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As a new RN, you are for one-month orientation in the orthopedic unit of the hospital.
1. Which of the following methods of documentation uses a chronological, story-telling format?
A. Computerized documentation
B. Narrative charting
C. Focus charting
D. PIE charting
2. Which of the following is the key issue in malpractice actions brought against nurses in
relation to medical records?
A. Failure to document the client’s response
B. Failure to document medication and treatment given
C. Failure to document appropriately
D. Failure to use medical terms
Correct answer
A. Failure to document the client’s response
3. You have observed the charge nurse charting treatments and medications prior to actual
administration and implementation. Which of the following would be your initial action in this
A. Document what you have observed regarding the charge nurse’s behavior
B. Talk to the charge nurse about the legal implications of her action and the violation of standards of
C. Report the charge nurse’s behavior to the nurse manager
D. Tell the charge nurse that you have an obligation to report the behavior to the nurse manager
Correct answer
B. Talk to the charge nurse about the legal implications of her action and the violation of standards of
4. A staff nurse is seen making an entry into an electronic medical record under another nurse’s
login. What is the most appropriate thing to do in this situation?
A. Tell the staff nurse’s behavior to another nurse
B. The staff nurse’s activity should be reported to someone in authority
C. Talk to the staff nurse about it
D. Just be quiet about the whole thing
5. Which of the following would be your MOST appropriate action when receiving a doctor's
order over the phone?
A. Have somebody beside you while receiving the doctor’s order
B. Write down the telephone order
C. Have the physician sign the telephone order first chance you see him
D. Read back or repeat the order the physician gave you
6. A common response to unhealthy work environment is physical tension. This can be overcome
by progressive muscle relaxation which basically involves __________.
A. Focusing on an image to relax
B. Active physical exercise like aerobics
C. Releasing muscles from tension.
D. Listening to a relaxation audio program.
7. Bio-behavioral interventions are being used increasingly by both nurses and patients in stress
management. The following are examples of such intervention except ___________.
A. Progressive muscle relaxation
B. Pharmacotherapy
C. Guided imagery
D. Mindful meditation
8. Mark, a young overweight nurse, is making five to ten sticks of cigarettes a day. He claimed
that he learned to smoke to relieve his stress caused by toxic assignments in the ward. Along
with the smoking he became a stress-eater. He decided to undergo a lifestyle modification which
begins with ____________.
A. Eating the right kind of foods
B. A recognition of the impact of unhealthy habits
C. Doing a regular daily exercise.
D. A constructive and positive attitude in life.
9. Mark is a well-informed nurse on the smoking cessation program of the Department of Health.
As a next step to his decision to stop smoking, Ace needs ___________.
A. Commitment
B. Motivation
C. Information
D. Skills to implement change

Mrs. Sophie Tan, a 43-year old female came in for consult with the chief complaint of severe pain of both
eyes. She claimed she sometimes sees rainbow halos around light. She also experiences nausea and
vomiting, the attending physician gave an impression of Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma.
10. In assessing Mrs. Tan, what demographic data is/are RELEVANT to ocular movement?
A. Gender
B. Age at menarche
C. Age and gender
D. Race
Correct answer
C. Age and gender
11. An ophthalmoscopic examination was done to Mrs. Tan. The following results are expected
EXCEPT ____________.
A. Nonreactive pupil
B. Corneal cloudiness
C. Erythematous conjunctiva
D. Decreased intraocular pressure
Correct answer
D. Decreased intraocular pressure (should be increased)
12. Vision loss for Mrs. Tan may progress as days go by and this is irreparable. An appropriate
nursing diagnosis would be ___________. (C has an incorrect etiology despite having correct
Nursing problem Disturbed sensory perception) 
A. Disturbed sensory perception related to severe pain
B. Risk for ineffective therapeutic regimen
C. Disturbed sensory perception related to recent loss of vision.
D. Grieving related to loss of vision
Correct answer
D. Grieving related to loss of vision
13. Select the medication that should be discussed by the nurse with the attending physician
before administering it to Mrs. Tan
A. Isoptocarpine eyedrops
B. Corticosporin ophthalmic
C. Mannitol
D. Atropine (anticholinergic: anti-PNS)
14. In a medically-managed patient with glaucoma, independent self-care is the area for
evaluation. Which of the following is a short-term outcome for Mrs. Tan?
A. Ability to recognize clinical manifestations of complications
B. Mrs. Santos’ self-care ability
C. Compliance with the medical management
D. Mrs. Santos ability to instill eye drops
Chelsea is a beginning nurse in a government hospital. She still needs enhancement of her competencies
in charting.
15. Chelsea should know that in narrative charting, documentation of patient care should be
A. Extensive
B. Formatted
C. Chronologic
D. Descriptive
16. Which statement is NOT true about medical record that Chelsea must understand. Charts
A. Contents must be kept confidential
B. Can be borrowed by any nursing student
C. Can be accessed by a researcher.
D. Can be given out only with patient’s consent
Correct answer
B. Can be borrowed by any nursing student
17. The following are methods of charting, EXCEPT __________.
A. Sequential
B. Narrative
D. Focus
You are a staff nurse in the Ear Unit of a government hospital. As such, you are taking care of patients
with different ear conditions.
18. Pau, a 25 year-old radio announcer came in for consult with the chief complaints of not being
able to hear well and inability to discriminate sounds he is hearing. An otoscopic examination
was done to her, which revealed that there is sensorineural loss. This condition is due to damage
to what part of the ear?
A. Cochlea and auditory nerve
B. Vestibular nerve and cochlea
C. Middle ear and auditory nerve
D. Outer ear and cochlea
Correct answer
B. Vestibular nerve and cochlea
19. Which of the following is a predisposing factor for sensory hearing loss?
A. Serous otitis media
B. Ototoxic agents
C. Otosclerosis
D. Perforation of the eardrum
20. Which of the following is useful in correcting a sensorineural hearing loss?
A. Nothing, the damage is irreversible
B. Myringotomy
C. Stapedectomy
D. Tympanolasty
21. One of your patients underwent tympanoplasty. Which of the following interventions is the
MOST APPROPRIATE after a tympanoplasty?
A. Applying ear drops as ordered by the physician
B. Teaching the patient to avoid heavy physical activity for at least three weeks.
C. Rinsing ear three times a day using hydrogen peroxide as ordered
D. Avoiding the use of cotton in cleaning the ears.
22. A patient came in with the chief complaints of ringing in the ears and a feeling of whirling
around. The attending physician suspects Meneire’s Syndrome. To arrive at a correct diagnosis,
the patient must be manifesting these three symptoms: paroxysmal whirling vertigo; tinnitus; and
A. Conductive hearing loss
B. Bilateral symptoms
C. Vomiting
D. Sensorineural hearing loss
You are a staff nurse in the Psychiatric Unit of the hospital taking care of patients with manic disorder.
The following questions relate to this statement.
23. What would be your MOST therapeutic response to a manic patient demanding that you call
his attending physician to make an order for a pass to go out at the middle of the night?
A. “You go to the recreation hall now while I call your attending physician”
B. “You must really be upset to want a pass immediately. I will give you a medication to make you
C. “I can’t call your physician now but you can talk to me about your request to pass.”
D. “Don’t be unreasonable. I can’t call your attending physician in the middle of the night”
24. One of your patients lacks food and fluid intake due to poor appetite. What foods would
BEST meet the patient’s nutritional needs?
A. Steak and spaghetti
B. Peanut butter, sandwich and milk
C. Carrots, celery, raisins, apple
D. Beef and non-diet soda
25. During lunchtime you have observed that a patient with mania taking food from other
patient. What principle would guide you in determining the appropriate intervention in this
A. The patient needs foods and fluids any way possible
B. The patient will calm down as soon as lunchtime is over.
C. The intrusive behavior of a manic patient is not a threat to other patients.
D. Other patients need to be protected from the intrusive behavior of other patients.
26. A patient is manifesting some manic depression. Which of the following activities would you
provide to distract such patient?
A. You let the patient go for a walk
B. Give him a book to read.
C. Let him watch the final game of the UAAP
D. Let him play checkers with another patient.
27. What therapeutic activity would you provide a patient with mania?
A. Doing ceramics and whittling
B. Playing cards and checkers
C. Playing bingo and knitting
D. Drawing and folding towels
You are a staff nurse in a Rehabilitation Center for Substance Abuse.
28. You admitted an intoxicated patient for alcohol withdrawal. Which of the following
interventions should you implement to help the client become sober?
A. Have the patient take a cold shower
B. Walk the patient around the unit
C. Provide the patient a quiet room to sleep in
D. Give patient a black coffee to drink
29. While obtaining the history of a patient with several cases of driving under the influence of
alcohol, you asked about the amount of alcohol the patient consumes daily. He answered “I just
have a few drinks with the guys after work”. Which of the following would be your MOST
therapeutic response?
A. “That’s all the patients here say at first”.
B. “You say you have a few drinks, but you have a multiple arrests”.
C. “I think you cannot handle a few drinks”.
D. “Then you should have somebody driving for you”.
30. Which of the following assessment data provides the best information on the patient’s
physiologic response and the effectiveness of the medication prescribed for alcohol withdrawal?
A. Sleep pattern
B. Evidence of tremors
C. Vital signs
D. Nutritional status
Correct answer
A. Sleep pattern
31. One of your patients is manifesting signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal such as:
tremors, diaphoresis, and hyperactivity. Blood pressure is 190/92 mm.Hg and pulse rate of 92
beats/min. which of the following medications should you expect to be ordered for this patient?
A. Lorazepam (Ativan)
B. Naloxone (Narcan)
C. Haloperidol (Haldol)
D. Benztropin(Cogentin)
32. A patient discharged from an alcohol rehabilitation program was on Clonazepam (Klonopin)
0.5 mg. three times a day. Several months later he reported having insomnia, shakiness,
sweating, and one seizure. Which of the following questions should you ask FIRST? Ask if he
A. Has stopped taking the Klonopin suddenly
B. Has been drinking alcohol with the Klonopin
C. Has developed tolerance to the Klonopin and needs to increase the dose.
D. Is having a panic attack and needs to take extra Klonopin.
Correct answer
C. Has developed tolerance to the Klonopin and needs to increase the dose.
You are a staff nurse in the Eye Unit of the hospital. In the regular Quality Circle meeting one of the
matters discussed was the increasing complaints of patients who underwent eye surgery in relation to
instillation of eye drops. The case of Maureen who has cataract surgery was presented as a frame of
reference in the reviewing the procedure on eye drops instillation.
33. Which of the following is the rationale for instilling eye drops to patients who has eye
A. To help control the intra-ocular pressure.
B. To dilate the patient’s pupils
C. To treat an eye infection
D. To constrict the patient’s pupils
Correct answer
D. To constrict the patient’s pupils
34. You have observed presence of drainage in Maureen’s eyes. Which of the following eye
solutions would you use in cleaning her eyes?
A. Hydrochloric acid
B. Normal saline solution
C. Mineral water
D. Soapsuds solutions
35. In instilling the eye drops you have to tilt the back slightly Maureen’s head. Which of the
following is the rationale for this nursing action?
A. To prevent any spill from the eye during the procedure
B. To keep any debris away from the lacrimal duct.
C. To facilitate the procedure.
D. To reach the conjunctival sac easily.
36. You accidentally touch Maureen’s eyelid during eye drop instillation causing her to blink.
What should have you done to prevent this from occurring?
A. Touch the inner side of the medicine cap
B. Tilt back Claudia’s head slightly
C. Hold the dropper close to the eye but do not allow the medication to fall into the cornea.
D. Have Claudia look up and focus on something
37. You cannot open Maureen’s eyes due to dried crust. Which of the following actions would
you do?
A. Apply the eye drops the next day
B. Apply eye ointment to soften the crust.
C. Instill eye drops
D. Place a warm wet wash cloth over her eyes for at least three minutes.
Nurse Jen who is on-duty in a psychiatric unit is assigned to care for patients at-risk for suicide.
38. Nurse Jen should pursue assessment of suicide risk for individuals who display tendencies to
be _____________.
A. Compulsive, obsessive, or weak
B. Risk-taking, aggressive, or controlling
C. Hostile, impulsive, or depressed
D. Blaming, abusive, or confused
 39. On admission, the nursing diagnosis for Felix, who is depressed and suicidal is, “Risk for
suicide.” An appropriate outcome for this diagnosis at discharge from the hospital is, “The
patient will _____________.
A. Not harm self while hospitalized
B. Be able to problem-solve effectively
C. Increase feelings of self-worth
D. Develop a trusting relationship with the nursing staff.
Correct answer
B. Be able to problem-solve effectively
40. Which of the following statements would BEST represent Nurse Jen’s attempt to assess a
patient’s current ability to organize and enact a suicide wish?
A. “What is your educational background?”
B. “What plan do you have for committing suicide?”
C. “Have you ever thought about hurting yourself?”
D. “Are your self-destructive thoughts frequent?”
Correct answer
B. “What plan do you have for committing suicide?”
41. A male suicidal patient is found by Nurse Jen as he tries to hang himself in the bathroom.
What nursing intervention would address the patient’s need for safety while maintaining his self-
A. Advise him to use the bathroom only with staff supervision.
B. Tell him that the police is coming to rescue him.
C. Place him in the seclusion room with 15-minute checks.
D. Assign a nursing staff to remain with him all times.
Correct answer
C. Place him in the seclusion room with 15-minute checks.
42. In evaluating the effectiveness of the care provided for a self-destructive patient, the BEST
approach is to __________. 
A. Modify the plan as little as possible to avoid confusing the patient.
B. Make sure the staff has followed the original care plan.
C. Involve the patient in the process of evaluation.
D. Identify maladaptive coping behaviors.
The nurse’s work environment plays a vital role in her ability to provide quality patient care. Inadequate
resources in health care and unhealthy conditions in the workplace result to nurse’s work stress.
43. Burnout is a phenomenon that is BEST characterized by _____________.
A. Emotional exhaustion: depersonalization: and reduced personal accomplishment
B. Growing dissatisfaction among nurses due to changing career expectations.
C. Increased absenteeism and fast turnover of nurses due to toxic work environment.
D. Conflict between demands of work and family.

Mr. Ramos, a post- operative, was given Amoxycillin at 12 midnight by the nurse on duty (NOD). The
physician asked the patient during his rounds if he has receive the drug, the patient answered “NO”. The
physician clarified the claim from the chart and from the chart and from the NOD.
44. Which of the following is the primary reason why the physician wanted to clarify the
A. Measures the turnaround time of medication
B. Better communication with patient and result
C. Identify gap in the medication administration
D. Improve care management in drug administration
Correct answer
C. Identify gap in the medication administration
45. The approach adopted by quality circle team was presented to top management. Which of the
following tools is APPROPRIATE to be utilized as a guide for their time management?
A. Pre chart
B. Radar chart
C. Process of flow chart
D. Gantt chart
You are a staff nurse in the Ear Unit of the hospital. A common condition you encounter is hearing
disorder which often results in communication problems. The following questions refer to these
46. The daughter of an older adult patient reports that her father just “stares off into space” more
and more in the last several months. However, once she gets his attention her father eagerly
smiles and nods. You should assess the patient further for ______.
A. Hearing loss
B. Anger
C. Dementia
D. Depression
47. Which of the following should the nurse do FIRST when approaching a deaf patient?
A. Get the patient’s attention
B. Knock on the patient’s room loudly
C. Talk while walking into the room
D. Close and open the vertical blinds rapidly
48. You have a patient who is hearing impaired and reads speech. Which of the following
strategies should you incorporate when communicating with him? Select all that apply.

1)       Avoiding being silhouetted against strong light

2)       Not blocking out the person’s view of the speaker’s mouth

3)       Facing the patient when talking

4)       Having bright light behind so the individual can see

5)       Ensuring the patient is familiar with the subject material before discussing

6)       Talking to the patient while doing other nursing procedures

A. 1, 2, 3, 5
B. 2, 3, 6
C. 2, 3, 5, 6
D. 1, 4, 6
Correct answer
A. 1, 2, 3, 5
49. The patient with a hearing aid does not seem to hear you whenever you talk to him. What
would be your PRIORITY nursing action?
A. Irrigate the ear canal
B. Contact the patient’s audiologist
C. Check the hearing aids placement
D. Cleanse the hearing aid ear mold with normal saline
50. You have a 75 year old patient who has been taking furosemide (Lasix) regularly for four
months now tells you that he is having trouble hearing. What would be your BEST response to
this statement?
A. Schedule the patient for audiometric testing and a hearing aid
B. Tell the patient that because of his age it is inevitable that his hearing should begin to deteriorate
C. Having the patient immediately report the hearing loss to his physician
D. Tell the patient the hearing loss is only temporary, when his system adjust to the furosemide his
hearing will improve
Mrs. Chiqui, a 78 year old widow, was brought to the clinic by her son with the chief complaint of
constant confusion, incontinence, and tendency to wander. Mrs. Chiqui has a diagnosis of cognitive
impairment disorder.
51. The son of Mrs. Chiqui informed the nurse that his mother seemed to be inventing stories
about certain personal achievements. The nurse identifies this as confabulation and interprets it
correctly as ________.
A. Indicates a lack of ego-integration
B. Results to tendency to lie
C. Helps to maintain self-esteem
D. Results in poor judgement
Correct answer
C. Helps to maintain self-esteem
52. The nurse asked Mrs. Chiqui for her children’s and grandchildren’s names. This is to assess
Mrs. Chiqui’s:
A. Remote Memory
B. Recent Memory
C. Attention Span
D. Orientation Status
53. Which of the following outcome criteria would be the MOST APPROPRIATE for Mrs.
A. Follow an established schedule for activities for daily living.
B. Learn new coping mechanisms to handle anxiety.
C. Return to an adequate level of functioning.
D. Seek out resources in the community for support.
54. The nurse spent time talking to Mrs. Chiqui’s son. She gathered that the son is the primary
caregiver. To explore and to prevent burn-out in the son, which of the following nursing actions
must the nurse do?
A. Assess degree of understanding of family systems and coping mechanisms.
B. Explore individual dynamics and personal coping.
C. Explore the support system available for Mrs. Chiqui’s son.
D. Identify the spiritual support system of the family.
Correct answer
B. Explore individual dynamics and personal coping.
55. The nursing diagnosis MOST APPROPRIATE for Mrs. Chiqui’s son would be _____.
A. Sleep pattern disturbance
B. Caregiver role strain
C. Social isolation
D. Risk violence
Correct answer
B. Caregiver role strain
Min is 19 years old, a grade 12 student. She recently confessed to Nurse Liz that she had sexual
intercourse with her boyfriend (BF), 18 years old classmate of hers. She believes that she is pregnant
because she missed menstruating for 3 months. She also related that her BF has recently been confined
for pneumonia after an on and off flu-like symptoms. She suspects he has HIV because of his “closeness
to a guy who has overtly expressed his feelings on him.”
56. Min wants to know his BF’s real diagnosis even through a private message in Facebook. The
following information that all employees are enjoined to observe strictly.

I.             Operate and hold diagnosis under strict confidentiality

II.           Sign a non-disclosure agreement between nurses and their patients.

III.         Abide with the institution’s privacy and security policies.

IV.         Disclose only the result of the test to the patient himself.

In terms of legalities, which of the following should Nurse Liz explain to Min?
D. I, II, IV
57. Nurse Liz can also explain the purpose of security measures for data protection which is to
maintain the availability, integrity and confidentiality of personal data of all patients.

I.             Unlawful destruction

II.           Alteration 

III.         Disclosure

IV.         Unlawful processing

Which of the following actions of anybody is against personal data protection?

58. To erase the doubt of Min as to whether she has been infected with HIV by her BF, what is
the BEST advice of the nurse?
A. Wait until you have access to the diagnosis of your BF.
B. Submit herself for Elisa Test considering window period.
C. Wait until the baby is born.
D. Go for Elisa Test immediately
59. In case the personal data of Min’s BF has been accessed accidentally by “somebody”, who
has the right to file a complaint?
A. Min’s BF
B. The other guy
C. the parents
D. Min
Correct answer
A. Min’s BF
60. How long should personal data of an HIV patient be stored on laptops or other portable
devices which permits his identification? For as long as __________.
A. The patient likes
B. His doctor likes
C. It is needed as part of an international or national research
D. It is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and processed
Inadequate resources in health care and unhealthy conditions in the workplace cause work stress among
nurses. The nurse’s work environment plays a vital role in her ability to provide quality patient care. The
following questions relate to this situation.
61. Burnout is a phenomenon that is best characterized by ____________.
A. Conflict between personal and professional life
B. Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment
C. Increased absenteeism and fast turn-over of nurses due to toxic work environment
D. Growing dissatisfaction due to changing career expectations
62. Lifestyle modification begins with _______.
A. Learning how to read food labels and eating the right kinds of food
B. Recognizing the impact of unhealthy habits
C. Constructive and positive attitudes in life
D. Regular daily exercise
 63. Jerry is a young adult nurse who smokes 5 to 10 cigarette sticks a day. He is a well-informed
nurse on the “smoking cessation program”. As a next step to his lifestyle change, Jerry needs
A. Information
B. Motivation
C. Skills to implement change
D. Commitment
Correct answer
B. Motivation
64. A common response to an unhealthy work environment is physical tension which can be
overcome by progressive muscle relaxation. Basically, this involves:
A. Listening to a relaxation audio program for auto-suggestion
B. Releasing muscles from tension
C. Active physical exercise to unwind like aerobics exercise
D. Focusing to an image to relax
65. Nurses and patients are increasingly getting empowered by learning stress management. All
of these are bio-behavioral interventions in stress management EXCEPT:
A. Progressive muscle relaxation
B. Pharmacotherapy
C. Mindful meditation
D. Guided imagery
Mr. Elmo, a 43 years old writer, was diagnosed with narcolepsy.
66. All of the following are characteristic signs/symptoms of Narcolepsy EXCEPT:
A. Excessive daytime sleepiness
B. Sleep-onset Rapid Eye Movement (REM) periods
C. Disturbed nocturnal sleep
D. Cessation of breathing for 10 seconds
67. Patients diagnosed with Narcolepsy are given Methylphenidate (Ritalin). The rationale for
giving this drug is to _______.
A. Lengthen sleep hours
B. Improve alertness
C. Improve daytime drowsiness
D. Control cataplexy
68. Good sleep hygiene is given emphasis when counseling a narcoleptic patient. Which of the
following is NOT considered as such? Encourage the patient to _______.
A. Do active exercises
B. Ensure a quality sleep environment
C. Avoid daytime naps
D. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol near bedtime.
Correct answer
C. Avoid daytime naps
69. Depression and decreased quality of life are frequently reported to be experienced by
narcoleptic patients. Which of the following is NOT a major contributory factor to these two
A. A healthy ego
B. Disrupted social and occupational roles
C. A strong superego
D. Low self-esteem
Correct answer
A. A healthy ego
70. Cataplexy is experienced by many narcoleptic patients. Which of the following BEST
DESCRIBES this condition?
A. Lapse of awareness
B. Occurs at sleep onset
C. Experienced upon awakening
D. Sudden loss of muscle tone
As a professional nurse, you meet patients with problems related to sexuality and identity. The following
questions relate to this statement.
71. Sex is one topic patients feel uncomfortable discussing with the nurse for which of the
following reasons? Patients _______.
A. Prefer to discuss sex with health care provider of the same sex
B. Assume that sex is something that is not discussed with strangers
C. Are mostly knowledgeable about sex and the accompanying problems
D. Feel to be embarrassed to introduce the topic of sex
Correct answer
B. Assume that sex is something that is not discussed with strangers
72. A patient tells you that he is transsexual. Knowledge of which of the following is MOST
representative as the basis for APPROPRIATE care for this patient?
A. Sexual anatomy is not consistent with gender identity
B. Sexual attraction is to the individuals with different gender
C. Gonadal gender, internal organs, and external genitals are contradictory
D. Gender identity is altered by acute psychosis
73. A patient tells you he has a problem related to masturbation. Which of the following is
TRUE regarding masturbation?
A. Masturbation is a manifestation of psychological imbalance
B. Masturbation is a way people learn about their sexual response
C. Most people do not masturbate when they become adults
D. Teen-age masturbation affects academic achievement
74. A male patient is beginning to take an antidepressant medication. What information should
the nurse include in her health teaching as to its side effects?
A. Decreased sexual desire
B. Better performance in sexual activities
C. Premature ejaculation
D. Better performance in bed
75. A female patient reports having dyspareunia. The MOST APPROPRIATE for the nurse to
ask is ______.
A. “Do you have pains in your breast when you have coitus?”
B. “Have you had these spasms since you became sexually active?”
C. “Do you usually have pains before your period begins?”
D. “Have you talked with your partner about this discomfort?”
Mrs. Nunez, a 77 year old widow came in with the chief complaints of difficulty hearing high pitched
sounds. Ear examination revealed damage to the middle ear.
76. Which of the following ear assessments is a rough estimate of the ability to hear?
A. Weber test
B. Whisper test
C. Audiometry
D. Rinne test
Correct answer
B. Whisper test
77. When there is damage to the middle ear it will result to:
A. Conductive loss
B. Nerve deafness
C. Mixed loss
D. Sensorineural loss
Correct answer
A. Conductive loss
78. Which of the following is a predisposing factor for a sensorineural hearing loss?
A. Perforation of the eardrum
B. Ototoxic agents
C. Otosclerosis
D. Serous otitis media
Correct answer
B. Ototoxic agents
79. Which of the following statements is TRUE in correcting a sensorineural hearing loss?
A. Sensorineural hearing loss is irreversible
B. Sensorineural hearing loss can be corrected by stapedectomy
C. Sensorineural hearing loss can be corrected by ossicular reconstruction
D. Sensorineural hearing loss can be corrected by myringotomy
80. What is a high priority risk for the older adult with age-related changes in the vestibular
structure of the ear?
A. Infection
B. Medication errors
C. Falls
D. Food intolerance
Mr. Rancap, a 75 year old retired politician has been recently diagnosed as legally blind. His driver’s
license has been revoked. You have seen him driving alone to the local grocery store several times.
81. Which of the following nursing actions would be your priority during your initial interaction
with Mr. Rancap?
A. Free the environment obstacles
B. Offer to read written information
C. Ask Mr. Bang, “How can I help you?”
D. Identify yourself as you approach Mr. Rancap and before you make a physical contact.
82. Which of the following ethical principles are in conflict with this case?
A. Autonomy and non-maleficence
B. Respect for person and non-maleficence
C. Distributive justice and respect for person
D. Autonomy and beneficence
Correct answer
A. Autonomy and non-maleficence
83. Mr. Rancap’s driving without license can result in a violation of which ethical principle?
A. Respect for person
B. Beneficence
C. Autonomy
D. Non-maleficence
Correct answer
D. Non-maleficence
84. Mr. Rancap had a fall needing hospitalization. All his benefits were given to him just like any
senior citizen with the same condition. This ethical principle is upheld in this situation:
A. Beneficence
B. Respect for person
C. Autonomy
D. Distributive justice
Correct answer
D. Distributive justice
85. Which principle should have pre-eminence as you proceed to work with Mr. Rancap
A. Autonomy
B. Respect for person
C. Nonmaleficence
D. Beneficence
Correct answer
B. Respect for person
As a beginning professional nurse one of the competencies expected of you is to engage in research.
Basic knowledge in research, therefore, is very important. The following questions related to these
86. What element distinguishes a true experimental research from a quasi-experimental research?
A. The use of non-probability sampling
B. Lack of random assignment of subject to group
C. Size of the sample
D. The introduction of experimental treatment.
87. You want to determine the effect of a planned exercise on low-back pain. Which of the
following research designs would be MOST APPROPRIATE to use in this study?
A. Posttest only control group design
B. One-shot case study
C. Pretest-posttest control group design
D. One group pretest-posttest design
88. Which of the following is a type of probability sampling?
A. Cluster
B. Purposive
C. Quota
D. Convenience
89. You want all people who are currently institutionalized for psychiatric problems to
participate in your study. This is an example of ____________.
A. Universal population
B. Target population
C. Element
D. Sample
90. You want to determine the difference of the anxiety level between male and female patients
scheduled for abdominal surgery. The first 30 males and the first 30 females who are admitted to
the hospital at the time of the study would be asked as study participants. This is an example of
what sampling technique?
A. Fish ball technique
B. Simple random
C. Quota sampling
D. Purposive sampling
Correct answer
C. Quota sampling
Mr. Josh, a 35 year old dancer consulted at the Out-Patient Department with the chief complaints of
disorientation, abdominal pain, nausea, and excessive perspiration. He claimed to be seeing his mother
and heard her calling his name. Upon admission the vital signs were: T = 38.5 degrees centigrade; PR =
110/min; BP = 130/90. Mr. Josh is a known alcoholic.
91. Which of the following frameworks does not support the cause of substance abuse?
A. Physiologic framework
B. Psychological framework
C. Biologic framework
D. Socio-cultural framework
Correct answer
 A. Physiologic framework

92. For the nurse to establish a therapeutic relationship with and providing treatment for a client
with substance related disorder, he/she must have:
A. Knowledge of assessment tools used to determine if substance abuse exist
B. Knowledge of existing programs to help people with substance abuse disorder
C. Self-awareness about substance use and abuse
D. Information on patient’s beliefs about drug and alcohol use
93. Mr. Josh’ clinical manifestation were manifestations of:
A. Impending brain attack
B. Impending heart attack
C. Severe alcohol withdrawal
D. Severe anxiety
94. For cases like that of Mr. Josh’, the physician will most likely order ______.
A. Ativan
B. Serax
C. Naltrexone
D. Diazepam
Correct answer
A. Ativan
95. You want to find out the coping skills among young adults with substance abuse disorder.
Which research method will you utilize to answer the research question?
A. Survey
B. Mixed methods
C. Quantitative
D. Qualitative
Your patient, Mrs. Edna, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, is soon to be discharged. You
scheduled a family conference to discuss some concerns regarding Mrs. Edna’s condition.
96. You explained to the family members that there will be times Mrs. Edna will feel agitated
and fatigued. To MINIMIZE if not totally prevent this situation, you would suggest to _______.
A. Make mealtime pleasant
B. Provide activities for her
C. Avoid noisy activities in the house and schedule rest period for her
D. Provide a consistent routine for her
Correct answer
D. Provide a consistent routine for her
97. A family member asked how they can help minimize Mrs. Edna’s disorientation to time.
Your answer would be to:
A. Encourage talking with friends on the phone
B. Place clocks and calendars at prominent places
C. Keep windows wide open
D. Provide adequate lighting especially in hallways, stairways and bathrooms
Correct answer
B. Place clocks and calendars at prominent places
98. A concern regarding physical safety came up during the conference. You would recommend
A. Always close the doors and windows
B. Provide adequate lighting especially in hallways, stairways and bathrooms
C. Use non-verbal communication
D. Reduce noises and distractions
99. A family member expressed that they may not have the ability to care for Mrs. Edna. Your
MOST APPROPRIATE answer would be ________.
A. “I will call Mrs. Edna’s doctor to explain to you more about Alzheimer’s Disease”.
B. “What information regarding Alzheimer Disease has been given to you by her doctor.
C. “Do you want to discuss with me specific concerns that bother you most?”
D. “I will refer your case to the social worker”
100. You pointed out to the family that an important aspect of Mrs. Edna’ is the promotion of
adequate nutrition. To address this concern, you would suggest to:
A. Provide adequate lightning in the dining room
B. Reduce noises and distractions during mealtime
C. Do some active exercise before mealtime
D. Keep mealtime pleasant and serve foods similar to her
Correct answer
D. Keep mealtime pleasant and serve foods similar to her

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