iPads

into their teaching practices.
 Students from different grade levels within School XYZ who are exposed
to iPad-based English language instruction.
 School administrators who oversee the implementation and management
of the iPad program.

Participants were Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV SD Al

Azhar Banda Aceh pada tahun pelajaran 2022/2023 dengan jumlah 198 siswa mulai dari

kelas X MIPA 1 sampai kelas X MIPA 6. Karena cakupan populasinya besar, teknik

multi stage samplig digunakan untuk memilih jumlah sampel yang sesuai. Pertama,

purposive sampling dilakukan untuk menentukan sekolah yang diambil untuk diteliti
dalam hal ini SMA Negeri Modal Bangsa. Langkah selanjutnya peneliti juga

menggunakan purposive sampling untuk menentukan sampel di antara enam kelas

tersebut. Karena melihat hasil dari tes diagnostik kedua kelas ini yang rendah, maka

kelas yang diambil adalah kelas A dan B. Sedangkan teknik pengambilan sampel

selanjutnya adalah random sampling lagi untuk menentukan kelas A atau kelas B

menjadi kelompok eksperimen atau kelompok kontrol. Hasil pengacakan menetapkan

kelas B sebagai kelompok eksperimen (diajar dengan teknik scaffolding), sedangkan

kelas A sebagai kelompok kontrol (diajar dengan teknik picture and picture). Terdapat

60 siswa pada kedua kelas tersebut, dimana masing-masing kelas terdiri dari 30 siswa.

Dengan demikian, kelompok eksperimen memiliki 30 siswa, sedangkan kelompok

kontrol juga memiliki jumlah yang sama.

3.3 Instrumen Penelitian

Penelitian ini menggunakan alat tes. Digunakan untuk membuat pekerjaan

mereka lebih mudah dengan hasil yang lebih baik, dalam arti lebih cermat, lengkap,

dan sistematis, sehingga lebih mudah diolah (Arikunto, 2010: 203). Tes menulis teks

analytical exposition adalah bentuk alat tes. Tujuan dari tes ini adalah untuk mengukur

kemampuan teks analytical exposition siswa, baik sebelum mengajarkan mereka

menulis teks analytical exposition dengan teknik scaffolding maupun setelah mereka

mengajarkan mereka teks analytical exposition dengan teknik scaffolding. Soal dari tes

tersebut diambil dari buku teks yang diberikan oleh Kemdikbud dan buku Pathway
terbitan Erlangga. Hal ini dikarenakan buku ini lah yang digunakan oleh guru dan siswa

dalam pembelajaran.

3.4 Data Collection

Data Collection: Multiple sources of data will be collected, including:

Interviews: Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with the selected

employees to gather their perspectives on the wellness program, its impact on their

productivity and well-being, and any challenges or benefits they have experienced.

Surveys: A survey questionnaire will be administered to assess employees' self-

reported levels of productivity, well-being, engagement, and satisfaction both before

and after participating in the wellness program.

Observations: Researchers will conduct observations within the workplace to

gather qualitative data on employee behaviors, interactions, and the overall work


Program Documents: Relevant documents such as program guidelines,

communication materials, and program participation records will be reviewed to gain

insights into the design, implementation, and outcomes of the wellness program.

Classroom observations to capture the teacher's instructional strategies, student

engagement, and use of iPads during English lessons.

Pre- and post-assessments to measure students' language proficiency and

academic performance.

Surveys or interviews with students to gather their perceptions of using iPads in

English language learning.

Interviews or discussions with the classroom teacher to understand their

pedagogical approaches, challenges, and benefits of incorporating iPads.

 Classroom observations to document teaching practices, student

engagement, and iPad utilization during English language lessons.
 Surveys administered to teachers and students to gather their perceptions
and experiences related to the use of iPads in English language learning.
 Interviews with teachers and students to delve deeper into their views on
the benefits, challenges, and effectiveness of iPad integration.
 Student assessments, such as written assignments, speaking tasks, or
quizzes, to assess language skills development.

Walaupun pengumpulan data dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai situasi, berbagai

sumber, dan berbagai cara, dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan data kuantitatif

dari hasil tes berupa soal tes menulis teks analytical exposition. Hasil dari nilai pre-test

dan post-test menunjukkan apakah keterampilan menulis dari siswa meningkat atau

tidak. Untuk mendapatkan instrumen yang valid dan realibel, peneliti harus

mengujicobakan soal tersebut terlebih dahulu agar validitas dan realibilitas soal itu ada.

3.5 Data Analysis

The collected data will be analyzed using thematic analysis for the qualitative
data from interviews and observations. The survey data will be analyzed using

descriptive statistics and statistical tests to identify any significant changes in

productivity, well-being, and other measured variables before and after the wellness


Analysis of observation notes and audio/video recordings to identify patterns

and themes related to student engagement, teacher pedagogy, and iPad usage.

Quantitative analysis of pre- and post-assessment scores to measure changes in

students' language proficiency and academic performance.

Thematic analysis of student surveys or interviews to explore their perceptions

and experiences with iPad-based English instruction.

Analysis of teacher interviews or discussions to gain insights into their

instructional practices, challenges faced, and benefits observed.

 Qualitative analysis of interviews and survey responses to identify

common themes and patterns in the perceptions and experiences of
teachers and students.
 Analysis of classroom observations to evaluate the use of iPads in
teaching strategies and student engagement.
 Quantitative analysis of student assessment results to measure the impact
of iPad integration on language skills development.

Data Analysis for a Case Study Research on Exploring the Impact of iPad
Integration on English Language Learning:
1. Classroom Observations:
 Analyze classroom observation data to identify patterns of iPad
usage during English language lessons.
 Examine the types of activities conducted using iPads and their
alignment with language learning objectives.
 Assess student engagement levels during iPad-based activities and
note any variations across different instructional approaches.
2. Surveys:
 Conduct descriptive analysis of survey responses from teachers
and students regarding their perceptions and experiences of iPad
 Identify common themes and trends in responses related to the
benefits, challenges, and effectiveness of using iPads for English
language learning.
 Compare responses between teachers and students to gain
insights into their perspectives on iPad integration.
3. Interviews:
 Perform thematic analysis of interview transcripts from teachers
and students.
 Identify key themes and sub-themes related to their experiences,
attitudes, and recommendations regarding iPad integration.
 Examine any contrasting viewpoints or unique insights provided by
participants to gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact
of iPad integration.
4. Student Assessments:
 Analyze student assessment data, such as written assignments,
speaking tasks, or quizzes, to assess language skills development.
 Compare the performance of students who received iPad-based
instruction with those who experienced traditional instruction.
 Quantitatively analyze assessment scores to determine if there are
significant differences in language learning outcomes between the
two groups.
5. Cross-case Analysis:
 Conduct a cross-case analysis to compare and contrast findings
across multiple classrooms or schools within the case study.
 Look for patterns, similarities, and differences in the impact of iPad
integration on English language learning outcomes and student
 Identify any factors or contextual variables that may influence the
effectiveness of iPad integration.
6. Integration of Findings:
 Synthesize the findings from different data sources to provide a
comprehensive analysis of the impact of iPad integration on
English language learning.
 Identify overarching themes, trends, and patterns that emerge
from the data analysis.
 Interpret the findings in relation to the research questions and
existing literature on iPad integration in language learning.

The data analysis process should follow rigorous qualitative and/or quantitative
methods appropriate to the specific research questions and data collected in the
case study. The findings from the analysis will provide insights into the impact of
iPad integration on English language learning outcomes, student engagement,
and teacher practices, and inform recommendations for optimizing iPad
integration in language instruction.

Dikarenakan peneliti mempunyai dua asumsi, maka perlu dilakukan uji

normalitas dan homogenitas pada kedua sampel tersebut (Arikunto, 2010: 307). Dari uji

normalitas, kita dapat menguji konsistensi sebaran data untuk skor menulis teks

analytical exposition awal (melalui pretest) dan keterampilan menulis teks analytical

exposition akhir (melalui posttest). Sedangkan uji homogenitas dilakukan untuk menguji

taraf homogen atau tidak dari masing-masing kelompok dari hasil tes ini.

Selanjutnya peneliti menggunakan uji-t untuk mengevaluasi hubungan

signifikansi antara kemampuan menulis teks analytical exposition dengan menggunakan

teknik scaffolding dan kemampuan menulis teks analytical exposition yang

menggunakan metode yang dibiasa digunakan guru. Jika hasilnya signifikan, maka

teknik scaffolding berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan teks analytical exposition siswa

kelompok eksperimen; jika tidak, maka tidak berpengaruh sama sekali.


Barone, D., & Wright, T. (2008). Literacy instruction with digital and media
technologies. Retrieved on 5 May 2023 from

Henderson, S., & Yeow, J. (2012). iPad in education: A case study of iPad adoption and
use in a primary school. Retrieved on 5 May 2023 from IEEE Computer Society
International Conference:

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